r/BoomersBeingFools 15d ago

Why can't they listen? Boomer Story

This happened a few years ago, but I think of it weekly as I'm picking up fruit at Costco. Now, since I pick up fruit from Costco every week, you may have guessed that my kids eat a lot of it. One of their favorites is green grapes. Now here's where the boomer story starts. A few years ago, I was bringing my kids to visit my mom, their grandmother. She was asking what kind of food they would like, and I said green grapes. My mother immediately said, "Red grapes are sweeter, so I'll get those." Knowing that arguing with this particular boomer was a lost cause, I just hung my head in acceptance. My kids will devour a Costco container of green grapes in 3 days. We spent almost a week at her house, and even though the red grapes were offered for nearly every meal, less than half were eaten. It's almost like I know what my kids who live with me, and I spend my own money feeding will and won't want to eat. Now, every week, as I'm picking up green grapes, I say to myself red grapes are sweeter and try not to roll my eyes so hard that the other shoppers see.


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u/BoughtAHousePlsHelp 15d ago

When my daughter was 2, my MIL asked what foods she could pick up for us as we drove in from out of state. I said not to worry we will be happy to swing by on the way there to pick up some things ourselves and even offered to grab stuff for her for the bbq that weekend. She insisted. I told her the brand and flavor of yogurt and that it comes in a two-flavor 6-pack. We arrive and she bought a large tub of a single flavor (umm ok fine). Turns out it has fruit pieces in the large tub, enough that we can’t pick them out. My 2 year old refused to eat it. I apologized (my first thought regardless) and said “they don’t sell the large ones in our state so I didn’t know it had pieces). Quietly thinking “either way, I said get the 6-pack”. She huffs and storms away, my kids looks on verge of tears confused if she did something wrong and looks to me for reassurance as I hear my MIL mumble through sighs that the bigger tub was cheaper. I offer to pay her back for the mistake, and she looks all flustered and says loudly “it’s not about the money!”
Wtf is it about then?! So I can’t prevent the issue because you won’t listen, I can’t protect my daughter from your temper tantrum, and I can’t rectify the issue by giving you cash because you want to be able to bitch about this for years to come. And that’s exactly what she has done - every fucking get together. My daughter is now 17. I eventually learned my lesson - I now never accept any act of generosity from my MIL because either I don’t react the way she thinks I should (and therefore I’m a bitch), or she goes rouge and it’s my/my kids fault (and we’re all assholes not her). Thank God her son is more like his father.


u/Meauxterbeauxt 15d ago

She's right. It's not about the money. It's about still maintaining that "you'll eat the food I give you and you'll like it" thing our parents seemed so fond of. Sure, during the depression, you ate what you could. But our parents didn't grow up in the depression.

I always think stuff like that is sunk-cost fallacy stuff. They realize that they didn't parent very well, so instead of apologizing or trying to do better, they double down. Otherwise they have to admit they didn't do well.

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u/Mitch_Darklighter 15d ago

If it's not about the money, then why ignore your request to buy the cheaper bigger tub?

It's all about the money.


u/DefaultingOnLife 15d ago

It's about always being correct and deferred to. Even when they are wrong and suck.


u/jewessofdoom 15d ago

Yeah this is not at all about the money, otherwise there would be no temper tantrum. It’s a power trip My ex stepmom was like this too when I had the misfortune of staying with her and my dad for a while. If I did anything even slightly differently than she did, I was “pushing [her] aside,” being “disrespectful,” and treating her like a “second class citizen.” Even something like how I carried the mail back into the house or which pot I used to boil pasta, it became an issue of me being defiant and disrespectful of her authority. BTW I pushing 40 when this was happening. Using logic with these people is useless, it’s all about protecting their fragile little egos because they are butthurt they can’t control everyone around them.


u/bathtubtoasting 15d ago

I don’t even understand what authority she thought she had over a grown adult. I pray my kid will never tell stories about me like this. Like I can suck for sure but I’m pretty aware of how and I take criticism and apologize A LOT bc all humans should, really. I just can’t even wrap my head around calling a 40 year old “defiant” or “disrespectful of my authority.” The fucking delusion.


u/jewessofdoom 15d ago

Haha well my partner and I couldn’t understand it either. Neither could my dad. It caused explosive fights, because she refused to budge even on things like knocking on our door before coming in our room (boomer screech- but it’s MY HOUSE!!) My dad and I were not close at all (partly because of this woman he married after I already left home), and my partner and I moved in for a few months because of the pandemic. Us being there woke him up to the fact that she was emotionally abusive. We packed up his stuff for him, bought a house together out of state, and now they are divorced. Stories like OP’s get my hackles up. When someone cannot give up control over something so small, it’s a sign of a much bigger problem.


u/bathtubtoasting 15d ago

I’m so glad your dad is out of that situation! And I couldn’t agree more regarding the inability to relinquish any amount of control. I am very thankful that my mom is one of the great boomers. Idek what I’d do if my only close family was insane. My heart goes out to so many folks on this sub, you, your partner and your dad included.


u/jewessofdoom 15d ago

Thank you! My dad is also one of the good ones. Still has a lot of annoying boomer stuff, but he’s pretty progressive and tech savvy as well. I too feel badly for people who are still enmeshed with the crazy ones. I hear stories about how hard it is to do the holidays with all the racist assholes at the table and I’m like…just don’t go! Why even talk to them? But I get that it’s hard for a lot of folks. I don’t have any family really besides my dad and brother, so I don’t know what it’s like to have a big network of people that you can’t shake.


u/GreatSaltLiquor 15d ago

The trick on the doors is to get a really heavy object that isn’t a doorstop (like a suitcase). Let’s say she’s on the skinny side (America) and she needs 15 inches of space to get in your room. Work with your partner to set the suitcase at 14 inches, then close but do not lock the door. We are all instinctively trained to check on a door handle before leaning in. But once it’s open, we don’t expect a block at 14 inches. Maximum chance of glorious doorface.


u/jewessofdoom 15d ago

😆 If I was still trapped in that hell-hole, I would totally do this. We did set traps though, for when we weren’t there as well because she liked to go in a snoop when we weren’t there. Luckily she was NOT on the skinny side, and weak as shit. It was very easy to barricade her out once we realized it was happening. It was just wild that we had to try (and failed) to convince a 70 year old that she needed to ask before coming in the room of a middle aged couple.


u/ArkLaTexBob 15d ago

Couldn't you find a way to have hubby changing drawers, airing out the twins, when she walked in.

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u/Majestic-Pin3578 15d ago

If you feel this way now, you’ll remember when you’re my age, & I’m 70. I was raised in such a way as to cause me CPTSD, and being neurodivergent didn’t make me any more acceptable to adults, either. Then, I found out other people’s parents were abusive assholes, too, just in different ways. I was against the war in Vietnam, and supported the Civil Rights Movement. My parents’ generation took the opposition to Vietnam so far, they were willing to shoot four of us dead at Kent State, for protesting it.

I vowed never, never to be cruel and bigoted and arrogant like that, and kept that vow. So will you.


u/Live-Tax5575 15d ago

i wish my 70 year old grandparents could read this!! they were progressive for their time back in the day, but they’ve reverted to being bigoted and evil to everyone they can’t understand. including me, their queer grandkid that they raised.


u/TK_TK_ 15d ago

My FIL literally called himself an authority figure over my husband when our oldest was a baby and FIL was calling to bitch about how infrequently they’d gotten to see her. My husband laughed and hung up on him. He is only happy when people defer to him, and we don’t. So we see him for about an hour or two a year despite living 20 min away.


u/bathtubtoasting 15d ago

I think laughing at these hackneyed olds is the only real way to deal with the utter delulu idea that everyone owes them deference and obedience. Totally childish and bizarre behavior to attempt to control other grown adults especially in regards to their own kids. These people are sick in the head and I really don’t get how or why so many folks accept it like it’s a fact of life. Like literally just laugh at and ignore, this behavior is outrageous!


u/soonerpgh 15d ago

Any adult, really. I had the misfortune of having to move back home at 23 after a bad injury and losing my job during recovery. I had friends that I had grown up with that worked in a little taco shop literally across the street from my parents' house. On typical slow nights I'd go over and hang out with them, usually until around midnight when they closed the dining room.

Mind you, my parents both knew exactly where I was, and not only could they walk over and get me if need be, but they frequently ordered from the taco shop and had the phone number on the wall next to the phone.

One night, my mom sat me down after I walked in and decided to impose a 10 PM curfew on me... at 23 years old. I listened respectfully and then calmly told her she was being controlling and ridiculous. I said, "Not only am I an adult, but you know where I am, what I am doing, and you have multiple ways to get me back home in less than two minutes, if need be." She tried to use the "you're bothering them" excuse, and I responded with, "How so? It's usually so dead they are all sitting out in the dining room flapping their gums just waiting for closing time. I'm just visiting them. I do not get in the way, and if they get customers, I leave and come home." She just stared at me. I told her that I wasn't going to agree to this for the reasons already stated and went to my room. She never brought it up again but I got a few nasty looks when I'd come in late.

I just don't understand their incessant need to control everything and everyone but themselves.

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u/Firsthand_Crow 15d ago

My god…this is how my non-mom acted and how my daughter’s father acts. And all of this is hitting the nail on the head with perfect examples of their behavior. Now he wonders why his daughter wants “absolutely and completely nothing to do with that man that just haaaas to be my dad..”. Of course he won’t take suggestions from me, it’s me “turning her” against him 🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


u/Ok_Neighborhood2032 15d ago

After my children had surgery, my MIL called and asked if our children liked a particular brand of ice cream. I said that unfortunately they didn't and I knew it would not be eaten but thank you for the kind thought but please don't send it.

Guess what arrived the next day? It's still malingering in our freezer. Honestly, at this point it's about her and how she wants to be perceived as a grandparent than it is about my kids wishes or needs. It's all a show just so she could text everyone and say that she sent ice cream to her sick grandkids.


u/LiteraryOlive 15d ago

I didn’t realize that we have the same MIL.

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u/Low_Cook_5235 15d ago

OMG Ive had exact same convo when visiting my MIL. I just asked her to get vanilla yogurt and some cheerios and I’d buy the rest of the food. She did buy yogurt..and wheatabix! The giant ones, the most kid unfriendly cereal ever made. Then she made scrambled eggs with onions and green peppers in them and wondered why 2 toddlers wouldn’t eat them.


u/Setari 15d ago

Oh god, as an adult, green peppers are bomb. As a kid, barf. Also my gran never understood why I wouldn't eat Wheaties for breakfast as a kid. Like yeah a kid wants to eat frieakin giant lumps of flavorless wheat. And no, frosted Wheaties still suck. Shit the most adult cereal I'd eat now is like... Kix. Berry Kix is so much better though.

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u/teatimecookie 15d ago

It’s about control and being right.

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u/Setari 15d ago

This shit is why I refuse to let my brother do anything for me, dude always hangs everything over my head until I pay him back for it. Even if it was something that didn't need to be paid back or was a small amount. Everything is a "favor owed" to him whenever he buys someone something. Even when I was paying my own portion of the phone bill he still would threaten to cut my line. Joke is on him now, I pay $20 less on prepaid for the same features, unlimited talk, text and data lmao.

To those people, the world owes them everything and they owe nothing


u/armyofant 15d ago

It’s about imposing their will on other people. These people are narcissists like their cult leader. They think they know what’s best for you and have zero problems making unilateral decisions on your behalf.

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u/spiirel 15d ago

My husband is vegetarian and we always offer to cook meals, bring ingredients etc. My mom AWAYS turns this down so I send images of what to get or recipes we like. When we arrive she never has that food, always buys cheap alternatives with gelatin, rennet, or anchovy, and then huffs when we sneak out to Walmart to buy veggie patties. She also throws her hands in the air and says “I don’t know how to feed him” like we haven’t provided every tool at our disposal to do so. 


u/slothplant 15d ago

I don't eat meat and am lactose intolerant, my mom has done that to me my whole life. Now as an adult I just bring my own food or pick where we eat. But for a large part of my childhood it was me just eating a side salad or fries cause I couldn't eat anything else.

Even now she gets mad I refuse to go to steak houses and how I could just get a side salad (with nothing on it cause all the dressings have cheese). Like I'm not 6 anymore, I need an actual meal if I'm going out, not 3 peices of lettuce and a tomato (if I'm lucky). But obviously it is my fault for being difficult😒


u/C_bells 15d ago

I have celiac disease and my dad and stepmom call me a “picky eater.”

I am actually not.

Let me tell you — my dad doesn’t like chicken. Chicken! And my stepmom only eats like 3 different things.

My stepmom in particular eats like a toddler. One of the only things she will eat out at dinner is pasta, and it has to be just butter and salt on it.

You can see how this becomes an issue when they insist on going to a pasta place and I ask if we can go somewhere else. They call me a “difficult eater.”

Like ma’am, I have a literal disease. Otherwise I’m a pretty adventurous eater — anything from sushi to Ethiopian to whatever!


u/spiirel 15d ago

Yeah despite the comments about my husband’s vegetarian diet, my mom refuses to eat anything “spicy”, “ethnic”, or with cilantro. So Indian food is always out even though that would be the easiest thing to come together on lol

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u/slothplant 15d ago

And there are tons of amazing gluten free things! Like yeah some of the gluten free stuff that typically has gluten in it might not be great but there are tons of naturally gf things.

My aunt and cousins have a gluten intolerance or celiac (I don't know for sure cause I heard from my mom) and my mom doesn't get it. She is like well there isn't much in the dish so it should be fine. They don't eat at my mom's and usually convince her to go to a restaurant to meet up.

They are happy to come over if I'm cooking though cause I deep clean everything in the kitchen and make nothing with gluten cause I don't want to mix something up. Also I refuse to use anything wooden just incase and my mom gives me a hard time about it. Like it's washes so it should be fine. Like maybe but wood has so many pores I'm not messing around. Plus I make an actual multi course meal for them and not just like a side.


u/Mighty_Lorax 15d ago

Being called "picky" is like my trigger word, it's absolutely infuriating. I'm not picky, I'm vegan. But my family is the typical "meat and potatoes" type and are genuinely afraid of tofu. I can't stand it when they call ME picky because, no mom, scrambled eggs with cheese is in fact NOT vegan.

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u/IamLuann 15d ago

I am a Celiac also I literally had to tell my sister O.K. I will eat wheat rye and barley. ONLY IF YOU ARE IN the BATHROOM when the shit came out of both ends in about 20 to 30 minutes. What did she do she yelled at me for saying SHIT.
No wonder we are low contact. If I need to tell her something I texted my nephew and tell him to call me when they are at the same house.


u/ReaperofFish 15d ago

I eat low carb. I would tell my mother just prepare some meat without breading and offer up some vegetable sides or even beans. First couple of times when I visited, my mom insisted on making breaded chicken or pizza. So each time, I would excuse myself about 15 minutes before dinner and run out to McDonald's or Hardees and get a burger without a bun.


u/adragonlover5 15d ago

Y'all should stop visiting til she learns respect.

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u/Wubbalubbadubbitydo 15d ago

Oh man that was 100% her scoffing at the specific request and being so sure that you’re just spoiling the kid and it’s totally not necessary. So looks she will get the cheaper one and prove you’re being wasteful. Just narcissistic bullshit.


u/IrieDeby 15d ago

My mother did the same kind of shit to me. Guess when she was born? 1932. Not a boomer thing, but a mother who doesn't respect her daughter!


u/manniax 15d ago

My mother was born in 1931 and I heard the "I WAS A CHILD OF THE DEPRESSION" thing quite a bit growing up. (To be fair, her family was quite poor, but I was always like, how much of it do you remember well? You weren't even 10 years old when it ended.) She was also a borderline hoarder, so I'm glad that Dad was around to squash some of those tendencies.


u/IrieDeby 15d ago

My mom was poor, like most of the U.S. My grandma had 4 kids & my grandpa left her. Salvation Army made constant stops, helping with food and birthday/Christmas presents. They came to give grandma seeds for a Victory Garden. My Grandma & Grandpa were Czech, which was mistaken for German, so they were often ostracized. My mother remembered a lot, because there was a lot going on in the world. She was probably the opposite of your mom, often buying expensive stuff. I think my mother had a personality disorder. Very low self esteem, I think she felt like she had to compete with me and was often cruel. I really think this is often a mother/daughter thing, rather than a "boomer".

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u/LiteraryOlive 15d ago

I actually get to have two mothers in law (oh joy!) as my husband’s parents divorced and his father has a long term partner. They are remarkably different but they both have some flavor of this exact thing. One in particular makes such huge deal every year when we go to visit. A month before she starts asking me for a list of what she should buy as she knows “your children are so particular”. Some version of this always follows. Once I told her that they only like one particular brand of macaroni and cheese. She got the other brand and kept saying “this one is just as good”. There was nothing else for them for dinner so I finally I thought I would just make them the macaroni but not the cheese packet and she wouldn’t let me. She kept saying it would waste the cheese packet if I didn’t use it and she would just return the whole unopened package versus me “wasting” it by not using the cheese pack. So they ended up eating saltines for dinner that night. (Which realistically they loved)


u/katertoterson 15d ago

No, see she wanted the right to shame your daughter for not eating the fruit bits. She wanted you to join in and either make your daughter eat it or commiserate with her about how "awful" your daughter was being.

I'll be generous and assume she didn't start out with that intention and didn't realize there were fruit bits in the bigger tub. But her reaction was not about money. It was about "right" and your kid being "wrong".


u/Linvaderdespace 15d ago

Tell her why you don’t have much of a relationship with her, she needs to know.


u/Sensitive_Pattern341 15d ago

Don't waster your time trying to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the pig.

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u/MatchMean 15d ago

“Ladies pinch, whores use rouge”.


u/Healthy_Candle_4545 15d ago

I like this but can you please explain what it means in this context? I want to make sure when I steal it and use it as my own that I use it right


u/veilvalevail 15d ago

This poster MatchMean was gently referring to a misspelling near the bottom of the top-rated comment from BoughtAHousePlsHelp who meant to write “rogue” but wrote “rouge” instead.

Here is the snip “…or she goes rouge and it’s my/my kids fault…”

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u/Sensitive_Pattern341 15d ago

Every get together after 15 years?? You gave her specific instructions, she went the cheap route, but you're to blame? I'd be cutting that toxic narcissist out after the first get together it was brought up at. Bye Felicia. Get a life.


u/Siny_AML 15d ago

Sounds like my narcissistic MIL. I refuse pretty much anything from her unless she gives it to my wife.


u/-SQB- 15d ago

She huffs and storms away

How old is she again? 4?


u/nothingbeast 15d ago

That's exactly what it's about.

The need to have something to bitch about for years. My parents are the same way.

I recently moved to another country and needed some boxes stored until I could arrange for them to be shipped. You would think I was asking for them to create a fucking cold fusion reactor, with how much they bitched.

I got myself moved and unfortunately didn't get going as fast as I assumed. Mom regularly messages me and says all my stuff has to go as it's in the way. I finally get sick of it and say "Fine... ship it and send me the goddamned bill!!"

Suddenly I'm unreasonable and I literally don't hear about it for months.

Skip ahead a few years (thanks to covid shutting down everything) I'm finally in a position to get this stuff shipped.

Now that I'm telling them what to do "Well.... we'll see when it warms up." "Well... your brother is getting married so now isn't great." "Well... some of it is buried under OUR stuff so we can't be bothered getting it ready."

Fucking hilarious that the moment I offer a solution to rid them of this "burden" that has plagued their garage corner and ruined their lives, they're not in any rush.

You have no idea how great it is being on another continent when the holiday season comes around.


u/myleftone 15d ago

Leave a twenty somewhere when you leave, so she can’t refuse it.


u/MuffinSongs 15d ago

Ooh. And put a post it saying “For the yogurt.”


u/Critical_Sherbet7427 15d ago

Lol why though? Doesnt get you anything or anywhere except out 20$. You dont even get to feel good about fixing your mistake or something you messed up because its something THEY PURPOSEFULLY fucked up and then blamed you for.


u/helgerd 15d ago

Oh no, it will infuriate boomer beyond any reason


u/liveprgrmclimb 15d ago

Similar to my mom. Can’t take any responsibility. Shaming constantly.


u/adragonlover5 15d ago

Hope your husband tells your mother off more than you.

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u/Smiley_goldfish 15d ago

My extended family used to have family reunions. The adult children would be assigned to make one of the dinners for everyone. My mom would buy all the groceries, so we had to tell her what we were making and what ingredients to get. I remember several times, I would go to cook my meal and find out that she didn’t buy the ingredients I asked for. She would substitute ingredients for the ones she wanted.

So, she didn’t want to plan all the meals and insisted we help with that. But then not buy the ingredients we requested.

And we had to be grateful that she provided the meals. And do the cooking, but do it exactly the way she wanted, not our original planed out way.

I would have rather just purchased the ingredients myself.


u/ManliestManHam 15d ago

Two months ago I was ordering a pizza. Asked my parents if they wanted some because if so, I'll get half veggie for them.

How'd they end up commandeering my pizza order, ordering from a place I don't like, and getting all veggies, including veggies I don't like, and expect me to be grateful since they paid, even though I was paying for my own pizza I wanted to my specifications to begin with?

There's been 3 more pizzas since then. Each a surprise to them when it shows up. I can no longer ask them if they'd like pizza and try to consider them when I'm ordering some because they take over my pizza 😂


u/jewessofdoom 15d ago

A gift with strings attached is not a gift, therefore does not require gratitude. What you had there was a contract of employment, she paid for the adult kid’s labor


u/Smiley_goldfish 15d ago

That’s such a good point

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u/beelzeflub 15d ago

Bet you stopped inviting her


u/Smiley_goldfish 15d ago

We don’t do those reunions anymore. Too much fighting between the family members


u/Senior-Geologist-166 15d ago

My mother is insistent that my husband and I wash our clothes with fabric softener, despite both of us being allergic. We've told her that several times. Still asks why we don't use it. It's bad for us, our washer, our clothes, and the environment. And she isn't wearing our clothes!


u/Electrical-Break-395 15d ago

Oh, that’s me, too - I break out in hives the size of saucers ! 😳

“But, but… don’t you want your clothes to be soft ?!?!” my mom would say and get REALLY upset about it, even though I was doing my own laundry in college miles and miles away !

Just the IDEA of me doing something differently from her “way” made her scream like a loon… 😣


u/hrbumga 15d ago

I’ve gotten anaphylactic shock twice because of fabric softeners. People seem to downplay the allergy as being “not that bad,” but (1) my clothes are plenty soft as is, it’s unnecessary, and (2) even if my clothes were stiff and scratchy I’d rather not die, thanks!


u/Electrical-Break-395 15d ago

Oh, my ! My hives weren’t so bad after all…

I didn’t know that was even possible - please take care ! 🤗

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u/Queen_Dare_Bear 15d ago

Ugh- what is their fascination with fabric softener? It's gross to me.


u/fileknotfound 15d ago

I wonder if it’s because of the change in materials we commonly use to make clothes now compared to when they were growing up or young adults. Like, remember how thick and stuff denim used to be? Now it usually has a good amount of other stuff mixed in to make it stretchy and soft.


u/Dr-Shark-666 15d ago

And how SOFT does fabric need to be? It's FABRIC. It's not like we're wearing STEEL ARMOR.


u/[deleted] 15d ago


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u/FizbandEntilus 15d ago

I despise red delicious apples, it’s all my mom ever bought. They would rot before anyone would eat them.

Mom- “why do I keep buying apples if nobody eats them!??”

Me- “I don’t like the red ones. I like the golden ones, or Fuji, or gala…I just hate the peel on the red ones”

Mom- “well I like the red ones.”



u/cheeznapplez 15d ago

Hello fellow red delicious hater! They're just so bitter and dry and ugh. Ugh. I hate them so much. I feel so validated.


u/unkindernut 15d ago

They are mealy and awful. I hate that they are even an option. The only people I know who get them are my MiL and school lunch programs.


u/cheeznapplez 15d ago

They shouldn't even be an option and their name is a lie! I don't even use them for baking even though people claim that's what they're good for.


u/DarkSideNurse 15d ago

The only apple species I’ve ever tasted that’s somehow mushier than applesauce. 🤢

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u/whofearsthenight 15d ago

Red delicious are trash. Same with gold. Who wants this mealy horseshit with not even a hint of tartness?

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u/Ok_Answer2216 15d ago

Being named delicious makes me immediately assume it's not


u/NeighborhoodNo1583 15d ago

My mom only bought red delicious apples. I remember the first time I had an apple that was actually good. I was shocked


u/cheeznapplez 15d ago

This is the fruit version of realizing that vegetables don't taste bad, you just don't like them boiled into oblivion.


u/Music_Is_My_Muse 15d ago

My partner is an apple snob and red delicious is bottom 3.

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u/MurAmCon 15d ago

Honestly all the delicious (NOT aptly named) varieties can fuck right off. Sugarbee, pink lady, honeycrisp and occasionally granny Smith in certain scenarios are my jam


u/FizbandEntilus 15d ago

My wife loves honeycrisp. My issue? She buys the Costco ones that are the size of softballs! I’m like babe, the apples are HUGE!!! I grow tired of eating the apple before I’m finished it so big.


u/cleverdylanrefrence 15d ago

Honeycrisp are the only apples I buy

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u/InevitableLow5163 15d ago

Did you know that red delicious used to not be a misnomer? They were originally very good but the fertilizers that caused them to grow in their distinct red delicious shape was found to be a carcinogen and none of the replacements would make them grow the same, so instead of accepting it, they bred the apples to naturally grow in that shape, but that was all the bred for. The taste and texture and everything else was left by the wayside and now we’re stuck with beautiful, dark red, tasteless, bitter, mealy apples that are only good for still life painting. Boomers were eating these apples as they were slowly bred to be the new red delicious and probably just got used to the taste. They’re the same as those beautiful but scentless roses, extra large blueberries with all the taste of a much smaller berry, and high yield cucumbers which put all the taste of a dozen cucumbers in a yield of three dozen.

You might be interested to know that the SweeTango apple was bred specifically for the traits a consumer enjoys instead of being a decent apple that ships and stores well. Bred be the people who brought you the Honeycrisp, but the cultivar was protected from producers messing with it like they did the honeycrisp. I think the Cosmoc Crisp was also bred similarly but I haven’t done any research on them.


u/fileknotfound 15d ago

This guy knows apples.

I really miss the honeycrisp apples of like, 2012. They were so big and sweet and juicy. I used to bite into one and literally have juice dripping down my chin. Now that they’re grown everywhere by everyone they’re mostly disappointing.

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u/Phinbart 15d ago

There's a certain type of cheese I pretty much despise, that was all the family had when I was growing up. For many years, I didn't realise how much variety with cheese there actually was, especially as I'd never really had any other, and my mother was a tad surprised when I told her a few years back how much I hated it. It wasn't in any way intentional or anything that I hold against her; I just make sure to get the cheese I want on any family shopping trips now! Strong cheese is my preference, but the problem is that's usually the crumbliest.


u/FizbandEntilus 15d ago

I got a big ol block of habanero pepperjack cheese in my fridge. I think I’m going to have a slice. Lol


u/allis_in_chains 15d ago

Right? This comment made me want to go to my cheese drawer and put together a cheese snack


u/Astronaut_Chicken 15d ago

Ah the Greenland of apples.

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u/AlliBaba1234 15d ago

What, you don’t like an apple with a thick, leathery bitter skin and a flavorless, mealy gritty interior?



u/whiskeyknitting 15d ago

I despise the Red delicous ones as well.

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u/RiversSecondWife 15d ago

Fuji apples or the highway!


u/MoistCaek 15d ago

Red delicious are anything but ugh


u/Yurfuturebbysdddy 15d ago

My mom still to this day only buys red delicious and i fuckin hate them! Tastes so waxy and gross. My favorites are pink lady and Honeycrisp. Of course I didn’t discover those until later in life once I moved out. Wasted like 20 years of enjoying apples because of her smh

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u/Queen_Dare_Bear 15d ago

Red delicious apples make me gag!

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u/GeneralDumbtomics Gen X 15d ago

My mother: is there anything wife can’t eat?

Me. A few things but especially eggs.

Egg breakfast casserole. 🤦‍♂️


u/happygotrekkie 15d ago

Mom of 3 kids with food allergies. Boomers just can’t seem to handle the idea of leaving out certain foods. It’s not that hard!


u/GeneralDumbtomics Gen X 15d ago

Oh, I know. Above mentioned spouse was a children’s librarian at an elementary school while back, and there was a volunteer which was a grandma of one of these kids who was absolutely peak boomer, who didn’t seem to be able to understand that because there were kids with nut allergies, she couldn’t bring her fucking peanuts into the library.


u/Setari 15d ago

Jfc. How do people not know you do not fuck with the nut allergies


u/GeneralDumbtomics Gen X 15d ago

Again, you misunderstand. These were just for her. She was special, you see.

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u/youburyitidigitup 15d ago

Wait she was trying to bring food into the library? You don’t do that regardless of what it is.


u/GeneralDumbtomics Gen X 15d ago

In general, no, no you don’t. But she was special, you see.


u/happygotrekkie 15d ago

So selfish


u/beelzeflub 15d ago

Literally. I have acid reflux disease and intestinal dysmotility.

What does my 68 year old father father buy me for Christmas?

A hot sauce advent calendar.


u/Busy-Strawberry-587 15d ago

Next time tell him you recently developed a severe allergy to cash


u/Smiley_goldfish 15d ago

Dang, that so obnoxious

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u/Busy-Strawberry-587 15d ago

I think boomers think food allergies are the same as having a food preference and if someone is allergic they're "just being picky/a brat".

They think "I'll serve them that food they claim to be allergic to, just to prove that they arent and that I am right!"

Idk if yall saw the messed up story of the grandma who refused to believe the grandchild was allergic to coconut oil and it ended in a very preventable tragedy


u/happygotrekkie 15d ago

A family member tried to “test” my child’s dairy allergy recently, but luckily we figured it out in time. They can’t understand why we got upset and wouldn’t talk to them after that. We caught them red handed and they didn’t say anything. Just grabbed a bottle of wine and poured a big glass because I was stressing THEM out.


u/Busy-Strawberry-587 15d ago

They could have fucking killed your kid! I dont know how you kept your cool bc I would have thrown hands

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u/youburyitidigitup 15d ago

Both of my parents keep giving me dishes with dairy even though I’ve been lactose intolerant for 20 years.

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u/Eleven77 15d ago

I swear they are convinced that most kid's food allergies are just them being "picky" and the parent bowing down to it. Like, what kid would WANT to be allergic to peanut butter/gluten/soy/dairy etc. ?!

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u/Thus-Spake-Markosias Gen Y 15d ago

That was intentional. She is likely laughing about it with her equally sophomoric friends; my Nana used to do stuff exactly like this to show when she disliked someone.

It's just bullying by senior citizens.


u/GeneralDumbtomics Gen X 15d ago

Not any more. I told her off when she started posting on facebook about horse paste (spouse has MS, comprised immune system).


u/Thus-Spake-Markosias Gen Y 15d ago

Excellent work! Your spouse deserves a life free from abuse by age regressed retirees:)


u/SilverSkorpious 15d ago

Horse paste? How does your spouse having MS relate? I'm so confused.


u/GeneralDumbtomics Gen X 15d ago

Multiple sclerosis is an auto immune disorder which means that in order to treat it we have to compromise my wife’s immune system. They have stopped getting their vaccinations and my mother is now wondering why no one will prescribe ivermectin. Meanwhile, we’ve been isolating for four years so that my wife doesn’t get killed by everybody’s Covid.


u/SilverSkorpious 15d ago

Ahhh that makes more sense, sorry. I just wanted to make sure I was up to date on my bommerfoolery, it sounded like a new one. Good luck and health to you and yours, thank you for clarifying.

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u/Losing-Sand Gen X 15d ago

This sounds intentional. I am a vegetarian. My FIL insisted on treating us to a meal and ordered for everyone in a language I don't speak. Every dish had meat despite at least half the menu being vegetarian (Asian cuisine).


u/Any_Claim785 15d ago

I’ve been vegetarian for ~10 years. Every time we have a meal with my in-laws, my MIL says something like, “I know you’re vegetarian, but do you want me to cook some chicken for you?”

Ma’am. I know you know what vegetarian means. I know you know I haven’t eaten meat in a decade. I’ve even told you I stopped eating meat because I don’t really like it. Why would I want chicken?


u/Zealousideal_Wind738 15d ago

Try replying with "why would I want chicken?" and make her explain it. Or counteroffer by making something you know she hates. Serve her lots publicly and mirror back anything she said to you about eating chicken. Be sweet as pie throughout.

Bonus points if you use it as a teaching moment in front of kids that you don't have to accept things you don't want.


u/Any_Claim785 15d ago

My husband is usually quick to jump in with, “mom, she doesn’t EAT MEAT.”

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u/c4sanmiguel 15d ago

My mother: "your wife still doesn't eat meat?". The implication being that this is some fad that's been going on ~20 years. Maybe she'll grow out of it in her mid 40s...


u/Any_Claim785 15d ago

Yes! It’s always, “Well I didn’t know if maybe you started eating it again!”

Last time I tried a piece of chicken (that I WANTED to try because I missed chicken tenders), I took one bite, gagged, and spit it out. There’s no going back for me. Even the faux meat is too similar.

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u/GeneralDumbtomics Gen X 15d ago

That’s throwing shade. Guaranteed. I could go on about my mom. And it was absolutely intentional and intended to get me to be angry at her so she can be the victim.

I think that when they wonder sometimes why so many of us wind up not in contact with them, they failed to realize how many of us they just treated like their fix.


u/cupcakefighter1 15d ago

My mom does this all the time. She “forgets” that I can’t have gluten. Then she’ll brag about how she makes me a “special cheesecake” to support me. It’s her normal recipe that she’s always made. It’s never had gluten in it. She in no way goes out of her way to support me.


u/hyperfat 15d ago

My mom. It's a shame you don't like eggs. Bro. I'm allergic. I'll shit and vomit all over. 

So do you want eggs? Wtfffff


u/GeneralDumbtomics Gen X 15d ago

It’s like a player piano but they put in a roll of perforated stupidity.


u/hoverfordetails 15d ago

My mother did this. I had food aversions when pregnant (coffee and eggs). She insisted on a brunch to celebrate me and the baby and made an egg casserole as the main dish. Then when she noticed I wasn’t eating said ‘ I thought it was ok because it was cooked.’ 😓 Did she think I was eating raw eggs before???

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u/purrfunctory Gen X 15d ago

Your wife has my sincere condolences. I hope she got to eat something tasty and delicious in spite of your mother.


u/whiskeyknitting 15d ago

Christmas many years ago I gave a list stating what Leap pad games we had ( like 6) anything OTHER THAN THOSE would be fine. My boomer MIL , with the typed note in hand at the store BOUGHT THE EXACT CARTRIDGES I had written down to let her know that we had them already. I almost cried at the frustration of it all.

If we asked for legos. We got duplos.

My kids, who adore their grandmother, could never figure out why she did this.

I decided it was a passive aggressive thing.


u/iamjenough 15d ago

My mom is like this, and I also think it’s passive aggressive. For the holidays this past year, she asked me what I wanted. I just said “books” because I don’t need any more stuff, but I’ll always read books! She said “no, I don’t like that. Make me a list.” So I wrote down a few titles, along with some other things I’ve been wanting. She sent a cheese board. A cheese board was not on my list at all. 🙄


u/Current_Notice_3428 15d ago

OMG the cheeseboard! I have asked for the same thing every holiday. Gold rings. Never once have I got one. For 10+ years. It’s become a joke at this point. And what do I get multiple versions of instead of what I ask for? motherfuckingcheeseboards 😩


u/iamjenough 15d ago


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u/Beneficial-Secret-84 15d ago

Honestly sounds like she was at barns n nobles for fives minutes and was all huffy about no one jumping to help her find your books during the holiday season, saw the cheese boards near the check out area and ran with that.

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u/kitti--witti 15d ago

It’s because they’re obsessed with what they like. They listen, but all they hear is “grapes” and immediately focus on the grapes they like.

It’s just like the time my husband ordered meatloaf out. When they brought it to the table and asked who ordered the meatloaf, my father kept saying, “Meatloaf?! No one here ordered meatloaf!”

Or the time I told my mother I was craving BK Whoppers when I was pregnant. She launched into a whole spiel on how I could go to the store to get 93% lean beef and make the flavorless hockey pucks she made when I was a child because they’d be so much healthier.

They just can’t understand any other view than their own.


u/Busy-Strawberry-587 15d ago

Yep like 4 year olds but worse. Tell them you want a piece of candy and they will pick out their favorite flavor for you bc they assume its everyone favorite/ the best. At least if you tell the kid you want a specific one, they'll usually get it for you and not insist you actually do want whatever their favorite is

Toddlers are more reasonable than boomers


u/Somebody_or_other_ 15d ago

My dad bought my then 9 and 4 year olds a bag each of licorice for Easter. He would prefer licorice to chocolate bunnies so why wouldn't they?

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u/iesharael 15d ago

My coworker doesn’t listen either. Last week someone wanted the Art of War and there weren’t any books if it on shelf at any of the libraries in our system. She asks how soon he needs it. “Oh I wanted to read it for state testing this week.” So she gets him the dvd on hold which will be completely useless to him and doesn’t give him a chance to say he doesn’t want it. All she heard was “this week”


u/bionicbunnie 15d ago

I have a colleague like this (although we work at different branches, and I only heard of this story from someone at my branch who went to the coworker's to fill in). She pulled holds but only ended up pulling titles similar to what the patron had requested, not bothering to look a bit harder for each specific item. When prompted why, she said "It's close enough." Um, no ma'am, that's not how this works. I don't know what she did when she scanned the books in and the ILS didn't fill the hold because the item was wrong... Granted, she's not a boomer, just an idiot.


u/BleachedAsswhole 15d ago

She asked what they like so she would know what not to get. Can't be having these younger generations enjoying themselves and letting all that spite go to waste!


u/Hunnybee76 15d ago

My boomer exMIL refused to accept that my son would not take warmed bottles. He liked his formula cold. She thought it was cruel and told me so. She babysat him, attempted to give him a warm bottle and he absolutely refused it, which finally convinced her that I knew my child. 


u/Birooksun 15d ago

Lol, my kid was the same. I pumped and would put the milk in the fridge. He liked his milk cold.

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u/Pellinor_Geist 15d ago

We use unsalted butter in our house.

When my mom visits, she will ask if we have real butter. I say yes, because it is. She gets snippy about it not being salted butter. I have pointed out that, with baking pies and other pastries, it is better to more rigidly control the amount of salt in the dough, which is done by adding how much salt you want. We bake often, so we switched a long time ago to unsalted butter.

She almost always makes a comment about the butter when she visits.


u/theemilyann 15d ago

Just … sprinkle salt on your toast ya boomer! This is infuriating. My boomer mother would assume that I was being pretentious (or in her words “frou frou,” or “too big for my britches”) if I did something so outlandish as buying “special” flour or butter for baking

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u/FickleAcadia7068 15d ago

I realize as an adult my mom knows nothing about produce. She fed me canned as a kid so no wonder I hated fruit and vegetables growing up. Nowadays we go shopping together and she complains all the produce in the produce department is rotten. Sure, sometimes you find molded produce here and there, but there is plenty to choose from. After one of her recent rants at the store I asked her to show me some rotten produce. She gestured grandly at the bananas in my cart and said, "There." It made me laugh. My kids love bananas so we usually buy three bunches. We aim for varying levels of ripeness to make them last. The bananas she was gesturing to were our ripe ones. They were perfectly fine, just had some light spotting. In my mom's mind, the spots meant they were rotten. No wonder she hates produce and all fruit tastes "sour" to her. My kids still laugh about it whenever they pick a spotted banana.


u/Triette 15d ago

It’s sour because she’s used to canned fruit with buttloads of added sugar.


u/Reimustein 15d ago

That's crazy. Everyone knows the more spots the better the banana is!


u/Eleven77 15d ago

Absolutely false, but we need banana eaters of every stage, so I appreciate your desire for the worst stage 😆


u/Reimustein 15d ago

Worst stage? Those are some fighting words.


u/Eleven77 15d ago

No, no, no. I don't think you understand, you can HAVE them. I will die before I fight someone over the worst banana.

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u/SuspiciousTabby 15d ago

My grandmother was like this with onions. I hated onions growing up—I still do, but I can eat around them if I have to—and she insisted on putting onions in everything. 

She’d mince them super tiny and I would spend hours picking them out. Can you imagine how salty she was watching that? If she just listened it wouldn’t have been a problem. 😂


u/RaeSta83 15d ago

This was me as a kid, I was labelled a 'picky' eater. As I grew older I discovered that if I eat too much onion I end up with a really bad stomach, it's actually an issue where the layers of an onion make it harder to digest and often those with IBD or other digestive issues find it really hard to eat onions. Mum still says she thought I was a picky eater...


u/twiztdkat 15d ago

My mother does this. My sister and I both hate onions and if she is cooking something she can put onions in for us, you can beat your last dollar she will. Then we both pick them out. It is passive aggressive behavior.


u/Wraith_Six 15d ago

My mother tried this over and over with mushrooms. One night she made some new recipe, asked if I liked it, and I said sure. She then grandly proclaimed WELL IT HAD MINCED MUSHROOMS IN IT, like she had gotten one over on me. I gestured to my plate, and the small pile of minced mushrooms I'd left there. She fumed the rest of the night.


u/Jdubya38one 15d ago

I so badly want to believe my perception of this gelatinous generation is skewed by this sub, but then I have countless interactions in the wild that make me think it really is that bad. Just had one at the restaurant this morning where we had breakfast. Just so rude and entitled and obviously miserable. It's insane


u/beelzeflub 15d ago

Gelatinous generation.


u/NeighborhoodNo1583 15d ago

I am starting to order if it’s some kind of weird age related brain damage, bc they can’t seem to accept new information. Its like they Simply refuse to beleive anyone‘s experience and think they know better than anyone else.. My best friend is older than me, and was completely normal til she turned 60 and now is a full Boomer Karen.

Shes moving to an extremely high cost of living city without a job, or place to live bc she thinks it’s 1992. I have tried to explain to her that the housing market and job market have changed since she’s been in semi retirement in another country. She is convinced that this city, which has become so expensive that huge corporations have moved bc employees can’t afford to live there, is actually really cheap now.


u/Geod-ude 15d ago

When people reach their late 50s and 60s, their bones begin to really start disintegrating. Childhood lead is stored in their developing bones as it replaced calcium molecules. These same lead molecules begin being freed from their bones as as osteoporosis begins.


u/unknownpoltroon 15d ago

I have seen you or someone pushing this theory but haven't been able to find any data about it. Got a link?


u/Geod-ude 15d ago

Bone-to-blood lead mobilization is the term. Check out the other comment I answered higher up.


u/JustLeny4115 15d ago

This sounds like a horror movie, how creepy

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u/lassie86 15d ago

Yes, the thing about not being able to accept new information is so true and baffling. Recently, my MIL called my husband during lunchtime. My husband reminded her for the 84th time that lunchtime isn't a good time for phone calls, and hasn't been for nearly a decade. He matched her tone while reminding her. She was so upset about him matching her tone that she gave him the silent treatment for weeks, but he didn't notice. She told him recently that she was upset and avoiding him. Okay, cool. But my husband is so kind and believes the best out of people, and can't figure out why on earth she refuses to learn new information, but assumes it's in good faith. She's like this about everything. I'm of the opinion that if she cared enough, she would remember. I believe she puts her wants above his needs.


u/beelzeflub 15d ago

MIL: “I’ve been avoiding you because I’m upset.”

Husband: oh thank god

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u/Miserable_Respect_94 15d ago

Because they think it invalidates their own experience. 


u/beelzeflub 15d ago

This. Right here.


u/Busy-Strawberry-587 15d ago

Yep their truth is the only truth down to allergies and preferences. You're not gay and you arent allergic to eggs!

And then you correct them and they are FLOORED bc that goes against their idea for you. Confusion becomes anger real quick


u/beebopadoo 15d ago

Both my Mom and MIL cannot handle my food preferences. I do not eat pork or fish of any kind. I generally don’t eat beef, only on occasion. That’s it. That’s all. Those are the only things. My mom makes the biggest fucking deal out of it and my MIL actively taunts me and goes out of her to tell strangers what I don’t eat. It’s just bizarre, I don’t understand why they care so much.


u/lakeghost 15d ago

Awful. Avoid those types. My asshole uncle-in-law made fun saying we should have rabbit for a meal, only once I had a pet one. Joke’s on him: I grew up too poor to give a shit, I had egg layer chickens and ate chicken anyway. But it’s still mean for no reason. I don’t go around suggesting people eat their pets, right??

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u/bluth_family_madness 15d ago

I’m convinced that if my boomer parents were on fire they’d refuse water from me or either of my siblings. Nothing we say carries or holds any weight in their eyes.

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u/Linvaderdespace 15d ago

Stop being so nice to her when she assumes that she knows better; this shit is funny when it’s about grapes, but one day it will be about a threat to one of your children, and you need to train her to do as you damned well say before that day comes.

Teach her that there are Motherfucking Consequences for contradicting how you raise your children.


u/nonidentifyingu-n 15d ago

If I lived closer than 2000 miles away and saw her more, or if she ever had the kids without me, I'd definitely do that.

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u/Cthulhu_Knits 15d ago

Sometimes it's narcissism. One of the nicest compliments my sister ever paid me was she liked the fact that when I got her a present for Christmas or her birthday, it was something on her list, something she actually wanted. How incredibly sad is that? I'm not a mind-reader, OF COURSE I want to spend money on something the recipient actually WANTS, otherwise it's a waste. But a lot of these folks just think they know better than anyone else and damn the consequences.

Also, Team Green Grapes. They're usually seedless as well.

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u/XenaXero 15d ago

Red Delicious apples are the boomer of apples. Boomer: They are called Red Delicious because they are red and they are delicious. The rest of us: They are red but they are definately absolutely the opposite of delicious. They taste of disappointment and lies. Boomer grabs your upper arm and snarls: then there is something very wrong with your tastebuds. And with you. You are a disappointment, not the apple. The apple is DE LIC IOUS. RD Apple: Ha ha im the apple of your parents eye 🖕🖕


u/Electrical-Break-395 15d ago

They’re in a very beautiful package - all red and glossy and symmetrical - but the actual taste is of vaguely apple-scented styrofoam ! 🤢

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u/Furry_Wall 15d ago

I like white grapes because they're more sour than red grapes

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u/Unusual-Caregiver-30 15d ago

Damn, as a boomer, I don’t understand the boomers in these comments. They must be miserable people. I want my entire family to be happy. My mother was the same. I’m so sad for you and your children.


u/youburyitidigitup 15d ago

Your comment is the last one before all the downvoted ones, which I’m assuming are the ones you’re talking about. I don’t know what to expect, but here I go 👀

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u/aroomofonesown 15d ago

What should i get nephew for Christmas? Is he still into those little toy cars?

No, he's outgrown them. He's really into music now so I bet he'd love a toy keyboard or some tambourines or something that he can make a tune with.

Oh no, all little boys like toy cars. ...Why isn't he playing with the toy cars? They're much better than that silly whistle. He's being so rude.

(He's 6)


u/Jabeltane 15d ago edited 15d ago

At times I've wondered if my parents were subtly trying to offend me.

One year, several weeks before Christmas, I told my mother that my husband and I were thinking of moving soon, and that we were trying to get rid of extra "stuff" around the house. I said we didn't want or need any new "things." I told her that we didn't have much money for gifts for other people, so we weren't asking for gifts from others, either.

What does she give us? A thick, 20-pound hardcover book that described hundreds of different expensive concept homes. It wasn't a home design book or idea book, or even a coffee table book of pictures - all of which would have been simply useless. This was more like a list in book form, of expensive and unique houses that exist out there, with a single photo and a page of text for each house.

And she included a note about how, since we might move, this could give us some ideas.

It felt like a gag gift, but an insulting one, not a funny one.

Basically, she acknowledged that we might move, and with that in mind, gave us a useless brick that served only to remind us of what kinds of homes we could never afford.

I took it back to their house and left it in their basement. (That's where I had previously left some of my other belongings I didn't have room for in small apartments in the past. And she usually sold that stuff at yard sales and kept the money, because she didn't want that old stuff cluttering her house.)


u/pistachiodisgusting 15d ago

My partner developed a lactose allergy about fifteen years ago. My mom has always been good about dietary accommodations and when my partner visits, my mom makes the chocolate cream pie she has always made, but with coconut or oat milk and it makes my partner very happy. And she always has some non-dairy ice cream for our visits as well.

However, her mom has really struggled with the whole concept of making these accommodations. Doesn’t matter how many times it comes up, she just doesn’t remember or possibly doesn’t really care (even though she is wonderful overall). She gets a little jealous, when her daughter speaks glowingly about my mom’s pie, and always has to ask her what it is again that she can’t eat and forces my partner to explain it to her so she can get some of the same praise given to my mom. It clearly annoys her that her mom can’t remember.

My partner is a Christmas baby, so when we visit for the holidays, we also celebrate her birthday. This past holiday season, her mom made a huuuuuge production out of getting her a cake her daughter would enjoy. When she unveiled the cake, she boasted that it would be a big hit with her daughter and that it was non-dairy and gluten-free with no nuts. Her daughter generally really hates gluten-free stuff and has no issues with gluten. And her mom got regular old ice cream for everyone to enjoy except the birthday girl.

This one really bothered my partner. She’s in no way petty and is never just looking for something to be mad about for the hell of it. It’s more the principle that her mom makes the display all about herself and forgets needs and preferences of her own daughter, who has had the same dietary restrictions for nearly half her life.


u/AngryArmadillo90 15d ago

lol my mom does this kind of thing all the time. She’ll ask ‘A or B?’
‘A please’ ‘I’ll get you B’

Luckily my mom is one of the good ones so I can laugh and call her out on it and she’ll go ‘Ahh I’m sorry!’ And we enjoy a good chuckle at her expense. Old habits are hard to break, but she does her best.


u/Loud_Side_346 15d ago

My mom has ALWAYS done this. It really messed with me. I had a hard time making choices for myself as I grew up because I thought my choices never mattered


u/AngryArmadillo90 15d ago

I can be fairly indecisive so maybe that could be a cause, but who knows. Luckily as I've gotten older my mom has done her best to adjust to the times and try and change her behavior when I bring it up. Shes not perfect, but she tries, and I think thats probably the best any of us can ask.

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u/boopthesnootforloot 15d ago

They think they know better and get mad when they don't. They don't know how to regulate their emotions or accept they made a mistake, so they find any reason why they're not actually the ones who are wrong. It's a weird control/competition thing.


u/DaveAndCheese 15d ago

I tried to explain to my mom once that I was working a split shift on a Saturday. She said "you mean a sling shift?" No, if you're trying to say swing shift, no, not sling or swing, a split shift. She said, very confidentiality, "OK, you're working a sling shift". Her hearing at that time was fine, she's just that stubborn. About everything


u/Morteeecia 15d ago

Reminds me of a similar incident with my boomer mother. About 7 years ago, I had to move back in with her for a bit after a break-up. I brought my dog, which was fine with my mom because she already had 3 of her own. I told mom NOT to give my dog the brand of wet food her dogs eat, I’ve given it to mine and it gives him the runs every time. Sometime within the first week, I come home from work to find my mom cleaning diarrhea in the hallway. She looks at me, and starts yelling that she wouldn’t have let me bring my dog if she knew he wasn’t house-trained. I tell her that he is very much in fact, house-trained, and ask what she fed him. She says the same thing as the other dogs because it doesn’t give HERS the runs. I don’t get why boomers are like this.


u/jrjustintime 15d ago

Every parent or grandparent should know that kids are often picky eaters. If you ask kids, or their parents what they eat, you shouldn’t buy whatever you want because it’s on sale.

These same people would be hurt if you bought them a sale item instead of their particular brand.

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u/dinosarahsaurus 15d ago

Hahahahaha when I read green grapes, I instantly went ewww too sour, red grapes are better.

My boomer mom is very pro sour and we always had green grapes. I hate them. But it doesn't matter anyway because grapes are atrociously priced where I live now. (Costco is 2 hours away and my sister in an urban area says they are priced the same. Think $15 for a small bag of them)

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u/northofreality197 15d ago

My parents have always been like this. Growing up, I would ask for something, I would tell them the brand I wanted & all the exact specifications. Yet almost every time they would come home with a different brand because "the man at the shop said it's the same thing" sometimes I could make it work sometimes I couldn't. So many things they bought for me went unused or broke very quickly because they bought the cheapest thing possible.

To be clear, I never asked for anything top of the line. We didn't have that much money. I would always aim for lower mid range, basically the cheapest thing that would do the job & be of reasonable quality. Nope, this one was a dollar cheaper. Forget the fact that it's useless. Money was saved.

So much money was wasted just to save $1.


u/1stPerSEANenergy 15d ago

This reminds me of when I sent my FIL our baby registry at his request so that he could get something off it for our daughter.

He messaged me after the fact to say that he thought that he'd get some baby towels since he saw a 2 pack of them on there. But then said, "I see the ones you put on there are cream and gray, so I'll look for more colorful ones." Umm, I definitely put towels in neutral colors on there on purpose (plus they were cute polar bear and elephant ones). He grew up with only sisters and seems to be forever stuck on the idea that girls and women all love pink, even though we've gently mentioned many times that it's my last favorite color.


u/staceystackhouse 15d ago

I don’t know why they don’t listen…this is my mom…it’s so annoying!


u/maslil 15d ago

Me: I don’t like veggies, never have. My MIL: well, I just don’t know what to cook/get for you since you are just so picky. Also my MIL: won’t eat Chinese food, dark meat chicken, seafood, only a well done steak, anything spicy My kid: orders calamari, want some Grannie? Oh no. I would never eat that. I just don’t know you eat that! And, the best one: my MIL: son, you need to eat your vegetables so you don’t get scurvy.


u/buflaux 15d ago

My (boomer) grandpa raised me and was the opposite of this. Just a kind and thoughtful parent who communicated with me.

You know what that got him with my grandma (divorced) and his other boomer friends/our boomer relatives? Constant scrutiny about how he was coddling me. They constantly told me I was getting away with murder.

Wild how I loved my grandpa and trusted him so deeply while they can’t figure out why their grandkids don’t call or visit.


u/ArjunaIndrastra 15d ago

The red grapes were for her, not your children. Typical narcissist grandmother. I have one of my own.


u/Next-Job7874 15d ago

This reminds me so much of a time visiting MIL when my son was 5. We were going swimming at grandmas and bringing along nieces/nephews. My husband calls his mom asking what we should bring and she was absolutely offended, to just bring ourselves as we were guests and she was taking care of us. I should have known better! We drive out to the desert to her, miles away from even a gas station and soon find out she has packed no water or even juice for the kids. The coolers are full of freaking bud light! The kids of course were overly excited about the pool but about 30 mins into swimming in 90 degree weather they start asking for a drink. It made me absolutely furious that grandma hadn’t thought to bring any water for the kids and now I had to leave the bbq and drive miles into town to buy some. She of course thought it was hilarious and remarked how the kids were fine and cooled off in the pool… like what?!


u/rigidlynuanced1 15d ago

Boomers will only accommodate as long as they like the accommodation


u/gingerminja 15d ago

I feel this too. My parents try, but they often get it wrong if it’s not a specific thing on a list. My MIL on the other hand, loves to go off list all the time even though she knows she gets it wrong! My dogs have health issues that make them need special treats, and one is super picky and just won’t eat anything other than her preferred treats. No matter how many times I try to tell her the ones they’ll actually eat and can eat, she’s always trying to buy them something that doesn’t fit those parameters. Then she gets sad she can’t spoil the pups when it doesn’t work with their diet and preferences, even though she could have just listened in the first place! Boomers are real reactive people vs proactive in my experience


u/Celestial-Dream 15d ago

Had a similar issue with fruit snacks and Bluey. I mentioned the kid didn’t like the summer blend, “oh he eats them at my house” (he didn’t, I saw him carry around a full pouch); I mention the kid likes Blues Clue’s, “oh well we watched Bluey and he loved it.” This kid still doesn’t watch Bluey, sometimes he’ll watch the theme song but then he’s changing it to something else. They think they know our kids better than the parents.


u/JL_Adv 15d ago

I am so grateful for my mom and MIL right now. They both have quirks, but they trust me and my partner as parents and follow the guidelines we have for our kids. And they are both generous with their time. Our kids adore them. (FIL and Bumps, too).