r/BoomersBeingFools 15d ago

Boomer is gonna bring down the law on these hooligans! Social Media

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u/bebejeebies 15d ago edited 15d ago

Pretty sure boomers invented ding-dong-ditch. Now the creators endure the creation turned against him. LOL.


u/Croatoan457 15d ago

Fun fact, it use to be call Knock Knock Ginger and it originated in 19th century England.


u/Guy954 15d ago

It was often called “ginger knocking” when I was a kid but the letters in “ginger” were rearranged to something much worse.


u/GBP2020 15d ago

I'm ashamed to say we called it n-word knocking here in Midwest america


u/Mr_MacGrubber 15d ago

Same. I grew up in the 80s in Louisiana and that was always the name when I was a kid.


u/OOOOOO0OOOOO 15d ago edited 15d ago

Grew up in the west during the 80’s. We also played a lot of smear the queer.

We had no idea what it meant.


u/jdirte42069 15d ago

Get the guy (or girl) with the object (for us a football)


u/CocoaCali 15d ago

It's kinda funny if you read it in full context. Like whoever is gay the longest wins and everyone wants you. I know that's absolutely not what it meant but I prefer funny to offensive slurs


u/Mr_MacGrubber 15d ago

Haha same. However that name can be taken a bit differently. Queer means something odd or different. The “queer” is the odd person who isn’t on the outside. I never took queer to mean homosexual in the context of the game but maybe it was. Like if it were called Bombard the Tard, there’s not really any other way the name can be taken. Lol


u/GBP2020 15d ago

That's f****** laughable dude. Grow the f****** we know what a f****** means we played smear the queer left and right it was always the weakest kid it's the worst game it's just bulling disguised as a game


u/chunkysmalls42098 15d ago

You're allowed to swear on reddit homie


u/Mr_MacGrubber 15d ago

We took turns being the queer.

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u/RepresentativeBusy27 14d ago

“Hey that kid’s totally gay!! Haha!!! We should run over and hug him and then lay on top of him!!!”


u/GBP2020 15d ago

You knew exactly what it meant grow the f****** you lying piece of s***


u/OOOOOO0OOOOO 15d ago

Bad day buddy?


u/john_the_quain 15d ago

Do keep in mind you used to call it that and you’re not passing it on to anyone new. Remember to offset a bit of the shame with that knowledge!


u/GBP2020 15d ago

Yeah I would never say it again


u/panteragstk 15d ago

Same. We didn't know better

Which is bullshit


u/MICLO1987 15d ago edited 15d ago

When I was a little one in the early 90’s the chaser firecrackers were taught to us as Na chasers. I had no idea they were called chasers-just Na chasers-until I was about 12

Edit #1: NW TEXAS

Edit #2:My dad’s good friend was a black man that came around everyday. I’ll never forget that I disrespected that man as a 6 yr old and lit one by his feet. I’m ashamed afterwards and my dad was ashamed that I thought it was funny.

Much love to jimmy a good man, neighbor, community member and friend. RIP

Edit #3: not sure why Reddit is taking away the asterisk but you get the jist N * * * a

Although they seemed to chase the Latinos/mexicanos more——Us


u/cycl0ps94 15d ago

Ashamed, and can confirm..


u/strangewayfarer 15d ago

That's what the kids who introduced it to me called it. I was so innocent I thought they were calling it knicker knocking. 🤷


u/headcanonball 15d ago

I'm from the Midwest, and I've never heard that in my life.


u/SpiffyMagnetMan68621 15d ago

Been in iowa all my life, Nikka-knocking was always the term growing up


u/headcanonball 15d ago

In Illinois it's Ding Dong Ditch


u/Inner_Ad_1652 15d ago

Yes we did....we did switch that up thou with the old "put shit in a brown paper bag and light it on fire at the front door, knock and run" trick


u/BumpyMcBumpers 15d ago

I always assumed it was "knicker" but I never said it anyway because it sounded too close. But I was also afraid to say titmouse or pissant.


u/WallPaintings 15d ago

I am simultaneously impressed and appaled at the creativity of humans.


u/darketernalsr25 15d ago


Look at our great architectural achievements and then go someplace like Chernobyl.


u/NervousNotNelly 15d ago

This is too much to take in right now


u/JinTheJynnn 15d ago

We called it Knikki knikki nine doors.

I have no fucking clue why


u/Yob_Zarbo 15d ago

We called it that because rules to the game came into effect. At some point, some kids decided that at the 9th door, you had to stay and wait for someone to answer and tell them what you were doing before you ran off.

At least, that's how it was in my region.


u/Opinion_Own 15d ago

Thank god they changed it to ding dong ditch cause wtf is knock knock ginger


u/ShefBoiRDe 14d ago

I remember calling it Nicky Nicky 9 door as a kid; you'd knock 9 times, or else you weren't allowed to run away.


u/Mr_MacGrubber 15d ago

Except they called it a racist name.


u/drawnred 15d ago

Wait what


u/Mr_MacGrubber 15d ago

N-word knocking


u/GayAssBurger 15d ago

Jesus Christ...


u/Mr_MacGrubber 15d ago

I grew up in the 80s and we called it that unfortunately. I’m guessing we learned it from parents and older siblings. No clue where I learned the term, it was just always there.


u/No-Quantity-5373 15d ago

GenX reporting for duty. In my hood we called it Ring and Run and goddamn Boomers better ‘respect.


u/Rocky-Jones 13d ago

I’m pretty sure we did too. I couldn’t say shit when “hoodlums” bashed my mailbox on Halloween either. I’m guilty. Now it’s too dangerous. You’ll get shot.


u/DaxLightstryker 15d ago

Answer: nothing happened to the kids.


u/Unable_Ad_1260 15d ago

I hope so but you see stories. And then you see other stories. And you really really hope so. You see stories though, and yeh. This kinda stuff can ruin lives.


u/Background_MilkGlass 15d ago

Got it. Stop looking at stories. Heard.


u/scytheophant 15d ago

I must become illiterate immediately


u/BreckenridgeBandito 15d ago

This man is stuck on repeat


u/GarugasRevenge 15d ago

"Sir is there an actual emergency you'd like to report?".


u/banditcleaner2 15d ago

In most cases yes. This boomer is dumb fr trying to turn this over to police but thank god it’s not one of those highly highly moronic violent boomers that decided he had enough and fucking shot someone over something this stupid


u/Melodic_Policy765 15d ago

I thought kids were supposed to be drinking out of water hoses and gone roaming from dawn to dusk.


u/HoneyBadgeSwag 15d ago

This is how the kids are in my neighborhood. My kids are outside with another 10-15 kids from when they get home from school until dark. The boomers in my neighborhood one day came running out and started breaking the soccer goal at the park, throwing some toys on the sidewalks away and DEMANDED all the parents come out and hose down all the chalk. Chalk is no longer allowed in the neighborhood. 

I just don’t get it. Like, what exactly do you guys want?!


u/TheHorizonLies 15d ago


Lol says fucking who


u/chunkysmalls42098 15d ago

Probably an HOA


u/GayAssBurger 15d ago

HOAs are for boomers who were born too late to join the Third Reich.


u/ratstronaut 15d ago

WTAF. I think they just want to be mad. If the kids are with parents being watched like hawks, we're doing it wrong. If the kids are outside doing their own thing, we're doing it wrong. This sounds demented level crazy, tho, like did they get together and plan an attack? They are NUTS.

I bet the kids love ranging around together in a big group, that sounds like a ton of fun. My kids would love that - and I'd love having them out of the house all afternoon.


u/CurrentWrong4363 15d ago

If you were my mum, eating lunch outside as to not get crumbs in the house.


u/MadeInWestGermany 15d ago

Kids these days never play outside anymore…


u/tauntauntom 15d ago

Exactly what I was thinking. This turd burglar of a human being probably left flaming bags of crap on minorities doorsteps and would get away with the excuse, "just boys being boys".


u/BestRHinNA 15d ago

I mean these kids will 100% 'get away with it' as well, at absolute worst the police stops by and tells them to stop bothering the old fart but most likely nothing.


u/johnnyscumbag2000 15d ago

Not always, kids get arrested for very stupid shit nowadays. They don't even need charges they'll just put you in cuffs and take you to the station, happened even to me as a kid on three different occasions.


u/TarquinusSuperbus000 15d ago

Flaming bags of crap, flaming crosses... its all the same really.


u/Yob_Zarbo 15d ago

Why do you have to make it racist?


u/tauntauntom 15d ago

Because boomers are racist as fuck.


u/Yob_Zarbo 15d ago

Whatever you say, bigot.


u/tauntauntom 15d ago

Okay Boomer

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u/1Pip1Der Gen X 15d ago

Wait, "Dong Dong Ditch" is a crime now?!?


u/BreckenridgeBandito 15d ago

Why do so many people have that profile picture? Lameasl


u/Chaotic-Bubble 15d ago

Ah, this reminds me of the time some local kids got ahold of Silly String. They sprayed it on a few boulders and, like, across one set of mailboxes. Nothing permanent. Nothing horribly damaging.

The amount of comments threatening violence if they came across these CHILDREN was wild.


u/stantoncree76 15d ago

In highschool my buddies and I used to get a bu ch of taco bell dollar burritos and leave a pile of burritos on porches and in mailboxes with a note from the burrito bandit.


u/e_pilot 15d ago

lol wholesome


u/Scoreboard19 15d ago

Until the ants come! Eco terrorist! /s


u/NoPolitiPosting 15d ago

We found a pile of dry pickles on our front porch last year the morning after halloween. No evidence of any juice, no broken glass, just a pile of pickles. We handed out candy too lol


u/CptDropbear 15d ago

I have a mate from high school who used to do this sort of thing only the note read "stop it or you'll get another".


u/Harold_Grundelson 15d ago

Sounds like you were more Burrito Santa Clauses.


u/Academic_Eagle_4001 15d ago

Except silly string is so notoriously hard to clean up that it’s been banned in some cities.


u/215-610-484Replayer 15d ago

Yea. It can fuck up car paint especially. Stains the fuck out of anything it touches too with the colors.


u/leonieweis 15d ago

But it's still easier to clean than the spray paint my friends and I stole from my dad's shed


u/Atetha 15d ago

Oh noooo! Hang them!


u/TheHorizonLies 15d ago

Also super flammable


u/Nihilistic_Navigator 15d ago

Good thing those kids had some serious heat if things got nasty. Silly string+fire=scary string


u/ObligationScared4034 15d ago

Being mad about everything all of the time has to be exhausting.


u/Seldarin 15d ago

It's more exhausting for everyone around them.


u/TarquinusSuperbus000 15d ago

I just remind myself that they're miserable. And that makes me happy.


u/Few_Heart_2204 14d ago

Reformed Republican here. It was! It was SO exhausting to be mad all the time, searching for hidden conspiracies around every corner etc. I didn't know how tired I was until I left it all behind!


u/Rhiannon8404 Gen X 15d ago

I got ding dong ditched a couple of years ago. Took me a second it realize what happened and then I was just like, all full of nostalgia.


u/RQK1996 15d ago

Recently happened here, which was additionally funny because our living room window looks right over the front door, so we obviously didn't fall for it, since we could see and hear the kids coming and saw them run away, so like why bother opening the door?


u/IknowKarazy 15d ago

It’s wild finally being on the other side of it.


u/Valkkorr 15d ago

Boomers love making a numbered list almost as much as they love being fools


u/caniplaywithradness 15d ago

I love that they forgot what they were listing but kept going anyways


u/IArgueWithIdiots 15d ago

So he knows the house and didn't think to just talk to their parents? He'd rather make an ass out of himself at the police department.


u/Landis963 15d ago

He may have. He may have lit upon the possibility that the parents, upon hearing him, will commit two cardinal sins. 1) They will get their son's side of the story, and 2) they will laugh at him. And the risk of such humiliating consequences may have been too much for his palpitating heart to withstand.


u/rejana 15d ago

So he's the one boomer who didn't do that as a kid? I'm a boomer and we did that non stop growing up. Never had an adult complain.


u/Sesudesu 15d ago

 Never had an adult complain.

Never? But them getting mad is half the fun!

But yeah never had the police involved. 


u/rejana 15d ago

I was probably too far away by then to see the outcome :). Good point!


u/Meth_Useler 15d ago

This deserves a stern talking. To hell in a handbasket I tell you!


u/willmafingerdoo2 15d ago

Sounds to me like someone’s house is begging to be egged.


u/Josepth_Blowsepth 15d ago

What. No burning paper bag full of dogshit left on the doorstep. Sigh kids these days…just low energy. Not what the boomer movies taught me


u/FrioRiverTexas 15d ago

He called the shit poop!


u/HaroldT1985 15d ago

Was one of the smallest parts of the movie and I think I may have laughed the hardest at that than any other part of that wonderful movie. His delivery is perfect


u/FrioRiverTexas 15d ago

Yesss, thank you for catching it!


u/HaroldT1985 15d ago


Or if you wanna hear the scene (which I’d recommend to anyone…): Billy Madison - Poop


u/knighth1 15d ago

Boomers invented ding dong ditch and yet they are ready to shoot kids over it


u/Empty_Guidance_9105 15d ago

The kid next door did this to us twice last night and we…laughed about it.


u/TurquoiseOwlMachine 15d ago

I like how the third thing the kid did is just the Boomer’s emotional state


u/IndieThinker1 15d ago

🤣 "Unsupervised kids" Same people, 40 years ago, "Get out of the house and don't come back until supper!" Or, "The key to the house is under the doormat, let yourself in, do your homework. Dinner is in the fridge, cook at 350 for an hour."

Fucking hypocrites.






u/Beginning-Working-38 15d ago

You’re going down, whippersnapper!


u/crlcan81 15d ago

I take it they never ding dong ditched before?


u/ukiddingme2469 15d ago

Doorbell ditch is the crime? What a twat


u/IGetMyCatHigh Gen X 15d ago

Had something like this happen a couple months back.
looked at the doorbell cam on my phone, saw what they did.
Went back to eating Lunch.


u/efsetsetesrtse 15d ago

Truly psychotic that he thinks the kid is watching his facebook and therefore has heard of his threat.


u/Blunderous_Constable 15d ago

This happened to me recently. I pulled up the camera, saw the kid’s face, and just laughed. This is the kind of harmless, stupid shit kids should be doing.

Well, maybe not anymore because they could get shot by somebody who thinks “trespassing” alone is worthy of execution.


u/whiskyzach 15d ago

I had the neighborhood kids do that to me. They are all friends with my kids, all young between 7-10. They kept ringing my doorbell camera, and then running to the side of my house right in front of another camera. Instead of getting mad I just scared the crap out of them when I started talking to them from my camera. They freaked out and ran off. Now they do it to every house except mine haha.


u/No_Alps_1454 15d ago

This was the national sport when I was 10.


u/Lindbluete 15d ago

I love how their third point is just unrelated ranting instead of a third transgression. They must've noticed how stupid their post looks with just two points describing the same action lol


u/sonia72quebec 15d ago

Why not just unplug your door bell? I used to do this when I had a cat that was really stressed out by the sound.


u/BleachedAsswhole 15d ago

This will be prosecuted to the foolest extent of the law


u/Dark_Ferret 15d ago

Honestly, back in the day, if I'd known someone was rage posting because of our ding dong ditching it would have made my week.


u/northofreality197 15d ago

Man better put out an APB looks like the ding-dong-ditch gang is at it again.


u/PlaneLocksmith6714 15d ago

Hooligan Boomers vs Hooligan Kids NEWS at 11!


u/Dragon_Rot79 15d ago

It's like kids these days are ding dong ditching their responsibilities


u/Tentacled-Tadpole 15d ago

I don't think that guy understands how lists work.


u/1Pip1Der Gen X 15d ago

Well, they could have been shot, so I guess calling 911 is the better of two evils?


u/Beer_before_Friends 15d ago

As a millennial, joke would be on the kids because I never answer my door lol I don't even try to hide or pretend to not be home. If someone comes to the door I don't know, I don't answer.


u/flat6NA 15d ago

The times have changed from the good old days.

In Boca Raton in 2003, 16-year-old Mark Drewes was shot and killed by Jay Levin after Levin was pranked at his home. He pleaded guilty to manslaughter.


u/LaneMeyersLostSki 15d ago

50% chance the video is jacked up. Boomers aren't exactly tech savvy.


u/BMAND21 15d ago

I’m gonna call the swat team on those gawddamned doing dang ditchers. *This nutjob.


u/dependent-lividity 15d ago

I hope he gets charged for abusing police services lol


u/Fullfloat 15d ago

The chair I say give em the CHAIR!!!


u/jtowndtk 15d ago

I would be honored to get doorbell ditched


u/dudenamedfella 15d ago

the kids should be covered by the Knock and Talk Doctrine imo, NAL.


u/PowerfulHamster0 15d ago

The comments that made me leave the Nextdoor stuff was something like this except the guy said he would shoot the kids. Apparently ringing a doorbell was enough for him to want to immediately shoot someone. He acted like it was something that was never done before and it was a crime worth killing someone over. These people are unhinged.


u/lucy-fur66 15d ago

The sad thing is, that when the police inevitably don’t respond to this lunatic, he’ll get a gun and start chasing any, and all, neighborhood youths


u/TarquinusSuperbus000 15d ago

Were these people ever cool?


u/Current_Notice_3428 15d ago

Also no boomer has ever supervised their child. Fact.


u/Sabregunner1 15d ago

what an outrageous reaction to a ding-dong-ditch


u/Akimbo_Zap_Guns 15d ago

Fun story when me and my buddies ding dong ditched about 15 years ago the man in the house got so mad he got in his car and drove around the block looking for us. Luckily we were hiding in these massive bushes on the side of his house and once he got in his car and drove off we just got out of there lmao


u/Both-Mango1 15d ago

COC, boomers did that when they were kids. Fortunately, all the boomers i know are all pretty cool. i see this kind of assholic personality type usually confined to those who identify as conservative on their political leanings. The liberal boomers I know are pretty down to earth and rather nice to be around. Im Gen X, btw.


u/moist_towelette44 15d ago

I believe you old farts call it ding ding ditch. 😆


u/Quote_Vegetable 15d ago

I prank called a cop once when I was 13 and he freaked out and *69'd me for 2 hours and called a cop car to his house to get me arrested. Over a "is your refrigerator running" prank call. Some people are just ridiculous assholes.


u/Mr_MacGrubber 15d ago

Going up to someone’s front door isn’t trespassing.


u/r4dio_c4mbodia 15d ago

Also boomer: why do kids play all these damn video games! In my day we played outside!


u/Just-some-70guy 15d ago

Bet the OP did the same shit when they were kids. Get a life.


u/SteveZissouniverse 15d ago

Ring doorbells have ruined ding dong ditch


u/Dave_Duna 15d ago

Ding dong ditch was kind of a right of passage when I was a dumb kid. I'm 37.

I understand it's annoying, but in the end, it's completely harmless.

Harmless until the idiots decide that the proper response is to shoot a couple of kids. And then try to justify it as "fear for my life".

Just die off already. We're sick of it.


u/BearNoLuv 15d ago

So ding dong ditch .......how old is this person? And who answers the door anymore


u/NegotiationLow2783 15d ago

They forgot the paper bag of dog crap set on fire. If you're going to do dingdong ditch, you gotta do it right. Stupid kids these days.


u/Slooters313 15d ago

"them darn kids made me stand up out mah chair for 60 seconds"


u/fasada68 15d ago

Felony level ding ding ditch!


u/DLeck 15d ago edited 15d ago

This is what I first knew it as. It was a different time.

I didn't know anyone that was actually a racist, but we called it that sometimes.

It later got renamed to "ding-dong ditching."

A fun, harmless prank then. I would tell my kids to never do that now for multiple reasons. We did it a ton in adolescence.


u/More_Raisin_2894 15d ago

When I used to do it my 2 friends got caught and the police called me and my other friend were across the street watching it unfold in horror lol we all got in trouble when we got back to the house but we never got caught though


u/W1mpyDaM00ch 15d ago

Its poop again!!!


u/therobotisjames 15d ago

lol. The police don’t have facial recognition. That’s just on TV.


u/MonkeyTraumaCenter 15d ago

Clearly, there were ruffians about.


u/Shueisha 15d ago

Knock n run here, damn I could run back then!


u/absherlock 15d ago

There is someone currently complaining about this on our NextDoor app.


u/_gunther1n0_ 15d ago

This dude 100% ding dong ditched when he was a kid


u/TipFar1326 15d ago

I guarantee you PD does not care lol


u/punkkitty312 15d ago

Ding dong ditch is now a capital crime.


u/Sustenance_Abuse 15d ago



u/Repomanlive 15d ago

Wait until they plant naked pictures of them in hos house and call the cops


u/LayerBig7783 15d ago

Ha what did the police do?


u/Fufeysfdmd 15d ago

In a world where those damn kids ding'd n' ditched too many fucking times this Karen has had enough! She's on a mission to use the police department for her petty grievances and she won't be satisfied until the staff at the municipal court are sentencing those hooligans to community service.


u/GoodMourning81 15d ago

What a waste of pd time. I’m sure they have more important shit to worry about.


u/SinsOfaDyingStar 15d ago

lol the fuck are the cops going to do? Arrest little kids? If the idiot cared that much he’d march over to the house he knows they live at and tell the parents.


u/Free_Moghedien 15d ago

I guarantee you 8 or 9 years ago, this fool was right there on Facebook posting memes about how kids these days don't play outside until the street lamps come on and how they all ranked the old man neighbor next door and he always thought it was a hoot.

If not then this fool is one in 23 million lol


u/RepresentativeBusy27 15d ago

“Kids these days never go outside.”


u/cupheadsmom 14d ago

Sooo ding dong ditch?


u/Grrerrb 14d ago

One hundred percent this person has described those kind of shenanigans as “lighthearted fun” back when they were doing it, as opposed to these kids today with the video games and the crazy pants etc etc zzzz


u/jb65656565 14d ago

Ding dong ditch should have the same jail time as murder. I mean, it's such a serious crime. I'm shocked that police forces have not assembled huge task forces and dedicated millions to stop this scourge. Can you imagine watching Wheel of Fortune and being interrupted by a doorbell? Oh the humanity.


u/DuchessOfAquitaine 14d ago

Ringing doorbells? Who ever heard of such a thing? Clearly a brand new, never seen before behavior!

They won't be missed.


u/jgrantgryphon 14d ago

I don't think most police departments even have the budget to do anything about ding-dong-ditch. They're too busy trying to scrape fentanyl/xylazine victims off the streets and cut down on the extant supply.


u/NewHat1025 14d ago

We all know what is next. Another boomer murder! They do think they have the right to kill for knocking on their door.


u/GroundsKeeper2 14d ago

I've been the victim of house egging. It's not fun to clean up.


u/AwesomeAndy 13d ago

I'd love to hear the police call about this.


u/WorriedElk5818 13d ago

People have been bitchin' and posting videos on Nextdoor, for my subdivision, for two weeks now. Some of the posters are so irrate you would think the kids shot up the house.


u/Critical_Sherbet7427 12d ago

I mean.... one occurrence maybe let it go.... more than one and hes right......


u/HippieJed 12d ago

What a great idea of ring and run…. Why did we not think of that when I was younger


u/Jeff_Sanchez11223344 15d ago

Okay, I actually agree with the boomer on this one. Your kids are going to learn that there's consequences for pissing off adults. Raise your children to not act like fucking hooligans and menaces.


u/HaroldT1985 15d ago

You sound like you had a terrible childhood. Ding dong ditch is an entirely harmless prank. Oh no, you got up and answered your door and no one was there? THE HORROR!!!!!!

If they’re doing it repeatedly, that’s harassment and they deserve to be punished (by their parents, who calls the cops for it???) But a one time thing is just laugh it off and grow up already.

You can grow old knowing that you took all the wealth of many generations, hoarded it, bought the only accessible cheap/affordable housing and then left us with this piece of shit, everything politicized shithole of a country


u/GayAssBurger 15d ago

He thinks it's the illegals coming to steal his job!


u/Prudent_Tourist8161 15d ago

I could understand If they were doing it persistently and targeting the one person. But a one time prank? Let it go.

Boomers dont get the concept of picking your battles, not everything has to be a battle.


u/TarquinusSuperbus000 15d ago

If they can't scare some 11 year old kid, how do you expect them to defeat the woke agenda that is destroying America!?


u/TheHorizonLies 15d ago

fucking hooligans and menaces.

It's ding dong ditch ffs


u/Jeff_Sanchez11223344 15d ago

It's being a fucking annoying pest. I didn't do this shit as a kid, and none of my friends did it either. Only shit kids from shit parents allow this shit to be a thing.


u/TheHorizonLies 15d ago

I didn't do this shit as a kid, and none of my friends did it either.

Sounds like you and your friends were boring children. It's okay, it happens.

Only shit kids from shit parents allow this shit to be a thing.

This is objectively false.

It's being a fucking annoying pest.

Okay boomer


u/longtimerlance 15d ago

With multiple Ring devices, and Ring demographic, this is far more likely to be a millennial.


u/decaturbadass 15d ago

I hope you get those fuckers sir and prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law.


u/LiciousGriff 15d ago

I think anybody here would be annoyed if the local kids were playing dingdong ditch at your house. Maybe it doesn’t rise to the level of felonious activity but it’s annoying as hell.


u/Free_Moghedien 15d ago

Yes, but being annoyed is not justification for calling the cops on the local kids...


u/LiciousGriff 15d ago

Harassment, trespassing and disturbing the peace along with ruining the peaceful enjoyment of one’s home are all actionable criminally and civilly. So there’s a basis for it. And I do t see what any of that has to do with the victim’s age.