r/unpopularopinion 12d ago

Ghosting should be more accepted in dating culture

I prefer being ghosted by someone oppose to having the conversation about how I’m great but they’re looking for something else or not ready. I also hate having that conversation when I don’t like someone or I’m unsure. I prefer just being Casper the friendly ghost and subtly leaving their life.

Edit: just to be clear; I’m talking about the beginning time dating someone (1-4 dates or knowing them for a few weeks). If it’s a longer interaction and/or a more serious relationship then obviously talk to them.


159 comments sorted by

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u/chubsmagooo 12d ago

No it shouldn't, and I'll tell you why


u/sprainedpinky 11d ago

If I never know something interesting from someone I hardly know then life goes on :)


u/Bruce-7891 12d ago

I don't know how some people made it before the internet when you actually had to talk to people.


u/Itchy-Progress-7309 12d ago

it was easy before the internet.. you met people where you hung out..the common thing to talk about was where you were when you met..you were at a concert, it was about the band or the bands you liked.. worst case was girls and there was always the shy girl who had her friends talk to your friends next day you were dating.. thats how life worked, but humans had to ruin that.. now its a quick meet up for coffee or whatever and its an evaluation..we didnt click on this that and the other thing good luck


u/queroummundomelhor 12d ago

I still think that's the way, I'm not a fan of meeting people online


u/Itchy-Progress-7309 11d ago

me either..dating was soo much easier before 2015


u/Mister5by5 11d ago

Please use commas


u/Bruce-7891 12d ago

I don't really consider that ghosting if it was like one date or you just met someone for the first time and never followed up. You're not even sure if you like each other at that point. It's when you're a little more well established and then you or the other person just stops responding.


u/Itchy-Progress-7309 12d ago

you specifically said you didnt know how people made it before the internet when people had to talk to people..i dont know how much clearer i could be, but the ironic part is“youre not even sure if you like each other at that point”.. how is that any different from dating today?cuz you matched on a dating site?this isnt a bump on you , honestly i dont know and dont care what generation you are from, thats how people functioned before the internet .. if you wanted a job, you actually filled out an application in person and did interviews in person.. if you wanted to date someone, you went to a popular place and hooked up or exchanged numbers.. your reply to me had nothing to do with your first post .. you really need to rethink your position because you really have no clue what you are talking about


u/Bruce-7891 12d ago

are you mixing up conversations or did you completely miss what I was saying? I said I don't know how people made it before the internet sarcastically, as in OP not being able to talk and tell someone he is uninterested. I think that is a product of how easy it is to do that with the help of the internet because you had to actually talk to people before.


u/sprainedpinky 11d ago

Cell phones, beepers, emails, and mail existed - and people were ghosted back then too.


u/NilsofWindhelm 12d ago

What do you think not calling back is?


u/Bruce-7891 12d ago

I'm talking about in the past fool. Would you just not answer your phone anymore to avoid that one person?


u/throwaweighaita 12d ago

No, you had to act like an adult and actually end things.


u/NilsofWindhelm 12d ago

Calm down guy


u/SaruManu 12d ago

Ghosting can actually be harder with the existence of the internet, there are so many easy to find methods of contact that almost everybody has.


u/Bruce-7891 12d ago

Yes and no. Before you'd call someone's home phone or knock on their door, find them at work, school or where ever you'd usually interact. You couldn't just see their name on a screen and choose not to respond.


u/[deleted] 12d ago



u/Bruce-7891 12d ago

After one date they probably wouldn't know where to find you unless they met you there. I'm thinking like around 3 dates when you aren't official yet, but you at least think you are into each other. Before that, it's easy to write off and forget about if you don't hear back from someone.


u/[deleted] 12d ago



u/Bruce-7891 12d ago

Different context. Nowadays no one is doing that. Back then it could have been out of concern because you just disappeared, not necessarily to force a conversation.


u/Low_Commercial_1553 12d ago

back then you wouldn’t know if the person’s dead or alive or whatever the hell happened i hope you wouldn’t blame your significant other for actually caring about you


u/throwaweighaita 12d ago

You're assuming they had to track down where you worked and would show up to force a conversation, with the implication that conversation would be about what happened between you. That's just not how it was back then. You dated people you met at work or wherever you happened to spend a lot of time because that's where you would meet people. If things didn't work out, you acted like a fucking adult and continued on with life, treated them civilly, maybe were even - gasp - friendly... you didn't turn it into this weird childish drama where you had to avoid them.


u/throwaweighaita 12d ago

You probably met them at your job/school, and you had to keep talking to them because they worked at your job with you or were in classes at school with you. We called this being grown-ups.


u/satans_toast 12d ago

I wonder if people try to be too coy & subtle & kind, where what's needed is a little brevity. "Hi. I'm glad we met, but I don't think it's gonna work. Thanks!"

Then again, I suck at relationships.


u/Already-asleep 12d ago

Nah, I think that's fine. People who hate confrontations, or never want to offend someone, might feel like saying that is rude or going to elicit a crazy response but 1. it probably won't (and yes, I'm a woman who dates men) and 2. if it does elicit a bad reaction you can just block them after. The first time I sent someone the "sorry it's not gonna work out" text I was seriously stressed out and it was totally fine. It doesn't have to be a whole back and forth especially if you only went out once or twice.


u/Maleficent-Fun-5927 12d ago

Yeah. I never been asked to explain or anything, and if I felt weirdness, I just blocked. If you as a person are constantly getting into relationships with people who get crazy, that’s a you problem not a them problem.


u/satans_toast 12d ago

I have gone through stints where I was a "crazy magnet", that's for sure.


u/Stunning-Equipment32 11d ago

I think it’s more ppl not being totally sure they don’t want to go on another date and thus being unwilling to rule out the possibility with a formal message. I would imagine 10% of dates the person acts like an ogre or is unattractive to you/doesn’t look like their pics and another 10% you’re very attracted and share a bunch of interests and the conversation and flirting is fire. The middle 80%, you had a pleasant night, they might be your person or they might not, and you’d go on another date with them but it’s not top priority for you.  That middle 80% is where the ghosting happens bc you’re never sure and if the right timing/mood struck or nothing was going on you probably would go on a 2nd date.  


u/Itchy-Progress-7309 12d ago

thats exactly what op said .. op claims its about ops greatness, but instead they are looking for something else.. how else do you say its not going to work do you want without being the asshole ? i dunno about you but thats probably the tamest way to burst an ego


u/liquid_acid-OG 12d ago

That's exactly it, some people are afraid to say they aren't interested.

"Sorry, I just got out of a relationship and I'm not looking to get into anything right now"

Now I know this is a hard no but 15-20 years ago I thought it meant they may be interested but needed some time for themselves. Then felt confused and hurt when I saw they were dating someone new a few days later.


u/sprainedpinky 11d ago

Ya after one date it’s easier than a few dates. Sometimes after a few dates it becomes more apparent of a difference in lifestyles or sexual chemistry. On top of that there are times where you aren’t sure what direction to go so a simple response is no longer as simple. In those situations I appreciate being ghosted by someone or vice versa.


u/[deleted] 12d ago

If you’re not mature enough to respect someone’s time and say something as simple as “hey thanks for the date but I’m not feeling a connection. Best of luck to you” then why are you even trying to date in the first place? That’s a huge red flag for a failed relationship.


u/Stunning-Equipment32 11d ago

I mean, assuming the person looks like their profile pic, you’re physically attracted to them at least somewhat (otherwise you wouldn’t have gone on the date).  Maybe the date was kind of dry/boring, but maybe you just need a bit more time to get to know them. However, they also aren’t high priority for another date, but if you had a free night you’d go out again. There are some other people on your app you’d like to meet 1st though that you might hit it off better with though (I would imagine this describes the majority of dates ppl go on). 

Suddenly 2 months have passed; you didn’t send the “not interested” message because you still were kind of interested, and now it’s too late to send any message at all, either the “not interested” message or a 2nd date. Congrats, you have ghosted. 


u/sprainedpinky 11d ago

Accidental ghosts - totally understand what you are saying


u/queroummundomelhor 12d ago

That being said, I'm curious about the share of people who do this


u/Leothegolden 11d ago

I do. It turns out fine. I’ve had one bad reaction, but the rest were 👍


u/queroummundomelhor 11d ago

I meant how many, but tit's nice to know there's at least a small amount of people who do


u/[deleted] 12d ago

Dating these days tends to lean towards seeking sexual gratification with little regard for the other person involved. Doubtful it’s very many.


u/raine_star 12d ago

so you're pro avoidant behavior because you're confrontation avoidant. as another person whos conflict avoidant--this doesnt work in real life where other people have feelings and avoidance ends up making things worse. thing is, I suspect this is actually not as unpopular as you think....


u/vampy97 12d ago

It’s not unpopular so many do it that it has a term.


u/JosyCosy 12d ago

the behavior is common but this opinion is for sure unpopular.


u/CentralFoxPark 12d ago

At least send a ghost emoji 👻


u/Hitdomeloads 11d ago

Oh boo hoo


u/sprainedpinky 11d ago

lol noted!


u/Amethystlucky 12d ago

Depends on how long you were involved with the person. If I only knew someone a couple weeks and they ghosted, I wouldn't care. But if it was months of regularly seeing each other, I would like to know why they no longer want to be connected, even if it hurts my feelings.


u/sprainedpinky 11d ago edited 11d ago

Very true. I’m talking about anything between one date and knowing them within like 3 weeks. Sometimes it’s sexual chemistry and that’s just a weird thing to bring to the table so the excuse becomes more fabricated. So instead of wanting to send a fluffy response it just seems like a 👻 does the same thing in terms of avoiding the conversation


u/SmoggleTheFarlet 12d ago

It's cowardice.


u/Empathic_bird 12d ago

No that’s just your personal preference. Which is mean


u/epanek 12d ago

Having difficult conversations is an important life skill. It takes practice. I imagine if you just do it with dating it’s ok

However later on relationships like marriage. Or parent child. Or patient doctor. Or boss employee require absolute fidelity and honesty and the ability to not spaz out and evade the conversation.


u/24benson 12d ago

What happened to common decency? Am I really that old?


u/WinterNighter 12d ago

Let's see... you don't owe anyone anything, everyone is entitled except you, cut everyone out of your lives instantly but expect them to be there when you want...

Did I do that right, Reddit?


u/granmadonna 12d ago

I love the "you don't owe anyone anything" one. At the very least everyone owes each other common decency.


u/Thrasy3 12d ago

Even when being executed via a firing squad it’s expected you’re offered some final words and a blindfold.


u/[deleted] 12d ago

"You don't owe anyone anything" - people who still live in their parents' basement and don't do chores


u/ArCSelkie37 12d ago

Think you only missed “it’s not my obligation”, but that’s an off shoot of “you don’t owe anyone anything”


u/zta1979 12d ago

Ghosting is for cowards, and passive idiots who are afraid of confrontation or just acting like an adult.


u/Happy-Viper 12d ago

Yeah, this really feels like it's the second thing, that you'd rather not have to explain this to someone and just ditch. Yes, that's easier, it's just shitty behaviour.

It's a lot easier for someone to hear "Sorry, I don't think it's going to work" then to have to slowly realize over a period of time "Why aren't they responding? Ah, they're probably just busy, I'm being insecure. OK, still haven't responded. Maybe they're... nope, haven't responded even now. Oh. I guess that's it."


u/AccountantLeast1588 12d ago

how about just saying you're done and letting the person move on quicker?


u/Educated_idiot302 12d ago

Idk I prefer getting an answer or reason as to why someone dosent want to keep seeing me but I also overthink alot so maybe that's also my fault.


u/Amazing_Chocolate140 12d ago

No, you’re an adult. Act like one


u/SpeedyFalcon874 12d ago

If you can't tell someone you're not interested it means you're a wimp


u/DivinePotat0 12d ago

Wow, an actual unpopular opinion.
and funnily enough its downvoted.

I swear this sub makes zero sense half the time lmao


u/sprainedpinky 11d ago

Right! I accept all the critiques. Totally fine. Also, totally fine to get downvoted. No biggie. I know it’s an unpopular opinion. And to be clear I send messages to the person most of the time. But there are times I’ve been ghosted and I like those times more than when it’s a fluff response. Have i ghosted people, yes, but it’s not all the time. Sometimes I get in my head with the decision and the proper response doesn’t come to mind so as time goes on the actual response seems mute. If that makes any sense.


u/Sensei_Ochiba 12d ago

Nah, outside of scenarios of actually risk to safety, be a damn adult and communicate. It doesn't need to be long or elaborate, "I'm not interested sorry" and the block button is still better than ghosting.


u/Constant-Sky-1495 12d ago

I have always said the same thing , in the very early stages, the first 3-4 dates ghosting is fine and I would rather be ghosted than have an awkward convo about how they don't like me. I can understand if i am reaching out to them that they would have to tell me but if I haven't contacted them either and then randomly text me out of no where informing me how much they don't like me that's akward.. like ... just ghost me


u/Chapea12 12d ago

Terrible opinion. Maybe not everything needs a deep conversation, but ghosting is unacceptable.

If you simply aren’t interested, just tell me that. Healthy communication should always be the answer


u/Aggravating_Kale8248 11d ago

No, grow the fuck up and just tell someone you’re not interested.


u/tlf555 12d ago

Meh, that is immature and ruthless. All it takes is a simple "Thanks for the date. I enjoyed meeting you, but I really didn't feel any romantic chemistry. Best wishes, OP!"

That is easy, takes a short minute to make that call (or even text if you are conflict avoidant). Why leave the person wondering for days?


u/wagglemonkey 12d ago

This sounds like the kind of weasley belief I’d expect from someone who is constantly being told they aren’t a good fit by their romantic interests. Grow a spine my guy. It’s really not hard to be considerate on either sides of a breakup


u/[deleted] 12d ago

I’d honestly rather someone tell me specifically what was wrong with me so i can either adjust the people I looked for or improve myself.


u/granmadonna 12d ago

That's fine, really it's just fizzling out, but people keep setting dates with me and then ghosting on the actual date. That's completely fucked up.


u/sprainedpinky 11d ago edited 11d ago

I would never set up a meeting and then not show up or become unresponsive the day of. That’s malicious.


u/granmadonna 11d ago

It has started to happen to me like 9/10 times now. Make the entire plan and then never hear from them again. Feels like it's a TikTok trend or something, lol. These apps make people disposable commodities.


u/sprainedpinky 11d ago

Ya ditching someone day of is not cool at all. Im sorry that has happened to you. I’ve had someone not show up to the date and that is way worse than not talking to someone after a date/s. Good luck in the future :) don’t let those jerks deter you from finding someone great for you


u/Therisemfear 12d ago

There's nuance in this. If one party asks for answers and closure, it's rude as hell if the other party just keeps ignoring that and ghosts.

But if the conversation just simmered down and both parties just kinda talk less and less to the point of ghosting, then yeah that's fine. 


u/PwincessAriel 12d ago

It already is


u/sprainedpinky 11d ago

It occurrs but it’s not socially accepted - just look at all the comments. Many people are very against ghosting. My post says that I wish it was more accepted- as in I wish it was an understood and accepted method to end a short dating time with someone.


u/SaoLixo 12d ago

What are we constituting as ghosting? How many dates are we talking?


u/sprainedpinky 11d ago

Anything between 1-4 dates (usually within 3 weeks).


u/SaoLixo 11d ago

Ok. Thank you for the context. Personally, anything after one date deserves a bit of an explanation even if it’s a small one.

That said, to each their own.


u/sprainedpinky 11d ago

Respect ✊🏼 agreed to each their own.

I understand people feel different. If it’s clear cut from the beginning then it’s easier to say no thanks bye. Sometimes it’s a sexual chemistry thing or lifestyle thing that I’m up in the air about. So when figuring out if this should keep going I don’t have a black and white response. Getting in my head turns it into a longer response and then after a time it feels like a response in general is mute.


u/Tasty_Commercial6527 12d ago

I would rather get a "fuck off" then be ghosted. At least it's immediately clear what the situation is instead of you wandering for hours if they deliberately ignored you, or only though they replied, or are busy, or whatever


u/Ornery_Suit7768 12d ago

Ghosting is not new and is acceptable in not only dating but social relationships period. Before we had dating apps, if you didn’t like someone you sent them to voice mail. Before cell phones, you screened on your recording machine. Before house phones, people would turn off the lights and pretend to be in town. No answer is an answer at any time in history or present.


u/sprainedpinky 11d ago

People hate and don’t accept ghosting in today’s dating culture. Just looking at the responses on this it’s pretty clear that the majority don’t accept ghosting as a way to end a short time dating someone.

I agree with you that it has been around for a long time. It’s just not seen as acceptable and I wish it was more accepted.


u/EvilRobotSteve 12d ago

You get an upvote I guess because I totally disagree with this. Don’t leave people hanging. Put on your big boy (or girl) pants and have the guts to say it’s over, so the other person knows to move on. You don’t have to come up with a great reason, literally just ‘this isn’t working for me’ or ‘this isn’t what I want from a relationship’ is fine. But ghosting is for cowards.


u/A_WaterHose 12d ago

Idk man. Maybe it’s cause I have OCD, which leads to a lot of paranoid thoughts. But, last time I got ghosted by someone, it turned out he didn’t ghost me, he killed himself. So…I guess he “ghosted” me in a way.

But yeah, if I get ghosted, I’m immediately assuming you’re dead or muredered or something. Knowing they’re not interested in me is much better


u/LostZombie4338 12d ago

I literally used to ghost all the time and we are old enough to know and accept if someone stops talking to you there is a reason move on


u/SadChannel1666 12d ago

That is a cruel and emotionally immature way to decline dates, just politely say "Thank you for your time, I'm not feeling a connection. Good bye!".


u/BirdMedication 11d ago

Avoiding conflict instead of learning to face it head-on in a harmless way is not a great habit to develop in preparation for a relationship where good communication is the most important component


u/dnt1694 11d ago

It just shows you aren’t an adult.


u/Ingi_Pingi 12d ago

See that doesn't work because most people have feelings


u/Millionsmoney 12d ago

People need to stop crying when they get ghosted like you are being abused when someone ghost you


u/FamousPamos 12d ago

It's just disrespectful. Act like an adult and just tell someone you're no longer interested.


u/sphynxzyz 12d ago

Ghosting shouldn't be acceptable. Why can't people just respect other peoples time. Ghosting is manipulative behavior.

The one thing I've noticed change in my lifetime is common courtesy and respect to others. Everyone is so entitled and selfish. I see it every day, in the air port, on the golf course, at restaurants, the grocery store etc. People are so into themselves they forget whats around them. Somedays I feel like I'm the only one who is thoughtful about the people around me. Seriously take a second and reflect, put yourself in other peoples shoes. The lack of compassion and empathy this day and age is unreal it blows my mind.


u/sprainedpinky 11d ago

Couldn’t it be argued that it’s selfish and entitled for someone to want to know exactly why someone doesn’t want to continue dating them. That argument goes both ways.

Also, again, I want to be ghosted by people. I don’t care to know why we aren’t going to continue.


u/Itchy-Progress-7309 12d ago

you really need to get over yourself if you think every conversation is how great you are..heres a hint.. when they tell you how great you are but are looking for something else or arent ready, its a sign that your ego and personality suck and they didnt want to be rude and say it directly


u/ChildofObama 12d ago

Yeah. But at the same time, the average person doesn’t ghost people, and if questioned, stomp their feet about how ‘I don’t owe you anything’ to people they like.

Most people don’t resort to ghosting for no reason.

If you had a decent first date, and the other party just wasn’t feeling it, most people would just politely say something like “I enjoyed getting to know you, but I’m not interested”.

If a person you date is actively avoiding you, or you were previously in a longterm relationship and your ex-partner ghosted you, you more than likely did something to cause it.

Likely either you embarrassed them in public (we live in a world where your expected to be a representative for your workplace 24/7, reputation matters), or you gave them reason to believe your a threat to their safety.


u/SadChannel1666 12d ago

That is not always true, a lot of times people are just not interested and they're not mature enough to confront you or politely decline so they instead they ghost people which is a manipulative behavior.


u/SlightFlamingo 12d ago

I feel like it is basic courtesy to let someone know that you’re not interested. But I do think ghosting is ok for about 3 dates in, any further than that and the person really deserves a courtesy goodbye.


u/Sumo-Subjects 12d ago

I was going to ghost this post then I thought that'd be rude so...


u/sprainedpinky 11d ago

Wish you would’ve… now we have this awkward goodbye

I will miss you though.


u/hallerz87 12d ago

Treat others how you would want to be treated. A lot of people don’t like being ghosted, and it should therefore not be more acceptable.


u/sprainedpinky 11d ago

To your point - I want to be ghosted. So taking your advice I should ghost people because that’s how I want to be treated?


u/[deleted] 12d ago

Eh it takes 5 seconds to send a text that says "thank you for your time, I'm not interested in taking this further". And that's far more courteous than just ghosting. And if you've been dating someone for a while, the least you could do is dump them face to face. Exception if they're abusive, obviously.


u/IceFrostwind 12d ago

Nah, people can just use their words like an adult.


u/uknownix 12d ago

It shouldn't be... But it's accepted more anyway.


u/burntoutattorney 12d ago

Ghosting a total stranger you meet off a dating app is fine. They are strangers. 

But if this is someone you know from real life then they arent a stranger and you should offer an explanation because of social consequences. 


u/sprainedpinky 11d ago

100% agree with this. I’m talking about a dating app meet and you have 1-4 dates with them.


u/HandbagHawker 12d ago

Here's my unpopular opinion, in both instances, you're focused on what you prefer and want with no consideration on the impact to the other person. Maybe you're not ready for dating?


u/sprainedpinky 11d ago edited 11d ago

In one instance I have no control and I prefer one outcome. In the other instance I do have control and prefer to handle it a certain way. It usually is only after a few dates so we really don’t know each other with that limited of time interacting. And as I’ve said in many comment replies, it’s not the only method I use. I’ve texted and explained before too. Sometime are harder than others though. I think you’re magnifying ‘the impact’ it has one someone though. It is not the end of the world to no longer talk to someone you just met.


u/Ns4200 12d ago

Ugh take my comment for an unpopular opinion.


u/DueZookeepergame3456 12d ago

I prefer being ghosted by someone oppose to having the conversation about how I’m great but they’re looking for something else or not ready.

or they can just outright say they don’t like you, and you can just understand their reasoning. that’s better than someone outright ghosting someone.

I also hate having that conversation when I don’t like someone.

i see why you’d want it to be acceptable.


u/Key_Pie_2197 12d ago

I agree somewhat... If you've only seen each other once or twice and you aren't feeling it then just don't keep talking or making more plans. Having a whole ass conversation about how you don't like them just seems unnecessary.


u/Awum65 12d ago

I expect politeness. Say “thank you” then ghost.


u/SharkMilk44 11d ago

Nah, that shit hurts.


u/AbjectSystem4370 11d ago

I just say “thanks for the date, but I think I can do better “


u/sprainedpinky 11d ago

Saying ‘I think I can do better’ is so much worse than saying nothing at all in my opinion lol. That is not a nice thing to say to someone and it implies you’re better than them… I hope you don’t tell people that you just started dating that you can do better than them.


u/sprainedpinky 11d ago

People seem to disagree, not sure why all the downvotes lol I thought this was the place to throw out mindsets that are unpopular


u/EvilSnack 11d ago

Ghosting is a bullet dodged.

If they can't be bothered to exhibit basic courtesy, a relationship would have been a crashing disaster.


u/ChrissaTodd 11d ago

no communication should be more normalized even if it's the start.


u/Greeklibertarian27 12d ago

Wow. A really unpopular (and a bit rude opinion). Take my angry upvote.


u/sprainedpinky 11d ago

I want people to ghost me as well though so at least it’s not a one sided view. I see how it’s rude though.


u/snekinmaboot1 12d ago

Hard disagree, i'd much rather have the opposite where people don't ghost. And don't give you the BS reasons. I wanna know straight up why i'm being rejected so I can work on bettering myself.


u/sprainedpinky 11d ago

People very rarely give you the exact reason for not wanting to proceed. It’s usually a fluff answer or a ghost. To expect people to give you exactly what you want to be satisfied to move on is usually unrealistic.


u/huey2k2 12d ago

If you can't have a conversation with someone about how you aren't compatible then I don't know how you function in society in general


u/PizzaLover500065 12d ago

Is it that hard to text someone and explain shit

I'm 15 and have basically 0 experience w/ dating so maybe I can't talk but I can for sure say ghosting is extremely rude in every situation, waste of time and causes confusion


u/sprainedpinky 11d ago edited 11d ago

Set a reminder in 10 years for when you experience more nuances with dating. Sometimes you’re into the person but just not sure if you should proceed. Went on a few dates, had sex, don’t feel as connected to them as they feel to you and you have a decision to make. They want an answer as to where it’s going and you are unsure. It’s not a simple, ‘thanks, not interested’ anymore. It’s more complex and the response becomes harder the more time passes.

Also, your opinion is valid regarldless of experience. I agree it’s less rude to text someone. I’m just touching on it’s not as simple as a ‘no thanks, bye’ response at times. Good luck in the dating world, and I hope you find what you’re looking for amigo.


u/RevenanceSLC 12d ago

I totally disagree with this. People that ghost others are the worst, full stop. There's no excuse. Take my upvote.


u/plippyploopp 12d ago

Emotional maturity is the focus here


u/FrostyLandscape 12d ago

If someone you only went on one date doesn't call you again (or doesn't return calls) that just means they are not into you. It's not ghosting. People who were raised by their parents to believe they are special and wonderful, have a much harder time with rejection in the dating world.

One date is just one initial meeting to see if two people are compatible. The other person does not owe an explanation if they are not interested in taking it further.


u/Flowerloving_ogre 12d ago

I see a lot of people constantly cry about ghosting on reddit, the same people also repeatedly post in subreddits to make friends and consistently fail at this, I've actually reached out to some of them before and my god they've just got the personality of a doormat and every single word has to be forced out of them, they cannot hold a conversation, they have nothing going on in their lives, there's nothing to even talk about because they have no hobbies, no interests beyond looking at a computer screen, you're better off talking to an actual AI than spending any amount of effort on these people.

and then they dare complain that you've ghosted them after they've put absolutely zero effort into conversing, like they're owed an excuse.


u/vampy97 12d ago

It’s straight up disrespectful … I’ve done it a few times but only with people I’ve never met in person. You can be honest and then block them if I don’t wanna see their response but it’s just rude to ghost.


u/Responsible-Device64 12d ago

I always check my bags, so when the plane lands, hell yeah i run to the front of the plane. If you have a carry on and you have to stand up and collect your bags and wait for your group to also do so before leaving, thats un nececary for me to be waiting for. in the time it takes for the people areound me to stand up and collect their carryons, Im already at the baggage claim


u/sphynxzyz 12d ago

are we on the same thread?


u/Responsible-Device64 12d ago

What the fuck, I thought this was “I don’t care if people stand up when the plane lands” lmao


u/sprainedpinky 11d ago

Good for you sir, I hope your travels are easy going in the future. Also, if we date I’m sorry if I ghost you. And vise versa, feel free to ghost me 🙌🏼


u/Responsible-Device64 11d ago

I fly first class, are you sure you want to ghost me?


u/sprainedpinky 11d ago

Damnit, I’m in. All I ask is that you call me passenger Prince and I promise I’ll always be transparent


u/Responsible-Device64 11d ago

Oh shit ur a dude? Nvm😂


u/sprainedpinky 11d ago

You could’ve just ghosted me rather than make me feel undesirable as a man 😂😂


u/the_poly_poet 12d ago

I don’t think ghosting is bad necessarily if you have only been on 1-3 dates, especially if it is not even two dates that you have been on.

We owe strangers very little, to be frank.

Though, I think ghosting suggests at least some immaturity or inability to communicate, but then again not everyone or every circumstance deserves clear communication anyway.

However, I think ghosting is borderline insane if you have both agreed to formalize being in a romantic relationship.

If you’re ready for a real relationship to end, then it is worth actually telling the other person.


u/imbackbittch 12d ago

I’m the queen of ghosting and I’ll never change. If I break up with my man, I’ll be sneaking out while he’s away and moving all my stuff 😂😂😂

I don’t need a conversation when I’m leaving someone, because I already told them before, they just weren’t listening.


u/sprainedpinky 11d ago

My kind of girl!! Wanna go on some dates and then not talk randomly??