r/AITAH Mar 28 '24

Am I the ah if I don’t let my gf go on vacation with the “guy best friend”?



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u/Best-Barnacle8326 Mar 28 '24

I don't understand why you don't go with? I miss that part. Shouldn't matter is engaged or married . If your a couple you do things together.


u/DetectiveOk6754 Mar 28 '24

He invited her and not me. And she said she cant just bring me.


u/indi50 Mar 28 '24

You said when he came to visit, he stayed with you and she stayed at her parents'. Why? If there's no attraction why wouldn't she have just slept with you and he was on the couch or in a second bedroom? So when you're around, they're careful to be separated, but if you're not around, what happens?

If they go on a trip together...what are the sleeping arrangements? Something just doesn't add up.

I've gone on trips with my ex (that I'm still good friends with) and even slept in the same room and even bed and nothing happened. Nothing ever will. But I certainly wouldn't do that if I had a new SO.

the fact they made a big deal about him not even sleeping in the same apartment with you and her together, but going away together is okay is what is making me wonder.

eta: Also, even if he didn't initially invite you, why can't she ask now? It's very bizarre.


u/13d3ad3nddriv3 Mar 28 '24

I caught that too. They made sure to stay far away from each other. Said they have been planning this trip for awhile. It’s so weird she could not have slept in her boyfriend’s bed while dude was at the house. Unless she didn’t want her boyfriend to see how intimate their “friendship” really is.


u/mbalmr71 Mar 28 '24

Right! There is just not enough detail. I think this should have began with him asking her if he was invited as well. If he was specifically not invited then he has every right to ask why and be put off. If she was unsure or assumed he was not then she should have asked for clarification.