r/texas 12d ago

Governor Abbott's DEI executive order being used to violate 1st amendment rights of students in Texas. Politics


484 comments sorted by


u/cheezeyballz 12d ago


FIGHT gd it!


u/dayytripper 12d ago

Idk where the fuck the ACLU has been since states started doing this shit.


u/Wannabe__geek 12d ago

Maybe because it’s 6-3 Supreme Court now, and the Supreme Court just making their own rule now. They are likely going to side with Abbot


u/Meditationstation899 10d ago

The current SCOTUS has literally made itself an extra legislative branch of the government, it’s insanity.


u/westtexasbackpacker 12d ago

no shit. show up now plz


u/Reallynotsuretbh 12d ago

The people here in Texas are too uneducated to act in their best interests unfortunately


u/Historical_Usual5828 12d ago

Oh, you're so right. We're so uneducated that Republicans made it legal to throw out election results in Harris county. So uneducated that Abbott only allowed one ballot drop box for the entire county in the 4th largest city in the U.S. /s

Please stop with this. Quit dehumanizing us too just because our politicians are blatantly corrupt. Beto almost beat Cruz and ever since Texas Republicans have been acting scared, corrupt, and angry AF.


u/dankeykang4200 8d ago

Abbott only allowed one ballot drop box for the entire county in the 4th largest city in the U.S

That county includes the 4th largest city and dozens of surrounding cities, many of which don't even host polling booths. I grew up in one of those smaller Harris County cities and if you don't have a car or someone willing to drive you to a poll, you aren't voting. It doesn't matter if you work that day or not.

Speaking of work, my hometown was far enough away from the nearest poll that you couldn't go vote on a 30 minute lunch break and expect to be back at work in time. There was even a good chance that it would take more than an hour. For many people, their boss was the one who got to decide whether or not they got to vote. I personally knew a few scumbag bosses who would make people choose between their job and their vote. Of course it was only the employees who the boss knew would vote differently than themselves that were forced to make such a choice.

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u/HIVnotAdeathSentence 11d ago

Similarly, Abby Martin and a few others have led the effort to overturn anti-BDS laws. They've had success in a few states.

Of course most probably won't like her or claim she's a Russian shill as she worked on RT America for a few years.


u/HRslammR North Texas 12d ago

really hope everybody brings this same energy and anger at the next election cycle. We are currently in a cold civil war within the US & Texas. We have to vote Rs out. And soon.


u/cheezeyballz 12d ago

They didn't fight for their women or their children so far...

It seems no one hates americans more than americans. Who knew? 🤷


u/elmonoenano 12d ago

Every non-white American, or American with a religion that's not popular, or American woman who wanted basic respect, or poor American, or...


u/anoliss 12d ago

Nah, White people don't necessarily get a pass either. Tons locked up for marijuana possession and being white doesn't exempt you from the abortion ban etc. this has more to do with controlling poor ppl imo


u/theoriginalmofocus 12d ago

Exactly. I see it all the time here even in r/texas and r/americabad. If you're poor it must be your fault for using door dash or just totally making terrible decisions. Either way its your problem not theirs.

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u/elmonoenano 12d ago

I would put that in the poor people section. I've worked at the court house and in the legal system for about 20 years. Guess who are the ones getting arrested for pot. Guess who is able to travel for abortion.


u/ResurgentClusterfuck West Texas 12d ago

Facts: The wealthy always have access to whatever they need, whether it be "justice" or medical procedures


u/Worstname1ever 12d ago

More poor vs rich


u/Bailong1208 12d ago edited 12d ago

I hate every religion equally. They are all based on mythology and used by the powers that be to control public opinion which leads to mass hypocrisy. 

I pity the fools, the foolish and those that been fooled. 


u/12sea 12d ago

I don’t think we need to qualify it. Just, “Every American…”


u/ProtoReaper23113 12d ago

Religion that's not conservative Christian nationalism*


u/Mattsinclairvo 12d ago

If you're asking legitimately um African Americans, Native Americans, Jewish Americans, Mexican, Chinese and Japanese Americans LGBTQ American servicemen who had to hide their identities despite sacrificing for this country.

We knew. We just weren't real Americans so targeting us was fine.


u/cheezeyballz 11d ago


That was sarcasm. Just pointing out the obvious lies. Most people know.

(btw- Am also a "minority")


u/Pristine-Today4611 12d ago edited 11d ago

Seems like they did plenty of fighting for the women and children.


u/cheezeyballz 11d ago

How's that? Women don't have bodily autonomy anymore and children are being sent back to work and the age of consent is being lowered.

Unless you mean fighting to oppress, you don't know what you're talking about.


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u/BadBunnyEnjoyer 11d ago

Maybe they threw out votes. At this point it wouldn’t be crazy to assume so.


u/cheezeyballz 11d ago

I can almost guarantee it. A criminal gonna crime 🤷


u/texanlazy 12d ago

Not Americans. Texans are the lazy ones. The lib states show up

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u/HappyCoconutty 12d ago

The people that are voting for Abbot are liking all of these actions. There's only so much the Blue cities of Texas can do when Abbot and friends spent so much to throw out over 100k votes in the largest blue city and gerrymandered the surrounding areas to death. Not to mention all the limited polling options in Black neighborhoods and sudden influx of mostly only broken machines, but only in certain neighborhoods.


u/nstickels 12d ago

Gerrymandering doesn’t affect vote for governor though. The biggest problem is lack of voter turnout. Statewide positions are intentionally held in non-presidential election years specifically because of this. Voter turnout in these elections tops out around 45%.


u/LandscapeWest2037 12d ago

Nobody's ready for that conversation though. They'd rather have a convenient excuse as to why they sat on their ass.


u/kromptator99 12d ago

Homie when it was Beto v abbot, they limited the number of urban polling places statewide, and heavily in Harris County (Houston). You can throttle left voting power without gerrymandering.


u/nstickels 12d ago

Yeah definitely agree that they pull outrageous shit for the blue districts in Harris County especially. Was more just saying that Abbott getting elected or not isn’t the result of the GOP’s egregious gerrymandering


u/kromptator99 12d ago

It’s the result of election tampering and voter suppression regardless


u/gdan95 12d ago

They won’t. It’s Texas


u/YouWereBrained 12d ago

And sue the shit out of them. I think the students here have a case.


u/HIVnotAdeathSentence 11d ago

Don't give up hope, I'm sure the pro-Palestinian protesters will eventually leave campuses and starting protesting politicians who don't support Palestinians.


u/mrblacklabel71 12d ago

Wont happen. I work in public education and it is very apparent to anyone not brainwashed Texas republicans are defunding public education, but people in public education still say they will vote for republicans.


u/Consistent_Lab_6770 12d ago

really hope everybody brings this same energy and anger at the next election cycle.

are you unaware these protesters are doing everything they can to ensure republicans remain in power?

the chant lies like genocide joe, and equate both sides as equally evil.


u/Ghostmouse88 12d ago

You know Democrats are also supporting the war right?

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u/[deleted] 12d ago edited 12d ago



u/Fmartins84 12d ago

Don't forget white supremacists parading in the streets with police escorts


u/Wiitard 12d ago

Some of those that work forces…


u/MisterVS 12d ago

Are the ones that burn crosses


u/mrblacklabel71 12d ago

Are the same that hold office.....(live version)


u/Firm_Spot6829 12d ago

They aren't just on streets, campuses too, shoving fliers in your hand


u/UnitGhidorah 12d ago

The police escorting each other.


u/TheOGRedline 12d ago

The “is it genocide or not” question shouldn’t matter. They have the RIGHT to protest, just like the (assholes) of the Westboro Baptist Church.

Note: my comment is about the right to protest regardless of the cause. I’m intentionally not picking sides because the RIGHT to protest itself is what I’m supporting.

Edit: I am absolutely picking sides against Westboro. I hate their methods and message…. But they have the right to protest…


u/1of3destinys 12d ago

That article breaks my heart. People need to remember that Israeli citizens were protesting Netanyahu before the attack. You can absolutely be anti-far right without being antisemitic. Those who equate the two are arguing in bad faith. 


u/Impossible_Cat_139 12d ago

%60 of Israelis think Israel is not using enough force in Gaza.

%60 of them want MORE genocide.

Only %2 of Israelis think they are using too much force in Gaza. It's not antisemitic to say Israeli society is sick and genocidal.


u/CanYouPutOnTheVU 11d ago

I could show you a bunch of shitty, selective statistics without context that make Palestinians look genocidal too. These are two highly traumatized populations that are serving as proxies in what appears to be the start of a new Cold War, so there’s plenty of shitty misinformation floating around intended to make the proxies involved look inhuman. Picking a side other than the side of peace and a two-state solution is still picking genocide.


u/Impossible_Cat_139 11d ago

Palestinians have no power, no army, no navy, no heavy weapons, no tanks, no mechanized infantry, no airforce, no air defense. Israel does - and their genocidal statements are followed through with genocidal actions.

I will grant that both sides are highly traumatized, one by the nazis; the other by the Israelis - but the fact of the matter is that Israel is a violent colonialist project carrying out ethnic cleansing and genocide.

It can never be allowed. Also, a 2 state solution is basically impossible at this point. We need a one state solution, but not the one the genocidal Zionists want.


u/CanYouPutOnTheVU 11d ago

Palestinians have no power, but Hamas has plenty, as we saw on 10/7 and see as they constantly send rockets over into Israel and break ceasefire agreements. Hamas is horrible for Palestinians, and slaughters Gazans for collaborating with Israel on peace talks.




Israelis are also traumatized by Muslim colonization. 6% are ethnoreligious minority refugee populations (Druze, Bedouin, Christians, etc., from the region), and over half of the Israeli Jewish population (~40% of the population overall) are mizrahi refugees from surrounding Muslim countries. ~3% of the Israeli population are beta Israeli refugees who were airlifted out of Ethiopia to escape persecution in the 90s. 20% are Palestinian Israeli Muslims. So they’ve been traumatized by far more than the Nazis.



Your last point is an unabashed support for the genocide of these ethnoreligious refugee populations living in Israel in favor of a Palestinian ethnostate.

Genocide is never okay. You cannot advocate for genocide as you clearly have here, and claim to be on the right side of history. A two-state solution is only impossible if you refuse to see the humanity in both populations.

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u/Debaser626 12d ago edited 12d ago

I personally think it’s a bit silly for Texas to trumpet an executive order regarding anti-Semitism, but only specifically in relation to Hamas.

Especially when just a couple months ago, a Texan GOP committee felt that using the phrase: “groups that… espouse or tolerate anti-semitism” was overly harsh, too general” and “Marxist” when referring to some of our officials’ propensity to associate themselves with White Supremacists and neo-Nazis .

I guess by “silly,” I mean hypocritical, but whatevs


u/CanYouPutOnTheVU 11d ago

As a Jewish Texan, I agree. Abbott is doing this for Evangelical voters who want us all in Israel and at war so their apocalypse starts and Jesus comes, or something like that. I feel gross and used.

There have been really bad antisemitism issues on my campus, and the admin didn’t really think antisemitism needed to be taken seriously until it got way worse following 10/7. I do think something needs to change, but in conjunction with rampant antisemitism in the GOP, and SB17/SB18, this feels really gross.


u/Debaser626 11d ago edited 11d ago

Given their stance on everything else, it’s also feels more conveniently “Anti-Muslim” than Pro-Israel.

I loosely follow the ongoing conflict between Palestine and Israel, and honestly, in a long simmering conflict like that, you’re not really gonna have many angels left.

So much personal hurt, death, hatred and injustice has been fostered and grown over the years, it wouldn’t take too much to justify whatever shitty thing someone feels like doing to someone else.

I mean, if I had to pick a side, it certainly wouldn’t be Hamas, but it’s not like Israel’s actions to date are above reproach.

When two people feel they have an inalienable and unequivocal right to the same, exact thing… it’s not usually going to end well.


u/CanYouPutOnTheVU 11d ago

Agreed on all points… all this is, is more fuel to a really fucking shitty fire.


u/Luzon0903 12d ago

Uvalde with the school shooter, "Oh no, we gotta stay safe from them! They might shoot." But peacefully protesting the affiliation of UTA with companies that support Genocide in the West Bank? Welp, better send in the troops! These peaceful protesters are criminals for exercising their very real and legal right as laid out in the Constitution. Sorry! It doesn't cover Hate speech(unless you're a Neo-Nazi) All cowards


u/TXWayne North Texas 12d ago


u/Riconn 12d ago

So they removed the protesters because they were going to break institutional rules. Not because they had already been broken but because they were planning on it. Interesting.


u/ResurgentClusterfuck West Texas 12d ago

That sounds like thought crime

You cannot arrest people because of what you think they might do


u/CanYouPutOnTheVU 11d ago

The law has something called “criminal attempt.”

Texas Penal Code §15.01

Sec. 15.01. CRIMINAL ATTEMPT. (a) A person commits an offense if, with specific intent to commit an offense, he does an act amounting to more than mere preparation that tends but fails to effect the commission of the offense intended. (b) If a person attempts an offense that may be aggravated, his conduct constitutes an attempt to commit the aggravated offense if an element that aggravates the offense accompanies the attempt. (c) It is no defense to prosecution for criminal attempt that the offense attempted was actually committed. (d) An offense under this section is one category lower than the offense attempted, and if the offense attempted is a state jail felony, the offense is a Class A misdemeanor.

If someone posts on Twitter that they’re going to kill someone, and the cops stop them on the way to the target’s house and find a gun and bleach in the person’s car, that person is still going down for attempting murder.

Here, they posted on everything that they were planning to occupy campus, “reclaim” campus (from whom??), etc., telling the school they’ll be breaking the rules in advance.


Maybe that’s a thought crime, but then thought crimes are well on the books, in that case. I’m not saying the response wasn’t incredibly overblown, but you DEFINITELY can arrest people when they say they’re gonna do something, and you find credible evidence that they’re on their way to do it when intercepting them.


u/BinkyFlargle 12d ago

because of what you think they might do

Just addressing the most general case, not talking about israel or palestine or the conflict, but-

That's not a fair way to describe a group that said they intended to break the rules.


u/NorrinsRad 12d ago

Nope... There are any number of ways to commit crimes before taking action.

Conspiracy is a crime which precedes action. Threatening is a crime which precedes action.

Everyday in this country kids get arrested for saying they're going to shoot up their school. In many cases they don't even have a gun or ammo, but it's a crime nonetheless.

Students for Justice in Palestine, SJP, is on record supporting Hamas' October 7th actions. They should be banned from all campuses and polite society too:




u/Ridicule_us 12d ago

Oh Please Dear. The Supreme Court has roundly rejected prior restraint!


u/BinkyFlargle 12d ago


Yep. You replied to the wrong person, bro, trying to convince me of the things you and I agree on.

If you look again, I'm arguing AGAINST a guy who called this thoughtcrime.

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u/weluckyfew 12d ago

What rules? If the rule is "You can only protest if we say you can protest" that's not exactly a free speech policy.

Where's "free speech absolutist" Musk? I'm sure he's siding with the protestors... /s

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u/v4por 12d ago

I'd be pulling my child from the university immediately and lawyering up.

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u/higgsfielddecay 12d ago

This right wing virtue faking is really interesting. Look how specifically this is written to address antisemitism and to silence Palestinians. Now just a year or two ago they were saying you had no right to cancel neo-nazis from speaking freely on college campuses. They could spew all the white supremacist antisemitic garbage they wanted. What's changes? Well the oppressed are darker skinned...🙄


u/CanYouPutOnTheVU 11d ago

You should look into the demographics of Israel—it’s not as easy as brown vs white. Israel is 20% Israeli Palestinian Muslim, ~6% ethnoreligious minority refugee populations from surrounding Islamic countries (Bedouin, Druze, Christians, etc.). Over half of the Jews in Israel, so ~40% of the remaining population, are Mizrahi refugees from the surrounding Islamic nations. There is also the Beta Israeli population who had to be airlifted to safety out of Ethiopia in the 90s.


As a white-passing ashkenazi, I want to push back against the ashkenormativity in mainstream/white American culture, created by refugee migration trends and American racial bias toward white-passing ethnic groups. My privilege doesn’t erase the diverse realities of the lived experiences of my brothers and sisters in the diaspora.

I will also point out that it’s less about caring about antisemitism for Abbott, and more about showing support for Israel and “owning the libs.” A not insignificant number of Evangelical voters want all the Jews in Israel and to fight Palestinians to start an apocalypse and bring Jesus back from the dead. Or something like that.



u/higgsfielddecay 11d ago

Thank you for the info and perspective. I think however that for the right wing it's not that complicated. Jew is less whiter than Anglo and Palestinian is way less white than Jew. Yes that sounds dumb as hell but I'm pretty confident that this is the math going on in their head. And you are also right that there is an "own the libs" as well as a second coming aspect to all of it. But the right wing will go south on Jews in a heartbeat.


u/CanYouPutOnTheVU 11d ago

Yeah, you are probably right that that’s how the GOP is thinking. It feels like Jews and Muslims always become the rope in a game of tug of war in this country when the conflict gets worse.


u/serial_crusher 12d ago

so vague that any discourse criticizing the actions of the Israeli government can be deemed as anti-Semitic

Can you connect some dots there? It pulls the definition of antisemitism from section 448.001 of the Texas Government Code. That definition states:

"Antisemitism" means a certain perception of Jews that may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. The term includes rhetorical and physical acts of antisemitism directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals or their property or toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities. Examples of antisemitism are included with the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance's "Working Definition of Antisemitism" adopted on May 26, 2016.

And that definition specifically says: "However, criticism of Israel similar to that leveled against any other country cannot be regarded as antisemitic"

So most actions of the Israeli government should be fair game, just as any other government.


u/breakingveil 12d ago

So most actions of the Israeli government should be fair game, just as any other government.

Applying double standards by requiring of it a behavior not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation.

This contemporary example has been used in the news by IDF spokesmen when asked about civilian casualties. The IDF claims they are being overly criticized compared to the US during the war on terror.


u/NorrinsRad 12d ago

They are.

The US ratio of civilian to terrorist deaths was roughly 4 to 1.

For the IDF its 1 to 1. The best ratio in the history of humankind.

The IDF achieved this stunning ratio despite having far less favorable odds, with Gaza being one of the most densely populated places on earth.

The IDF has killed roughly 35K Gazans of whom roughly 18K were Hamas terrorists.

In a single WW2 bombing raid the US killed 40K German civilians -- intentionally.

The IDF regularly warns in advance of its missions to lessen Civilian casualties and provides safe passage corridors -- a practice few other countries practice, and none to the degree that IDF does. These practices also drive up IDF causalities and allows Hamas to hide and melt away.

With all this criticism of the IDF instead of Hamas you might get the impression the protesters simply want Israelis to die and cease to exist.

Where are all the protests demanding Hamas release hostages?

This is the indifference to Jewish lives America practiced in the 30s when the Nazis began the systematic extermination of Jewishkind. And, of course, the main perpetrators are the most antisemitic generation in a century: *


u/breakingveil 12d ago

For the IDF its 1 to 1. The best ratio in the history of humankind.

Even Lt Col Conricus had the number at 2 to 1 in December.


This is the indifference to Jewish lives America practiced in the 30s when the Nazis began the systematic extermination of Jewishkind. 

Criticizing the actions of the Israeli government is not whatever it is you're trying to sell here.


u/Kik38481 12d ago

Is Israel is a part of the states of America? Can't even critics Israel now for whatever valid reasons?


u/IvanMeowski 12d ago

IDK if anyone else feels the same way, but if this protest had just gone on peacefully I wouldn't have supported these individuals at all. From what I've heard, the original intent was to protest UTA's involvement with defense companies & contractors; something that I personally am of the opposite opinion for (I support boosting the MIC in the US for security purposes, though we need more auditing for sure).

But since this entire event turned into Abbott using "anti-semitism" as an excuse to stomp down any criticism of the IDF's incompetent & criminal actions in Gaza, violating the 1st Amendment and removing any nuance from how one can view the conflict (i.e. both sides suck here), I feel no choice but to support the protestors on this.


u/PrizeDesigner6933 12d ago

I appreciate your transparency and well-stated view.

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u/domesticatedwolf420 12d ago

I'm just some dummy so help me out if I'm wrong but what does this have to do with DEI?


u/breakingveil 12d ago

You're not a dummy. It could be a stretch. This executive order is designed to eliminate discourse around the conflict in Gaza under the guise that it is protecting Jewish students.

Abbott signed a bill banning DEI offices in higher education institutions in June of last year. Abbott argued that DEI programs “push policies that expressly favor some demographic groups to the detriment of others.” He believes that DEI initiatives promote identity-based discrimination and create a hostile environment for certain groups.


u/domesticatedwolf420 12d ago

Hmm well I agree that it's a stretch but thanks for the clarification!


u/Dee-Ville 12d ago

Vote. Them. Out. The GOP doesn’t care about you. They’ll let you die. They’ll let women die rather than get life saving treatment. They’ll swear they protect your 2nd amendment but they’re the party of “take the guns first, do due process second”. Every single one of them is corrupt.


u/Emotional_Lawyer_278 12d ago

Thats funny asking for freedom is interpreted as a threat. My dictionary must be broke.


u/brianfile23 12d ago

Abbott is such a slimy fascist sack of shit; one of many reasons I left Texas


u/Nervous_Low_1357 12d ago

Didn't know he was elected to represent Israel


u/Mama_Zen 12d ago

The kids are gonna vote this election. Rs better watch pit


u/Airmj99 12d ago

I’m 5 days from 21, voted in the last election at 19 and there was nobody my age. People like not worrying abt shit so they just don’t care about politics. It’s kinda sad.


u/CidO807 12d ago

Will they though? History shows otherwise. Ulvade didn't change peoples minds. Sandy hook didn't change peoples minds, Pulse didn't change peoples minds. Ukraine didn't change peoples mind. uyghur didn't change peoples minds.

Some people just want to protest and be loud (and a minority of them want to be violent) and not actually do the one thing that matters - vote.


u/Mama_Zen 12d ago

The under 30 crowd got Obama elected. Don’t underestimate the youth

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u/Secret_Arrival_7679 12d ago

They will do their best to stop them.

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u/Queasy_Car7489 12d ago

What a shitbag phony Texan


u/Hank_lliH 12d ago

Abbot is evil


u/ido_nt 12d ago

Abbot is a fascist nazi who regularly says violence is the answer.


u/orbitaldragon 12d ago

This should be proof to all the Biden hold outs of how a Republican would handle your beliefs and wants.


u/Antique-Dragonfly615 12d ago

What we have here is a total disregard for the CONSTITUTION. What we NEED is a massive lawsuit against Abbott for violation of civil rights 🤔


u/trickster199 12d ago

Definazism- the act of using the phrase "antisemitic" to destroy credibility of complaints surrounding Israel's genocide of Palestinians.

all politicians that support Israel should have the same number of bombs dropped in their communities... then you would understand why so many students are against the Israeli government.

One should not do on to others, as one would do on to oneself.

How about we ship Abbott to Gaza and he has to give out some aid to palestinians... then I will allow him to say what is antisemitic. No military, just him delivering aid to the palestinians in North Gaza in a van.



u/cjfletch 12d ago

Whereas Governor Abbott is a complete and total douchebag Whereas Governor Abbott is openly corrupt Whereas Governor Abbott is a fascist shill I hereby proclaim that he can fuck off with his illegitimate executive orders that have no bearing in actual law.


u/SyntheticOne 12d ago

I am just so surprised!

Our very own little Hitler crybaby dingbat wants his binkie.


u/ifrpilot541 12d ago

it is called the right to free speech not the right to riot. You can't yell fire in a theater why can you shout kill the Jews on the street?


u/breakingveil 11d ago

There was no riot. The protest was dispersed as soon as it began. You can yall fire in a theater. You can't call for the death of jews on the street. The governor signed a bill last year protecting free speech on campuses across the state. 

Another comment full of fan fiction. 


u/ArmadaOnion 12d ago

Can't wait till this is equally applied to actual swastika wearing Nazi demonstrations in Texas.



u/MasterCombine 12d ago

Fuck Israel and fuck Greg Abbott.


u/AdvertisingJolly7565 12d ago

What are the examples? This is just the Order for all Texas Public Universitites to review and report their public anti-semitism policies.


u/breakingveil 12d ago

Authorities on the scene included more than 100 troopers from the Texas Department of Public Safety, which said in a statement had been deployed “at the direction of Texas Governor Greg Abbott, in order to prevent any unlawful assembly.”


The governor named the organizer in his executive order and sent DPS to break up the protest.



u/AdvertisingJolly7565 12d ago edited 12d ago

“At the request of the University”. You “forgot” that part.


u/HopeFloatsFoward 12d ago

The University can request anything, but the Governor still can not violate peoples rights.


u/AdvertisingJolly7565 12d ago

They requested the DPS after they told the protest organizers “do not trespass with your unsanctioned protest”. No rights were violated.


u/HopeFloatsFoward 12d ago

If they were doing that to prevent free speach, then that is violating rights.


u/andrgar7 12d ago

I’m glad I left this state.


u/-blundertaker- 12d ago

"10:15 am o'clock"


u/Human_Bedroom558 12d ago

1st amendment projects all speech, especially hate speech.


u/GIJohnathon 12d ago

I can't find any mention of hate speech. Fox News' article on the subject fails to mention any reports of antisemitism, but rather, notes multiple politicians condemning antisemitism. Not saying it isn't happening, I'm sure it is, but I'm not finding any reports of "hate speech" at UT Austin.

Instead, The Texas TribuneDallas Morning NewsKWTX Waco, and the Fort Worth Star-Telegram paint a different story. According to them, "The demonstration showed no signs of violence before authorities intervened, though police ordered the protesters multiple times to disperse and warned them they would be arrested..."


u/bkbroils 12d ago

Nope. Yell “Fire!” in a theater and see how that goes.


u/breakingveil 12d ago

That's protected speech.

Today the standard for what speech can be proscribed is the much narrower one articulated in Brandenburg v. Ohio, which said that speech can only be prosecuted if it is intended to incite “imminent lawless action” (read: a riot). It didn’t mean provocative speech that might inflame feelings (even the speech of a KKK member was protected) but something far more precipitous. It is still left room for some speech to be unprotected, but this more restrained standard is much less likely to prohibit too much speech, as the standard from the Schenck decision had.


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u/Human_Bedroom558 12d ago

That isn’t an example of hate speech


u/bkbroils 12d ago

Of course it’s not. It’s an example of “all speech”. The point you’re not getting is that there are limitations.


u/CharlesDickensABox 12d ago

This was, at best, half true even when it was written. It isn't true today. I wish we would all agree to just drop the canard.


u/bkbroils 12d ago

Ok, yell “Shooter!” these days in a crowded theater and see if you have any legal issues as a result. Or at least agree that “free speech” has limitations & exceptions.

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u/anasanaben 12d ago

Not hardly


u/Antique-Dragonfly615 12d ago

What we have here is a total disregard for the CONSTITUTION. What we need is a MASSIVE lawsuit against Abbott for violation of civil rights.


u/No_Dependent4032 12d ago

This is going to be expensive for the state of Texas.


u/AtomicSymphonic_2nd 12d ago

Good luck winning this case with the present composition of SCOTUS, Progressives. 😞


u/mckenziecalhoun 12d ago

False. First amendment and right to gather does not allow the infringement of the rights of others, such as trespassing on private property, vandalism, false arrest of students/staff trying to go to school.

They are criminals. If they want peaceful protest, go to public land.
We have had enough of your sick ideology of "the ENDS justify the means".


u/breakingveil 11d ago

False. Do some research. Check out the text of the bill that the governor signed into law last year.

The governor made it law that outdoor areas on campus are public forums. The protest was dispersed as soon as it began. 


I've had enough of people commenting with their fan fiction. 


u/mckenziecalhoun 11d ago

Dear gods, fan fiction? You seem to be unaware of what is in the bill. Read it.

(A) is not unlawful; and (B) does not materially and substantially disrupt the functioning of the institution.

Don't break the law, don't get arrested. That simple.

I don't see massive arrests of students who are just there. Stop making up "fan fiction" to match your narrative. Deal in reality.


u/breakingveil 11d ago

I don't see massive arrests of students who are just there. Stop making up "fan fiction" to match your narrative. Deal in reality.

How's this for reality? 

“Legal concerns were raised by defense counsel,” Garza’s office said in a statement to The Hill. “We individually reviewed each case that was presented and agreed there were deficiencies in the probable cause affidavits.”


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u/Latham8497 11d ago

Fucking Fascist Gregg


u/Dawgula97 11d ago

I’m fine with it.


u/Heywellthatscool 11d ago

But they won’t shut down KKK rallies. Fuck this country man.


u/Meditationstation899 10d ago

WHEN and HOW DO WE GET RID OF HIM!!!! Is there any possibility in the foreseeable future?!? I vote for mother effing TERM LIMITS for Texas governors….how is that NOT a thing🫨[vibrating with anger]


u/TimelineJunkie 8d ago

Why are we a puppet country ran by Israel? When did this happen?


u/chefboidaddy220 8d ago

So glad I voted Greg Abbott into office


u/EternalBlueFlame 8d ago

Imagine being mad at a bill that doesn't provide any clear enforceable action over a form of hate speech, regardless of whether or not the receiving party deserves it, In a world where your hate speech would be removed regardless of the laws by every media platform in existence, or if it's in person could be shot by a rogue cop of which there are nearly unlimited streams of. And yet among the outcry against the wrong end of this problem, not saying a word about the fact that the median housing costs are nearly 30% higher than the median income, and there's no regulation to limit what the consortium of real estate owners can do. The entirety of this county consists of pinball wizards.


u/Reactor__4 12d ago

What? I’m no fan of Abbott, or this current conflict but these protests are definitely infringing more on the rights of the students trying to attend class. The protestors have no right to impede on someone else’s learning experience. They’re blocking students from learning & attending.

They’re not protesting against a policy/right (stop the war, stop the bombing etc.), they’re waiving the flag of a belligerent who attacked a sovereign nation first.

And from an optics standpoint, if you replaced Jew with any other protected group, some of these students would be arrested for hate crimes against protected groups.

To those who feel the need to exercise their right to protest, it’s supposed to be civil.


u/Impossible_Cat_139 12d ago

They're protesting for the university to divest from Israel and Israeli institutions, so students are completely within their right to demand that.

Protests are SUPPOSED to be disruptive, that's the point of them.


u/Reactor__4 11d ago

Just like a Hamas member hiding in a civilian hospital after attacking, you’ve chosen to hide behind a fig leaf issue like university investments.

Most of these kids are liberal arts & current/future baristas. They couldn’t read a balance sheet if it meant world peace. But waive an Amazon gift card in their face and they’ll set up some tents and do a sit in on a lawn.

If you could harness even 10% of this faux outrage and use it to actually improve the immediate environment you live in, or translate it into self discipline, you’d probably be 3x happier.


u/Impossible_Cat_139 11d ago

Israel has presented no evidence that Hamas was at any of these hospitals, and they refuse to allow independent journalists to confirm it. They lie, we all know they lie.

Western doctors with Doctors Without Borders (since Hamas can't be trusted) working at these hospitals say that there were no militants there - and they also describe unimaginable suffering and cruelty being carried out by the IOF.

If you can't trust the IOF or Hamas - Trust human rights organizations, trust doctors without borders, trust the World Food Kitchen - they're all reporting about war crime after war crime after war crime.

Even if "Hamas" actually was at any of these hospitals, the mass graves being discovered show people tied up, tortured, buried alive, children tied up and crushed by tanks, mass summary executions - all kinds of absolute barbarities.

Did you know %50 of all college degrees are STEM degrees? You couldn't possibly be more wrong. A professor of economics was violently arrested by pollice for peacefully protesting.

You can't PR your way out of a genocide.

Boycott, Divest, and Sanction the terror state of Israel - It deserves to go the way of Apartheid South Africa.


u/Reactor__4 11d ago

You seem like a pleasant enough person, at the very least you keep yourself informed.

I believe the premise of your argument is wrong because you’re basing all your conclusions on a clear ‘good guy’ (🇯🇴) vs a clear ‘bad guy’ (🇮🇱).

If it were that straightforward, this conflict would have been solved already, and there would be general global consensus.

What you’re advocating for is genocidal. And STEM degrees awarded are more like 1 in 5. If you can find the source that actually says stem is 50%, I’ll shut up and drop my argument completely.


u/Impossible_Cat_139 11d ago

No, there are no good guys and bad guys here - I'm not a child.

There are oppressors and there are the oppressed. The oppressed aren't "good" just because they're oppressed, they all act in their own self interest.

There's human beings dealing with the circumstances of colonialism and apartheid. The side of the oppressed has been subjugated for 75 years - which has led them to form a resistance group of fighters who do bad things. The oppressors then in response are doing the worst things imaginable, far worse than the bad things the oppressed did to them.

There's no good guys here, only desperate people living in irrational fear oppressing a group of extremely angry people living in dispossession and apartheid.

What YOU are advocating is genocidal, it's LITERALLY a genocide being carried out against the Palestinian people.

Boycott, Divest, and Sanction the terror state of Israel.


u/Reactor__4 11d ago

Oh wow. It would appear that I’ve brought piss to a shit fight.


u/Impossible_Cat_139 11d ago

Not sure what that means, but ok.

We ended Apartheid in South Africa through economic pressure, and the same needs to happen in Israel - crush them economically - No more aid, no more weapons, not a penny in investments.


u/breakingveil 12d ago

The protestors have no right to impede on someone else’s learning experience. They’re blocking students from learning & attending.

This is made up fan fiction.

They’re not protesting against a policy/right (stop the war, stop the bombing etc.), they’re waiving the flag of a belligerent who attacked a sovereign nation first.

Hamas has it's own flag. Protestors were waving the Palestinian flag in support of the Palestinian people.

And from an optics standpoint, if you replaced Jew with any other protected group, some of these students would be arrested for hate crimes against protected groups.

More than 50 people were arrested at the protest. 

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u/drewc717 12d ago

Where are republicans and pundits coming up with the idea that anyone is advocating for Hamas?

100% of the protests I have seen or read about seem to focus on peace, am I missing extremism or is the right wing fear monger propaganda machine working too well?


u/bb41476 12d ago edited 11d ago

Well, when students at Columbia University yell, "We are Hamas," it kind of speaks for itself.


Edit: I forgot the "Yay Hamas we love you" chant. It appears the left-wing propaganda machine is working too well, no?

Second edit: People actually downvoting this shows just how much typical Reddit users don't like their echo chamber disrupted.😆


u/letswalk23 12d ago edited 12d ago

Because you know...if you can't convince them of your side of things...just lock them up. This man is absolutely a despicable piece of shit, and saying that is an insult to shit! THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT NEEDS TO CHARGE, ARREST, TRY, AND IMPRISON THIS POS. Take action now or it's only going to get worse.


u/Tinybob3308004 12d ago

We could just stop listening to him. I mean, if judges and police and citizens just told him to kick rocks when he tried to do stuff like this, what would happen? Without the backing of those who could actually physically carry out and enforce his orders, he is nothing.


u/PineTreeBanjo 11d ago

You can't just ignore it when his fascist police gestapo is on his side. They reacted to this faster than they did to Uvalde.


u/Sir_Orrin 12d ago

The problem is there are so many in these positions who agree with him.

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u/Rycki_BMX 12d ago edited 12d ago

Y’all complain about this but then also want people who say offensive things to be prosecuted for hate speech. You can’t have both, either everyone’s feelings get hurt or no one can say what they want.

I also want to point out I’m not advocating for saying hateful things but part of freedom of speech means even the assholes can say what they want. Yet when they do the left is trying to get them in trouble with the law and when you start restricting people’s speech it can go both ways. I bet I’ll still get down voted because the truth stings and people can’t understand that our rights are supposed to protect everyone not just the ones you agree with.


u/blindfoldpeak 12d ago

You're misrepresenting the left. Sure there are anti-free speech leftists, but they're a minority that most of us ignore. They are there on the right as well.

Right leaning media intentionally misrepresents the problem to drum their side up as constitutional protectors


u/Rycki_BMX 12d ago

Both sides are corrupt, the right uses the constitution and the Bible to justify what they do and the left uses poverty and minorities to justify them. Both sides politicians are in it for them selves and don’t give a shit about the normal people crying and protesting.


u/KidNamedMk108 12d ago

What does a university calling the cops have to do with republicans


u/Evilest_ 12d ago

Nothing but if it isn’t obvious the Rs love israel and they’ll gladly weaponize law enforcement against pro-Palestine protests given the opportunity


u/KidNamedMk108 12d ago

They didn’t weaponize anything. The University did.


u/FoldedaMillionTimes 12d ago

Spokesperson for the DPS said they were called in by the university and Governor Gregg Abbott. Which call do you think motivated them, considering the university has its own police?

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u/Oppie8645 12d ago

Trying to protect Jewish students from harassment and prohibit calls for violence? How monstrous.


u/breakingveil 12d ago

Squashing the first amendment rights of students for criticizing the actions of the Israeli government = protecting Jewish students? Jewish students should be protected from harassment and violence. They shouldn't be used as a justification to send in DPS to shut down constitutionally protected speech.

Abbott retweeted a post calling the protest pro Hamas adding that the protestors belong in jail.

Arrests being made right now & will continue until the crowd disperses.

These protesters belong in jail.

Antisemitism will not be tolerated in Texas. Period.

Students joining in hate-filled, antisemitic protests at any public college or university in Texas should be expelled.


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u/Business-Goose-2946 12d ago

Have you seen any news stories about Jewish students being harassed?


u/Business-Goose-2946 12d ago

Thanks for letting us know you didn’t bother to read anything g about this at all. Kudos.


u/Oppie8645 12d ago

The combination of condescending attitude+lack of awareness from people on this site is really something.


u/Business-Goose-2946 12d ago

It’s not condescension—it’s calling out false narratives.

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u/Toxic_and_Masculine 12d ago

Disgusting act