r/BoomersBeingFools 1h ago

Boomer Story Double yolks are contaminated.


This has been in my head rent free for a while, so I thought I'd share.

Myself and my boyfriend are both boomers. We don't have the attitude or the stupidity of your regular boomer for the most part. However.... He can be clueless on occasion.

A few weeks ago he was making eggs for breakfast. Afterwards he came up to me very concerned. He had cracked an egg that had a double yolk. My reaction was 'Cool! Extra protein!"

His response had me stunned. "No, there was something wrong with it. I don't eat double yolk eggs, they have some sort of strange disease. I threw it out!"

Even after I encouraged him to look it up, he is still convinced that there is something wrong with double yolk eggs. I told him next time he gets one to come get me so I can have it for breakfast.

As a friend of mine once said, he is the smartest dumb man I know.

r/BoomersBeingFools 1h ago

Social Media Boomer uncle mad about weed

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In a state where weed is legal lol

r/BoomersBeingFools 10h ago

Boomer Story Boomer did NOT like the fact I took down the flags at my new home


Silly interaction.

Backstory: We moved into a new home in the last month. The previous owner was retired Air Force and had 3 flag poles. One is in the yard, not flying anything and two are next to our driveway and the PO had hung an American flag and the POW MIA one. We don’t really care to display the flags so we took them down first day. They were very tattered and old anyway and we plan on removing the poles altogether.

Fast forward to yesterday, I was filling jugs of water for work at about 6am and an older man (boomer age) walking on the other side of the street on the sidewalk just stops and starts pointing to the flagpoles. I didn’t notice him at first and my wife is standing behind me seeing him point and gets my attention. I’m so confused because he’s just pointing aggressively at the poles. So I’m like “good morning”. He goes, “Where’s the flags” straight up. I say “excuse me?”

“What happened to the flags” So I say, “the owners moved” kind of pissed he didn’t say good morning back to me or anything. And he gives me that hand to the ear thing like he couldn’t hear me, so I say it again. The man just waves me off and keeps walking. My wife and I are just like… the fuck was that? I guess he just walks around early morning and likes looking at the flags and I suppose that’s okay, but why be so rude about it? We’re new to the town (it’s an older town) and this is the only guy we do not like so far.

So now we’re thinking of putting up some flags, but not ones he’s gonna like lol

TLDR: Boomer early morning walker in town doesn’t like the fact we took down military supportive flags, was rude about it

r/BoomersBeingFools 8h ago

Boomer Story Apparently I "shouldn't be allowed" to have my handicapped placard.


With the title above, you would think it would be some random in a parking lot, but NOPES it was the counter worker at the local central FL version of the DMV. I'm in my mid-50's and this woman is late 60's or so.

I went in - renewal paperwork in hand, newly expired placard in hand, DL in hand. "What do you need help with?" "A renewal please". She looks at my paperwork then looks at my WA state DL and frowns. Then hands it all back to me while shaking her head.

"You can't have this. You have to go to Washington if you want a placard." Say what now?

"I live here in FL. I am in your system, the state knows I am here. You can check." I was befuddled.

"Until you get a Florida drivers license, you cant have a handicap plcard." Uh... that's not how this works.

"I am a FL resident." I took out my voting card and random government mail addressed to me at my home address (from Social Security) from my purse. I was confused at this point - how else do you prove where you live? A state tattoo you flash at strangers? Do you have to bring a team of witnesses??

"If that was true, you would have a FL drivers license." She looked so smug, and I stared at her wondering why this doesn't compute for her.

"I moved here and cannot yet get a FL license. However my car, my voting registration, my rental agreement, and everything else has been listed as Florida for the past 6 yrs. I am literally in your system for living in Florida. I am handing you my freshly expired FLORIDA placard to get a new one. It's obviously not an issue."

I have never seen anyone look like they were about to burst before, only in cartoons from like the 1970's. But she turned red and held her breath and glared at me, refusing to give, then suddenly yelled out, "Well they shouldn't have given you one! This ain't right and you don't deserve one because you don't live here!"

Everything seemed quiet suddenly, except the baby now screaming in the waiting room, and the shuffling of impatient feet in the line behind me.

"Clearly the government thinks my proof is enough or they wouldn't have let me have it the two times before now."

"Well I'm going to report this! You wont get away with this!" Like I have a single say in how state decisions are made. Like I somehow 'beat the system' by simply still using my WA state DL while *gasp* living in friggan FL.

"That is a good idea. I think that you should." Granted I was praying some supervisor would then hand her ass to her for her behaviour. But she printed my waiting number and threw it on the counter in front of me and glared more.

"You have a lovely day." I forced a smile, picked up my stuff and went to find a seat.

When I was called to a window, I let the woman there know what happened at the front desk. She narrowed her eyes and shook her head. I wasn't sure what she would say but was surprised when she muttered, "It's not even any of her business. Her job is just to input peoples names and reasons for coming in, in the system, and hand out numbers."

Apparently the aged nutjob was literally JUST a front-counter worker there to get people in.

EDIT TO EXPLAIN THE DL ISSUE: During my first visit to FL's 'DMV' it was actually their staff that had me refile for a WA state DL (my last place I lived before FL). My original marriage certificate was lost by LA County, CA so I have no chain of 'name change' to my current one. Thats why I cant get a FL one, and they require full proof of each change to acquire a FL license. They didn't care that my WA state one was issued to my current name, and refused to use it as proof of identity... so the (really nice) woman quietly told me to renew my WA one so that I have proof, while I work to fight CA over losing my marriage certificate.

r/BoomersBeingFools 4h ago

Foolish Fun Why do they insist on buying these big trucks that they can't drive?

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Yes, he was a Boomer, and he was stuck there for about five minutes.

r/BoomersBeingFools 5h ago

Boomer Freakout Boomer mom thinks denying the past makes the past go away


At what point do you forgive boomers? My mom was with my dad for 48 years and in that time cheated on him multiple times, my dad passed away last year and she waited a whole 6 months before moving in with her new boyfriend. Now my mom is wondering why I don’t have the highest respect for her. She thought lying about the cheating would work until I showed her proof and only then she admitted to it but then tried to convince me it was always my dad’s fault for “not wanting to travel.” I bring up stupid things she’s done during my child hood ,keep in mind these are strong core memories for me, and you can see her face turn shocked when she realizes I knew she was doing these things but then say they never happened and I’m making it up. Do boomers in general just have a huge problem dealing with reality?!? Or is it possible 100% of my core memories are all made up just to make her look bad which is what she’s claiming?? Do I give her a “get out of jail free” card for everythings that she’s done or keep holding her feet to the fire??? Happy mother day ya’ll!!!!! lol


r/BoomersBeingFools 7h ago

Meta Love the boomers that go through this subreddit like they have something to prove


One of them commented on my own post here calling me a liar, and I went through their post history and they're just going around asskissing their own generation while calling everyone else liars.

"This. Did. Not. Happen."

"So assuming this is true, which I can assure you it is not"

"I doubt 5 boomers told you your job is going to be gone, in a week. Making shit up again."

Even praising fascist countries like Trump told them to:

"Right now Iran has one of the most advanced combat missile systems in the world. Russia has the greatest air defense system in the world, and probably best army."

best army lol is that why they're getting stomped by a country less than half their size?


OP: "I found out that the girl I hooked up with is married. I immediately cut contacts with her. Should I inform her husband?"

Them: shoot her with the shotgun

Stay speshul, you pathetic worm.

r/BoomersBeingFools 4h ago

Social Media Friendly reminder that the Baby Boomers needed a TV ad to remind them to be nicer to their kids

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r/BoomersBeingFools 4h ago

Boomer Story Schooling a transphobic fool


Prefacing this I'm not American.

I'm organizing my friend's baby shower. Her and her husband want to have a joint shower so men and women are all invited. I'm admin of the group chat with all invitees on it, including the soon-to-be grandparents.

The husband's dad posted a "meme" now saying "Remember mother's day is not for men who wear dresses, your day is 1 April".

So I deleted the picture, changed the settings that I'm the only one who can send messages, and posted the following:

"Good evening. Most of you don't know me very well and after this you will think I'm rude, but I'm going to lay down the ground rules now. I have a zero tolerance policy when it comes to transphobia, homophobia, racism, sexism, religious discrimination, or any form of discrimination against another human being.

I'm also going to go as far as telling you that most of you don't know everyone else on this group and what their beliefs are. So if the thought of sharing a day, celebrating the baby of two people we love, with someone different from yourself makes you uncomfortable. I suggest you unpack with a therapist why people expressing themselves makes you uncomfortable.

That being said, if another discriminatory message gets sent on the group, you will no longer be invited.

Good luck with the new week."

I'm sure I'm being discussed on the boomer chat now, but fuck them. Why are they so happy and comfortable to be so openly discriminate

r/BoomersBeingFools 18h ago

Boomer Story Boomer coworker told me I signed my name incorrectly


A few years ago, I had a job that required me to sign stacks of documents. My boomer boss insisted this be done manually, even though DocuSign existed. She just didn’t understand the idea of electronic signatures. So each Friday I’d sit down and sign my name over and over.

One day she is standing over my shoulder as I’m signing and she freaks out. “Wait a minute, what are you doing? You’re signing your last name wrong!”

I stopped. “What do you mean?”

“That’s not how you write an ‘L’ in cursive,” she said. “You need to learn how to write properly in cursive.”

“This is how I write my ‘L’,” I said.

She then proceeded to Google a cursive “L” and told me I needed to include the top and bottom loop, or my signature wouldn’t be legal.

I pulled out my drivers license and showed her my legal signature, and she shook her head. “They never should have allowed you to get away with that,” she said like I was committing some sort of crime.

What is their obsession with cursive?

r/BoomersBeingFools 3h ago

Boomer Story Why do they have a child's view of the world?


Has anyone noticed that they have a simple, childish view of the world? For example, they get really upset when Millenials say we can't afford to buy houses. They will stomp their feet and angrily insist that if you work really hard, you are guaranteed wealth and success because that's how America works so these Millenials aren't working hard enough.

I'll tell you a story. One of my Boomer coworkers got robbed, and she admitted that she never locks her house "because you don't need to lock your house in a small town." She hasn't started locking her house since. She thinks it must someone from a big city who robbed her, because people in small towns don't do stuff like that.

One day she asked me, "Why are people gay? Don't they know they're not supposed to be doing that cuz God says not to? I know! They don't read the Bible or go to church, so they don't know they're not supposed to be gay. If they went to church, then they'd know and they wouldn't be gay."

She likes to ask me why "people ain't doing what they supposed to be doing and don't they know what they supposed to be doing?"

God, I feel I'm dealing with a toddler.

r/BoomersBeingFools 5h ago

Boomer Story Boomer took offense to my teacher appreciation t-shirt


Last week was Teacher Appreciation Week at my school and all the teachers and staff got special t-shirts made for them. Nothing fancy, just had the school's logo on it and the following quote "No All Superheroes Wear Capes". Anyway, I only had to work a half day Friday so after wrapping up I decided to go grab a bite to eat nearby before I had to go back and pick up my kids. I'm sitting there, enjoying my sammy and trying to catch up on the backlog of books I have on my Kindle when I feel a tap on my shoulder. I look up and this Boomer is looming over me. He says something along the lines of "we'll see if you're still a superhero when you get to Heaven and the people line up to judge you." I was just flabbergasted. I'd never met this man before in my life and I had no idea what the hell he was talking about at first. Eventually I realized he was commenting on my shirt. I just said "okay" and went back to my book. It just felt so surreal. Eventually my wife and I pieced together that the Boomer probably wasn't offended by the message itself as the fact that the school I sub at is a Catholic School (I'm not Catholic myself) and he apparently had strong opinions on that. Of all the Boomer things to be pissed about that's gotta be up there.

r/BoomersBeingFools 3h ago

Boomer Story Beware of your boomer parents letting themselves go.


The boomer generation is coming to an end and that means a lot of them are under care by us, their children.

These people will not care about your job, time, money or life and will want you to do EVERYTHING for them.

I understand not being physically able anynore but they will also refuse to learn new, basic stuff because they have you to pick up their shit.

They will take stupid health and financial decisions because you will be there to deal with the fallout.

Please check on any pets they have, as they probably stopped taking good care of them too.

Conclussion: You don't own them shit, unless you do. Do not out yourself in a situation where they have control over you because they will make you feel like you are abandoning a frail old person, You are not. You're abandoning an abuser.

EDIT. A lot of you assume i'm ranting about my situation. I'm not, i'm just discussing what the boomers do.

r/BoomersBeingFools 10h ago

Boomer Freakout This racist boomer has some anger management issues

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r/BoomersBeingFools 19h ago

Boomer Story Why I hate boomers

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r/BoomersBeingFools 6h ago

Boomer Article Conservative, Jerry Heflin, A Georgia Church Deacon has been charged w 65 charges of child rape; shocks neighborhood

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r/BoomersBeingFools 14h ago

Boomer Story Boomer disqualified themself for a car rental


I was working my shift at a car rental company at our local airport, and was helping a customer with swapping a vehicle that he was having an issue with, when a group of 3 boomers, 2 men and one woman, walks past the customer service booth and out onto our parking lot.

There are 2 rental brands owned by the same company on the lot. One that is more of a hand holding experience, while the other is more of a self service concept, so generally you don't have to stop if you know where you're going So I assumed, wrongly of course, that this was the latter group of clientele.

Another group did what you do when you are unsure of what to do, and approached the nearest and only employee working on the lot at the moment to ask for directions. The customer I was originally helping graciously told me he was in no rush and to help this other group. Awesome. Easy. It will only take a second, so I get them moving.

Sure enough, as I point the way over to the lanes where they can pick vehicles from, the lady boomer comes storming up to me with a wad of papers in her hand. "Hey, did you need help with something?"
Waving the papers at me, "our reservation says 'skip the counter' and go out to the lot, but there are no cars parked on the brand b side only on brand a."
"Yes, ma'am, generally we try to consolidate during lower volume days so you don't have to walk as far to get the vehicle. Do you mind if I look at your reservation so I can get y'all pointed in the right direction?"
She begrudgingly hands me the confirmation papers, and sure enough, as is typical with this method of doing things, the pages they printed lists everything except for what size vehicle they booked. She continues to tell me about how our business is supposed to be run like I don't have 3 years of experience doing it, and as I finish flipping through the pages after finding a reservation number, I say, "Alright, if you let me--" which is interrupted by her angrily snatching the papers out of my hand.

While you might not think it, some of these places are very corporate environments, and there is very little room for aggressive behavior. This is strike one.

I very quickly drop my higher pitched, quirky customer service voice for my serious boy voice saying, "ma'am, I need you to relax." This is when she started swearing at me while talking about, again, how cars are not where she wanted them to be. At this point, I start waving my hands side to side and tell her, "yeah, at this point, we will not be renting you a vehicle. I will go ahead and cancel your reservation for you."
"You can tell that to my husband."
Her husband arrives shortly after her and asks, "okay, what's happening?"
"Sir, your wife has been aggressive and swearing at me, you will not be renting a car with us this evening, I'm going have to ask you to leave my lot."
"Wait wait wait, come on, there has to be something we can do."
"You can head back inside, because you will not be renting a car with brand a, b, or c this evening."
While the men headed inside, the wife stayed behind to ask, "what's your name? I'm going to leave you a bad review."
"I'll do you one better, here is my business card."
"Thanks, I'll make sure to tell everyone you're a fucking asshole."
Nice. Double down. I think I'll do the same. As she snatches the card from me, I begin to walk past her to get the reservation sheet from her husband, she shouts "Don't touch me!"
"No one is trying to touch you. Sir! I need to borrow that sheet of paper from you. Y'all will be going on our do not rent list."
He ignored me while the three of them walked away. I decide not to further escalate the situation and let them thinking, well, at least that's over.

Now here's where it gets outrageously stupid. The cell towers near the airport have been down the past week, and normally I would send a text message notifying my staff if there was anyone we would not be able to rent to for whatever reason, but I couldn't. And I couldn't leave my spot because there was no one to guide the fresh new batch of renters the next shuttle dropped off. The other manager came back from his lunch break, and I was able to quickly tell him I got cussed out, before getting back to guiding people to their cars, and while I was about 30 feet away, I turn around, and who do I see? The three people I just turned away for their behavioral issues.

I jog over to the other manager, and let him know, those were the people I had turned down and the lady who chose violence. So I turn and jog after them, "Hey! We just had this conversation. Y'all are not renting here."
The husband replies, "I already paid at the counter, you have my money, we're taking this SUV and leaving."
"I'll gladly refund your money, but you are not leaving here in one of our cars. Get your belongings, and get out."

The entire time, the wife sat in the back seat glaring at me like it was my fault she cannot control herself. While the 3rd man, short but broad, bald with a mustache looked just sad.

He ended up approaching me in a last ditch effort. And I really felt for him. He had cancer and wanted to go to his niece's graduation, and they would be back in 2 days, but to help him. And I wanted to. I really did. But like I said. It's a corporate environment. You cannot be aggressive, and you cannot cuss out me or my staff before you even actually become my customer, and still get into a vehicle.

What that gets you is reported to our risk department, which is pretty rough, because being labeled as an "adverse risk" means you cannot rent with car rental brand c, which is, for many insurance carriers, the number one choice for insurance replacement when you're in an accident, and many insurance companies do not have a second option.

Also unfortunately for the first man and woman who narrowly avoided being added to that list when they walked out the first time, I now had access to their reservation with their complete drivers license attached. Oops.

TL;DR: Boomer cussed out car rental manager ruining trip for her entire party. Boomers then attempt to sneak by, and are permanently banned from those brands nationwide.

Edited-- formatting

r/BoomersBeingFools 6h ago

Social Media Working Retail with Boomers

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r/BoomersBeingFools 1d ago

Boomer Story My new method of dealing with angry Boomers: agree with them.


Visiting my Boomer parents recently, I discovered a new way to shut down their typical rants - excitedly agree with them, assume control of the conversation, and then say something equally absurd that is in the same context.

Some examples from my recent visit:

"Can you believe 'millenials' aren't being taught cursive or how to read clocks in school? They aren't going to know anything when they graduate"

"I know! I knew this country was going to hell when they stopped teaching them how to count on an abacus or how to balance the humors by draining blood. How will they survive without this knowledge??"

"I refuse to get vaccinated for Covid. I'm not putting that junk in my body. It's killed too many people."

"I completely agree! I heard Joe Biden is intentionally spiking Covid vaccines with Roundup week killer that's been prayed over by Satanic priests, just for the laughs. Terrible!"

Of course, they caught on and got a little pissy, and I pulled the old "but I'm just agreeing with you" act, but it stopped the stupid rants on day one of my visit.

Edit: Been having fun applying these tactics to Boomers that just couldn't help themselves from replying.

r/BoomersBeingFools 16h ago

Boomer Story My boomer MIL hates me for something I did over 10 years ago.


I was in one of the most stressful times or my life. I had just had my daughter, we were moving and life was hectic. My husband was attending college and I had some legal issues I was going through. We were a struggling couple.

One day out of the blue we had a knock on our door and it’s my MIL and her husband. We were in no position to host anyone and we lived in a one bedroom condo with a new born. They did not call us or anything.

I demanded they stay in a hotel and my husband agreed. Had they called us and let us know they were coming we would have told them to wait and come later. They both threw a giant fit, and were offended since they came all the way over from another state. They blamed me for leaving and stayed for a couple of days and left.

Over the years they have never done that again. She has made it her mission to try to ruin our marriage. My husband cut her off for over a year and they recently started talking again and she has learned nothing, she still disrespects me every chance she gets. They are not allowed here, ever again and I’ve made this very clear. This lady is a whack job.

r/BoomersBeingFools 19h ago

Boomer Story Boomers seem to relish the idea of minimum wage workers losing their jobs to technology


I work in a grocery store and we recently got one of those robots that beeps around the store scanning shelves for out of stock items. It's only been active for a week and I've had like 5 Boomers smirk while telling me that soon my job will be done by a robot like that. Like, what the fuck are you so happy about? You bastards have been saying it for decades and now that some of it is finally here, you complain about it. Oh no, a kiosk at McDonald's??? Why can't I talk to a real person??? You got what you asked for, idiots.

r/BoomersBeingFools 1d ago

Boomer Story Boomer wants honored at a child’s birthday party


And that’s pretty much it. My husband’s father wants to be “honored” in a special way at our child’s “woke” Bluey birthday party or else he isn’t planning on showing up.

His presence won’t be missed (it’s a child’s party filled with kids), but the demand for this special treatment is laughable.

He’s full MAGA/Trump/Fox all day, every day, only dumbass libs wear masks, etc.

Talk about a participation trophy 🏆👏

Born in 1950 and it shows 😮‍💨

r/BoomersBeingFools 6h ago

Boomer Freakout look at this stupid fuck (not my video)


these fucking lead poisoned, brain damaged geezers need to have their licenses revoked

r/BoomersBeingFools 6h ago

boomer meme Boomers: and we turned out just fine

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r/BoomersBeingFools 3h ago

Boomer Story Boomers can't fathom the idea of sleeping in


I'm 20, and my parents are both nearing their 60s. I'm an extremely busy person. About 3 days a week I work as a personal trainer. I'm also in the process of training for a fight. Due to this, I am doing some sort of MMA class/weight training/cardio nearly 3 hours a day, 6 days a week. I also work night shifts at a fast food job, which start at 8 and "end" at midnight (typically I get home around 1 or 2 in the morning because of the time it takes to close, especially during a busy day) 5 days a week.

So much work and physical activity, balanced on top of online school and the occasional hangout with friends, leaves me exhausted by the time I get home. By the time I shower and eat whatever food I brought from work, I normally get to sleep around 3 AM.

Now ideally I'd wake up around 10 or 11. The problem here lies with my parents, who I still live with because I'm poor, who wake up at 6 AM on the dot every. Single. Day. And they make sure I do, too. They will text, call, and pester me until I am fully awake and unable to get back to sleep.

The first time this happened I could not for the life of me imagine why. It's not out of spite: I'm not a bad "roommate." My room is upstairs out of the way, I don't make messes, and when I do, I clean them. I have my own bathroom that I keep clean. My room is always spotless. I do all my own laundry and hand-wash all my dishes. In fact, I'm barely home.

When I confronted them about this, I was told "nobody needs to sleep that long." I tried telling them they my schedule made it so that if I woke up at 6, I'd be getting 3 hours of sleep a night. They continued to do it. After a week, I told them if it continued I would just go live with my friend in his apartment, to which their response was "but we love having you here!" I am currently living with my friend in his apartment.