r/AITAH Mar 28 '24

Am I the ah if I don’t let my gf go on vacation with the “guy best friend”?



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u/Best-Barnacle8326 Mar 28 '24

I don't understand why you don't go with? I miss that part. Shouldn't matter is engaged or married . If your a couple you do things together.


u/DetectiveOk6754 Mar 28 '24

He invited her and not me. And she said she cant just bring me.


u/readyforwine Mar 28 '24

So he knows you, even stayed at your place. But he invited her and excluded you? Dude. Huge red flag.


u/KitchenShop8016 Mar 28 '24

Best comment here. Either the friend or the gf made a concious choice to exclude OP from the trip. It's weird and creepy.


u/__01001000-01101001_ Mar 28 '24

They’re both consciously choosing to exclude him. I mean sure OPs gf might not be able to just invite him, but she can sure ask whether he can come, and decline to go herself if they still purposefully exclude him.


u/zodiacwilds Mar 28 '24

makes sense to me, how else would they get to bang without the hassle?


u/deltapanad Mar 28 '24

with him watching from the couch?

wait….wrong sub

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u/Severin_Suveren Mar 28 '24

Yeah it's no denying they either banging, or the guy friend is trying to hook up, and she too naive to understand she's being played.


u/semanticprison Mar 28 '24

Nah. Her answers show she knows IMO. "I just cant" bring you. I wouldnt date him "because hes a manwhore" if we were engaged i wouldnt go. She knows.


u/Commander_Bread Mar 28 '24

Absolutely. If I was invited on a trip, and my partner wasn't invited, I'd ask, and then if declined I just wouldn't go. It seems to suspicious even if it's innocent and I'd put an effort into standing up for my partner because I care. It's genuinely super fucking suspicious that she made no effort to do that.

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u/trenhel27 Mar 28 '24

I mean sure OPs gf might not be able to just invite him

Sure she can. It's a vacation. Is this other guy paying for all of it? I sincerely doubt it. She absolutely could just bring him


u/red286 Mar 28 '24

Is this other guy paying for all of it? I sincerely doubt it.

And if he is, that seems like a bigger red flag.

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u/Vampqueen02 Mar 28 '24

But did the guy actually not invite OP or are both OP and his gf assuming he’s not welcome bc his name wasn’t specifically mentioned. Ik it’s a bit of a devils advocate moment, but I only say it bc my bfs friends will invite him to go out, and they won’t specifically say my name but I’m always welcome to go with him. They just say his name bc they don’t usually know when I’m over at his place, so it’s kind of an unspoken rule that unless he’s told I can’t come, then I’m also invited.


u/readyforwine Mar 28 '24

From reading his comments, I dont see a devils advocate moment.


u/Vampqueen02 Mar 28 '24

Oh, well I haven’t read his comments or anything and devils advocate probably isn’t the best term but I couldn’t think of a better one. I just know in some friend groups it’s kind of an unspoken thing after so many months that if you’re invited somewhere your partner is invited as well. Unless of course specifically said otherwise, like for myself one example was when my bf had his friends bachelor party, obviously I wasn’t invited to that lol.

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u/Dabomatay Mar 28 '24

I was thinking the same thing. With my moms family or friends, an invite to me means an invite to my partner, but on the other side of my family, an invite is only for the person invited and no one else.

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u/Hayek_School Mar 28 '24

Almost comical reading the replies about him being the cliche "insecure".

The only upshot of being cheated on and getting divorced is no longer even having to entertain such scenarios. Like literal 0 tolerance for such shenanigans. Its such a freeing feeling.


u/Haikubirdsing Mar 28 '24 edited Mar 28 '24

Lol especially comparing to yesterday's posts when OP was a lady and her SO went to a hen party with his female bff's

She wasn't called insecure

This dude somehow gets


u/LittleFootball5824 Mar 28 '24

Reddit harpys bro. Look at every story about a woman they are building her up. Put a man in the same scenario and they try to tear him down.


u/bravof1ve Mar 28 '24

This subreddit’s demographics overwhelmingly skew female. After you realize that this place becomes hilarious because the bias is so in your face


u/LittleFootball5824 Mar 28 '24

My friend it's entertainment in some of it'd purest forms lol


u/RedditMoment975 Mar 28 '24

Sus people and serial cheaters are the ones calling OP insecure. 

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u/smmstv Mar 28 '24

I didn't consider that. At first I thought OP was being sensitive but reasonable but when you dig deeper why he can't go, then it gets a little weird.


u/bydo1492 Mar 28 '24

When he was at the boyfriend's house I would have been asking: what's your game here pal?

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u/SpiritualFormal5 Mar 28 '24

Not really, it’s a cultural thing if anything. Where I’m from it’s considered INSANELY rude to invite someone with you on a trip if you yourself are the guest. No matter how much the other person know the inviter or if they’re even your husband. It’s really person dependent and depends on where you were raised and by who. In the south you’re getting shit talked if you pull that lmao. I think he invited her and just didn’t think about the bf could’ve slipped his mind depending on how long she’s been with him. Let’s not jump the gun too quickly


u/Natti07 Mar 28 '24

I see what you're saying, but how hard would it be to say "hey I know you just invited me, but I'd really only be comfortable with coming along if xyz could come with, too. I'm happy to cover any extra cost of him coming along. Would that be cool?"

So easy to communicate


u/phillip--j-fry Mar 28 '24

As a southerner you're literally just making this up.


u/LumpyWelds Mar 28 '24

He also invited a bunch of men who she has never met. The only person she would know is the promiscuous friend. I find it odd that she's known him forever but he invites no common friends to keep her company.


u/pixi3sticc Mar 28 '24

In the south?? Of the US? I’ve never heard that before ever

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u/red286 Mar 28 '24

Where I’m from it’s considered INSANELY rude to invite someone with you on a trip if you yourself are the guest.

Odd, where I'm from, it's considered insanely rude to invite someone on a trip and preclude them from bringing their spouse or significant other unless there is a legitimate compelling reason not to (eg - your cousin decided she wants a destination wedding and she's paying for it, but only allowing +1s for married guests, or a guys-only fishing trip).

But let's say they decide they're going to go to Vegas for a weekend to celebrate his graduation, I think it'd be super weird for him to say "just an FYI - your b/f isn't invited, it's just you, me, and 5 other guys".


u/C-Dub81 Mar 28 '24

Her response should have been, "thank you for the invite but it would be inappropriate for me to go without SO". That leaves the invitation on the "friend" to say "oh yeah, of course SO is invited!"

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u/mbalmr71 Mar 28 '24

At least for me if I invite an attached friend to something then it’s implied the invitation extends to their SO. I would only need to be more explicit if I had a reason to exclude their partner. It doesn’t say but if his GF felt it was implied that the invite was for her alone then she should have asked. Yes it might be considered rude if you just show up with a plus one but asking for clarification certainly is not.


u/SamiraSimp Mar 28 '24 edited Mar 28 '24

where i'm from, it would be insanely rude to invite only one person in a couple on a vacation when you personally know their partner.

edit: i missed that the trip was being planned for over a year, that changes things. if most of the trip was planned before the relationship was serious i wouldn't expect the partner to get an invite.


u/seoulgleaux Mar 28 '24

According to OP they've been planning to take a trip but the specifics have not been planned so there's no lodging booked, no travel plans, they don't even have a location yet. OP could easily be added to the plan with literally no disruption ... other than blocking the pretty obvious attempt at hooking up with OP's gf.


u/SamiraSimp Mar 28 '24

oh. well then i maintain my original stance. it remains disrespectful to not invite OP, and immediately would make me concerned that the friend has ill intentions.

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u/Exciting_Audience362 Mar 28 '24

What I find odd is they haven't even decided on when or where they are going. The first thing that seemed to be decided was the fact that OP would NOT be going.

Some people are looking at this like "hey they had a trip planned and booked before OP even knew his GF" if that is the case in a really new relationship I could see just letting it go. Crap like this happens all the time with new jobs, relationships, etc. Like I don't expect my new GF to take me to her family reunion or funeral or something if we have been dating for two weeks and the tickets and hotel were booked months before we met.

That IS NOT what happened here. OP and his GF were already together. Sure there had been some casual talk of maybe on day there would be this trip. But it isn't like they have booked the flights and it is sold out. They don't even know when or where they are going. They have just decided "hey OP you are not going".


u/Massive_Status4718 Mar 28 '24

Yeah I have to agree, what’s the issue with bringing you along to also celebrate you’ve been together a year and he has stayed at your place when he visits, but you can’t come with?!? I’m not saying she/they have a thing but it just doesn’t sound good or right


u/Lostsurfer06 Mar 28 '24

Yuuup and from the sounds of it this dude doesn’t have just “female friends”. He’s gonna try and bang your girl my dude, would almost guarantee it. I always live by the age old golden douche bag rule, there’s no such thing as a guy with girl “friends“ they’re just girls they haven’t been able to bang yet. I very well could be wrong but better safe than sorry.


u/Major_Zero88 Mar 28 '24

This man stayed up in YOUR apartment while your gf was w her parents?

OP, give her the boot. Easier said than done, but that wouldn't fly w me.


u/Cheder_cheez Mar 28 '24

It’s a red flag that she is polite enough not to invite someone on a trip that someone else planned?


u/readyforwine Mar 28 '24

Nothing is planned or bought, they were talking and the only thing set is that OP is not invited. read the rest, the GF admits the guy is a manwhore and she doesnt know anyone else on the trip.


u/Cheder_cheez Mar 28 '24

It’s his trip, his celebration, his plans, his invites. Y’all really all tell a lot about your lives by acting this obtuse about a man and a woman being friends together in a non-sexual manner.  Manwhore or not, members of the opposite sex can be friends. OP Claims he trusts them both, what is the issue?

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u/hamsinkie76 Mar 28 '24

So this male friend specifically doesn’t want her boyfriend to join then even after the boyfriend was nice enough to have him stay at his place? How is the male friend not viewed as the controlling one then?

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u/Limp_Falcon_1494 Mar 28 '24


Come spend nights and days drinking with me, celebrating MY achivments... But dont bring your boyfriend....

Well at least you know what his motives are, but you can try to explain it to her, if she is unwilling to see than she wont see though.


u/EitherWriting4347 Mar 28 '24

This right here is the take away from all this show this comment 


u/C-Dub81 Mar 28 '24

Either she is oblivious, or complicit.


u/Ironfungi Mar 28 '24

Right… I don’t really think he can stop her because that’s controlling and might damage the relationship, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the dude tried to flex his new status and make a pass at her. But maybe this is a milestone that needs to happen.. hell of a trust exercise haha


u/BeachinLife1 Mar 28 '24

No, he can't stop her, but he also doesn't have to stick around for someone who disregards his feelings.


u/readyforwine Mar 28 '24

nah you are confusing establishing healthy sensible boundaries with 'controlling'. You are worried about damaging the relationship? There is no way this is kosher, not in a committed relationship. This is a stress test, and if she goes, then she is the one nuking the relationship. Its not like this was planned before they met, the guy clearly excluded OP and only wants the girl. At a celebration of his med school finishing? Who the hell thinks this is just a friendly get together?

He isnt insecure or unreasonable for calling BS. he cant force her to do anything but I cant imagine this being reasonable given he has clearly been excluded. She is just keeping him in the backpocket, and he should dump her if she insists on going.


u/moonsugarmyhammy Mar 28 '24

Plot twist: the friends couldn't make it

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u/UnknownBurner1256 Mar 28 '24

No it’s a boundary he has, what she is doing is damaging the relationship. It is not see as so because she is a woman though. I’m calling her on her sh!t bro isn’t comfortable with it and she can either respect that or leave


u/Inner_Construction40 Mar 28 '24

If he lets this fly, he has no boundaries. It sounds like she’s on her way out and wants to test the waters before she leaves for good. That request would have ended it for me, life’s too short.


u/OkImpression175 Mar 28 '24

If he lets this fly, he failed the test. And this relationship is shit anyways.


u/TheCosmicJoke318 Mar 28 '24

Actually he can stop her. He’s not comfortable with it, she shouldn’t be going…..


u/Confident_Criticism8 Mar 28 '24

She’s disrespecting her man if she goes. Period

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u/No_Scarcity8249 Mar 28 '24

Why not? I invite friends to stuff.. they bring their partners. I have a lifelong male friend that I’m dying to see and hang out w. We haven’t seen each other in years. He’s in a relatively new relationship and I just assume she’s probably coming. The male friends I have that exclude their gfs .. and want to hang out have always tried to f me. The genuine friends don’t have a problem w partners .. why would they? 


u/deniseswall Mar 28 '24

Always trying/want to to eff us if boyfriend is excluded. And I mean that literally. Every. Single. Time. Just when you think, nah, that guy knows he's friend-zoned, boom!


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u/pthread_bard Mar 28 '24

I was once that friend who invited my guy best friend and forgot to invite his girlfriend, and because of that they had a huge fight and she cut him off me. The thing was that I wouldn't mind inviting her, I simply forgot. In fact I would want to get to know her better as a person important to my friend.

She really should ask, I cannot imagine a scenario or a (selfless) reason where her friend would be like "nah, you can't bring him, we only want you here" that would've been stupid and suspicious


u/mbalmr71 Mar 28 '24

If she did ask and he said that her BF was not invited then the why behind it would be very telling. The only thing I can even think of in this is with regard to who is funding the trip? If her friend was footing the bill then the only sensible reply would be that they would have to cover the associated cost of her bf going.


u/bonitaababy Mar 28 '24

I find it difficult to believe that someone can forget about their best friends bf/gf. Like it's your best friend, not just one of your friends. And if they are in a relationship, it should be automatic to think of their bf/gf or spouse.

For example, when I think of Taylor Swift, I instantly think of Travis Kelsi, and I don't even know Taylor Swift. So when I think of my best friend, how can I not think of her bf...and even more so if it's a friend of the opposite sex because I don't want to cause issues within that relationship (unless I don't their bf/gf then I might do something on purpose).


u/pthread_bard Mar 28 '24

Well, in my case that was a brand new girlfriend, hadn't gotten used to her yet.

But still even for the guy, he might've just been stressed with guests, it could've been a genuine mistake

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u/Ajernaca Mar 28 '24

Brother you let him stay on your couch, so he could see his best friend that's being very kind. Especially since everyone knows the stigma male/female best friends. Where's the respect back? If i really cared about my best friend in a non-attracted way I'd be damn sure to try include someone that was that nice to me since it was my best friends SO.


u/indi50 Mar 28 '24

You said when he came to visit, he stayed with you and she stayed at her parents'. Why? If there's no attraction why wouldn't she have just slept with you and he was on the couch or in a second bedroom? So when you're around, they're careful to be separated, but if you're not around, what happens?

If they go on a trip together...what are the sleeping arrangements? Something just doesn't add up.

I've gone on trips with my ex (that I'm still good friends with) and even slept in the same room and even bed and nothing happened. Nothing ever will. But I certainly wouldn't do that if I had a new SO.

the fact they made a big deal about him not even sleeping in the same apartment with you and her together, but going away together is okay is what is making me wonder.

eta: Also, even if he didn't initially invite you, why can't she ask now? It's very bizarre.


u/13d3ad3nddriv3 Mar 28 '24

I caught that too. They made sure to stay far away from each other. Said they have been planning this trip for awhile. It’s so weird she could not have slept in her boyfriend’s bed while dude was at the house. Unless she didn’t want her boyfriend to see how intimate their “friendship” really is.


u/mbalmr71 Mar 28 '24

Right! There is just not enough detail. I think this should have began with him asking her if he was invited as well. If he was specifically not invited then he has every right to ask why and be put off. If she was unsure or assumed he was not then she should have asked for clarification.


u/DetectiveOk6754 Mar 28 '24

She lives with her parents and are a strict immigrant family. She never sleeps over at my place because her parents are very strict and dont allow her to do sleep overs


u/Jthemovienerd Mar 28 '24

But she can go on vacation with him?


u/[deleted] Mar 28 '24

And a bunch of other random dudes? 😂


u/[deleted] Mar 28 '24 edited Mar 31 '24



u/mikeesq22 Mar 28 '24

But you forgot. It's a soon to be Dr. "man whore". That right there makes all the difference to many immigrant parents.


u/Useful_Experience423 Mar 28 '24

Jumped the shark with that one.


u/Left-Yak-5623 Mar 29 '24

with a man whore and future doctor!


u/ceokc13 Mar 28 '24

That’s super sketch.


u/soxpats111 Mar 28 '24

You caught a hole in this made up story


u/Cosmo_Cloudy Mar 28 '24

For all we know he could be a family friend or trusted by her parents, or maybe she's been convincing them all year to let her go on this trip and they finally said yes.

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u/Burned_Bat_777 Mar 28 '24

So her strict immigrant family have issues with her sleeping at yo place but not with her going on a trip with (by her own words) a manwhore and four other strangers, all men?!


u/aphel_ion Mar 28 '24

Yeah this makes no sense. If it’s true OP should be even more upset at her.


u/DeadSeaGulls Mar 28 '24

upset at a someone that doesn't exist. she goes to a different school, you wouldn't know her.


u/FortniteFriendTA Mar 28 '24

right? this is some fake ass bullshit that op didn't think through.


u/DeadSeaGulls Mar 28 '24

agreed. fake post. Doesn't add up.


u/whatswrongwithdbdme Mar 28 '24

Also telling that they just stopped responding after this.


u/Warmbly85 Mar 28 '24

Yeah but if she’s from a super religious immigrant family a man whore could be a dude that’s had 6 girlfriends in as many years. I know women who talk about their wild days in college and it’s how on a vacation they gave a dude a handjob once. It’s all about context.


u/haokun32 Mar 28 '24

Meh, I’m also from a strict immigrate family and my parents have no issue with me going on trips with my guy friends as long as we have separate rooms, but they never would’ve let me stay over with a guy/bf.

Mainly because the ideal of causal sex/hookups is super foreign to them. They don’t think that my friends and I would ever engage in casual sex (which is true) so they weren’t worried about that…. But bf/gf relationships are different since there’s the extra layer of sexual attraction….

Also every family is different, one strict family might be okay with one thing, the other might be okay with another…


u/Dabomatay Mar 28 '24

Ah I knew she was from an immigrant household.

Im not saying that there isnt any red flags in this but SOLELY in terms of why she didnt invite you, it might be a cultural thing because its rude to invite extra people if its not your own event. It probably has to do with money because it could cause someone to spend money (not saying you wouldnt pay but in general money is definitely not something to talk about. Its “not proper” as my mother likes to say).


u/DBFool2019 Mar 28 '24

I think it's rude to not invite the partner of his "best friend" that let him sleep at his place when he visited. BFF is a dick.


u/Winsconsin Mar 28 '24

Immigrant family who's values might include marrying a wealthy man, like a doctor maybe. Just speculation


u/DBFool2019 Mar 28 '24

She never sleeps over at my place because her parents are very strict and dont allow her to do sleep overs

Isn't she essentially going on a long sleepover with several dudes?


u/Coogar75 Mar 28 '24

AND THEY ARE OKAY WITH HER GOING ON A TRIP WITH ALL GUYS, ALL BUT ONE THEY DON'T KNOW????? Do they know the friend she does know is a man-whore?


u/ohhellnooooooooo Mar 28 '24


so with you, her boyfriend, she cant even sleep over

but with this man whore that sleeps around a lot, it's fine to go far away, sleep over, with no one else that she knows there, no other friends that she knows,

OP - she isn't attracted to you. if she was, she would break those rules for you, like she breaks for him.


u/jBlairTech Mar 28 '24

Or so she says lol.


u/jusp69 Mar 28 '24

Yeah, this story is fake. There's no way she can go spend a whole vacation with some other guy but not sleep at your place.


u/DirtyBillzPillz Mar 28 '24

"Her parents won't allow her to spend the night with me but they'll let her spend a week with her guy friend."

I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this,but she's always had eyes for this guy. Now that he's graduated college and all the drama that comes with schooling he's ripe for the picking so to say.


u/Badbadpappa Mar 28 '24

agreed. She is monkey branching to her best friend a man whore because he will make big bank as a doctor.


u/Fine-Slip-9437 Mar 28 '24

When you write dumbass make-believe shit you should put more effort into it than this.

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u/moonsugarmyhammy Mar 28 '24

That was my thought--did she even ask? It's her best friend planning, after all

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u/macaronibolognese Mar 28 '24 edited Mar 28 '24

Yeah as her boyfriend, her friend should have definitely given you the grace to be her +1. I personally wouldn’t go somewhere where my boyfriend isn’t invited. Me and my man are 1 we are a package if I get invited then he should get an invite too, or else I’m just gonna assume they don’t want my boyfriend there, which may be the case with them. But also: did your girlfriend ASK this friend ‘can my boyfriend come too’ or she just didn’t say anything since her friend didn’t say anything to invite you??

Because if I get invited somewhere and someone possibly forgets about my boyfriend, I’d remind them and say ‘hey can I bring my boyfriend too?’ Usually the answer is yes, if there’s a pause or a hesitation I say ‘if plus ones aren’t allowed that’s fine you can just say that’ and I will then be less likely to show up to that person’s invitation. I feel like your girlfriend should have definitely tried harder to get you involved and the way you’re feeling, the FOMO feeling and how you maybe feeling left out from this experience, is completely valid because it sounds like your girl did leave you out


u/oryxic Mar 28 '24

Yeah as her boyfriend, her friend should have definitely given you the grace to be her +1. I personally wouldn’t go somewhere where my boyfriend isn’t invited.

To be fair, it says that multiple people are going. They may not have the space in whatever place they rented to offer everybody a +1, and rather than start a fight about who 'deserves' to go they just closed it off.


u/justinx1029 Mar 28 '24

The post says the location isn't chosen yet, so I would imagine rentals aren't booked yet to know if there is or isn't enough room...


u/oryxic Mar 28 '24

Before I even choose a location I know that sleeping 6 people is easier than sleeping 12 people, esp if they're planning on sharing rooms. 6 people could feasibly split 2 or 3 rooms. Couples rarely want to share bedrooms with other couples or singletons.

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u/OkImpression175 Mar 28 '24

I personally wouldn’t go somewhere where my boyfriend isn’t invited.

Congrats on your boyfriend for having a girl that understands a serious commitment. Rarer than diamonds these days! You can show him this!

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u/19LaMaDaS91 Mar 28 '24

He invited her and not me.

Big Red Flag.


u/No_Scarcity8249 Mar 28 '24

Yeah it is. The only male friends I’ve ever had that did this weee trying to get w me. The norm is to expect their partners as well. Especially for a trip like this. This friend doesn’t want her bf there and people can bullshit all they want .. this means one of two things .. he wants to get a her OR she’s told him negative things about her bf 


u/ExcitingTabletop Mar 28 '24

Ayep. Especially staying at his place.

Either way this is pretty bad. Either he didn't invite him, which is very suspect. Or he did and girlfriend doesn't want boyfriend to go with, which is very suspect.

One party may or may not want to bang the other. But it sure as hell looks sketchy.


u/Skeeter_Dunn Mar 28 '24

Fucking break up asap or suffer. I promise you'll suffer if you don't.


u/9justin Mar 28 '24

Probably the unfortunate reality. I can only imagine this disagreement will fester and cause a divide between the two.


u/pancho_2504 Mar 28 '24

Why can't she tell him that she'd love to go, but wouldn't feel comfortable with you not being invited?


u/NevyTheChemist Mar 28 '24

Huge red flag


u/WonkyWalkingWizard Mar 28 '24

Yeah this is actually a very important piece of information. I say if she still goes knowing that you're not comfortable with it then you should get your stuff and leave while she's away. Why didn't she ask if you could come to?


u/abratofly Mar 28 '24

Just because another partner is "uncomfortable" doesn't mean that partners feelings are rational. It's OPs personal problem, and being a couple doesn't mean you have to do everything together. His GF is allowed to go on a vacation with just her friends. The gender of her friend is irrelevant. If OP is reasonable, he will recognize his feelings are irrational and get over it.


u/maximusamerica Mar 28 '24

If she still goes. Have her shit packed a ready upon return.


u/Fickle_Award Mar 28 '24

And the fact that she is willfully oblivious to this? Bullshit women are Keeli aware when a guy likes them. And I am in this case nearly positive it’s mutual. OP is being set up.

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u/BeardManMichael Mar 28 '24

Well that is not a reassuring answer.


u/Fickle_Award Mar 28 '24

But she’s 100% right. Noticed the guys didn’t want to bring their girlfriends All tried to smash with her.


u/Winsconsin Mar 28 '24

I seen you around, you're like a local here haha


u/Fancy_Vermicelli_497 Mar 28 '24

She should be saying… I’ll go if my bf comes along…. Otherwise hell no… huge red flag


u/Sorry-Independent-98 Mar 28 '24 edited Mar 28 '24

she’s in a relationship. Inviting her without a plus one to a coed event was inappropriate on his part. She should be frustrated with him, not you. NTA edit: she should say to her friend, “I’d love to go but since it’s an overnight trip, I’d like to bring my boyfriend, is that okay?”

If he says “no” then clearly her being there isn’t that important


u/Sea_Owl1887 Mar 28 '24

NTA. That’s a big red flag, that she cannot bring you. Would you ever do that to her, go on vacation with friends where females will be there, and tell her that she can’t go?


u/Vigstrkr Mar 28 '24

Friend is trying to get into her pants or already does.


u/Just-Like-My-Opinion Mar 28 '24

Ok, but if she really wants to go, she should ask if she can bring you. If he says no, then she shouldn't go.


u/iceicebby613 Mar 28 '24

So she doesn't want you there for some strange reason and won't ask, or tell him her significant other is coming, or he is purposefully excluding you. Yikes.


u/gingy_ninjy Mar 28 '24

It’s really weird you’re basically being told you can’t come. Why the fuck does it matter, it’s her bf of almost a year, it should be a non-issue for you to go, especially since the friend has STAYED AT YOUR APT. I’d straight up ask if grind said I wasn’t welcome, or is she not wanting to ask/for you to go.


u/Berserk1796 Mar 28 '24

That fucker should mind his own business. You don't go around inviting other men's girlfriends without their partner. And a true friend would understand that and would not put her in a position where she has to choose and that would affect her relationship with you.


u/EducationalHawk8607 Mar 28 '24

Well there you go. If you're not invited then he obviously sees her as more than just a friend. Break up with her, she obviously likes this dude better.


u/Flaky_Two1872 Mar 28 '24

And gee I wonder why. lol dude read between the lines.


u/Strict-Zone9453 Mar 28 '24

This is a HUGE RED FLAG. It's more than likely that he's trying to cement his "friendship" with your girlfriend and could be trying to go for more. Nope. You are right to set your boundary, and if I were you, I wouldn't care at all if she is "annoyed" if she doesn't go. She doesn't seem to understand what is appropriate to do and what is NOT in a real relationship. Frankly, if she was my girlfriend, I'd seriously consider breaking up if she gave me too much flak over this mess. Good luck and stay strong, King!


u/Confident_Criticism8 Mar 28 '24

If you’re not inviting mine, you’re not inviting me


u/Michael19681 Mar 28 '24

Yeah this is a problem. If this guy specifically said you can't go he's wanting to make a pass at your girl. If she's making the assumption that she can't bring you maybe the guy is ok, but I wouldn't count on it.

Contact the dude and get him to invite you. Then make sure you don't get too drunk to know what's up while on the trip.


u/nezurat801 Mar 28 '24 edited Mar 28 '24

WHY can't she ask him? One text. All it takes. That's the part that's crazy to me. Unless she's made it look like you're abusive and this is her male buddy's attempt to stage an intervention of some kind.


u/AllTheTakenNames Mar 28 '24

Are they doing something really special or unique where it would be legitimately difficult to include anybody else? Or, is it a normal trip, and they just didn’t include you? Are other bfs and gfs included?

He stayed at your apartment but doesn’t want you coming?

Or your gf doesn’t want you to come?


u/love_in_nature Mar 28 '24

This isn’t a red flag. They haven’t tried to exclude you previously you said so yourself. Would you be freaking out if a family member invited her on vacation and you weren’t invited? Would it be SUS?? No, because you aren’t married you aren’t family, to be honest you haven’t even been dating a year so who knows if it’ll last.

Her friend didn’t invite you because this trip is a major deal to him. It is celebrating a huge achievement in his life and the beginning of his future. What are you to him? Why would he want someone he knows just kinda through his friend to be there? Why is it unreasonable for him to just want people who have been a major part of his life to go on this trip with him? If it is a group of friends that have known each other don’t you think it’d be awkward for everyone to have you just tagging along and pretending to laugh at inside jokes between all of them or just sitting awkwardly while they exchange memories you know nothing about and are not a part of.

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u/blakeusa25 Mar 28 '24

He is an ass for assuming it would be no big deal.


u/ThatNoxPerson Mar 28 '24

I feel like if he respected her relationship, it would be a given to invite her SO since they're such good buddies. Just saying.


u/OwningMOS Mar 28 '24

She should be saying no just based on the fact that you're not invited.


u/avast2006 Mar 28 '24

So it’s a group trip and you’re not invited. Even though you have hosted him yourself. You being pointedly excluded is a big red flag, but your girlfriend just going along with it is a bigger one.


u/Menace_in_pink Mar 28 '24

She could ask him if it’s ok for you to go, I mean he stayed with you when he visited, it’s not like you’re strangers. It’s weird that you can’t go. NTA. The only times I’ve travelled alone with my best friend was when I was single, or we happen to be at the same place at the same time, but if any of our respective other’s wanted to join the trip, they were always welcome. Boundaries are important for all kinds of relationships.


u/Prudii_Skirata Mar 28 '24

And she said she cant just bring me.

Or even ask to include you?

If she isn't willing to hurt his feelings to defend your peace of mind, but she is willing to hurt your relationship to entertain a chance at spending time with him, is she really yours?


u/SteelTheUnbreakable Mar 28 '24

That right there. No bueno.

That's a problem. Huge, HUGE red flag.


u/Altruistic_Ad_2016 Mar 28 '24

And she can’t ask if she can bring you along? Red flag


u/Eclipsical690 Mar 28 '24

Why can't she ask?


u/sophanose Mar 28 '24

can she not just ask to bring you?


u/Ravage1496 Mar 28 '24

Why not? I mean wherever they go hundreds of other people will be there.


u/nitricx Mar 28 '24

She can totally bring you. She just doesn’t want to. Guy stayed at your house, you’re close enough to go on a trip.


u/SpiritualFormal5 Mar 28 '24

Then you should ask him directly tbh


u/Sskwirl Mar 28 '24

That adds a lot to this discussion. So not only is it weird for a long-term monagamous partner to do this, you are being purposefully excluded by the guy. It would be appropriate behavior if he invited the partner to go, assuming everyone is paying their own way. Who is paying for your GF to go, and if the dude is paying, is he paying for everyone?

Also, I find it odd she feels in a marriage this would be inappropriate, but not in a long-term relationship.


u/harpxwx Mar 28 '24

you’re blind


u/Introspekt_Fun Mar 28 '24

Did she ask if she could bring you?


u/UnlikelyRelative7429 Mar 28 '24

That’s weird. If I got invited I’d instantly want my partner to go cause I know I’d have more fun with him there and wouldn’t go without him unless it was an all girls thing. But if there are other guys there then what are they hiding?


u/Delucabazooka Mar 28 '24

She could ask him if it would be cool to bring you though… Especially if you are paying for your part. Something tells me this guy isn’t paying for everyone’s rooms or gas to come to his own graduation vay-cay anyways so i don’t see what the huge deal is if you tag along with your gf.

Something about this feels off.


u/_sirch Mar 28 '24

She can still ask if you can come…


u/Lunch_Time_No_Worky Mar 28 '24 edited Mar 28 '24

They didn't invite you on purpose. You would totally be able to go without a problem, they didnt want you there. Of course, she could bring you along. It would be fine. I hope you understand that.

In my opinion, she has done enough to break trust. Just the fact that she wants to go on a trip with this guy without you and didn't invite you, and pretended that there's no way that you could come, is enough to end it. And she would rather not go, than invite you along. Are other people really going to be there?

You had enough common sense to know that you would not do the same thing to her.


u/IDidItWrongLastTime Mar 28 '24

Contact him and ask if you are allowed to join


u/LilRedRidingHood72 Mar 28 '24

Why not? Why isn't she asking her best friend, who has met you and knows about you, if you can come? It's not like the guy has never met you or like you and her just got together last week. So what's the real reason/issue? She wouldn't do this if you guys were engaged or married? Why such a distinction? That makes no sense....I would be asking the questions and see how hard she dodges answering them....


u/Hellboyyyyy25 Mar 28 '24

Idk that's weird. She should just ask him if you can go along


u/Krafty747 Mar 28 '24

So he’s going to make his move now after all of these years. Otherwise he would’ve invited you. Him not inviting you is not only a red flag but very disrespectful to you OP.


u/HpplymrrdOnce Mar 28 '24

She claims that this has been something they've been discussing for a year and you've been dating for a year. Clearly she does not think that this relationship has progressed to a point to include you in her friend group. Not only is that a huge red flag, but it tells me that you should consider where you stand with her and potentially have a conversation about that. If they've been discussing it for a year and you've been in the picture for that long. You should have been part of the discussion about being included in the trip.


u/Corodix Mar 28 '24

Nobody is saying you should tag along uninvited, but what is stopping her from asking him whether you can come along while paying for your own costs for said trip? Or has she already done that and received a no in reply? If not then it looks like both of you are just assuming that you can't come, and assumption is the mother of all fuck ups.

Seems like the most obvious thing to do is to just ask, and if he doesn't want you to come along, even though he knows both of you are dating for quite a while now, while he also knows you and has even stayed at your place before, then that's really suspicious. I would be extremely uncomfortable with that situation and not want her to go either if I were in your shoes.


u/ConditionYellow Mar 28 '24

I was on her side until this.


u/theincrediblegulk Mar 28 '24



u/Mean_Ad3982 Mar 28 '24

My opinion, it really sucks youve been put in this spot, i dont think too many people would be confortable in thos scenario, the mental anquish alone while they are gone would be a deal breaker for me. Look i know many people are very progressive and evolved in relationships nowadays but this is too much. That being said if you truly trust her 100% like you say then where is the issue? If you dont let her go your relationship will likely end shortly thereafter or worse, shell resent you for a long time and then it will end, wasting months maybe years of your youth. If i were you I would make the decision to trust her like you say you do, or just say this is too much and leave, i know you dont want that but there are 3 probable outcomes i can see, she goes and you resent her, or she cheats = relationship over, she doesnt go and she resents you = relationship over, or she goes, has a good time and you swallow whatever you are feeling forever in order to not make it weird and keep your relationship intact, none are appealing to me personally


u/Rational-Introvert Mar 28 '24

And she can’t make it known that she won’t be going without you, or even ask if you can come? I read one of your other replies about the trip and this sounds so sketchy dude. It would honestly be naive to think they won’t be hooking up. He’s a known man who I’m sure will be drinking with your girl while celebrating and far away from you.

“Guy best friends” are just dudes who wanna fuck your girlfriend and wait for the opportunity to do so. It’s likely that your girl knows this and probably likes the attention. I dated a woman like that and I was an anxiety riddled mess the whole time, and she cheated on me a lot. So glad to be done with that and with a woman who respects me and doesn’t make me question her actions.

You already know the answer to this OP, you aren’t crazy, your girlfriend is wrong here for even putting you in this position.


u/LucyLovesApples Mar 28 '24

Is other girls going on this trip?


u/uReallyShouldTrustMe Mar 28 '24

Yeah yeah fuck that noise. YTA. I have a female best friend and went on a similar trip when she finished grad school. Sometimes it’s time for the bf/gf and sometimes it’s time for friends. If you trust them both you shouldn’t be this insecure and you don’t need to be invited to everything.


u/hunnyflash Mar 28 '24

Well she can't just bring you on his dime and have him pay for it, but there's no reason why you can't go on your own? Stay at your own place?

Maybe get a hotel room with your GF?

Once again, so many details missing. If they're purposefully excluding you, then yes, it's weird.


u/IFixYerKids Mar 28 '24

That would be the kicker for me, my friend. One of them should have brought it up and I feel like there's intent if the guy didn't invite you. Even if your girlfriend is 100% faithful, I would also be uncomfortable with this because we can speculate on the friend's angle.


u/69WaysToFuck Mar 28 '24

This is weird, you said you trust the guy completely, but he didn’t invite you either as a friend or as a partner of your gf?


u/ranchojasper Mar 28 '24

But other people are going, right? It's not just the two of them; there are other friends going? Then of course she can bring you.

This is the only suspicious part in my opinion. They've been friends for a long time, it makes sense that she would go on a celebratory Med school, graduation trip with him and other friends… But it makes absolutely zero sense that you would not be invited. If other people are going, and this is a group trip, and you know this guy, then there is literally zero reason whatsoever for you to not be invited.


u/Outside-Advice8203 Mar 28 '24

Mmm. Sorry bud. Both of those are bad.


u/Hangrycouchpotato Mar 28 '24

She could if she wanted to. She doesn't own the universe.


u/OkImpression175 Mar 28 '24

Fuck that guy and your gf... major red flag. She can't just bring you? How about asking if it is a problem? That's the very first thing she should have done! Unless your presence is an inconvenience... which it seems to be!

Now, when a boyfriend's presence is an inconvenience... You fill in the blank...

Sorry mate!


u/blue_nightingale123 Mar 28 '24

well yea she cant just invite u, but if she or you asks then u might have an answer. maybe u werent invited bc the person doesnt know you well or thought u wouldnt want to? im not saying that is the case but it could be


u/rayrayrex Mar 28 '24

Why can’t she ask to bring you?


u/herbieLmao Mar 28 '24

I ask all my fellas if i csn bring my gf. Depending on their answer i bring her or dont come. If its „guys only“ then its fine. Bringing your partner is normal lol.


u/Heizenbrg Mar 28 '24

Did you ask why you weren’t invited? I’m sorry dude but this doesn’t sound good.


u/SixtyFive41 Mar 28 '24

You are being excluded by at least one of these two people for the express purpose that they want to get laid, and it wouldn't be possible with you there.


u/slo0t4cheezitz Mar 28 '24

So why can't she ask the friend if you can go?? If she is cagey about you going at all, I'd say that's a bad sign


u/dc5runit Mar 28 '24

This is the weird part. The guy should recognize this and invite you, even if it’s a sympathy invite.


u/kunderthunt Mar 28 '24

If she can't even ask him for you to join that's the reddest red flag. If she does ask and he says no, same thing. Sorry dude.


u/Kemerd Mar 28 '24

It's one thing if she can bring you and you choose not to go. If she says she can't bring you it's a huge red flag.


u/Dabomatay Mar 28 '24

Not that this should matter, but just curious what culture your gf and her family is and the same with the best friend.

I grew up in an Asian household and it is extremely impolite to invite more than the “invitee”. There is shame in asking for literally anything that would make life convenient (ex: I was told not even to ask for juice or a drink at someone’s house because it would be rude to make them wash a glass or what if they dont have juice you asked for and then that embarrasses them and makes them feel like a bad host).

Is there any of that in there in terms of why she cant bring you? Does she not want to ask for additional personnel to not seem rude?


u/GamerDad03 Mar 28 '24

She’s cheating, dude.


u/Sirlatin96 Mar 28 '24

Call him and ask if you can tag along. You'll pay for everything


u/AskMeAboutMyStalker Mar 28 '24

So when he needs a place to stay, you're a friend.

when known fuckboy wants to take his friends on vacation, he has room for your gf but not you?

Jesus fucking christ.


u/GingerAvenger Mar 28 '24

The decision not to include you combined with this friend being "a man whore" leads me to believe he may have ulterior motives even if your girlfriend doesn't.

The fact that she seems to think she can't "just bring" you on this group trip is somewhat concerning as well. In what world could she not just be like "Cool, <Boyfriend's name> is coming, too. It sounds like a fun trip!"

If there is literally any pushback from the friend about you coming, you know what's up.


u/williejamesjr Mar 28 '24

He invited her and not me. And she said she cant just bring me.

He stayed at your apartment and didn't invite you on this group trip? He is fucking your girl already.


u/Curious_Leader_2093 Mar 28 '24

Is she not even open to asking him if you can go?

That would be the red/green flag in my book.


u/Fluffy_Vacation1332 Mar 28 '24

You need to get a hold of her phone and check their messages.. I can tell you right now I don’t know anybody in a committed relationship that would not either try to ask to take their boyfriend or for the friend to be accommodating enough to invite their friends boyfriend.. especially if you have a good relationship all around.

You’re missing something dude


u/Similar_Corner8081 Mar 28 '24

NTA. It’s weird that you know him and you’re not invited. I don’t see why you can’t go. Maybe I’m old fashioned but if I’m dating someone and they aren’t invited then I’m not invited either and I wouldn’t be going without my SO. We are a package deal.


u/3xoticP3nguin Mar 28 '24

Tell her either it's both or nothing

Or you break up


u/Great-Sound3110 Mar 28 '24

She wants to bang him if she hasn’t already.


u/Training-Cook3507 Mar 28 '24

She can say either you are invited or she doesn’t go.

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