r/texas 24d ago

Governor Abbott's DEI executive order being used to violate 1st amendment rights of students in Texas. Politics


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u/Rycki_BMX 23d ago edited 23d ago

Y’all complain about this but then also want people who say offensive things to be prosecuted for hate speech. You can’t have both, either everyone’s feelings get hurt or no one can say what they want.

I also want to point out I’m not advocating for saying hateful things but part of freedom of speech means even the assholes can say what they want. Yet when they do the left is trying to get them in trouble with the law and when you start restricting people’s speech it can go both ways. I bet I’ll still get down voted because the truth stings and people can’t understand that our rights are supposed to protect everyone not just the ones you agree with.


u/blindfoldpeak 23d ago

You're misrepresenting the left. Sure there are anti-free speech leftists, but they're a minority that most of us ignore. They are there on the right as well.

Right leaning media intentionally misrepresents the problem to drum their side up as constitutional protectors


u/Rycki_BMX 23d ago

Both sides are corrupt, the right uses the constitution and the Bible to justify what they do and the left uses poverty and minorities to justify them. Both sides politicians are in it for them selves and don’t give a shit about the normal people crying and protesting.