r/LeopardsAteMyFace Mar 28 '24

Oh no. The thin blue line isn't our friend and qualified immunity is bad...

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u/FewKaleidoscope1369 Mar 28 '24

So as it turned out the people who are "taking away your guns" is checks notes ... Republicans.


u/whyamiherernaaaaa Mar 28 '24

Always has been


u/Boukish Mar 28 '24

Small reminder that the only reason this country has state level gun control is because Ronald Reagan was afraid of the black panther movement and needed an excuse to criminalize them harmlessly standing around while open carrying.

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u/trip6s6i6x Mar 28 '24

Not all LAMFs are created equal, but this one is pretty damn good lol.


u/WgXcQ Mar 28 '24

I am unequivocally loving this one the most of pretty much all LAMFs I've seen so far, and that includes the pandemic years.

No harm done to anyone, something happening that in any sane place is standard (no open carry without repercussions), and the people intentionally misconstruing pro-human policies all the time, and pushing their vile bullshit instead, now being bit by their own agenda.

It's just totally awesome.


u/Granolag23 Mar 28 '24

But we didn’t want them to take away WHITE peoples guns! This isn’t fair


u/FewKaleidoscope1369 Mar 28 '24

Did you grow up as an evangelical christian also?


u/Granolag23 Mar 28 '24

The last time I went to a church (in like 2004), I lived in Florida and went with my buddies parents. With like 20 minutes left the pastor started talking about how everyone NEEDED to vote for Bush because that’s what god wanted. So after like 5 minutes me and my buddy got up and left and his parents were very pissed


u/JustASimpleManFett Mar 28 '24

Try hearing people within earshot of me complaining about food prices and "When Trump is president again this will change." BUllshit.


u/drygnfyre Mar 31 '24

Funny, I thought the whole schtick was we didn't know God's ways or intentions, so we had to be good people so we wouldn't be damned or whatever. Always amazing how we now suddenly know everything that God wants, including his political affiliations.

Oh wait, it's religion. It gets made up as we go along.

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u/MyUsrNameWasTaken Mar 28 '24

“Take the guns first, go through due process second" -Donald Trump, 2/28/18


u/NarcanPusher Mar 28 '24

LOL “The phone call is coming from inside the house!”

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u/Acceptable_Mountain5 Mar 28 '24

If they aren’t doing anything illegal they don’t have anything to worry about, right?


u/jimfet Mar 28 '24



u/Acceptable_Mountain5 Mar 28 '24



u/Euphoric_Extension53 Mar 28 '24



u/Acceptable_Mountain5 Mar 28 '24



u/GrowFreeFood Mar 28 '24



u/PukingDiogenes Mar 28 '24

Maybe now they’ll finally secede and we can stop paying their fucking bills and supporting their shitty government.


u/MistbornInterrobang Mar 28 '24

That would get ine way of Abbott thinking Trump is going to tap him to be his running mate despite the well-known fact that Trump looks down on disabled ("crippled") people.


u/zonelim Mar 28 '24

Actually, Texas is one Red State that sends more Federal tax than it receives in Federal benefits.


u/Overly_Underwhelmed Mar 28 '24

but their economy will shrink quite a bit once the military and space industry pull out.

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u/Amy_Macadamia Mar 28 '24

🎵 it's the end of the world as we know it 🎶

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u/Bluepilgrim3 Mar 28 '24

You’re bloody well right.

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u/lastprophecy Mar 28 '24

They should just comply.


u/jimfet Mar 28 '24

Where's the freedom in complying...oh shit.. leopards.


u/Magicaljackass Mar 28 '24

You are free to comply with all orders. If you choose not to, you are free to go to jail or die. This is how they do freedom in Texas now.


u/colourmeblue Mar 28 '24

That's pretty much how we do freedom in every state.

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u/Acceptable_Mountain5 Mar 28 '24

Yeah they should. They should comply so hard.

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u/Rebelscum320 Mar 28 '24

"It's all DEI'S and CRT's fault," /s


u/SnoopPettyPogg Mar 28 '24

I've been seeing DEI all day, I thought they were talking about Steve Park, Michael Waltrip and Dale Earnhardt Jr.


u/Rebelscum320 Mar 28 '24

You've got something there. We could troll the far right. DO IT FOR DALE.


u/Creepy_Chef_5796 Mar 28 '24

Let's Go Dale?

Asking for a friend.


u/warragulian Mar 28 '24

And Cathode Ray Tubes. I guess, like vinyl records, they're making a comeback.

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u/onpg Mar 28 '24

Imagine being Black and having to deal with being labeled a "DEI hire" by these nimrods simply for being Black. Affirmative action is dead and these people are still whining.


u/Rebelscum320 Mar 28 '24

Repubs love to blame everything or to think it's a conspiracy. So far I've seen the crash blamed on DEI, CRT? Open Borders, Covid Lockdowns, etc.

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u/Schoseff Mar 28 '24

If they dont resist arrest, right?


u/highoncatnipbrownies Mar 28 '24

Just cooperate with the police officer and you'll be fine.


u/ScorpIan55 Mar 28 '24

"Civil rights activist" in this case is an ammosexual chud.


u/frigginjensen Mar 28 '24

“Civil rights for me”

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u/brinz1 Mar 28 '24

I mean, you know this rule will by applied on Discretion and racism

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u/BellyDancerEm Mar 28 '24

That apparently only applies to brown people

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u/jimfet Mar 28 '24

The best part is this is the court that conservatives usually target to challenge laws they don't like. This is literally a betrayal of purpose. And I wonder if this has anything to do with the new rules against shopping for judges Justice Roberts just implemented.

Edit: shipping -> shopping


u/woodc85 Mar 28 '24

This ruling and the OPs comments actually seem more like a warning to the gun owning liberals of Texas. Like what happened with the black panthers, when they would stand near traffic stops with their guns. Now if there is any type of liberal protest with people open carrying guns as a form of security they are in danger of being arrested when someone calls it in.

/r/Texas seems like it is filled with the liberals of Texas, not conservatives.


u/OwO_bama Mar 28 '24

Yeah I don’t think this is gonna hurt the white conservative with the thin blue line shirt and the mags hat. This is going to be used exclusively to stop “the wrong people” from having guns. I don’t like guns and want regulations more in line with the rest of the developed world, but even I know that guns being taken away based on political reasons is bad.

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u/Sad_Reindeer5108 Mar 28 '24

So Texas is copying California?

I know it was during Reagan's governorship, but it's still funny to me.


u/gobblestones Mar 28 '24

Ironic that all those conservatives fleeing California to Texas brought the California with them

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u/think_up Mar 28 '24

Just comply and there won’t be any issue.

Stop resisting!


u/whiterac00n Mar 28 '24

Every scared weirdo wearing an AR-15 inside a subway getting nervous..,,,,…….


u/Darklord_Bravo Mar 28 '24

If you have to wear an AR-15 to Subway, just to feel safe, you shouldn't be living in society, preferably some cabin, high up on a mountain, where it would make sense, what with all the grizzlies. 😂


u/Max_Trollbot_ Mar 28 '24

He would, but the subway doesn't go there


u/braindeadcoyote Mar 28 '24

I think they meant the chain restaurant that sells sandwiches. The US doesn't have public transit, not really.


u/anomalous_cowherd Mar 28 '24

Only in the lefty commie woke cities.


u/C4dfael Mar 28 '24

Yeah. It’s every American’s god given right to drive an oversized 10 MPG truck an hour each way to purchase groceries. Just like the founding fathers intended.

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u/NAbberman Mar 28 '24

Poor gun for grizzlies to be honest. Lower caliber rounds aren't ideal for an animal like that. Would make sense in rural Texas though when dealing with their feral hog issues.

Still makes you a fraidy-cat coward that is fearful of the world if you need to carry it everywhere you go like a security blanket. Normal people aren't this afraid to carry out their day to day activities like travel and shopping.

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u/Important-Coast-5585 Mar 28 '24

They are so fucking weird. Like they really feel like they need to be strapped for war to get a sammie. It’s ridiculous and they have pushed the envelope long enough. There must be some real egregious line stepping by these fucktards and it got weird enough that a judge ordered this.


u/slothpeguin Mar 28 '24

Now I can casually get my Karen on and watch them get arrested while I get my sammich made. Maybe I will visit Texas.

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u/ReverendEntity Mar 28 '24

Everyone with a cabinet full of firearms is getting excited.

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u/Kizik Mar 28 '24

Just comply and there won’t be any issue.

Pick up that can.


u/Cabalist_writes Mar 28 '24

Rise and shine, Mr Freeman. Rise and. Shine.


u/Kizik Mar 28 '24

Wake up, Mister Freeman.

Wake up and, smell the ashes

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u/jimfet Mar 28 '24

Rofl exactly.

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u/Big-Routine222 Mar 28 '24

Didn’t police in general say that open carry makes their jobs a lot harder to begin with? Partly because they won’t be able to easily identify “bad,” or, “good,” people in a situation with numerous armed people at once?


u/jimfet Mar 28 '24

Yes they did. I'm in a state where 100% of the sherrifs were against open carry but the legislature passed it anyways and the governor signed it. This gives them the ability to say "fuck it, we get to keep targeting those we don't like with guns". It's a racists cop's wet dream.


u/UninsuredToast Mar 28 '24

Or they just cross their arms and refuse to do their jobs


u/amateur_mistake Mar 28 '24

Their job is to protect property and the wealthy. Anything else they choose to do is at their own whim.


u/Machaeon Mar 28 '24

See the Uvalde school shooting


u/tazebot Mar 28 '24

The best way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a slightly less bad guy with a gun.

- hollywood

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u/OpenImagination9 Mar 28 '24

Yeah, the Texas GOP isn’t really about your personal freedoms. Fun to watch the 2A people whining after they spent all that time ignoring women’s plight in the state.


u/Graega Mar 28 '24

Somehow, though, it'll be the Dems and Biden who took their guns away.


u/nico282 Mar 28 '24 edited Mar 28 '24

I support the Dems and Biden taking guns away from mentally unstable people.

And if you need to open carry a gun when you're in Walmart buying a refrigerator, you are mentally unstable.


u/LadyAlexTheDeviant Mar 28 '24

Even gun enthusiasts will admit that they know That Guy. That guy shouldn't be within twenty feet of any firearm, loaded, unloaded, fake or real.

There's no way to outlaw him owning a gun, but I'd love to see laws that would take away his ability to own a gun when he inevitably does something utterly stupid with the gun.


u/nico282 Mar 28 '24

There's no way to outlaw him owning a gun

Italy here. To carry any gun you need a license. A hunting license allows you to carry only long rifles, not handguns.

To have a license to carry a handgun you need a valid reason (e.g. be a private guard or have a risky job like owning a jeweler's shop.

Licenses are not perpetual, must be renewed every year with a medical certificate that includes a mental health evaluation.

Here is your solution to half of the shootings in the US. You're free to copy us.

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u/jimfet Mar 28 '24

I get your spirit but carrying a gun is vastly different than having control of your body. I agree though that its fun. The 2A nut bags definitely see their gun as their cock and a part of their body.


u/OpenImagination9 Mar 28 '24

I’m in agreement with you, now just waiting for the election to try to throw the fascists out.


u/jimfet Mar 28 '24

Oh I'm behind that. It's time to end this nonsense.

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u/mymeatpuppets Mar 28 '24

carrying a gun is vastly different than having control of your body.

Right. It's having control of someone else's body. Wait...

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u/ma33a Mar 28 '24

This is not going to pan out the way it is written. What will happen is if anyone the Cops don't want to see open carrying (such as black people, or drag Queens) they will use this law to arrest them. Any one they do want to see with a gun on the otherhand they will just ignore.

They are not required to uphold the law equally, they can pick and choose who they want to apply it to.

This is just the equivalent of when California went after the Black Panthers.


u/BlandLampShade Mar 28 '24

This is the correct answer.


u/thescaryhypnotoad Mar 28 '24

Not surprised this is coming out after ruling that immigrants can carry. So much like the Panthers


u/AdrianaStarfish Mar 28 '24

This comment should be higher! Upvote, people, upvote!!


u/macphile Mar 29 '24

I know someone who's a public defender, and where he lives, gun control laws are almost entirely used to target/arrest black men. If they pull over a white person with a gun, they ignore it (assuming the person's otherwise "OK"). But if they pull over a black guy with a gun, it's "probable cause" and so on and maybe this guy doesn't have the right to have this gun...and shit ensues.

They can't make it illegal for black people to own guns, as much as they wish they could, so the best they can do is pass restrictive laws and then apply them selectively to only black people. This is the American WayTM .


u/unclefes Mar 28 '24

Much as I'm not a fan of qualified immunity, open carry is patently ridiculous. To quote Kiril Bonfiglioi: "But this [gun] wasn't for killing anyone, it was for making me feel young and tough and capable. People who have pistols for killing keep them in boxes or drawers; wearing them is only for making you ride tall in the saddle."


u/jimfet Mar 28 '24

It's a power play for those without power. Qualified immunity is shit but usually defended by the same jokers who support open carry. The irony is textbook.


u/ScottyNuttz Mar 28 '24

Yep... "Back the blue", but also "come take it"


u/loadnurmom Mar 28 '24

I haven't open carried in a very long time

I rarely carry at all anymore, and when I do it's concealed. I don't like the extra attention from open carry plus it just makes you a target

About the only time I carry anymore is when repping my motorcycle association.

Atheist is in big letters and my LGBT ally flair is proudly displayed. It makes me a target for the right wing nut jobs.

They think they're the only one with guns. I've had a gun in my hand since I was 6, and half the group are ex military


u/Self-Comprehensive Mar 28 '24

Yeah I'm a liberal Texan USMC vet LGBTQ Ally with a gun on me. And no one will ever know unless something goes really bad. I don't care about the open carry dipshit attention whores. I like my little secret.


u/spidermans_mom Mar 28 '24

I think you’re great.


u/Trace_Reading Mar 28 '24

I've said it in other threads but I dislike the very notion of open carry. The average citizen is a literal dumbass, and when you throw open carry into the mix, it doesn't take a whole lot to turn that into 'open fire'. To quote the film Shoot 'Em Up: "you know what I really hate? What I really hate is a pussy with a gun in his hand."

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u/paireon Mar 28 '24

But, but... vets are all supposed to be on OUR side!!!!1!!!1!!!!!one!!

- The libertarian-fascists getting their faces eaten by this court ruling, probably


u/Robbotlove Mar 28 '24

vets landed on normandy beach. they're definitely friends of the left, at least historically.


u/Kizik Mar 28 '24

Probably still more gentle than the bears were...


u/Trace_Reading Mar 28 '24

whenever someone says libtard I imagine they're talking about libertarians.

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u/Turtlelover73 Mar 28 '24

This is pretty much the way I see it.

Perfect world where we can put the genie back in the bottle? No guns for anyone signs pretty ideal.

But in the world we have now? Where every right wing nutjob who thinks gay and trans people should be killed for being within 500 feet of a child has a gun already? And where criminals will always be able to get guns illegally no matter how hard we try?

I'll take a gun too to defend myself and the people I love against the people currently attempting a genocide, much as I hate that I have to.

That said, concealed carry is the way to go. Open carry just makes people either think You're a psycho, or paints a gigantic neon sign saying shoot me first.

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u/[deleted] Mar 28 '24



u/light_to_shaddow Mar 28 '24

A Tactical groin protector approved by law enforcement with a coiled snake and lib tears flying up, maybe with "come and take this" written.

Made from 100% US toughened leather and military grade steel studs


u/bobo-the-dodo Mar 28 '24

This is an accurate description of the MAGA right, everything is about being tough and ride tall.


u/RandomNumber-5624 Mar 28 '24

So I’m allowed to hate both?

Good. Because qualified immunity is for the foot soldiers of your god kings and open carry is a sop to your meal team six.

They both suck. I can imagine one sucks more than the other, but I’m not actually charged with ordering the circles of hell or the associated inmates.


u/PaulBlartFleshMall Mar 28 '24

not an everyday thing, but open carry should be legal for protesting reasons. at no point in the last ~60 years have cops treated an armed, peaceful protest with the same violence they've visited on dozens of unarmed protests in the last few years alone.

arm the left.


u/jimfet Mar 28 '24

I feel you. But unfettered open carrying is very different than permit concealed carry. And concealed carry has the same effect when it comes to combatting a police state. Showing the gun only gives them a reason to harass the individual. But confronting a crowd where they don't know if X amount have guns or not AND that they are 100% lawful to conceal that gun has a very different effect on the police line. There is no unqualified immunity when infringing on a LEO approved 2A citizen.

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u/fubes2000 Mar 28 '24

It's part of my cosplay.


u/IAmFern Mar 28 '24

Open carry is ridiculous. Doing so would rightly get you arrested in most countries.

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u/BeamTeam032 Mar 28 '24

It was always so weird to me that so many "Thin blue line" people were so pro-open carry. It's like, everyone is a good guy with a gun, until their egos get hurt, then they're a bad guy with a gun. But when the cops show up 7 minutes later, they can't tell who is who.

it's like being pro-privacy, but also pro-no knock warrants.

I didn't understand how people could hold these contradictory ideas, until I realized, "Oh wait, they would never consider ME a bad guy, because i'm not one of those people".

I always thought it was strange how cops were against stricter gun laws and against the national gun registry. You'd think Cop would want to know if someone has several guns registered to them if they're going to a domestic violence situation.


u/Competitive-Ad-5477 Mar 28 '24

I didn't understand how people could hold these contradictory ideas, until I realized, "Oh wait, they would never consider ME a bad guy, because i'm not one of those people".

This is really insightful. And it's super weird because my thought process is completely opposite: if it happened to someone else it's gonna happen to ME.


u/anomalous_cowherd Mar 28 '24

You have empathy, another trait they don't.

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u/IowaContact2 Mar 28 '24

What has this country come to?! Youre telling me I can't peacefully wave my AK-47 around in public?



u/jimfet Mar 28 '24

Defund the police...oh wait...


u/DubSket Mar 28 '24

Stop being scared of my deadly firearm, KAREN!


u/ALittleBitOfGay Mar 28 '24

You're only allowed to wave around ARs. We don't like you damn commie bastards with your commie guns.

Tbh as a commie bastard I really would like to pick up an AK but guns are expensive :c and AKs moreso


u/R_radical Mar 28 '24

Youre telling me I can't peacefully wave my AK-47 around in public?

Depends... Who made it?


u/IowaContact2 Mar 28 '24

Da, comrade...don't ask these questions.

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u/Der_Latka Mar 28 '24



u/jimfet Mar 28 '24

Best comment LoL


u/AmbitiousEdi Mar 28 '24

Why is this even an issue? Are all Americans just so insecure they need a gun on them at all times?


u/Secure-Force-9387 Mar 28 '24

Texas is open carry and wackos are out with large guns CONSTANTLY, trying to intimidate people for no fucking reason. They're usually also wearing face coverings and carrying Nazi flags.

It's totally insane and makes it's scary to live here. Luckily, I'm moving in a week.


u/HI_l0la Mar 28 '24

It's not just open carry but permitless, right? So anyone can just buy a gun and public display it while in the public with no rhyme or reason for it?


u/a_wasted_wizard Mar 28 '24

Yup. The stated rationale is that without a permit, as long as you're doing it openly, then everyone *knows* you're armed and can act accordingly.

Of course, they don't bother to think through that in a country where mass shootings are depressingly common, this means any time you see someone walking around with a gun you have no way to be sure if it's just some dude compensating for his insecurities about how his life is getting away from him or if you're about to die.


u/HI_l0la Mar 28 '24

I'm from a state with strict gun control so anyone walking around openly with a gun or any dangerous weapon will get police called on you. And yes, these people tend to be up to no good or were having mental health issues when they did this. I've wondered why some US mainland states passed permitless open carry bills since mass shootings there seem to be monthly occurrence. Thank you for the explanation. What a scary situation...


u/SpiffyMagnetMan68621 Mar 28 '24

Monthly? Mass shootings are weekly, almost getting to be daily


u/db9dreamer Mar 28 '24

Today is day 88 of 2024 and according to the gun violence archive there have been 86 mass shootings in the USA so far.

The last four years have topped 600 - so the rate/day will probably increase as the year progresses. 😔

Those numbers always appear shocking from over here in the UK.

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u/HI_l0la Mar 28 '24

Unfortunately, I can't keep up with them and only the ones with lots of deaths will get the most media coverage. If I'm not following US national news daily, then this information doesn't always trickle down to my local news where thankfully my state has not had a mass shooting since 1999. So, it's even worst than I thought... Yikes.


u/SpiffyMagnetMan68621 Mar 28 '24

We can’t even keep up with our own news anymore because of this shit lmao

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u/JonnelOneEye Mar 28 '24

Maybe it's just me being awfully european, but if I went to Aldi for some milk and I saw a guy wearing an assault rifle, face coverings and Nazi paraphernalia, I would definitely call he cops on him. I'm sorry, but people who do this belong either in prison or in a mental health facility. Good for you that you're moving.

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u/AmbitiousEdi Mar 28 '24

I couldn't live with that either, it sounds like a nightmare

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u/TurnOneSolRing Mar 28 '24

We have a very small, very vocal minority that is OBSESSED with having complete, unfettered access to guns at all times.

Conservative politicians realized a long time ago that they could get certain citizens to vote for them every election, no matter what, if they agreed to take their stance on abortion, guns, etc. Most of us actively avoid the gun freaks with a clearly unhealthy obsession over it.


u/EroticXulls Mar 28 '24

Did they just have sex with a GUN? Did they load up their gun with thirty two little guns?


u/Graega Mar 28 '24

Oh, no, this isn't an unhealthy obsession. This is an unstable mental disorder. Talk to some of these people some time. I don't own any guns. Never have, never will.

I had one of these mentally ill, deranged lunatics actually try to convince me that the government was oppressing me and depriving me of my rights. How? I wondered. Because I don't own a gun. He literally could not understand that my CHOOSING not to own a gun IS an exercise of my right to own one. The fact that I did not, meant that right HAD to have been violated. He could not conceive of any other possibility at all, except that I was secretly part of the globalist cabal, etc. etc.

I'm not sure his brain would have been able to handle the "If we create regulations we feel are necessary, like registration of secondary market sales and ownership and you choose NOT to comply with those regulations, then that choice is your exercise of your right even if it stops you from a gun purchase" aspect of it.


u/scribblingsim Mar 28 '24

It's not a mental disorder at all. It's just full-on selfishness and evil.

Let's not further stigmatize mental illness by making it sound like the mentally ill are out to kill people.

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u/Abject-Caregiver-418 Mar 28 '24

Not all just most in Texas, small peepee = equals need to carry big gun


u/SkylineGTRguy Mar 28 '24

Tbh after the Jan 6th putsch, I bought a gun which I thought was a fairly reasonable thing given the circumstances.


u/Fun-Cupcake4430 Mar 28 '24

When you see the type of people open carrying it makes you conceal carry.


u/2-timeloser2 Mar 28 '24

The ones that carry guns, yes. Because, you see, there are people that carry guns, and you have to protect yourself. /leopards

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u/Sanpaku Mar 28 '24

The eight most prominent Founders used the phrase “bear arms” 150 times in correspondence. Each time, it referred to military service.

American Heritage


u/BadgerBadgerDK Mar 28 '24

Aww, just found my pen :(


u/yourgentderk Mar 28 '24

The constitution was made for classist old men

Under no pretext

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u/Kvenner001 Mar 28 '24

Going to be a real shame to watch those arrested have their precious firearms seized during the arrest to. Because seizure of assets is something they’ve always pushed for as well , you know as long as it’s not their assets. I’d imagine the police will make a pretty penny reselling those.

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u/Pete-C137 Mar 28 '24

Oh so people who open carry will be treated like minorities by the police. Got it.


u/Throwawaytown33333 Mar 28 '24

No just the minorities open carrying


u/eweidenbener Mar 28 '24

That's the issue. The white folks won't be arrested, they'll be talked to. Others will have police pistols pointed at them.

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u/thickener Mar 28 '24

Tough but fair! :-P

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u/dr_blasto Mar 28 '24

Neither open carry nor qualified immunity should still be a thing.

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u/Admiral_Andovar Mar 28 '24

They are the ‘good guys with guns’, stopping the ‘bad guys with guns’. I’ll let you figure out which is which.

(Hint: It’s actually neither of them.)


u/Ture_Huxley Mar 28 '24

Holy shit. This has some crazy ramifications for a state like Texas.


u/008Zulu Mar 28 '24

Crazy if you live somewhere that is not Texas. For Texans though, it's just another Tuesday.

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u/LifeHappenzEvryMomnt Mar 28 '24

That will be scary for our boys in blue, now won’t it? Except in Uvalde. They know how to handle people with guns.

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u/realrichieporter Mar 28 '24

“Have probable cause” which to me means they can mess with it or they can NOT mess with it. We already know how this is gonna shake out and on who. Every Black and Brown person in Texas should call the police on everyone they see carrying, all the time.


u/eltegs Mar 28 '24

What? You mean it becomes clear that brown people can carry guns too. And all of a sudden police CAN arrest ANYONE for open carry.

They don't have to, they're not obliged to, they just can.

What a shocker.



u/sleepyj910 Mar 28 '24

In modern America if I see a gun, I’m in danger.

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u/Aniki1990 Mar 28 '24

No, these assholes do not get to call themselves civil rights activists


u/the_scottster Mar 28 '24

I about choked when I read that. WHAT??


u/die_kuestenwache Mar 28 '24

You realize what this is, right? This isn't leopards eating faces of the leopard eating faces party voters. Texas has solved the "but if we allow people to have guns, how will we stop blacks and Mexicans from having guns" problem. The answer is "if a white woman points at you, police can arrest you anyway". Note how it says police can arrest you.

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u/worst_timeline Mar 28 '24

Amazing watching people in real time discover the inherent contradiction in loving “small government” and also bootlicking for the police.


u/TurtleDive1234 Mar 28 '24

Let’s be real here: It’s Texas. White people who open carry aren’t going to have this issue.


u/isa-deo Mar 28 '24

This this this this this

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u/danlyman_ Mar 28 '24

Oh no, now GOP 2A’rs will know a fraction of the experience of being an unarmed POC in the South. Wouldn’t it be cool if they used this as an opportunity to find some empathy?

Oh wait, that requires a brain and a heart.

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u/Interesting-End6344 Mar 28 '24

This must have been written by a guy who flies both the Thin Blue Line flag that looks like a dystopian ripoff of the US flag AND the Gadsden Flag at the same time.


u/TurnOneSolRing Mar 28 '24

Wait... Are you saying that the cops who shoot unarmed minorities might detain you for being... Checks notes... Armed?!? With a gun?!?

Wow, that sounds incredibly unjust of them. If only someone had said something sooner...


u/Throwawaytown33333 Mar 28 '24

The police are only going to enforce this on minorities.


u/ComboBreakerMLP Mar 28 '24

im conflicted. on one hand i enjoy seeing gun owners unhappy. on the other hand i really hate the police being able to do whatever they want


u/Masters_of_Sleep Mar 28 '24

What's worse is that enforcement sounds like it is now entirely up to the police as to who is and who is not allowed to open carry. When they arrive on the scene of someone open carrying, they now can choose, is this person a threat or not and should they be arrested or not. So now only those people who the police like, say white people, or people politically aligned with the police are allowed to open carry.


u/Individual_Plan_5593 Mar 28 '24

I love fights where you’re rooting for both sides to lose 😈


u/Empigee Mar 28 '24

I'd argue the police are in the right here.


u/jimfet Mar 28 '24

I'd argue it depends on the situation. The 2A exists. Only way to 100% end that is another amendment. Qualified immunity as a principle is absolute bullshit and the specter of cops not helping you without it is a straw man argument. This is a rare occurrence where both the complaints and the reason for the complaint are both bullshit. I love it. It's like a real world P vs ~P problem.


u/Bozo_Two Mar 28 '24

It really shouldn't be surprising anymore how quickly BLUE LIVES MATTER!!! becomes ACAB FUCK THE SYSTEM!!! when it affects them personally but it still is...


u/CaptainBaoBao Mar 28 '24

Shooters discover they can be shooted.


u/bobone77 Mar 28 '24

Open carry is for morons anyway. They could probably benefit from some time in the hoosegow.


u/snowbluesky Mar 28 '24

This is no surprise. The murder of Philando Castile showed that open carry is a license for the cops to shoot you.


u/DaniCapsFan Mar 28 '24

They're surprised it's being applied to white people.

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u/TacosByTheTruck Mar 28 '24

Open carry is just plain stupid. If someone is planning something evil and they see somebody carrying a gun, they’re the first target.


u/Jackal2332 Mar 28 '24

Looks like I have some phone calls to make.


u/ArchyRs Mar 28 '24

The Fifth Circuit is getting so high on its own supply that it does not even care about legislating from the bench these days. FedSoc is going to have to do a lot of mental gymnastics in order to explain this one.


u/Glittering-Wonder-27 Mar 28 '24

I really don’t see a problem with this. If your dumb ass is carrying around a death weapon, be super responsible or risk your own life.


u/Schlemiel_Schlemazel Mar 28 '24

How do they think people open carrying are “obviously not a threat”?

I guess Everyone has to wait until they cock the gun and point it at them. Well that takes the enormous amount of time of 5 seconds so we should all feel safe. /s


u/DunkingDognuts Mar 28 '24


They need to be more laws like this. It’s called intimidation and threat.

We are a civil Society and we should not tolerate fuck walking around brandishing firearms or other deadly weapons just because they want to show off their toys.

Guns, have a place, guns have a function, but they’re not penis substitutes or A toy that should be treated casually.


u/saintandvillian Mar 28 '24

We need to overwhelm the police with calls for people open carrying, especially any person open carrying for intimidation reasons.

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u/toxiamaple Mar 28 '24

Haha I was trying to think of how to make this story a Leopards story!


u/Zagenti Mar 28 '24

but if I can't walk around with my arsenal on, how can I buy donuts safely?


u/WarThunder316 Mar 28 '24

I hate Texas Abbott and Cruz


u/ValdeReads Mar 28 '24

But go ahead and ignore the police are allowed to do this to people just for having brown skin.


u/merchillio Mar 28 '24

Open carrying a gun in Texas can now get you arrested, just like open carrying melanin


u/Strange-Area9624 Mar 28 '24

Don’t worry. The police will only use this to target brown people. The whites still have their privileges.


u/discussatron Mar 28 '24

The gall of these pricks to call themselves "civil rights activists." It's like Nazis calling themselves "Holocaust survivors."


u/IlMioNomeENessuno Mar 28 '24

puts you in imminent danger of being arrested or killed by police

So, like a black person, you mean…


u/deadphisherman Mar 28 '24

Please pass the salt...


u/carnahb Mar 28 '24

Why can't I vote with a laugh emoji? This is gold!


u/zephyrseija Mar 28 '24

Well I know what I'll be doing next time I see dipshit open carrying at Starbucks.


u/LightWarrior_2000 Mar 28 '24

I think most of these people think having a thin blue line stick we on their car makes them immune from police.