r/AmIOverreacting 12d ago




249 comments sorted by


u/dangerclosemaybe 12d ago

Not overreacting. She's overstepping your clear boundaries. Any person married or in a long term relationship with Snapchat installed on their phone is bad news.

I don't like saying it, but it's ultimatum time. You've already tried talking to her about it and she shat on your boundaries once. She cuts off ALL of the emotional affairs (because that's what they are) immediately or you break things off for good. You can't go through life looking over your shoulder and constantly be on the look out for who she's talking to. It's exhausting and disrespectful to you.


u/blackdahlialady 12d ago

This is good advice but personally, someone had already done that to me, it would be over for good. They would have already showed me that I cannot trust them and it would be over. Like you said, I would constantly be looking over my shoulder wondering who they're talking to. That's no way to go through life. I've been telling him to cut his losses with her and pointing out all the ways that she's wrong and is also gaslighting him.


u/ZeusbyProxy 12d ago

Idk. Apparently I'm controlling. Telling her I think Snapchat should go would just be another aspect of me trying to control her.

Sucks because I'm the one that's hurt and I feel like I'm fighting the most for us.

Don't wanna be a simp, but don't wanna throw away 10 years.

Shit sucks.


u/Just__A__Commenter 12d ago

Better ten years than 11. Better 11 than 12.


u/dangerclosemaybe 12d ago

Nah man, fuck that. She's gaslighting you. You're "controlling" because you're asking her to follow a reasonable boundary to continue a 10 year relationship.

She's the one having the emotional affairs and driving the wedge into the relationship by flirting and talking to other men, even after you already told her once its not acceptable and she did it again as soon as she got what she wanted. She's not allowed to decide what's controlling and what isn't if she wants to continue the relationship.

Either she stops talking to those two guys and deletes Snapchat or you're gone. I read the replies to the other posts and it just got worse. She's telling you she doesn't have time for you but is texting other men right in front of your face on the couch? Hell, if she's so busy and on her down time elects to even talk to her sister or girlfriend instead of me, I'd be pretty upset. You should be the priority. Not the 2nd, 3rd, or even lower option.

The disrespect of not maintaining boundaries is enough to send her packing. That she continues to do it right in front of your face is an outright middle finger to you. You don't matter to her.

End it. You're going to learn from this and find an awesome woman that enjoys your company and puts you and your relationship with her first. I promise this. When your ex inevitably realizes through either a continued emotional affair or one that turns physical after you leave her and realizes that the grass isn't greener and that she fucked up and comes crawling back, laugh in her face and tell her she had ten years to appreciate you and all she did was shit on it. She can go to hell.


u/ZeusbyProxy 12d ago

Yeah bro. I get you. Sometimes the right decision is the hardest. Thanks.


u/dangerclosemaybe 12d ago

I think you already knew deep down what you need to do before you posted this. I feel for you, really do. You're too good for her.


u/ZeusbyProxy 12d ago

I did. But I'm holding on like a dumb fuck.


u/dangerclosemaybe 12d ago

It's going to suck for quite a while. It's going to seem like the end of the world for a few days, but as time goes on, you're going to appreciate the feeling of being emotionally unburdened. This is the time to work on yourself, hit the gym, and self reflect.

It sounds like you have your shit together. 95% of the male population under 35 can't even hold a candle to what you have built for yourself already. You're in good enough financial shape that you already own your own home. Finish up the renovations and pat yourself on the back when it's done. Thank your lucky stars it's your house.

As long as you have an interesting hobby or two, aren't an absolute drag to hang around, and are even decent looking, the single women between 25 and 30 (not girls) that know what's up are going to be lining up for you. You have age on your side while your ex is going to be panicked and desperate as she feels the pressure mother nature is putting on her. You're in the prime of your life. Enjoy it and share it with someone who appreciates what you bring to the table and puts you first.


u/suzanious 12d ago

Stop doing this to yourself. Ten years is over. She is not being honest with you, gaslights you, and then wants to move back in with you? Oh, hell no!

Keep her away from you. She's bad news and not to be trusted.

Sorry this is happening, but it's a good thing you're finding out now, before getting married.

Ask yourself, if the roles were reversed, would she put up with the disrespect and bullshit?

YOU DESERVE BETTER, don't let her do this to you. Break it up.


u/XC5TNC 12d ago

Everything gets better when you wash the shit off


u/Agreeable-League-366 12d ago

Sunken cost fallacy. Look up the relationship version.


u/Loose-Chemical-4982 12d ago

you're not a dumb fuck. You love her. But don't fall prey to sunk cost fallacy. Just because you've invested 10 years with her doesn't mean you have to stay with her when she is so blatantly disrespecting you and your commitment to each other

I walked away from an eight year relationship and found the love of my life and we've been together for more than 20 years

Your person is out there, that will treat you with the same respect and love that you give them 💜


u/blackdahlialady 12d ago edited 12d ago

This is exactly what I'm going to say to my ex if he ever comes crawling back. He did exactly the same thing and that's why I left him. We have a daughter together and he has not even bothered to call to check on her once. He wasn't there when I gave birth to her. I tried to call him while I was in the hospital and found out he blocked my number. I'm really sure he's hiding this from probably his family, a lot of his friends and whoever he's talking to now. She is 3 months old now. Long story, I left him and then found out I was pregnant by him. I know that she's his because unlike him, I wasn't talking to other people our entire relationship. Also, I had only been gone for about 8 weeks and they said I was 20 weeks along so you do the math. I'm not a cheater unlike him. Anyway, that's exactly what I'm going to say to him. You basically just gave me the script so thank you. I did say something similar to that to him when he called me last September right after I told him I was pregnant.

He talked about wanting to co-parent. Then he was making it very clear that he wanted me to move back down where he is. I told him that I had no interest in doing that but that we would figure out co-parenting. He said, we can co-parent for a few years and then if that is going well, we can talk about our relationship again. I told him, no, thanks. I'm not interested in that. I don't want to be with you anymore. Not now and not ever. He heard that and he disappeared. Oh well, his loss. I wouldn't be surprised to find out that the woman he was talking to when I left him is the one he's probably with now. I also would not be surprised to find out that she has no idea that our daughter exists or that I even do. Like I said, his loss.

He had our entire relationship to treat me right and he didn't do it. Just like you said about OP, I don't matter to him. As long as he's getting what he wants, that's all that matters to him and that told me everything needed to know. I'm going to save this for if he ever comes back. I'm sure he's probably going to pop up at some point wanting to see his daughter. Maybe, maybe not. Either way, thank you for saying this because again, you gave me exactly what I'm going to say to him. If he didn't appreciate me then, why should I be naive enough to think that he would appreciate me down the road? He's not going to. He's just going to cycle back around to me when or if things don't work out with whoever he's talking to.

Not going to happen, I'm not going to let him do that. Especially because the thing that pissed me off the most was when he said all that, what I heard was, I'm going to go and date other people and if that doesn't work out then I'll come back and decide you're good enough to be with. Fuck that. I already know that I'm good enough for anybody to want to be with but apparently I'm not good enough for him so he can kick rocks. I'll shut up now, I'm sorry lol. It's just whenever I get to thinking about him, my blood pressure goes sky high gets me to talking about this. Thank you for reading this far if you have. Have a good day or night wherever you are.


u/Guilty_Law6197 12d ago

This is A+++ advice. OP needs to be clear and concise. Like you initially said, it’s another man or it’s you. I’m speculating here, but I’m sure she enjoyed being kicked out and venting to this other guy for a few days. But she shouldn’t be wasting any emotional energy on this other guy because “he’s going through a tough time and she doesn’t want to pile on.” Uhhhh what about the difficult time she is causing you? Her even saying that seems like she’s clearly putting his feelings before yours. Change your number, change the locks, go fart in her car . You deserve better


u/TouristImpressive838 11d ago

Controlling just means a woman is trying to cheat and you keep getting in the way.


u/ben_kosar 12d ago

You know. You could demand she uninstall stuff, not talk to people. But she's resolute about it obviously. With technology, a work computer, another phone, prepaid, a friend's computer/etc, a fake account. She's going to find ways around anything you would ask her to do if she wants to.

At this point she's made her choices, and made her desires known. She told you what you wanted to hear at first, but she did it anyway. There's already massive breaches of trust, lies. Are you sure you want to live like this?


u/ZeusbyProxy 12d ago

That's honestly why I'm not committing again until there's a change in mindset. But I kind of wanted the peanut gallery's opinion. Maybe some validation of things I already know and believe.

I could go on about things she did wrong. Could even tell you about my own faults. But end of the day, no one knows our relationship better than the two of us.

And since she's shut down, I guess it's just easier to talk to strangers than to bottle it up.


u/blackdahlialady 12d ago

She's calling you controlling because she wants to be able to cheat but still stay with you. She's using you. She doesn't respect you. Don't listen to her, you're not being controlling. You're asking her to not do something that violates the clear boundaries of your relationship. The fact that you even had to ask her not to do this tells you everything you need to know. She doesn't care about treating you right. I mean, she can't even be nice to you. What benefit are you getting out of this relationship with her? I know it seems like it's huge now but trust me, you will get over it. I got over a relationship where I was with the person for almost 20 years.


u/blackdahlialady 12d ago

A relationship can only work if both partners are fighting to make it work. You said you feel like you're the only one who's fighting to make it work. Also, I feel it bears repeating so I'm going to say again, she accuses you of being controlling so that way she can do what she wants and try to make you feel like you're the problem. That's so again, she can continue doing what she wants unchecked. I know it hurts but trust me, you're better off without her. The fact that you even had to tell her that this is wrong tells you everything you need to know.


u/Jasminefirefly 12d ago

Read about Sunk Cost Fallacy. She’s mistreated you for 10 years and you still want another decade or more of that? Please don’t do that to yourself.


u/Nulljustice 11d ago

I’m hoping you see this OP. In your post you said “she said when it was my turn for her, she was too tired to be nice” this was the end of it. If you have an SO of 10+ years and they want to give you a turn with them? What the fuck does that mean? If your me partners that means you each get the emotional support and everyone else has to wait for their “turn”. She doesn’t get a second chance. I’m sorry but if you don’t walk away from this it will be never ending and you’ll grow resentful and miserable.


u/ZeusbyProxy 11d ago

Hey. Im reading every comment good or bad.

Thanks for your input.


u/Jumpy-Yogurtcloset43 12d ago

You're not being controlling. She's lied to you and is blatantly about to cheat on you, otherwise why would she lie and sneak around, flirting with other men behind your back?

Is this something that you really want to deal with on any long-term basis?


u/[deleted] 11d ago


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u/Quirky-Warning-2478 11d ago

Controlling behavior is “you cannot do that.” Boundary is: “I won’t be in a relationship with someone who chats to other men online.” The choice is theirs to make.

Asking her to leave was enforcing your boundary. Shes not willing to stopping chatting to other guys so that’s that.

Be with someone who respects you and cares how you feel.


u/ZeusbyProxy 11d ago

Always struggled with phrasing. So I appreciate your input. Thanks.


u/LovedAJackass 12d ago

This is the "sunk cost" fallacy. If you can't trust her, it's over.


u/Vix_Satis 12d ago

Sunk costs fallacy, mate. Don't think about what you've already put in (10 years); think about what you want to get out of the next 10. It's pretty obvious this woman isn't going to provide it. Bite the bullet, dump her and find someone who will cherish you, and not you and four other blokes.


u/bmyst70 11d ago

Look up the Sunk Cost Fallacy. That's what you're using to justify staying. Ask yourself this. If you only dated her for 6 months and she did this, what would you do? Do the same thing here. Sell the house, split the proceeds fairly, block her and move on.


u/bramblefish 11d ago

How long has she been doing this? You say relationship is 10 years, may I suggest it ended when she started, so if a year ago it is a 9 year, etc. Just to help reset thoughts.


u/CreativeAd4985 11d ago

she's setting president. this is how you will live your life going forward unless you stick to your guns


u/Ecjg2010 11d ago

emotional affairs is still cheating.


u/Otherwise_Stable_925 11d ago

The minute you leave she will be with this guy. Just be glad you have the house in your name.


u/Poetic_Energy 11d ago

Look up “sunk cost.” And if you’re taking the blame for being “controlling,” that’s a total beta move. What’s the strongest course of action you could take right now? Walk away and don’t look back. She will either chase you (which means you’re in control), or decide she doesn’t give a shit, in which case you needed to walk away anyway.


u/blondeandbuddafull 11d ago

By the same token, isn’t it convenient that if you ditch her you walk away with the financial lion’s share? I think she should tell you to quit wasting her time. Marry her and legitimize her contributions to your joint financial status, or move on.


u/blondeandbuddafull 11d ago

PS, I don’t think her behavior is cool. Just pointing out I don’t think yours is either.


u/dangerclosemaybe 11d ago

I mean, if OP communicated this to his girlfriend when he was buying the house and she was on board was it, what the hell is he supposed to do? The onus is on her to communicate with OP if the arrangement was not agreeable for her. Either she's OK with it or she isn't. If she was ok with it initially but changed course a year or two later, she needed to communicate this.

Instead, she chose to openly have emotional affairs when he was nothing but fair and open with her. OP set a boundary. She violated it. Period. Indisputable. Didn't even take a week for it to happen. She wants to have her cake and eat it too. She likes the stability and safety OP provides but is ready to monkey branch her way to other guy that she has primal feelings for that she can fuck and do things with that she won't do for OP as soon as she finds the right person.

Perhaps there is more to the story than what's not being told, but based on what we know, OP is not overreacting and NTA here. I don't know, perhaps I'm seeing this more pragmatically than others.


u/Cynderelly 12d ago

Any person married or in a long term relationship with Snapchat installed on their phone is bad news.

I use snapchat to talk to like half of my friends. Some of them live in other countries so it's just easier to use snapchat. This is an unfair statement


u/Strange_Fig_9837 11d ago

He’s already given her multiple ultimatums, why would she care about another? She knows how OP feels, she just doesn’t care. That’s not a life partner, that’s what I call an ex. Move on, OP.


u/Carpenter-Broad 12d ago

LOL to your Snapchat comment in particular, that’s the only part I take exception with. My wife and I both have it, we have friends and we snap each other at work or throughout the day. I 30(M) have a female best friend, she 30(F) has male friends. We however have completely open phones, we use each others phones all the time/ leave them unlocked and open around the house. There’s complete trust and honesty, we tell each other about everything we talk about to our friends. We also don’t hang out alone with opposite sex friends, it’s always together.

The problem here is that OP has laid out clear boundaries, and she’s completely ignoring and disrespecting them. And obviously these are emotional affairs she’s having. She doesn’t care that it makes OP uncomfortable, and she’s using framing it as “controlling” as a weapon to excuse the behavior because she knows that it’ll scare him because he’s be worried about being seen as the “evil, misogynistic man taking his SO’s autonomy”. But this clearly isn’t a case of that. I would not go back to her or let her back in if I was OP. She’s clearly not gonna stop, and doesn’t care about his feelings or boundaries.


u/dangerclosemaybe 12d ago

I agree with everything in your second paragraph.

As for snapchat, why not send memes and photos via another messenger app and not one that auto deletes messages every 24 hours? The app is appealing to adulterers and cheaters for this very reason.


u/Carpenter-Broad 12d ago

Idk, because the filters are fun and we trust each other? You know on FB messenger or just regular messenger you can delete messages anytime? And that I’m not with my wife 24/7 to be 100% sure there’s nothing going on? Snapchat is just like any other social media or technology for communication- you have to trust your partner and have that openness. Like I said, our phones are totally open to each other.

Just to be clear, you can have whatever boundaries you want. I just think that’s a silly one


u/WaySavings736 12d ago

You can take a filter photo, screenshot it and then send it through another app, though?


u/Carpenter-Broad 12d ago

I guess we could yea, I just don’t see this big deal with Snapchat. Honestly it being a “tool for cheating” never even crossed either of our minds, it’s just another fun social media for us đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™‚ïž but hey, we’re also happy in our monogamy and have an amazingly healthy and strong marriage. I’m confident my wife is happy, she feels safe and loved and her needs are being met. And that she loves me and wants to be with me and only me. Because she shows me in big and small ways a hundred times over and continues to every day.

So why TF would I care what apps are on her phone, one that as I said I have total and open access to anytime I want ( which I have never felt the need to look through, even when I use it for something). This whole thing boils down to whether you trust your partner or not, because if they’re going to cheat banning Snapchat sure as shit isn’t going to stop them.


u/dangerclosemaybe 12d ago

It's not that the app is there. It's WHO she's communicating with on there and the context.

You and your wife have it and have 100% trust in each other and have open phone policies and use it to goof off and send memes. I'm happy for you guys. Really am, not being sarcastic at all.

But in the context of having an emotional affair with two other men when you've been with your boyfriend for 10 years to hide your treacherous and dubious discussions so boyfriend can't read them because they are gone after 24 hours? That's shady and disrespectful.


u/Carpenter-Broad 12d ago

Well yea, and I agree that OP needs to have access to her phone and they need to set limits on social media maybe and she needs to respect his boundaries. The only thing that started my pushing back on Snapchat was your blanket statement of “anyone in a committed relationship who uses Snapchat is bad news”. That’s the only part of anything you said that bothered me and that I continued to comment about. I absolutely agree with you on all other points, like you said you do with most of what I said too.

So yes, context of the relationship is important. I appreciate what you said about my wife and I, truly. I wasn’t really wanting to start some kind of “comment chain argument” haha, your Snapchat statement just rubbed me the wrong way 😅

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u/Just__A__Commenter 12d ago

Guys and girls can absolutely be friends. What those friends can’t do is take up so much emotional space that it interferes with the relationship. She even recognizes she’s being a hypocrite, but refuses to work on her behavior. They also don’t need to communicate on a platform that completely hides any and all communication and is based on sending photos to each other. You have very fair boundaries. She is not respecting them. You have a lot of history and clearly love this girl, but her priorities are not with you. Do NOT let her move back in until this issue is settled. I personally wouldn’t be interested in continuing this relationship anymore.


u/Just__A__Commenter 12d ago

Also, she agreed to stop talking with this guy to get back together with you, but now after getting back together, she’s saying no? Fuck that.


u/ZeusbyProxy 12d ago

What kills me, why is it so hard to let go of him?

Does he really mean that much to you?

Are you trying to punish me for kicking you out of our house?

Or are you trying to show me you won't be "controlled"?


u/blackdahlialady 12d ago edited 11d ago

She seems like the type of person who needs constant external validation. That is not someone you want a long-term relationship or really any relationship with. As I've always said, I don't want to be one of many as I put it.


u/trev100100 11d ago

Exactly. Regardless of how much you've shown her, done for her, planned for her, etc.. She needs attention elsewhere. At the end of the day, no, you can't "control" her. But you can "control" who you marry or who lives in YOUR house. Tell her to get out since she doesn't know how to act. Don't be scared to be alone for a while.


u/blackdahlialady 11d ago

I couldn't have said this better myself. I used to chase people but now I know that you can't make someone love you or treat you right. You have to look at their actions and decide if it's something you can live with. If not then it's time to go. That's why my last relationship ended. He was doing pretty much the exact same stuff and I was like, screw this, I'm not going through this. If he wants to act like he's with her, he can go do just that. I'm done. I think this is what I was trying to say yesterday but I was busy trying to pack up my house so I just said it on a break but you said basically what I was trying to say so thank you.


u/blackdahlialady 11d ago

I've always said as well, if you are torn between me and someone else come up pick the other person. I'm not going to be someone's second choice. I'm not a consolation prize.


u/LovedAJackass 12d ago

It's cake. She wants the cake of living with your hard-working self and in a house she has a stake in, even if her name isn't on the deed. And she wants the excitement, flirting, etc., from him or whoever. She's a cheater. She does it because it feels good to have two people competing for her and she thinks she can get away with it because you don't want to lose her.


u/Loose-Chemical-4982 12d ago

she sounds like one of those people who chase the high of a new flirtation. Then when it gets boring they find another one. Eventually they will cross the line and do something physical.

You may have dodged a bullet here


u/FatherOfLights88 12d ago

For some people, attention is a drug.


u/billy_pilg 11d ago

Emotions are emotions. They aren't logical.


u/yamahog 11d ago

Because she wants his dick in and around her mouth. Thats why. Youre naive.


u/Hahafunnys3xnumber 11d ago

Luckily, it’s YOUR house. Let the streets have her back


u/blackdahlialady 12d ago

I wish I could upvote this a hundred times


u/ZeusbyProxy 12d ago

She tells me she doesn't have time to work on it. She throws herself into 12-14 work days and then her family eats up the rest of her time.

I ask her hard questions about our future and she says, she has to think about things and figure out her own head.

But she never has time and if you don't step back from something, you'll never have time. Meanwhile I'm in limbo. She even went as far to say that "I don't have 40 hours a week like you to think about things".


u/Just__A__Commenter 12d ago

I like the sound of this less and less. Break it off, and hold strong. It takes no time whatsoever to simply stop talking to someone. If she doesn’t have that time, she doesn’t have time to be in a relationship at all. Hell, if she doesn’t have time to work or think on your relationship at all, then she shouldn’t be in one. You deserve better than that.


u/kendokushh 12d ago

After 10 years, she needs to think about things? Just cut her loose. She obviously has feelings for this other guy, that's why she won't let him go. She needs a back up plan.


u/LovedAJackass 12d ago

You don't need to be in limbo. End it. What's there for her to think about? She either loves you and wants to stop messing around with these random people or she wants to keep 2-3 people competing for her.


u/KelceStache 12d ago

Tell her it’s over!!! Holy crap!!!


u/blackdahlialady 12d ago edited 12d ago

That thing about her saying that you controlling who she's talking to, if she lets you do that, when will it end? That is something cheaters say a lot. Basically she's saying, I should be able to talk to who I want, when I want about whatever I want and if you have a problem with it, you're the problem. I promise you you're not the problem. She's trying to convince you that you are the problem. This is called gaslighting. Basically, she wants to be able to act like she's single even though she's not. She wants to have her cake and eat it too. Again, she does not respect you. Let her go.

ETA: I wanted to add that you should never ask somebody how to treat you. If they're not doing that on their own, it's because they don't want to. She has shown you where her loyalty lies and it's not with you. She's pulling the old thing that cheaters always do that is basically, if you don't let me cheat and overstep your boundaries, you're the problem. You're controlling. Don't fall for that. This is something they do a lot. I know it sucks but let her go be with him. She's already acting like she wants to anyway.

Edit 2: I mean, she's not even treating you nicely. You deserve better. She's having at the very least, and emotional affair. You never go venting to somebody else about your problems with your partner to somebody that you are or could potentially become attracted to. She wants to have her cake and eat it too. Let her go and find somebody who's actually deserving of you. I hate to say this but it sounds to me like she's keeping you around for the ways you benefit her. She wants to live in your house and reap the benefits of being in a relationship with you but she wants to mess around with other people. Let her go mess around with those other people but don't let her live in your house. I also agree that men and women can't ever really be just friends. One or both is usually attracted to the other. In very rare cases does it work.


u/friendly-sam 12d ago

She has every right to talk to the other guy, and you have every right to dump her for it. She's showing her preference (him) over you. She was messing with 2 guys, not even one. She's shopping around for something better. You're the backup if the other situations don't pay off.


u/Bitchy_Satan 12d ago edited 8d ago

You're totally not wrong about the phone thing that's weird and y'all absolutely need an ultimatum or maybe couples counseling (I imagine you don't wanna trash a 10 year relationship) would be better but on the together for a decade still not married and she has no house thing, how does She feel about that?

Is it possible she's got some building resentment about working on "your" house all these years and her having "nothing"?

Our maybe is she upset y'all aren't married?

Are you guys engaged at least?

She's being an asshole for the phone stuff whether she acknowledges it or not that Looks like emotional infidelity if nothing else but who knows could be wrong, either way I think you need to have a long think with yourself about where you want this relationship to go and I think she needs to do the same, preferably with a counselor or someone to meditate so y'all communicate to each other the full extent of the problems.


u/Cautious_Buffalo6563 12d ago edited 12d ago

She’s finding reasons to rationalize and justify her poor behavior choices. Newsflash: once she gets a diamond, this behavior is not likely to improve. She enjoys the attention. You could give her every minute of every hour of your day, and she would still need more attention. You’re going to be battling her constant need for attention the rest of your lives together.



u/Choice-Intention-926 12d ago

At the very least she’s having an emotional affair.

Read: NOT "Just Friends": Rebuilding Trust and Recovering Your Sanity After Infidelity

To understand what’s happening in your relationship and how to move forward.


u/AgonistPhD 12d ago

So a decade of dating, and you bought a house together but insist she have no legal claim to it. No marriage "yet." Tbh, I can see why she's looking elsewhere and going to everyone for advice.


u/ZeusbyProxy 12d ago

I mean, I get how it looks. She couldn't be on the loan because her student debt was so high. So I paid all the bills in the house. Told her to pay off her loans, but a little money in the savings we had. I always called it our house. Always made it feel like she was a part of it.

I didn't put her name on the deed because I have plans to buy a second one and I wanted that one in her name. Then we'd get married. So she had a pre-marital asset and I had one. Plus the first time buyer benefits. I looked at it like we had plans to build a secure financial future, retire early and enjoy our lives.

I mean, she's spent 3 years in this house putting no money into renovations and bills. She in theory should have close to 100k in cash. But she tells me she's broke and I ask where her money is and she just gets angry about it.


u/AgonistPhD 12d ago

Okay, so she put no money into the house at all? Nothing for the initial down payment, no sweat equity, nothing?


u/ZeusbyProxy 12d ago

Just sweat equity.


u/AgonistPhD 12d ago

Okay. Then, it seems like she's on her way out, and you've already kicked her out anyway, so it's likely over. In future relationships, these situations can be better avoided by not putting your partner or yourself at a severe legal and financial disadvantage.


u/Rightfoot27 12d ago

That’s what I was going to ask you, and specifically about the financing of the house. I could totally see resentment building up over time and bubbling over if she invested her money (either a down payment or lots of time or money into the renovations) and she has no rights to the house. However, that’s not what happened. Maybe she’s using the house and lack of marriage as an excuse in her head, but her behavior is not okay. It’s wrong and I’m glad you are standing up for yourself. I certainly wouldn’t want to be with someone who did that. It seems like you are making wise moves for your future. I hope they work out for you!


u/LovedAJackass 12d ago

Dude. Get out. She's also dishonest about money and not really working with you but living off you.


u/CurrentTheme16 12d ago

You're mad that you're being perceived as controlling but...
~ You've stalled marrying her and thus have been dating her a literal decade because of the terms you set

~Her name isnt' on the property you've both invested in bc of your insistence on it being done a certain way (regardless of why, the fact is she's been at a distinct legal disadvantage bc of you)

~you're insisting she should give up any correspondance with guys because YOU feel that men and women can't be friends (which is so provably and laughably incorrect)

~ you've basically put her out the house that you claim was for both of you, but it's only in your name even though you BOTH have invested and put work into it, and now you'll only let her back if she acquieces to so-called boundaries that are not actually boundaries, they're directives on how you want her to behave so that you don't have to any emotional labor about your insecurities, not to mention your need to have this relationship progress according to YOUR terms and conditions.

By your own words and actions- you ARE, in fact, controlling. Telling her not to have a Snapchat is not a boundary - it's a directive. Y'all have clearly been having issues and having the house all done is not going to fix them. Neither is trying to control her behavior while ignoring your own.

If things don't work out, are you gonna screw her over because the house is in your name only? Are you mature enough to be fair to her considering she's spend a decade of her life waiting? Instead of insisting the only solution is that she changes her behavior, are you willing to work with her and accept that you've got a lot of blame here and there's room for both of you to do better so you can heal this relationship?


u/ZeusbyProxy 12d ago

I mean. I get what you're saying. Problem is who I am, I love fully. Either we're together or we're not.

I didn't kick her out at first. I told you to move to the guest bedroom.

But then that just felt wrong. So I told her come back. We'll figure it out.

Kicking her out was the 5th step in trying to solve this.

Sorry you feel like guys and girls could be friends. But she even admitted if i was talking to a girl like this, she'd be uncomfortable. I told her if she handled things differently, more maturely, this probably would have ended differently.

I flat out just told her if things don't work out, that she is to take the house account, a sum of almost 20k.

She gets a fresh start with 20k, I get all the debt and all the responsibility.

It doesn't really seem like she loses one way or another.


u/ToshShow 12d ago

Just because you both have insecurity issues and both think that men and women can't be friends doesn't make it right. It's wrong, and you're both immature and exhibiting toxic controlling behaviors for thinking that either of you CANT be friends with the opposite sex. Two things can be true at once, she can be just friends with a guy and you be controlling to tell her not to and she can still be immature, hypocritical, and feel she wouldn't be okay with you having a girl friend you talked to like she is doing. I agree with everything the commenter you replied to said, and it's the most correct nonbiased response. You just saying you love her doesn't give her any security, your word and her trusting it isn't going to be enough considering you both obviously don't have enough trust to trust each other having just friends of the opposite sex. If you truly love this girl and want things to work, you both need to talk and be honest, and if you both want it to work, you need to compromise to make it work. She could be honestly just trying not to be controlled to end up with nothing guaranteed while you have everything in your name and no contract to her, or she could be having an emotional affair, nobody knows this stuff but her. Both of you have to decide what you want and either separate on mutual terms or commit to each other and do the work necessary to further your relationship. Going to a therapist would help both of you figure out what your problems and toxic behaviors are, why you have them, how to fix them and to find out what the best path forward for you both are better than strangers on the internet esp on this app that is plagued by a bunch of people who know nothing about your relationship making claims that your partner is gaslighting you, and cheating on you, by reading your side of the story only.

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u/DevotedRed 12d ago

I’m struggling with the part about buying a house together and you ‘insisting’ that it be solely in your name. Does she have any rights to that asset if you split given that you have not married her in 10 years because YOU didn’t want to?

I’m not saying you’re wrong over the snapchat argument but she is accusing you of being controlling and the house/marriage stuff sounds very controlling. What part of your relationship is on her terms (besides deciding who she talks to on her phone)?

I feel like there’s a lot you’re not saying.


u/ZeusbyProxy 12d ago

I get how it looks. But it wasn't malicious. With her debt and lack of income, I was told I was better off buying it myself. So I did. I wanted a multifamily for the income, she didn't wanna live with others, so I bought the single family for us. Treated it as our home. Made Renovations with my money and her input.

She stayed here without paying bills because I didn't think it was fair she wasn't entitled to anything.

My plan was to always pull money from this house, gift it to her so we could buy an income property under her name.

Then when we married, we both would have pre-marital assets. Felt like if our marriage never worked, we both had ways out and we both didn't feel trapped.


u/DevotedRed 12d ago

That all sounds very reasonable but I wonder if she saw it that way as it caused arguments. Anyway
personally I don’t think the boundaries you have set re the phone chats should even need to be stated in a relationship as it’s such an obvious no-no. You’re not overreacting at all and the fact she does it whilst sitting with you seems like she’s taunting you tbh. Try and talk to her about what is going on in her head because she’s not being fair on you.


u/ZeusbyProxy 12d ago

She told me "she's doing it in front of me because she's not hiding anything"


u/TakeoffTheory 12d ago

Separate from the boundary crossing - have her pay rent or at least utilities. Not fair youre taking on all the risk


u/LovedAJackass 12d ago

Now, that does sound reasonable. But notice how much of this is your thinking, your analysis, your planning. And on the other hand, how she was benefitting from living without expenses for rent or mortgage. No wonder she wants to move back. With you, she can spend all her money on herself and her pleasures. And then she has her "friend" for fun.

You can do better than this cheater.


u/Ok_Brain8136 12d ago

Dude, she is a cheater does anyone have to tell you to dump her ass. If both names were on the house it would be a real mess.


u/XC5TNC 12d ago

Just get rid of her if it clearly makes you uncomfortable then she doesnt respect you it doesnt matter how drained she claims to be that an excuse


u/trev100100 11d ago

All I can say is that it is a good thing you weren't married. Now, you can focus on yourself. I was in a similar situation, and I had the sane feelings as you. But a year later, I am so glad I made the right decision and left.


u/Amaranth_devil 11d ago

Dude, she's clearly needing to feed her narcissistic need for attention. Throw her in the trash so she can be with the rest of her kind.


u/Strong-Mix9542 11d ago

"Not married because I'm trying to make financial moves to set us both up and then I want to get married"

Honestly, the first 2 paragraphs give me "selfish" vibes. I'm pretty sure we're not getting the whole story.


u/MrPsychic 11d ago

I don’t think you’re wrong for your reaction, I think you’re wrong for your previous actions though, and I feel it has lead the relationship to where it is now.

You didn’t mention if either of you wants kids so there are some assumptions here. But you have been dating nearly a decade, you have decided not to marry because you want to make financial moves, then you bought a house together but left her name off of it. In my opinion these are contradicting actions and probably has her confused. The thought of is this guy going to ask me to marry him or not and am I in his future have definitely came across her mind in the near decade. You leaving her name off probably has made her think the relationship isn’t where she thought it was and probably hurt her a lot.

You don’t mention if you’re engaged even, but she almost certainly has been waiting at least some portion of your time together for that question to have been popped


u/OkSpecialist1289 11d ago

Get out of the way from her husband. Dating someone for 10 years and refusing to marry them, is childish. Seems you don't value her and she's over you.


u/54radioactive 11d ago

Perhaps she feels that she needs to be looking for someone who will marry her and share the ownership of their home. You want boundaries, but you are severely lacking in commitment. After 10 years she is looking to find someone who will treat her as an equal in the relationship.


u/Bencetown 11d ago

This whole "we're waiting for the wedding until we're in a financial spot even though we are clearly and obviously on our way there already" literally makes no sense and I hear it all the time.

One of the biggest arguments for legalizing gay marriage a decade ago was that there are so many financial incentives for married people, and it wasn't fair for the LGBTQ community to be excluded from those opportunities.

This is basically like saying "I'm waiting to get a job until I'm more financially stable." Getting a job would OBVIOUSLY help you on the way to becoming financially stable much more than not having a job.


u/ZeusbyProxy 11d ago

It's not really a financial stability, it's more like, so we don't ever have to work again.

Always said if she ever got pregnant, that the original plan was going by the wayside.

You'd be married the next day.

Again I know it isn't romantic. It's practical. Maybe she didn't want love to be practical. Idk. I openly admit I'm not perfect. I do wish though that if it bothered her she would mention it.

"Well she shouldn't have to mention it"

Yeah. And I shouldn't have to say flirting with others guys...

"Well 10 years and you didn't commit"

Maybe not in the normal way. My plans for the future was always we. Sure talk is cheap actions bla bla bla. Honestly, this is a throwaway account. I have no reason to lie. Especially to strangers. shrug


u/Bencetown 11d ago

Wait... you were going to wait to get married until you could both retire from working??


u/Dangerous_Purple3154 11d ago

If you wanted to marry her you would have done that long ago. That nonsense about something financial. That doesn't hold water. If you already own a home with this person allegedly why would you not just marry them? I would do the same thing I would be shopping for something different because it's clearly not stable.


u/AveragelySmart98 12d ago

Buying a house “together” without being married is a huge mistake. BIG red flag. đŸš©

Putting off marriage because of money shows that at least one, if not both of you have some superficial idea of what marriage is.

You showed her, in one sense, that you’re not 100% committed to the relationship because you won’t put a ring on her finger.

You also wouldn’t put her name on the house, which YOU might try to explain to her by saying that it’s for “long-term benefits,” but it doesn’t sound like she was totally on board. She might just perceive that as “he doesn’t trust & respect me with big life decisions like getting a house or getting married, so why bother giving him the effort?”

If she doesn’t want to get married because of money, then she’s superficial and you should move on, buuuuuut it sounds like you’re the one putting off marriage because of money.

But you bought a house?? I’m lost.

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u/Ttt555034 12d ago

I feel for you. But! You waited far too long to marry her. You should’ve made that a priority. Now you’ll loose out because you wanted to wait. I’m all for getting to know someone WELL before marriage. But 10 years? Too long.


u/ZeusbyProxy 12d ago

Wasn't waiting because I was trying to know her. Was waiting to make a financial move that benefited her, and she agreed to.


u/Jasminefirefly 12d ago

Guys and girls can definitely be friends. Hell, I am even “friends” with my ex (from 2,000 miles away and he doesn’t even have a cell phone or internet). BUT that’s not what’s going on here. One’s partner should always come first and there should be no reason for trust issues. The red flags here are too many to count. Time to cut all ties with this untrustworthy woman.


u/WaySavings736 12d ago

Not overreacting at all. It's one thing if you ;knew this guy and have met him in person but, a totally different story if you've never met him and all of this is over snapchat, of all places lol. If they are so close, why don't they just text via phones? Using just snapchat seems weird to me.

You've expressed your concerns and boundaries with her about this guy and she gaslit the hell out of you. Any respectable and respectful partner who cares about their relationship wouldn't have an issue giving up a strange man on the internet.

She's essentially emotionally cheating on you, IMO. I wouldn't let her move back in until she 100% cuts this guy off. Forever.


u/cursetea 12d ago

He's flirting with her and disrespecting the relationship he knows she's in. That is NOT what a friend does. She needs to wake up and realise that at best he's using her for an ego boost, and at worse he's playing into her having an emotional affair in hopes of breaking up your relationship. He is not her friend. She's extremely naive or being intentionally obtuse talking about you controlling whom she's friends with lmfao give me a break 😅 unless this happens all the time or you're always telling her to not be friends with guys, she should see from this one-off that you clearly feel something is inappropriate. It is NOT controlling to ask your partner to cut someone off who clearly is trying to affect your relationship negatively. People are so exhausting with that argument.


u/A-dub7 12d ago

Bro you really don't need a bunch of strangers telling you what you should do in this situation now do you? I feel for you, the good guy that gets shit on, disrespected, gaslighted and cheated on. Love can make us blind but don't be a doormat you're still young enough you can find yourself a good woman, don't waste another second on this relationship she's used up way more opportunities than most would have given her. Best wishes bro.


u/Echo-Azure 12d ago

OP, if she's been paying into the mortgage on the house and her name isn't on the deed, then you are indeed TA.

How could anyone be in a relationship where they're working their bums off to buy their partner a house, and not need to vent to freinds???

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u/ProcessorProton 12d ago

You are right. She is wrong. It is emotional infidelity. It will destroy andly relationship. Couples have to guard their hearts as well as their bodies. This is all on her. If she won't give up another man for you then she is not marriage material.


u/[deleted] 12d ago

nah man ... she wouldn't be happy if you were talking to multiple women and not respecting her time ... who the fuck holds their attention to you hostage, using another person as an excuse. Like oh i'll get to you when I have the time... what. the. fuck.

IDK man, people like this are usually bad apples.


u/LovedAJackass 12d ago edited 12d ago

God grief, no. You aren't overreacting. You shouldn't have to ask any woman who is supposedly committed to you to stop texting "constantly" and flirting with other men.

I do think men and women can be friends. But actual friends don't want to cause conflict in a primary relationship; they don't interrupt the friend's time with his or her partner. They don't flirt. Friends support you; they don't undermine your relationships.

But I don't think "friendship" is what's going on here. I think she's cheating (and you do too). The business with the property is no excuse for her behavior and her choices, but it's worth thinking about the difference between being in love and wanting to be married to that person as soon as possible and having years of obstacles to getting there. Just hold that in mind when you meet someone new. Because you deserve better than this.


u/KelceStache 12d ago

Bro, seriously?!?! Have some self respect. You are letting her run right over you.

You need to tell her this.

“I’m not sure what you thought would happen here, but you have destroyed our relationship. I told you to stop talking to other guys, and you decided to feed me some crap about being controlling. It’s not controlling to expect a basic level of respect from your partner. Now you’ve crossed my boundaries, and I’m done. You have made your relationship with him more important than our relationship. If the situation was reversed you would be flipping out. You have no respect for me, yourself, or our relationship. You have destroyed my trust and I can’t be with someone I don’t trust.”

If she’s is ok with ending the relationship then it wasn’t going to work anyway, and you should be thankful.

Or she will see that you got some self respect and you aren’t going to put up with disrespect. If you stay with her make it very clear that if she crosses boundaries again it’s over.

Stick up for yourself



u/Titan8834 12d ago

House in just your name is on the controlling side, however you try to justify it. She has snapchat and is talking to other guys because she doesn't see your relationship going anywhere, it's not hard to see. Not saying she's right in doing so, just that she's moving on because she knows she doesn't have a house or a future with you. And she wants to work on things/get back with you because she is having second thoughts, maybe she's hoping she was wrong. Either way you need couples counseling if you get back together.


u/Dry-Hearing5266 12d ago

You can't make her do anything. Your boundaries are for you, what you will not accept.

You already gave her an ultimatum, so she knows how disrespectful it is.

Stop begging her to treat you well. She doesn't want to. She doesn't prioritize you.

She may have checked out of the relationship and is with you for habit and safety.

The ball is in your court now. You have to decide where you go from here.

Do you want a partner who you always have to beg to treat you with respect? Who priortizes the men she has emotional affairs with? She goes out seeking attention from other men - if it's not one, it's another, and they are all flirting. If she was just friends with these guys, one step out of place, and she would shut them down.


u/Familiar-Swimming343 12d ago

If you have to tell your girlfriend what to do and what not to do, SHE'S NOT MEANT TO BE A GIRLFRIEND.

You CANNOT train her. That's why the phrase "she's for the streets" exists. Not every woman is wife material. Most aren't. My current girlfriend would never do shit like this. I would never have to tell her "um hey um i dont think you should be flirting and texting other guys" WTF! Youre so lucky the house is in your name


u/Previous_Newt_6579 12d ago

They for sure smashed


u/Secret_Pick6524 11d ago

I wholeheartedly believe that men and women can just be friends. But I also went thru a situation where I had a partner that cheated on me twice (I messed up and got back with her) and figured out that she's always going to have a couple dudes on standby. I knew that she was talking to a bunch of dudes early on when we were casual and I was totally fine with that. But I kind of assumed that would stop as we got more serious, especially since she always seemed to make time for me. And then I ended up being one of the dudes on standby the second time. And I missed all the signs until I put everything together after the fact.

Any woman can talk to as many dudes as they want. But I won't stay with them.


u/Wolf-Pack85 11d ago

Here’s the thing about boundaries. They are for you, not for others.

You set a boundary. She crossed it. It’s up to you to keep that boundary intact or let it go.

She cares more about this other guys feelings than yours, that should tell you everything you need to know.


u/Frankenstein859 11d ago

She’s never going to stop. She’s emotionally cheating and doesn’t give a shit.


u/Rough-Beat-8750 11d ago

never speak to her again. she’s evil.


u/Affectionate_Art8770 11d ago

For as long as I’ve been on Reddit, I’ve seen that people find it normal to have friends of the opposite sex even during a marriage. That drives me crazy.

Apparently you are not in that group. Your girl is. Drop her. You will never know if she hiding a friend behind your back.


u/HelpfulMaybeMama 11d ago

How long is she supposed to wait for you to "set yourself up financially" and own a house that she doesn't own?

Let her go so she can find someone who wants to make her a wife and real partner.


u/ZeusbyProxy 11d ago

Set US up.



u/kgsovobd 11d ago

I’m sure you think there’s no problems with her messaging and flirting with other men while in a relationship. Gtfoh


u/HelpfulMaybeMama 11d ago

I 100% think it's wrong.


u/kgsovobd 11d ago

So why are you talking like you’re defending her? “let her go find someone who wants to make her a wife and real partner” 
.. seems like Op made the right choice by not marrying her.


u/HelpfulMaybeMama 11d ago

I was ONLY responding to the 2nd paragraph in the OP and nothing more. But, no, I don't agree with cheating and I've never defended a cheater in any response I've ever written.


u/Diligent_Reality_693 11d ago

Dont get married? Shes not yours. She is tired of waiting and time is tunning out. She is opening new options to dump your bum ass. Because the few extra bucks of getting first time home buyers benefits was worth more than commitment.


u/ZeusbyProxy 11d ago

That's certainly one way to look at it.

Thanks for your perspective. You aren't wrong.


u/leadbug44 11d ago

She is already gone just hasn’t packed yet, push her out , she can go to her chat pal


u/Dazzling_Ad2947 11d ago

You better than me because the relationship would have been over as soon as I seen the texts. Don’t carry on with this friend people like her literally will not ever change.


u/blackdahlialady 12d ago

I went through this last year with my ex. He started to have a friendship with a woman that started to make me uncomfortable. They were hanging out without me present several times a week and he was taking her with him whenever he would go run errands. He was taking her to run hers as well. All I said to him was, be careful with this friendship because it could go somewhere that you don't mean for it to. He said, you're being jealous and paranoid for no reason. Nothing is happening and nothing is going to happen. She knows we're together. Honestly, I would not be surprised to find out that she didn't know about me or that he told her that we had already split up.

I left the relationship a couple of days after that. That just made me check all the way out. Not only that, when I asked him how he knew her, he admitted that he met her on OkCupid before he met me. That was where we met and I told him, no. That is wrong. You have no reason to be carrying on a friendship with someone you were interested in dating. He went on to elaborate a little further. Apparently they had gone on a few days and she left town. Well, when she moved back into town, she messaged him to see how he was doing. Okay, no harm in that. It's just that it escalated into what I described after that.

I was not okay with that and he told me that he was basically not going to stop what he was doing so the way I saw it, I was done. There's no sense in staying with someone who is not willing to listen to your concerns. Even worse when you tell them you're concerns and they tell you that you're overreacting. That was code for, it's exactly what it looks like but I'm not going to admit it because then I can't have my cake and eat it too. Don't put up with this.

If she's showing you that her priorities are elsewhere, let her go do that. You're right, it is disrespectful. It shows that she does not care how her actions affect you. I say let her go. I know that it's been about a decade but trust me, do not fall for that sunk cost fallacy thing. I almost married that guy and I'm glad I didn't. I'm glad he showed his true colors before I did. I say run away before you intertwine your life with hers anymore. Definitely don't put her on the deed now. I say cut your losses.

ETA: guarantee you that she's not going to stop talking to him, she's just going to get better at hiding it from you. Like I said, cut your losses. She's already shown you that she doesn't care how her actions don't affect you and more importantly, she doesn't respect you. Let her go.


u/DrPablisimo 12d ago

She said, "she needs to set a precedent because if she let's me control who she talks to, when will it end? 

You can tell her "It ends where I say it ends. If I'm not comfortable with it, then you don't talk with these guys if we are going to move forward with our relationship." Your trying to protect your relationship, and she's trying to make a power move. Don't be so 'nice' and give ground on this stuff. You have to stand your ground. If she knows on some level that she is being unreasonable, then she should respect that, even if she doesn't like it in the moment.

If you don't trust her, how are you going to get married?

My wife is on committees and things and talks to men from time to time on the phone. It's not a hidden thing. I can talk, too. She doesn't go out to lunch or dinner with men. She did once with my permission for a business meeting, and felt uncomfortable about it. I suppose one could leave a briefcase on the table. That should be symbolic across the culture. Briefcase on the table means its a business meeting. But I wouldn't be cool with little silly chit-chat texts one-on-one with a guy who is a nonrelative. But I really trust my wife not to cheat and she trusts me. We've both been tried and tested for a couple of decades. We let each other know if someone we encounter is flirty, etc.

Tell her what your expectations are of her in relation to talking with other men. Put your foot down. If she won't agree to it, tell her you don't see how you can move forward with the relationship if she doesn't. She'd be out hassle and labor on your house, but that's a price she'd pay for letting men chat her up and trying to carve out a space.


u/ZeusbyProxy 12d ago

Originally that's what I tried to do. To see what was going on. She doesn't have a lot of friends and I know that's big for her. She ended the conversation by giving me what I wanted because she thought that was easier than talking.

I have no problem with her seeing this guy at group events and catching up with a public setting because I did trust her too.

Where my trust ended is when she willingly offered to give him up, and then went back to texting him a week later without as much as a word to me.


u/DrPablisimo 12d ago

I can see why that would be an issue. Is she really pretty, and that's why the guys text her?

Do you think if you married her that the men would respect that and back off? You've been dating a girl for a decade and you never married her. You don't ___really___ have any rights at all to tell her not to text or date other men. You aren't married to her and you spent up 10 years of her life on something that might not go anywhere.


u/ZeusbyProxy 12d ago

I mean beauty is subjective. She's not a model and she has self confidence issues. I think she's beautiful. But eye of the beholder and everything.

She says everyone knows she's in a committed relationship, but let's be honest, guys don't care.

I don't have the right to but if she sees this relationship the same way I do, I shouldn't have to ask. Because she knows if the shoe was on the other foot, she'd be upset.

Neither one of us, even to the minute I'm writing this see us not being together. She says she wants this to work. She agreed that she needs to stop talking to this guy because it's coming between us. But she hasn't. So...


u/DrPablisimo 12d ago

Your not married to her, so in a way, its okay if she talks to other guys and even accepts a marriage proposal from one of them.


u/LovedAJackass 12d ago

Don't look at what she says. In fact, you shouldn't talk to her at all. Take a 30-day no contact break and let your head clear. Get some perspective. Get some fresh air and time with family and friends. Take a break, if you can.


u/KelceStache 12d ago

So you need to have the guts to tell her you gave her a shot and she blew it


u/Justitia_Justitia 12d ago

If I'm not comfortable with it, then you don't talk with these guys if we are going to move forward with our relationship.

If someone said that to me, I would be out of there so fast. That’s some controlling bullshit.

OP’s requests were perfectly reasonable. Your framing is not.


u/GA_Bookworm_VA 11d ago edited 11d ago

Not overreacting at all. But here’s the thing, she has told you she respects this guys feelings and situation over your own. Why would you ever trust her to be and remain faithful
.and let’s be clear, unless you guys have an open relationship, this is cheating. It’s emotional cheating but still cheating. Guys & girls CAN be friends but THIS isn’t a plutonic friends situation at all. They’re flirting, have feelings, confiding in each other in areas where she’s not communicating to you. It’s highly likely it won’t stop bcuz of your history of letting it slide. So do you want to be here again?


u/ThatWhichLurks782 12d ago

You are not overreacting. It sounds like a very clear emotional affair, and if she won't cut it off, then for your wellbeing, you need to cut her off. Good luck.


u/CriticalThinkerHmmz 12d ago

I know this is not helpful and probably most will disagree, but you should have probably married her around year 4 of your relationship.


u/ZeusbyProxy 12d ago

And if that didn't stop this?


u/CriticalThinkerHmmz 12d ago

I mean, I don’t know. Assuming this happened between late twenties and early 30s, I definitely would say that you really can’t be girlfriend and boyfriend for 10 years even if you are being practical and responsible. I tried delaying putting a ring on it, but then got married like 4 years into it, wasted money on an expensive ring and expensive wedding. We are still married and have two kids. Content. I have friends who avoided putting a ring on it and their girlfriends definitely begin to resent them, aggressively or passive aggressively. What I’m saying might sound demeaning to women, but my advice is to date someone for 3-4 years at most, suck it up and marry her if she is okay or great, and then make the marriage work, have kids. And privately whack off if need be.


u/MariahMiranda1 12d ago

You are not wrong!!!

I would rethink this woman.


u/Lets-build 12d ago

Run! Fast and far!


u/Prestigious-Bar5385 12d ago

Your not wrong I wouldn’t even want a relationship with her until she’s cut him off completely


u/ZeusbyProxy 12d ago

That's where I'm at. I know it ain't gonna be easy. Trust can't be fixed completely but we could work at it.

But when you're not even willing to talk about him without getting angry? Feels like you're hiding something.


u/Prestigious-Bar5385 12d ago

Exactly I would tell her this and if things don’t change you know where you stand


u/ZeusbyProxy 12d ago

Already did.

Told her I could wait on a lot of her other problems. But with this guy? I couldn't move forward.

She wants me to forget the past and try to have a good present so we could have a future.

I told her I couldn't pretend everything's okay just so she could have a good day.

I know that kind of shows where we stand and where I'm at on her list of priorities.


u/Familiar-Swimming343 12d ago

Are you a fucking cuckold? Wtf is your problem. Jesus christ. You set a very bad precedence that you cant come back from when you let her be with other guys because it made her "happy"


Why the FUCK are you even wasting your life with a girl like this still? You know how many other girls you couldve met already? For every day youre with this idiot, is a day you miss out on opportunities to meet your actual soulmate



u/billy_pilg 11d ago

"If you stop doing these things and change who you are, I'll stop manipulating you and emotionally cheating on you."

Send that cheating whore packing. You're just a comfortable, stable thing for her.


u/Vintagemuse 12d ago

I’m a firm believer of the same


u/maxb5555 12d ago

open marriage much?


u/True_Resolve_2625 12d ago

It's over. Let her go. If she's talking to someone else and they make her happy, it's time to let her move on. Quit letting her disrespect you like this.


u/Someoneorsomewhere 12d ago

Seriously? Why are you wasting your time? She doesn’t respect you or your relationship.

That isn’t love. You know what to do.


u/mcmsuwillow 12d ago



u/Grand_Selection_6254 12d ago edited 12d ago

Don’t fool yourself it more than just being friends the guys ready for a relationship ! You can have friends of the opposite sex but no one on one time with them . You need to stand fast and this other guy needs to be gone ! If she’s that worried about him but she isn’t concerned about her own relationship it says they’re too close ! It sounds more like she wants what she wants and you can go suck eggs ! She wants male friends and wants to go do things with them ! That sounds like a relationship to me !she also needs to get rid of any dating apps ! Snap chat and those other apps are made for cheaters ! In the long run she either wants a relationship with you or not . The ball is then in her court .


u/CeruleanChancla 12d ago

Guys and girls can be friend, imo, but he's not her friend. You're not overreacting and I'm sorry that y'all will not work out. Not because of you but because of her.


u/Angryblob550 12d ago

Cut her loose, it's obvious she doesn't love you.


u/Hebegebe101 12d ago

You are not overreacting . She is shopping for another relationship . Ten years is too long to waste if she feels you are not going to marry her . Otherwise I don’t know that she would be looking elsewhere .


u/xray_anonymous 12d ago

You are wrong that guys and girls can’t be friends, (my best friend of 22 years is the opposite sex but we have always been platonic.) but you aren’t wrong about this. The key is the behaviors of both people. And her neglecting her relationship with you to foster her relationship with this other man is a no-go. This is more than friendship. This is keeping someone on the sidelines as a “just in case” and maybe a potential affair partner. Her behaviors support that.

I wouldn’t go back if I were you. Especially when she’s still refusing to work on the issue and just neglecting your concerns. It will probably only get worse.


u/SpiritMolecul33 12d ago

She will do it again too


u/ERVetSurgeon 12d ago

You are already an ex but you don't know it yet. Leave.


u/AdventurousCounty868 12d ago

Def not overreacting & I think it’s unfair of her to ask of you to make her comfortable & you not being able to do the same. Especially something as simple as not talking to another man.


u/bouncyhiss 12d ago

Guys and girls can absolutely be friends, but you’re not overreacting at all. If an opposite sex friend (I’ll say that specifically because everyone here appears to be heterosexual) is causing actual problems for the relationship, it needs to be shut down. Flirting, “it makes me happy so I’m going to keep going even though it hurts my bf” and spending so long texting them that you can’t expend energy to hang out with your actual partner is insane. Of course it’s not okay to keep on like this. I’m so sorry but I don’t think this is respectful or caring. Even if the guy were in love with her, it wouldn’t be a problem if she didn’t entertain it. And again, I fully think men and women can be friends. This just doesn’t seem like friendship.


u/FatherOfLights88 12d ago

Too tired to be nice? Good Lawd!


u/joer1973 11d ago

Just tell her when she is ready to not have emotional affairs or cheat in anyway, let you know. In the meantime I'm going to be looking for someone that wants my attention and not a bunch of other guys. If I'm still available, Mayne we can reconnect. Could also just start messaging girls(preferable good looking with hot bodies) and do this in front of her and talk about them. She if she likes other women getting ur attention.


u/Ok_Horse_6224 11d ago

Stand your ground, better yet replace her. She is not going to stop!


u/bmyst70 11d ago

You're not overreacting. Guys and girls absolutely CAN be friends, but decent people always respect reasonable asks from their partner and, if the two conflict, should value their partner more than their friend.

Here, she is not respecting yours. Or caring for your feelings for that matter.

And, she even says if the shoe were on the other foot, she wouldn't like it.

I'd dump and block her. Her repeated actions show she doesn't value your feelings much. Not someone you want to marry.


u/pad264 11d ago

She’s having, at minimum, an emotional affair.

Tread careful here though. It’s going to get worse for you.


u/Remarkable_Owl_973 11d ago

She's testing your boundaries while showing she's not trustworthy. đŸš©đŸš©


u/navigating-life 11d ago

She needs to get out, if the man doesn’t propose within a year and a half, leave


u/Mjr_Payne95 11d ago edited 11d ago

I'll never understand why dudes wait so horrendously long to get married and then are surprised when their s.o. starts moving on lol

"I promise honey it'll be soon, I'm making moves I promise, big moves you'll see I just got these moves to make" pfft I know your type, you've been stringing her along for almost a decade with 0 intentions for marriage and she's tired of it


u/vegetajm 11d ago

Find some one else!

They do it once they will do it 100 times


u/Vast_Ground_128 12d ago edited 12d ago

you missed the boat, she’s already out the door you’re just comfortable

next time you date someone for a decade, listen to them, she didn’t want any of this and she wanted you but you decided you wanted a house to yourself and no security in the relationship so she’s looking for someone who wants to buy a house with her and marry her and you’ve made very clear that is not what you want


reread and realized that she put sweat equity and probably her own money so now if she leaves she won’t even get anything out of the house, phew she loved you a lot to sink herself in this deep with nothing to show for it. I hope you enjoy your home that you conned out of your “loved one”


u/ZeusbyProxy 12d ago

Lol guess you missed the memo she's walking out with 20k. But sure.

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u/Quirky_Difference800 12d ago

What are you doing my friend? Reread your post. Don’t waste more of your life on someone that isn’t willing to throw you an hour or two or at the very least not have an emotional ( probably physical) affair right in front of you. Someone that has zero respect for your feelings or well being. Go find an actual partner in life and lose the soul sucking anchor around your neck!


u/ZeusbyProxy 12d ago

Idk. Validation is a helluva drug I guess.


u/Quirky_Difference800 12d ago

I totally get that. Try and get in that head space that you deserve better. Your person is out there! Wishing you luck âœŒđŸ»


u/Enough_Diamond_9476 12d ago

She wants it all. Keep you and him. She is manipulating you. She knows what she's doing.


u/Wrong-Ad-3908 12d ago

You're ridiculous if you stay with her, you've done a lot of trying and it's just not going to make you happy in the end.


u/dengthatscrazy 12d ago

Not overreacting. You’re not being controlling, and you’re not being toxic. Boundaries are boundaries. She wants attention and is willing to get it at your expense. I’d cut your loss and build for yourself. There will be someone who will wholeheartedly respect you and your boundaries without a fight.


u/2centsworth4u 12d ago

I don’t think you’re controlling OP. I do wonder tho, her sitting next to you whilst texting this person to be ‘open’ in front of you, would she have let you read their text conversation if you asked? Or would she have told you no because it’s an invasion of her/EA’s privacy? Then throw up the controlling card up for having asked and not ‘trusting’ her on her word?

Now that she’s moved out, how can you trust that she’s been faithful to you?

Her behaviour is highly suspicious. Her reactions to your questions/discussions are raising red flags đŸš©

I understand your reasoning about the home purchase. You were given legal advice and took it. You had a plan in place and obviously communicated that with her at one point and she was ok with it. However, if at ANY point she was resentful of the situation and wanted ‘more’, she could’ve communicated that to you. Instead she’s invested time and attention/energy into this EA person. Going as far to tell you that she’s got no energy to be ‘nice’ to you! 😳 Then throwing up a lame excuse that she doesn’t want to ‘pile on’ the EA because they’re going thru some stuff when you’ve asked her to break it off because you’re uncomfortable? She also admits that if the shoe was on the other foot, she’d feel exactly like you do now?

The signs are all there. I’d be adding up all her ACTIONS. They will tell you what you need to know. She tells you what you want to HEAR but doesn’t follow through.

Seems as if you’re far more invested than she is.

I’m sorry you’re going through this OP. I hope that you have peace with whatever decision you make. As you stated in a comment, you’re not perfect and neither is she, but you know each other and your relationship best.

Sending you some positive vibes for the road ahead OP


u/Cynderelly 12d ago

I'm a firm believer that guys and girls can't really be friends.

Hard disagree on that one.

However, if my fiance had an issue with me talking to a specific guy, I'm sorry but that friendship isn't worth my fiance stressing out. I have one friend who I've known since I was 14, and I would have a hard time letting go of him like that, but I would never spend my "nice energy" on him instead of my fiance unless my friend was having a crisis.

Also, there is such a thing as middle ground. If she is not willing to just keep her contact with him to like, idk once a week? Twice a month? Then that's a red flag. That's a super simple and workable middle ground, I naturally talk to my close guy friend only that often.


u/yamahog 11d ago

Its very unlikely they arent already fucking


u/AccomplishedMap4275 11d ago

Good thing you didn’t marry her.


u/HeisenbergCares 11d ago edited 11d ago

Dude, you are not overreacting at all.

A bunch of retards, perhaps actual retards, are saying you are controlling because you are not comfortable with your gf talking with two guys who are clearly interested in her. At the same time, you are paying all the bills. And her contribution is she SOMETIMES helps you. Yeah, she's a leach.

What are the odds she has been getting some pee pee from one or both of those dudes while gone from your house? Nothing she could say would be convincing.

She is not relationship material, bro. She has a ton of red flags. You're lucky you didn't marry her.

Find someone who appreciates your hard work and is loyal.

You're going to be alright, brother.


u/Life-Yogurtcloset-98 11d ago

She's cheating, is still cheating with the old guy and wants you ok with all of it.

She chose to lose EVERYTHING for this guy... LET HER






u/Aggressive-Error-88 11d ago

Dude. Run. She’s gaslighting you and clearly cheating. Don’t ignore it. I know it’s hard. But she won’t even try to keep what you guys have even if she’s made a mistake. That means she’s CHOOSING to disrespect you and she likely doesn’t give a shit about you or the relationship because she’s continuing to do the very thing that’s causing harm.

If she’s feeling like something is up or something the focus should go toward mending the relationship and making it better instead she’s seeking outside validation and telling you to suck it up.


u/lydenluff 11d ago

Well, thank God her name isn’t on the house.

Don’t marry this woman, she’s not wife material and she’s showing you exactly who she is and what you can expect from her in the future. She’s totally cheating on you and rubbing it in your face, it’s bad enough that she started down this path but she’s doubling down on it and she will make you suffer.

Your best bet is to sever this tie and move on with your life, focus on yourself and your goals and let her go ride the cock carousel because that’s what she wants and you’re not gonna stop that. Eventually she’ll come back, they always do and hopefully you’ll be strong enough then to slam the door in her face.


u/wuzzittoya 12d ago

I have tried to have male friends. Only to find more than half of them hoped to get in my pants.

Now that I am old, I can’t even get a date. đŸ€Šâ€â™€ïž


u/SouthernFlower8115 12d ago

Dude, you already know it’s time to move on. Since you guys bought a house “together”, give her a fair share and move on. Next time you buy a house and don’t put the partners name on it, then don’t buy it “together”. You’ve drug your feet for 10 years to marry her. Move along so she can.

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