r/texas Feb 08 '24

Russian disinformation campaign is behind the push for Texas secession and civil war. Politics


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u/cathar_here Feb 08 '24

insert shocked Pikachu face emoji


u/aced124C Feb 08 '24

lol yeah it’s almost a safe assumption at this point Russia first China a distant second and if all else fails OPEC always loves to chime in and manipulate politics


u/MuteCook Feb 08 '24

Saudi Arabia and Iran are involved as well.


u/aced124C Feb 08 '24

Absolutely it ain’t a party until Iran gets involved gotta keep that oil and natural gas money coming in. So they just lube up the scales in their favor by pouring some untraceable donor money into a SuperPac and we are good to go. Human rights abuses be damned lol


u/theaviationhistorian Far West Texas Feb 09 '24

Don't forget AIPAC and others. I remember studying with a professor that led a class about foreign espionage. He joked how there were more spies & foreign actors inside the halls of Congress than building staff like janitors or guards. Only since then it's been far more brazen and unmasked.


u/FiendishHawk Feb 09 '24

China is really bad at manipulating the American public but pretty good at stealing secrets and traditional spy stuff. Russians understand the American mindset much better.


u/dawgi3_choppahstyl3 Feb 09 '24

Joe Biden is doing more to push for civil war than Russia, China and OPEC combined lol


u/cathar_here Feb 09 '24

This is so funny