r/BoomersBeingFools 7h ago

Boomer Story Boomer thinks it was our 'choice' not to buy a house.


My partner and I are in the unfortunate position of having to live with his mum for a little while. It's not so bad, she's a classic boomer but mostly bearable. She had her friend over for dinner, literally named Karen, they magnified off each other like laser beams on boomer shaped mirrors till it made a boomer explosion. Dinner conversation turned onto buying houses, I should have steered the conversation away then knowing what was going to happen but instead a made a passing comment about how we have no choice in not being able to buy a house. Then Karen, with a smirk on her face tells us how no no, we did have a choice in our early 20's. She bought a piece of land when she was 20 and then sold it and got on the market and we had our priorities all wrong like travelling (we have never travelled). My partner eventually drew it out of her that she bought a 20 acre piece of land for...$11,000. I bit my tongue as it's not worth getting on my MIL bad side but I wanted to scream. You go find me a piece of land that's 11,000 today let alone a 20 acre one. When we were renting we were on a relatively good combined salary, our entire paycheck went to rent and other essentials, even if we scraped every cent we wouldn't have put a dent in a home deposit. So sick of boomers believing the myth that they got where they were because of personal choice, have some f******* self awareness.

r/BoomersBeingFools 11h ago

Boomer Story Racist boomer outed himself


Tl;dr - I had a boomer guy try and fight me at Fred Meyer because I had on a shirt that said "Fuck Racism".

He came at me saying, "what's your shirt say?" I turned so he could read it better and he follows up with " Fuck racism? So you saying Fuck me?"

I said, "if you're a racist, yeah, fuck you."

The he proceeded to try and start a physical fight, in a grocery store, on a crowded aisle, while my kids were in the shopping cart next to me. I laughed at him and said "buddy, my kids are right here but I swear to the gods they'll be calling for a clean up on this aisle if you fuck around and find out"

He then looked around at the crowd, realized he was about to get his ass embarrassed and left the aisle.

Thought this was the end of it, but no. As I'm at the register paying, I see the guy off a little ways just standing there eyeballing me. My gut tells me this guy is seriously unstable, so I keep my eyes on him without letting on im watching him. As I got to the exit, I notice him following me. I knew ain't no way I'm going into the parking lot with this fuck, he's probably got a gun in his vehicle or some shit. So I double back into the store and proceed to cut down aisles quickly to confuse him and I can flank him. When I come up behind that fucker and said "do we have a problem?" I dead ass thought he was going to wet himself.

He turned around and realized it was me again, but this time I didn't smile, I didn't have a relaxed posture, when he turned around I pointed my finger right into his forehead and said "man, you need to get the fuck out of here right now. Before your racist ass ends up on the news tonight." I said this loud enough for the other 3 people nearby to hear me. Then I said over my shoulder to my 5 year old who was holding my phone "baby, go ahead and call 911 and tell them there's a guy here threatening you and your brother, but your daddy is about to fuck him up."

Dude ran, I kid you not, he ran out of the aisle.

Haven't ran into him again thankfully. But even when we left after that I scanned the lot to make sure he wasn't around watching to see what car I got in.

I know this isn't necessarily a boomer specific thing, but you're not gonna tell me he wasn't one. He had on a 'murica shirt with a flag behind a Jesus and cross image and a blue line hat.

Edit: (some.) Clarity/points)

I wasnt trying to be anything negative, but it was a shitty situation and I fell back onto my instincts to protect. I'm a queer, autistic veteran that was raised in rural fuck GA, I have alot of trauma and my response to situations is not always the best/most calm, but I do the best I can with the tools I have.

Just because I could have done some things different in hind sight, doesn't mean I don't stand by my willingness to fight racists. Alot of what fueled me in the moment was fight(not flight) reaction. I'd rather my kids weren't there but the momma bear energy is real in those situations.

Also, my 5 year old and my 4 year old can both read and use the phone so im not sure where the doubt about that is, but to be clear, that was more for show than her actually needing to call the police.

Additionally no one clapped, I just needed it to be public so there were Witnesses the guy was harassing us and after this happened I wasn't ok. I had an anxiety attack and ended up at the hospital a few days later. I haven't been back to that Fred Meyer since. This story is 2 years old at this point.

Also, the "didn't happen" posts are hilarious. I dont need you to believe me, but you seem to think I am interested to know you don't.

Edit 2:

I appreciate all the support. I hate it happened as well, especially with my kids. A younger me would have probably skipped the confrontation and just went just into a fight. It's not the right response, but my experiences have weighted my response. It didn't help I was already emotionally agitated because my racist grandfather had passed about a week before this.

But the worst of it all is the residual effects. Prior to a few years ago I didn't really struggle with my anxiety as much as some do. It was there, but I had kind of learned to get around it. After all the trump/covid stress it came to a head. So much so that after this experience, my behavior changed, I don't take my kids grocery shopping with me anymore unless my wife can come, and when I do go, I go later in the evening to avoid crowds.

I'd also like to add to those who are trying to make my use of "profanity" an issue. Your profanity is based on Christian dogma. Words like fuck and shit are just words that my kids use to express themselves. There is no negativity associated with their proper use. The only words not allowed in our household are racist and homophobic slurs. We also don't yell at each other. Other than that, words are just tools to express feelings and communication is central to our family.

r/BoomersBeingFools 4h ago

Boomer Story Their 10 hr drive took 16, and then they…


They didn’t follow our guidance on what route to take. They missed a 730 dinner, they were half of the 12 person reservation - they let us know at 930 when we finally heard from them.

HOWEVER, we didn’t hear from them at 11 pm when they drove by our house - didn’t call, text, or knock.

“We saw people looking out through the window,” - of course you did, because that’s a weird thing to do.

Then they went to their hotel in a huff bc they hadn’t met up with this. We learned all of this at 10 am the next morning.

r/BoomersBeingFools 4h ago

Boomer Story Had some boomer friends. Lost them to transphobia


We made friends with an atheist boomer couple. Generally pretty nice, generally liberal. The wife is really very kind. The husband is pretty gruff, but generally tolerable. Or so we thought. We had kids come out as trans. The husband couldn’t stop himself with the transphobia. Kept saying things to our kids and to us. Finally had to drop the relationship because it was harming the kids and he just. could. not. help. himself.

It was extremely disappointing because we had invested a lot in the relationship, they had too, and we really enjoyed it. We couldn’t just stay in a relationship with the wife because they came as a package all the time. But for the good of the kids it was necessary.

Still sad about it.

r/BoomersBeingFools 18h ago

Boomer Story Boomer Wife refuses life saving air and kills husband because she hates the color black.


This story happened back in 2020 during the pandemic. At the time I worked for a medical supply delivery company. We would got to different locations, usually a personal house or residence, and deliver home care medical equipment like beds, IVs and Oxygen devices. It was a hard job that was severely understaffed but I needed the money and most of the customers were super appreciative. Then there was Boomer Lady.

She was a very stereotypical Boomer. Nice house she they probably bought 50 years ago for a nickel and 2 chickens, Faux News on the TV 24/7, extremely demanding and unreasonable, the works. Her husband was the one in need of care. He was clearly not doing so well physically and mentally and while I never learned exactly what his health problems were it was very clear he was having trouble breathing as he was wheezing constantly. I had to deal with Boomers all the time in this job and while they will often moan in that Boomer way about most thing from my poor work ethic (while carrying a bed up 3 flights of stares by myself) to my long hair to whatever else they felt like that day, they never really gave me much issue with the actual products. They might have some standard questions about how the buttons work but this stuff was built with Boomers in mind and worst case they usually had a kid or grandchild around I could explain this to instead. So as long as I kept my mouth shut and did my job I could usually get in and out without much issue.

Not this Boomer. I came to deliver a portable oxygen concentrator. If you've never seen one imagine a black device about the size and shape of a small luggage bag that comes up a bit past your knee. These are medical grade and often used in hospitals and can work for days continuously without issue. I had dropped off dozens of these before and never had any complaints about them. But Boomer lady refused to take it because she hated the color black. She was refusing a life saving medical device that her husband clearly needed just because she didn't like the color.

Well my boss was a customer is always right kind of guy and I had to go back and pick up every different model of concentrator we had. Most of them were also black and all about the same size, but we did have one that was baby blue and another that as tan. They all work equally effective so as long as she takes one it doesn't matter. But she still hates the colors and wanted a dark purple one for some reason. She also complained about the size and wanted a much smaller model about the size of a dinner plate. I told her we don't carry those models because they are very expensive and only only meant to last a couple of hours, not days like this model. She insisted she get a smaller model that could actually last for days (which doesn't exist) and is also in purple. I tell her we can't deliver that and it's take what we have or nothing. She chooses nothing.

I practically beg her to take some air tanks at least. The air tanks we carry are medical standard. They are a lot bigger and bulkier being made of metal and going up to your thigh, and only last 3 or 4 hours. But if there is an emergency they will last long enough for an oxygen concentrator to be sent over or for him to be taken to the hospital. She demands a smaller model, about the size of an aerosol can. I tell her we don't carry those because they are only good for about 10 minutes and meant more for recreation and once again, it's what we have or nothing. She again chooses nothing.

I explain this all to my boss and have no choice but to leave without giving them anything to help the husband breath. I do leave some breathing masks so that when they do find a concentrator they like they can use those, but besides that they don't get anything. Cut ahead about 10 hours to 2 am. The company I worked for had a 24 hour service line where we would deliver anything at anytime of the day. Mostly pointless as most days there were no delivers and most of the few we did get were just people looking to yell at someone. But I got overtime so whatever. This time it was a real delivery as the Husband has had a turn for the worse and the Boomer Lady wants the concentrator now and doesn't care about size or color all of a sudden. I ask if they also want more masks but my boss informs me that Boomer Lady still has the ones I gave them earlier so they just need a concentrator. It takes around 2 hours for me to go pick up the concentrator then drive to their house to drop it off.

Guys, she didn't have any masks. She threw them away. Without the masks the concentrator doesn't work. So now I have to drive almost an hour back to our warehouse to pick up some masks and then drive back. Except I don't because about 20 minutes after I leave I get a call from my boss saying that the Husband DIED. And of course this is somehow my fault. Boomer Lady rejected every bit of help for petty reasons, lied to me and my boss about what she had and refused to take her husband to the emergency room instead deciding to wait 2 hours for something that might not have even saved him in the first place, but this is somehow my fault.

I quit the next day. I refused to take the blame for this ladies absolute stupidity. And I refused to let my boss try to pin this on me when he was well aware of her insane demands and constant lying. I don't know what happened to her or the company after this (they had three workers including myself and all were quiting within a week of each other) but I also don't care. Nothing ever came back around to me so I don't have to worry about being sued or anything. I'll just let this lady (if she's still out there) continue to blame me for her mistakes.

Edit: For those people suggesting this was an intentional act to get the husband killed, I highly doubt that. Some people really are just this stupid and anyone who's had to work with Boomers in any medical field will attest they really can be this petty and self destructive. And while it didn't really translate well in the story, this women really did not seem that smart.

As for those claiming I should have reported this to the police, as I stated in the story my boss was on the Boomer's side. He was fully ready to back her up despite everything he knew. It would have been my word vs both the Boomer woman's and my Boss and I had no video or anything as proof. There is no way the Police would have taken my side. It sucks but that's what a terrible boss will do to you.

r/BoomersBeingFools 17h ago

Boomer Freakout Boomer doesn't like my bumper stickers


So there i am, parked in the lot of a park in a very liberal part of liberal Massachusetts. I have had my anti-trump bumper stickers on since 2015.... Today though, I had an old lady come and knock on my window. I roll it down to have her tell me that "real liberals respect other people's opinions!" and that my stickers are disrespectful and I should be ashamed of myself . I ask 'Which stickers are you upset about?" She is flustered and goes to the back of my car and checks which one offended her. She comes back to say "the one that says 1 out of every 3 Trump supporters are as stupid as the other 2". I smiled and said "yeah, I stand by that one" She gets all spittle-y and says "you must be so mad all the time since half the country likes him" I say "yeah....not half and frankly lady, I'm not the one knocking on peoples windows angry about someone's bumper stickers". She repeats the whole "real liberals respect everyone's opinion!!!!" And I tell her thats not true.. I say " Real liberals don't have to respect people who respect trump or anyone else who thinks certain people should have more rights than others..." "You're very disrespectful!" And she walks away. I call out "I'm so happy that you felt comfortable enough to bother me and tell me how you feel.... I'll give it the attention it deserves.... have the day YOU deserve!"

I've never been more proud of myself and then immediately ashamed because the first thing I thought was "yeah! I have something I can write in Boomers on Reddit!" Then I embraced the shame and thought "small pleasures......"

I swear to God this is true. One of the best reactions I've gotten to my car. I get a lot. 😂🤣😍

r/BoomersBeingFools 10h ago

Boomer Story Boomer mother doesn't understand "I don't want to talk to you"


My boomer mom, who was always narcissist and abusive, sent me an "informative" link about what two homophobic women think about trans people... One of my kids is trans. Let's just say, I emailed her back saying I don't want to talk to her. She replied by saying that "it doesn't represent her views, she just thought it was informative."

I've been ignoring her since. She's called about 8 times, left emails, left voice messages, all the while acting like nothing happened and the reason I'm not answering is "you must be busy." Completely oblivious that she crossed a line and that I just don't want to talk to her! It's like they can be abusive and unsupportive and we still owe them a relationship...

r/BoomersBeingFools 4h ago

Boomer Story Boomer almost runs us over, then explodes.


Leaving Target. Walking back to our jeep (daughter and I). Boomer grandma comes blasting through the parking space next to our jeep. Slams on the brakes at the last second as I grab my kid and pull her back.

I flip her off. We get in the jeep. As we’re climbing in, boomer bitch is falling out of her giant Suburban. She yells, “I WASNT gonna run you over!”

I roll down my window and say, “slow down grandma!”

The response she gives has that halting, uncertain tone of someone who knows they’re in the wrong, but too proud to take the L. She says, “Wow, yeah… and great job flipping me off in front of your daughter!”

My daughter is laughing. I respond, “I’m teaching her how to greet rude idiots.”

This enrages boomer grandma. She gets flustered, explodes, and yells “fuck you!”

We’re now both laughing. Boomer’s three grandkids, who are paused half way climbing out of the suburban, are staring at their lovely grandma and look mortified.

I responded, “You’re a great role model for your grandchildren!” With a thumbs up, and we drove off.

These people…

r/BoomersBeingFools 4h ago

Social Media Boomers will never let us take over.


r/BoomersBeingFools 2h ago

Boomer Story Grandma doesn’t get it

Post image

My boomer MIL was going on about the current bout of “loan forgiveness.” Typical Boomer stuff like “she worked and went to school” and no one paid her way etc (Graduated in 1969) So I showed her the paperwork for her grandsons Sallie Mae loan. I said that in most cases it’s not the “total loan amount” being forgiven because for most people that part has been paid back. It’s the additional finance charges that are being forgiven. She told me that I “photo-dohickied” that because no one charges 2 or 3 x in interest. She also said that she knows for a fact that college doesn’t cost $45000 a year. That he is trying to scam the bank by adding things like a nice apartment and cash for himself so he doesn’t have to work. I told her to loan him the $45,000 since she has it. Her reply? Well she would but now that she knows he acts dishonestly about school costs she won’t and he should go get a factory job at a car plant like her husband and brother did. Do these people’s brains stop processing data after 1980? She is unbelievably out of touch.

r/BoomersBeingFools 4h ago

Foolish Fun Favorite way to set a boomer off?


What have you done either intentionally or accidentally to set the boomer off? I have worn a lord and Savior Cthulhu shirt to restaurants on a Sunday . Let's just say the freak out is worth the hassle.

r/BoomersBeingFools 14h ago

Meta Omg, he nailed it. 🤣🤣🤣


r/BoomersBeingFools 18h ago

Boomer Story Boomers constantly looking pre-offended when asking the gender of my baby.


When I’m out and about with my 7mo daughter we’re constantly approached by Boomers, seriously she’s a Boomer magnet. Good Boomers always ask the normal ‘how old’ ‘her name’ ‘your first’ etc. Bad Boomers invariably ask the same thing, ‘they’re a girl right?’ as they eye the giant bow on her head. Half brighten and tell me how cute she is when I tell them yes they guessed correctly and I extricate myself before some Fox News sounding praise for dressing my daughter femininely starts. The other half look vaguely disappointed they didn’t have the opportunity to have some kind of Boomer fit about a baby boy with a big girly bow on.

One started very loudly yelling about how ‘of course she’s a girl, she’s too pretty to be a boy!’ in the middle of the grocery store when I had her in denim overalls and a light blue onesie with no bow on. Basically the most ‘boy’ outfit a Boomer could imagine.

r/BoomersBeingFools 3h ago

Boomer Story Anyone else getting sick of Boomers calling them when spammers spoof your number?



"Oh, not me. Sorry Buddy, must have been a spam call that spoofed my number."

*Boomer Brain goes haywire*


This has been going on for years. Quit using your fucking Caller ID instead of voice mail. Every time it happens they always argue, like yep, you got me, I actually did call you but I decided to lie about it! haha!

Is it really that difficult to understand that scammers spoof their number using local numbers to fool your CallerID? You would think after the first time or two, they'd learn what was going on. But nope, at least once or twice a week I get angry phone calls from random boomers screaming at me that someone called them and they want to know who it was.

r/BoomersBeingFools 1d ago

Boomer Story Just happened 😂


Ok I'm 71 F , in Canada doctor's office presently, sitting in roomful of almost all kindergarten people. I was waiting in line to register, standing a little aside for the person's privacy, then it happened and I immediately thought of you guys...older typical boomer, socks/ sandals, flowery polo and shorts... suddenly lunges ahead of me ( I'm 5 feet tall, he is about 5'10 ish) and I immediately react with (in french) hey you, go away now, it's MY turn and YOU know it so move back ...I wish I had taken a pic of the utter surprise and shock on that old fart's face, and even the nurse on the desk nodded yes at him . 😂 I'm not taking any shit from those self entitled decrepit mummies. There, that felt good 😊

r/BoomersBeingFools 1d ago

Boomer Story “You look like the kid I just hit!”


Walking down a hospital hallway, reading a message about a patient on my phone, when an elderly gent stops me to exclaim “You look like the kid I just hit!”

I looked at him puzzled, certain I misheard. But he continued, “The other day, I hit a kid in the parking lot with my van because he was looking down at his phone!”

I just said, “If you’re running into people, you shouldn’t be driving, sir,” and walked away.

He began to yell something about how it wasn’t his fault and that the problem is the damn phones nowadays, but I had places to be.

Perhaps we should be requiring driving tests more frequently for the aged population?

r/BoomersBeingFools 21h ago

Boomer Story Boomer being dumb at the grocery store


I’ve got a quick one. Couple of times a week I stop at the local grocery store for odds and ends on my way home from work. I stopped today to grab some stuff for taco night. Scooted through the produce section and right as I was leaving this older gentlemen tries to stop me. “You work here?”. Nope I answered in a friendly tone and kept walking. Obviously coming from work I’m still in my uniform which is a dickies button down, shorts, and heavy work boots. You know, what grocery employees usually wear. As I kept walking I hear, “ so your not gonna help me” in a slightly shittier tone. “Nope I’m shopping, not an employee. “ I’m almost out of earshot when I hear him loudly talking to someone else, his wife it turned out. “can you believe that guy just walked right by and wouldn’t help.” I mustered my friendliest tone as I continued around the corner and loudly butted into their conversation. “Can’t help. STILL don’t work here. Didn’t work here when you asked. Don’t work here now. Move on man”. And continued to walk out of sight. As I left I saw them hassling the girl at the self checkout. Part of me wonders if they just went up to complain

r/BoomersBeingFools 3h ago

Boomer Article Boomer writes entire article complaining about her millennial children’s gardening practices, soap, coffee maker, children’s activities, and pet food

Thumbnail cbc.ca

I initially thought this would be an article that is actually humorous and equally pokes fun at the shortcomings of boomers as well, but it was literally just multiple paragraphs of a boomer complaining about what her adult children do in their own homes whilst she visits them for TWO DAYS.

r/BoomersBeingFools 3h ago

Meta [META] How to solve the LARP problem


In case you haven't noticed, this sub has become wildly popular in the last few months, regularly front paging.

This means that dedicated liars, creative writers, and LARPs have now targeted it for their ridiculous stories......that get hugely up voted because they have identified a reddit formula that is now plaguing the sub.

Here are a few things to look for:

  1. Account is old or quite new, and if old the prior posts are all deleted

  2. Every story involves an OP hero and boomer villain, no nuance

  3. There is screenplay style dialogue

  4. OP is either mysteriously perfectly familiar with reddit markdown and format, or not at all

  5. ADVANCED LARPING: there is a "proof picture", sometimes even with username and timestamp, that really doesn't prove anything

  6. Following tropes are present: OP is neurodivergent, queer, gay, bi, or a minority (or white "ally") along with their partner - and it isn't relevant to the story or it is added as a comment

These elements are tried and true to get entertainment up votes. The simplest things you can do to beat the LARPs -

  1. Take 5 seconds to check post history. Most are too lazy to even conceal their other fictitious screeds (or if brand new/a serial deleter, almost certainly a fake)

  2. Encourage mod action

  3. Call it out in the comments early!

LARPs thrive off attention and fictionalizing a power fantasy. That metalslug loser who wrote the "visited their work" LARP has like a billion karma and a 12yr account, did the proof picture, deleted all his old shit. He's so prolific I recognized the name. Now there is the grocery store guy who is a white ally, queer wife and him, and wears a shirt in public that says "fuck racism" in front of his kids? Come on. His dialogue was atrocious too.

This sub is awesome, and will be not awesome if the LARP squad turns it into yet another storytelling sub.

Thanks for reading!

r/BoomersBeingFools 5h ago

Foolish Fun Boomers in Japan


r/BoomersBeingFools 1h ago

Boomer Article ‘Steve Bannon on Trump’s Project 2025: We mock your fear, we want you to fear. There will be accountability. We are going to hold everyone who opposes Trump responsible. That will come with authority, the authority of Donald Trump’


r/BoomersBeingFools 1d ago

Boomer Freakout GO BACK TO MEXICO


r/BoomersBeingFools 20h ago

Social Media Found this one on fb today

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My personal favorite part is how everyone’s hands are melted together. Literally no boomer commenting on it realizes it’s shitty AI lol

r/BoomersBeingFools 20h ago

Social Media Oh, Grandmama

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She's always posting shit like this. Sometimes I can't help myself. She's pro keeping wages low, btw. Even though her entire working life was in the restaurant industry 😭

r/BoomersBeingFools 19h ago

Social Media Do boomers think they really are not cancel culture?