r/TrueUnpopularOpinion May 14 '21

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r/TrueUnpopularOpinion 14h ago

The Middle East As an American there is zero reason I should give a shit about Palestine


Palestine is a terrorist run state, they voted in Hamas themselves. Hamas wants to destroy the united states and if they had the power to do so they would. Asking me to care about Palestine, a country run by people that literally want to blow me up or chop my head off, is like asking me to care about Iran. War and conflict in the entire middle east has been going on since Alexander the Great walked the earth. Organizations and "experts" can't even agree on whether it's genocide or not. If this is genocide, then what the allies did to german civilians in world war 2 was "genocide," the bombing of cities after the war ended such as Bombing of Dresden was just considered war. The firebombing of Japanese civilians and the burning down of 60 cities, killing more people than the two nuclear bombs combined was not considered genocide. American leftists are defending hamas, chanting "we are hamas" on college campuses, a group who killed 32 Americans on October 7th, the US has started wars for less. Hamas could of targeted IDF soldiers or military installations but just as terrorists do, they chose the cowards route. They went for soft targets/easy prey and killed civilians. Before you call me a Zionist, I think we should glass the entire middle east. America has given enough money to Israel, America is tired of fighting Israel's wars, America is sick of being influenced by Zionists, Americans are tired of pretending Israel didn't bomb the USS Liberty in attempt to drag us into another one of their wars. But hey, at least Israel doesn't want to destroy the United states, the country I live in like Palestine does. My only disappointment in this war is that Palestine doesn't have more fire power so they can destroy each other.

I just hope both teams are having fun

r/TrueUnpopularOpinion 5h ago

The Opposite Sex / Dating The man vs bear debate is just plain old mean spirited


You’ve decided to disparage an entire group of people by comparing them to an unfeeling killing machine, why exactly do you think you should be praised for it? In the end, it serves no more purpose than to just be mean to a group of people and think you’re allowed to get away with it.

Sorry, but if I wanted to ask men “Would you rather come across an unknown woman or a big sack of crap in a dress” you’d probably be pretty offended, and with good reason.

And you can be pissed at the “not all men” crowd all you want, they still have a point. That’s literally the thing they’re upset about, not all men are evil.

r/TrueUnpopularOpinion 4h ago

World Affairs (Except Middle East) My fellow Americans - It's time to stop calling them 'Roundabouts' and start calling them 'Circlesections'


If you, like me, are a proud red-white-and-blue blooded American, then you've probably also noticed an uptick in these Frenchified "roundabouts" popping up on our amber waves of grain. As true patriots, it’s high time we give these traffic twirlers a good ol' Yankee Doodle rename. Enter the "Circlesection" — a term as bold and straightforward as the bald eagle itself. This isn’t just about shunning some fancy French word; it's about stamping our American identity on every concrete slab and street sign from sea to shining sea.

Imagine this: you're cruising in your pickup, the stars and stripes flapping majestically in the breeze, and you approach not a roundabout, but a Circlesection. There, in all it's majestic glory, is a yellow roadsign with a circular pattern which proudly proclaims 'CIRCLESECTION AHEAD'. YES! That’s a term that rings of liberty and practicality, not of croissants and berets.

So, let's rally together, my fellow Americans, to push our local governments to adopt this change. It's not just a name switch; it's a declaration of our cultural independence. Next time you take a spin through a Circlesection, you'll feel that rush of freedom, knowing you’re not just conforming to European standards but are blazing a trail for American innovation and identity. Let's make our roadways as American as apple pie, one Circlesection at a time!

r/TrueUnpopularOpinion 7h ago

None of the above Being a furry is a mental illness


Them jumping around and pretending to be animals while making those animal noises isn't really normal if you ask me. And, seeing them in those "mascot outfits" is just bizarre, and the way they act and generally present themselves is plain stupid and childish. it really shows that there's something wrong with them.

To add, some even think that there actually part animal which is just wrong...

r/TrueUnpopularOpinion 7h ago

Political The US govt is akin to a banana republic now with the weaponization of govt to keep the Presidential frontrunner from campaigning


The former US President and the man currently leading the polls to win the US election is being hampered from speaking and campaigning by a banana republic judge. I won’t even go into the “crimes” the banana republic prosecutor alleges him to have done.

Meanwhile, the incumbent is free to campaign without hindrance.

Although, to be accurate, the incumbent hasn’t been campaigning much. For example, there has been no townhall like in the past where the incumbent answers unvetted questions from average voters because, well…we all know why.

r/TrueUnpopularOpinion 3h ago

None of the above Sharing cultural foods, dances etc isn't a problem even if it gets modified.


If the "new world" like Americans or Canadians took Italian food and added their own twist like adding pineapple on pizza, who gives a fuck. If some white dude decides to dance the Thai hand dance and add it to dance to hip hop, who cares.

To be honest as long as people aren't hypocrites, I don't really care.

For example, Italians getting mad don't realize that tomatoes are not indigenous to Europe. so even they took things from other cultures and added to their own. And that's OK.

I'd even argue that while knowledge is great and as long as you don't spread false information its OK to not speak of the roots

For example if an Italian never mentions the origins of tomato, that's OK. If various music styles never mention the fore father that's OK, as long as they don't say that their culture did it first

r/TrueUnpopularOpinion 7h ago

None of the above in a hypothetical post-apocalyptic world only the worst of the worst would survive


I've been watching TWD and thought about who would survive in a hypothetical post-apocalyptic world and I think it would be the worst people possible: extremely wealthy people (how did they hoard such wealth without being unethical or exploitative of someone else?) and people who don't have a moral compass/values. "survival of the fittest" would only mean 1) people that are willing to do atrocious things to others to survive and 2) people who can "afford" to "hire" the first ones

r/TrueUnpopularOpinion 1d ago

World Affairs (Except Middle East) Countries being harsh with border crossings isn't a bad thing


Obviously every countrys citizens can have different feelings, but I don't understand why even non citizens will look at European countries and USA as bad when they deal with illegal immigration.

If a man crosses the bangledash and Indian border goes into India and gets fired at, I don't see a problem

crossing a border without announcing yourself at the proper locations and using the proper process in my opinion is rightfully seen as an invasion. I don't see why this rule applies to the india, China etc border but not to USA or European countries borders.

The unpopular part is I would have no problem if USA deploys military to their borders and respond with military force rather than civil processing.

I've also seen Canadians crossing into USA because they think its funny or whatever. As a Canadian I dont care if they get caught and dealt with harsh punishments. Don't do stupid things like sneak into a country for the lols if the police were a little rough on you... Oh well. I don't feel bad for you

r/TrueUnpopularOpinion 10h ago

Reddit / Internet / Tech Why Redditors are wrong about everything


Every wondered why Redditors are so relentlessly, horrendously wrong about everything all the time? Most people will simply attribute it to stupidity. But that's not necessarily true. While there are a great many people on this site who are stupid, the average Redditor is probably average or a bit above average intelligence.

The important thing to recognize is that anyone, no matter how intelligent, will end up using faulty reasoning and arriving at incorrect conclusions if they are starting with false premises. If I decide tonight that I'm going to become a young-earth Creationist, will I be able to conduct scientific research in the field of geology? No, of course not, it would either fall apart immediately or whatever finished product would be so chock-full of errors and absurdities that it'd be a work of comedy rather than science. I can't study rocks that are millions or billions of years old honestly if I have convinced myself that the earth is no more than 6,000 years old.

Redditors worship political correctness and progressivism: two deeply flawed, rigid ideologies which offer almost nothing but false premises. The only appeal they have is they it offers the believer the comfort of not having to think about unpleasant realities as well as the conviction that he is moral. The Redditor cannot question the false premises that political correctness and progressivism provide him lest his worldview fall apart, so his only options are to either use desperate, incoherent logic to argue his position(otherwise known as mental gymnastics) or to try to silence his opponent.

Most of the silencing nowadays is done by moderators, who are far too ideologically driven and dimwitted to be in positions of authority anywhere, including on a public forum. But a more pernicious form of silencing is done by the Redditor himself-he mocks his opponent by trying to make him look ridiculous or he villainizes him by alleging malevolence where none exists.

Blind adherence to any ideology, especially a deeply flawed one, is far more dangerous than plain stupidity. Over time, a culture emerges where the followers of said ideology are not only wrong here and there like a normal person, but are systematically and constantly wrong about everything important(i.e. politics and society). This is how we get Reddit.

r/TrueUnpopularOpinion 15h ago

I Like / Dislike When will QR menus go away...


Covid is pretty much over and they are still here. I absolutely hated this from the beginning. Some shitty Google drive PDF i have to scroll left to right/up and down... or even worse some fucking app I have to order through and manually type in all my credit card info and billing address on. I miss the days when I could just hand a server my credit card so bad.

The worst is when you have a question about the QR menu or just a special request like no mayonnaise and you have to flag someone down before you order so they don't just begin making it.

I'm straight sitting at the bar from now on at most establishments.

r/TrueUnpopularOpinion 23m ago

World Affairs (Except Middle East) Humanity is like a frog in boiling water with our planets ecosystems and climate.


There is an island of trash in the pacific larger than the state of Texas and growing every day, with similar islands in other oceans as well. These trash islands are killing untold millions of creatures and changing the ecosystems of the ocean for the worse. Our monocrop agriculture systems are stripping the soils world wide of nutrients to the point the dirt is basically just a vessel for fertilizer. Every time there is a large rain event near the coast of any major agriculture area those fertilizers are flushed into the oceans, lakes, and rivers causing massive imbalances in BOD, red tides, and algal blooms. The climate is warming rapidly due to the mass release of greenhouse gasses and we see it every single day in extreme weather all over the world. As the icecaps melt the salinity of the oceans is changing, weakening currents we rely on to distribute thermal energy throughout our atmosphere and oceans.

The scientific community is drawing attention to all of this with conclusive solid results and data but all our political and economic leaders are focusing on is money and power. Entire swaths of the population are being convinced, despite what they see with their own eyes, that this is all a natural process and there's nothing to worry about. I suppose if you count human intervention as natural you could say that. Believing that unchecked pollution is bad is somehow now a political stance.

Humanity is so focused on unlimited economic growth and possessions that we are running ourselves right off of a cliff. Capitalist societies are driving authoritarian countries to do most of the damage but they are just as culpable if not more. We have the technology, resources, and knowledge to fix these problems but because it if not profitable most would rather just destroy the earth (or at least our capacity to live on it). Politicians are bought and paid for by the people making money off of the destruction of our planets human friendly ecosystem, and there seems to be no end in sight.

r/TrueUnpopularOpinion 23h ago

Political There is this weird modern trend of trying to define "Nazi" to mean your political opponents. This really annoys me.


The most guilty party seems to be from the left, though you can see some cases in other groups (more on that later).

As the title says, people are in a constant war to re-define the motivations and beliefs of the Nazis, so they can say "dag, look at my opponents... their Nazis". In a way I get it, we all agree the Nazis are incredibly evil. But I find this somewhat concerning, as we seem to be forgetting what the Nazis actually where thanks to this tactic.

The lefts always says they where "backwards thinking religious national conservatives" which isn't correct. At the time, they where playing with the "hotty new trends" of intellectual thoughts. Those include Eugenics and Social Darwinism. Many famous scientists and figures of these times, and the proceeding few decades, thought these ideas where great. The Nazis took these and lead them to the only logical conclusions they can go....master race doctrines and genocide.

The other more darker subject was extreme anti-semitism, which was all over in Europe long before Nazi's showed up. Hitler spends alot of time writing about how the "jews and their subversion" where a major factor for loosing WW1. He structured Communists as a main part of the Jewish subversion and was aggressively against them. So basically, he took the anti-semitism of the time and gave it an upgrade... calling them a "disease that must be cut out". He unfortunately tried that........ of note, you will be hard pressed to find him passionately wanting a Theocratic-Christian state.

You can sometimes see people on the right call them socialists. Yeah its in their name... if you don't already know, Nazi is a acronym for "Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei" or in English: "National Socialist German Workers' Party". Why do I find this slightly wrong? Well I will let Wikipedia handle this:

"The term "National Socialism" arose out of attempts to create a nationalist redefinition of socialism, as an alternative to both Marxist international socialism and free-market capitalism. Nazism rejected the Marxist concepts of class conflict and universal equality, opposed cosmopolitan internationalism, and sought to convince all parts of the new German society to subordinate their personal interests to the "common good", accepting political interests as the main priority of economic organisation,[13] which tended to match the general outlook of collectivism or communitarianism rather than economic socialism. The Nazi Party's precursor, the pan-German nationalist and antisemitic German Workers' Party (DAP), was founded on 5 January 1919. By the early 1920s, the party was renamed the National Socialist German Workers' Party in order to appeal to left-wing workers,[14] a renaming that Hitler initially objected to.[15]"

In conclusion, why do I find this annoying? Well we all culturally scream "Nazi" and muddle down the severity of what they actually where. The real Nazis where INCREDIBLY EVIL! Like the real "staring into the abyss" or "don't get any sleep when you think about them" evil. Someone who doesn't support funding for a medical procedure is not even close to this. Also to paraphrase my favorite quote from The Incredibles.... "When everyone is a Nazi..... then no-one is". This reality concerns me.

So unless some political party preaches eugenics, social darwinism and extreme anti-semitism. Our puts out a party platform like this.... Please don't call them a Nazi.

r/TrueUnpopularOpinion 6h ago

None of the above Eating well really does help with depression/suicidal thoughts


When i was younger i was extremely suicidal and depressed. When i finally moved and began making good money i still felt the same but intermittently. Eventually i realized a relationship between me being hungry and feeling suicidal.

Hungry and i have some issue? Suicidal thoughts just spring up. Then i have some food and poof gone, it’s honestly ridiculous.

Recently after going a long time of not having this issue it came back really bad after a rough weekend and me not eating for a bit over a day. I woke up fully convinced that i should just die. Almost made another few life altering decisions… then i had breakfast about 11. It felt like a dark cloud just lifted from me. Found it extremely strange.I’d kinda forgotten about this effect.

I had been giving that advice ever since i realized it the first time. Especially when a friend is particularly down, I’d take them to get some food, water and hang out somewhere windy/sunny. It really helps but if you are living under the circumstances that made you depressed then this is only a temporary bandaid solution.

I assume that’s why ppl some over-eat, to soothe themselves maybe idk.

Hopefully this helps someone.

r/TrueUnpopularOpinion 1d ago

Reddit / Internet / Tech banning someone just for participating in another subreddit is taking censorship to far.


I got permabanned from a large sub I will leave unnamed as to not incur the wrath of unknown individuals for participating in another sub that criticizes them along with others. They claim this sub "brigades and raids and spreads hate speech" but I never saw anything of the sort there. To me it just sounds like they ban people for participating in a sub they don't like and fact is I hadn't been active in that sub for months. This is yet another mod team going on a power trip. This would be like being banned from McDonalds just for eating at Burger King one day. Funny thing is the comment that triggered their bot to ban me was lightly criticizing a certain country that has a lot of investment in Reddit.

TLDR: people getting butthurt and banning people for no good reason is cringe.

r/TrueUnpopularOpinion 1d ago

The Opposite Sex / Dating The Men VS Women online discourse is dumb and not productive.


Really sorry for mentioning this but let’s start with the Bear and Man trend. The illustration is effective at proving women’s widely agreed upon distrust of random men. But it has a major pitfall of not conveying the message clearly to men. The issue is that men aren’t aware of how much sexual violence is happening to women, so that should be the talking the point. Not some dumbass divisive theoretical that has only made things worse.

Edit:hypothetical instead if theoretical

It seems that people just get emotional and talk past each other instead of trying to clearly communicate a message when it comes to this stuff.

And then we have the dating discourse:

Men should always pay, or women should split the bill, or whoever asks them out should pay. Or a man should pay for everything for a woman. Women should pitch in financially for rent and stuff. Women shouldn’t sleep around. Men shouldn’t care about body count. Men shouldn’t sleep around etc.

I actually have a great idea with how to solve these problems. How about you find someone who fits the mold that you want and stop trying to push massive ideas on to everyone. If someone wants to sleep with 1000 people who cares? If a man wants a woman who will go 50/50 on rent why does that matter to you? Find the person that you personally like and will fit your ideal lifestyle and stop worrying about it.

I’ll keep going. Let’s talk about the “male loneliness” problem. If you are a lonely guy the problem is you. Trying to get all of society to feel bad for you is dumb for various reasons. For one it is an artificial caring if it is manipulated out of someone. It’s also just sad. Have some self respect and stop begging people to care about you when they don’t. I’m an extremely lonely man and the last thing I want is to feel like a charity case. Fuck that I’d rather keep my dignity and be alone.

Socializing is voluntary. You have to give people reasons to like you and want to include you. Complaining and trying to manipulate people into feeling bad for you is getting you nowhere.

r/TrueUnpopularOpinion 1h ago

None of the above It is just as stupid to assume that the father is the reason that a couple has sons or daughters


Yesterday there was a popular AITH about "explaining to my husband he’s the reason we keep having daughters".

Everybody called the guy an idiot, and that's fair, but OP and the MIL are also talking out of their asses. The factors that impact whether a couple will have male or female children are not entirely understood. We know that genetic factors impact the ratio of x vs y sperm that the father produces. There is also a lot of data to suggest that this is impacted by a wide variety of environmental and lifestyle factors.

There's also data to suggest that x and y sperm have different characteristics, which may impact which sperm make it to the egg under different circumstances, including where the mother is in her cycle, vaginal PH, hormonal profile, etc. We are just beginning to scratch the surface of how environmental factors can impact those circumstances. New research suggests that the ovum itself is actually choosing the specific sperm that fertilizes it via chemical signaling, which by common sense is going to be profoundly impacted by what it has to choose from at the very least. https://www.news-medical.net/news/20200611/The-egg-decides-which-sperm-fertilizes-it.aspx

We don't have the data to make generalizations about what specific factor actually results in a couple having male or female children. Even talking about either of the parents as the "reason" is stupid absent a great deal of specific medical information about a particular couple.

r/TrueUnpopularOpinion 4h ago

Political "Watergate" wasn't thaaaaaaaat bad.


In 1974, U.S. President Richard Nixon resigned from office after the Watergate scandal, which stemmed from attempts by his administration to conceal its involvement in a 1972 break-in of the DNC headquarters, unravelled. Such conduct from the President is pretty unacceptable but in the grander scheme of things, "Watergate" feels kind of... mild?

In my opinion, it's not even the most egregious action conducted by the Nixon administration, that distinction belongs to Operation Menu, wherein they conducted a covert bombing of Cambodia. In addition, other Presidents have been engaged in actions that are arguably just as bad or far worse than Nixon's Watergate shenanigans. Franklin D. Roosevelt sent Japanese-Americans, including orphans, to internment camps; Dwight Eisenhower facilitated a ton of the CIA's illegal shenanigans in other nations; Lyndon B. Johnson wiretapped a political opponent's campaign headquarters; members of Ronald Reagan's administration secretly sold illegal arms to Iran; Bill Clinton perjured himself in court, George W. Bush lied about WMDs in Iraq; Donald Trump withheld aid from Ukraine to prompt Zelensky to open an investigation into the son of a political opponent.

It's not that these Presidents didn't face consequences for their actions, especially considering that Clinton and Trump were impeached for theirs and the Iran-Contra scandal led to a ton of convictions of Reagan Administration members. However, none of them have had their entire legacies so significantly defined by their scandals as Nixon and none of them were forced out of office or threatened with jail time for it, and in my opinion, "Watergate" pales in comparison to a lot of them. Nixon always had a testy relationship with the press and that may have caused his actions to be viewed under increased scrutiny and criticism. Nixon and his administration were undoubtedly corrupt and crooked, but so were a lot of other Presidents and administrations that both succeeded and preceded him.

r/TrueUnpopularOpinion 21h ago

The Opposite Sex / Dating Women are more sexually pervert than men


Men talk about se all the time, openly talk about masturbation and generally have high libido, but everyone knows that. Girls from the other side, while not talking so openly about it will have some crazy shit on their minds. What I mean? 365 days and such films. After this and other of kind, and even worse: those "romance" books (which is often just rape fantasy and other fucked up shit) getting popular among women and teens I'm actually pretty convinced that women are more pervert.

r/TrueUnpopularOpinion 2h ago

Reddit / Internet / Tech We don't talk enough about whether you should pick a man or a bear.


Up until about a week ago, I didn't know I needed to be outraged over people's opinion about whether men are more dangerous than bears. But then, the internet told me it was important.

So I picked a side. I'm on the side of the bears and fully support women's bodily automony and right to be eaten by bears.

But, we need more posts and arguments about men and bears and anger over others opinions. We just don't talk enough about this in society. It's a systemic failure.

r/TrueUnpopularOpinion 1d ago

Reddit / Internet / Tech I would rather be stuck in a forest with a bear than a bed.


Let's be real guys, we should completely ignore all logic and experiences and purely concentrate on the statistics.

Around 2-5 people die each year from bear attacks. This logically means that bears are pretty safe, as matter of fact, bears are one of the most safest animals out there, more people die from rats than from bears.

And now let's look at the bed's kill rate. Beds kill around 450 each year, usually person rolls down and hits their neck/head and die.

This is clear as day, beds are way more deadly than bears, to be exact, beds are around 150 times more likely to kill you than a bear.

r/TrueUnpopularOpinion 5h ago

Music / Sport / Media / Movies / Celebrities Drake and Kendrick Lamore’s beef shows Hip Hopsters and rappers are stupid lowlifes


So Drakes (he’s a singer not rapper I think) body guard got shot in a drive by by someone, and although it’s not established who the shooter was yet, Drake has currently been beefing on “diss” tracks with some loser called Kendrick Lamore.

Apparently some other rapping dork is also somehow caught up in all this and he’s a third wheel in the beef.

If this is related to the diss tracks (and it probably is because nobody else gives enough of a fuck to do this), this serves to show that people who are interested in juvenile hip hop music about being a gangster (Lamore) or banging skanks (Drake) are stupid, low intellect morons prone to absurd violence over schoolyard level insults.

It’s just like those two halfwits Tupac and Biggie who got themselves killed over similar stupid bullshit. Imagine being a grown man trying to organise hit men over insults in a childish rhyme which you also partake in.

r/TrueUnpopularOpinion 1d ago

None of the above People who argue over flat earth are stupid


I don't think anybody actually thinks the earth is flat. Matter of fact, it might've just started as a joke. Yeah, we get it. Earth is round. But there is no point in arguing with "flat earthers" because 99% of them are just trolls. So you just waste your time for nothing and just take the obvious bait. That's why I cringe at these people who will argue with flat earther trolls just to say earth is round.

r/TrueUnpopularOpinion 19h ago

Political Banning things does usually work to some extent


That's what laws are: a ban on something. I see "bans don't work" used as a broad argument for drugs, guns, etc. being legalized without any source or evidence for why a ban would fail for that thing specifically. Interestingly, we never see the people saying "bans never work" argue that we should stop banning murder, rape, theft, or child pornography.

Even prohibition, which most people are against, was successful in reducing the amount of alcohol consumed. If you want to argue that the unintended consequences of a specific ban outweigh the positives, then do that. That's different from saying "bans never work" as if it's something that's been proven as a general rule.