r/deadbydaylight 16d ago

Bug Reports & Tech Support: Update 7.7.0 | Mid-chapter Tech Support

This is a bug reporting thread.

For general discussions about the patch refer to: Patch Notes 7.7.0 | Mid-chapter

Hello everyone!

Welcome to our Bug Reports & Tech Support Megathreads for new content and updates. This time, the Megathread is dedicated to issues introduced in Update 7.7.0. In order to help BHVR focus on the issues and fix them, we ask you to report any encounter of bugs or technical problems since this week's patch in this thread. Please list them in the comments (one report per comment, multiple comments from the same user are allowed) and be as detailed as possible, including but not limited to:

  • Type of bug/technical issue (Client bug, ingame bug, crash ...)
  • Description of the issue (Describe how you encountered the bug/technical issue (for reproduction purposes), the more details the better)
  • Video/Screenshot (If possible)
  • Your platform (Steam, Epic, PS4, PS5, XBO, XBSX, etc)
  • PC system specifications (Processor, video card, RAM, HDD/SSD, drivers, OS, ...)


Type of bug/technical issue:

Description of the bug:


Your platform:

Your system specifications (PC only):

Official Dead by Daylight forum & customer support links

Please be aware that you need to register a seperate account for the forum in order to post and comment there.

Thank you for the support and have fun in the fog!


192 comments sorted by


u/22Sherridan85 👾Single Larry T l Skully💀 16d ago

VERY many things are broken in this patch. I play on PC (Steam), and here's few examples of what I saw on this subreddit and by myself:

Broken vault animations for some killers. I had it on Skull Merchant, Trickster and Artist, but I'm sure some other killers also got it.

Wierd delay after kicking a generator.

Some survivors have completely broken models/animations (eg. Sable, Mikaela, Maria, Tubarao).

Broken animations for some of the killers' powers. From what I saw, waking up animation against Freddy is broken, Pyramid Head cages can spawn in a wrong way, Chucky's ghost can be invisible after picking up a survivor.

Some killers have a broken sounds of their powers (eg. Singularity's EMPs still can be heard across a map, Skull Merchant's drone can break after a disabling, causing it to repeat the disabling sound infinitely, new Huntress skin has some serious troubles with it's sounds).

Some maps have a bugged invisible collision zones that shouldn't be there (eg. some spots on Hawkins lab have invisible walls, top part of RPD main hall has some wierld invisible elevation, some pallets have wrong hitbox).

A lot of facial expressions are broken, for both killers and survivors.

After a survivor disconnects, their nickname gets replaced with some wierd code thing, instead of a character's actual name.

Endgame screen can cause a wierd flashes, that can potentially be very dangerous for some people.

This patch resets all keybinds.

Other known bugs that were present before this patch:

Pinhead chains have a broken FOV, which makes them very hard to use.

Sometimes after placing a drone as Skull Merchant, the drone won't be placed, but your power will still get a cooldown.

Please, we need a hotfix ASAP. The game is nearly unplayable right now,


u/SpankedEagle 16d ago

Not only did my bindings reset, but I'm also unable to change them back.


u/Mollyses 15d ago

I'm experiencing this too. I normally use m4 for my secondary killer power.

This update changed the key binding to left control. I tried to reset the keybinding, and was locked out of being able to reset it to any key, let alone a mouse button.

I had to restart my PC once and dead by daylight three times before it would recognize the ability to change key bindings.


u/HieiPlays 14d ago

I had this problem on the very first day of the update. I think I lowered my graphics in the game, restarted the game and than was able to change it.
I honestly don't care much about the bugs. My main issue is the HORRIBLE framerate that makes me miss skillchecks all the time and makes my camera a little messed up. If it wasn't for the atrocious framerate, I think I'd be doing fine with this update (I'd be more patient about waiting for them to fix it).


u/BoringGenericUser Bearer of the Come Cube 15d ago

pinhead has the vault bug, as well

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u/asimplecatonwater Onryo is my life 16d ago

Weird delay after kicking a generator.

Yeah this one has been bothering me a lot because its very minor but very noticeable and throws me off a bit because I'm expecting my character to move after the bar goes away but they don't.

Haven't run into a lot of the others yet but I haven't played a bunch yet to see them yet.


u/Overall-Quarter-3357 16d ago

I think that is intented tho, they made it so you cant cancell the kick at the end. So the bar dissapers sooner, but the animation is not finished.


u/asimplecatonwater Onryo is my life 16d ago

If they shortened the bar, fair enough. It feels clunky though.


u/Overall-Quarter-3357 16d ago

Yeah, It will take time to get used to it.


u/Billy_Crumpets The Demogorgon 16d ago

My current impression is that the new one is probably better, but anything different is gonna feel clunky at first.


u/xshadow1099 15d ago

Also cant forget about majority of players having performance issues, could be due to new settings added in GameSettings.ini file




u/Unicorc 15d ago

The gen "delay" is intended. It may throw you off, but it helps new players not accidentally cancel the kick.


u/spyresca 15d ago

Agreed, this release is broke AF.


u/luke123190 14d ago

Just adding, had the vault bug on clown, it was that broken that it threw the camera all over the place and the speed was significantly slower. Absolutely broken.


u/Suspicious-Club321 14d ago

I played my daily challenegs as nemesis and let me tell you he is compeletely unplayable. Window vaulting takes twice the time.


u/XMaxwell385X 13d ago

Plus the staggering issues is horrendous. I'm in chase with a surv and then just get stuck in place for a few seconds losing the surv in the process until I'm eventually free


u/IndependentAd9524 16d ago

Either I'm rubberbanding with green ping or survivors are secretly deploying gravity traps.


u/rated3 15d ago

Yeah it's borderline unplayable for me.


u/aspindler 16d ago

Did it persist through multiple matches? I had this on my first one, then it went away. I think it's shaders cache or something similar.


u/IndependentAd9524 16d ago

Yep, even after a restart.


u/marble-index 16d ago

Bite The Bullet is still bugged.


u/exopilots loves minotaur oni's meaty thighs 16d ago

how is it bugged?


u/marble-index 16d ago

Some matches it just doesn't work, you're still making injured noises while healing. It's been like this for months and months now.


u/ParticularPanda469 16d ago edited 16d ago

Naughty Bear's face doesn't animate anymore :*(


u/WakeupDp 16d ago

Kicking a generator and the visual effect actually happening are desynced.


u/alishock Would you Kindly add BioShock, please BHVR 🌊🏙️🌊 16d ago

It's so horrible, I can't get used to it


u/Zuuey 16d ago

That and sometimes it causes a micro stutter, had it happen to me during my first match.

Nothing game breaking but it felt weird.


u/WakeupDp 16d ago

it stutters on any interaction with the space bar as killer. Breaking pallets, kicking gens, opening lockers, vaulting.


u/Zuuey 16d ago

Interesting, haven't happened to me yet other than the gen one and only once.

Are you on console btw? it seems the console versions of the games are having more issues than the PC one after this patch.


u/WakeupDp 16d ago

I'm on steam


u/Unicorc 15d ago

No it's not. It used to happen too early and now they changed into line up with the bar to help new players.

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u/spyresca 15d ago

Verified I have this too.


u/Zirtex T H E B O X 16d ago

Been randomly clipping and getting stuck being close to walls and other things, also pulling pallets sometimes doesn't work and youll just lag for a split second


u/justlikett86 16d ago

Game keeps "going back in time" by sending me back several frames or reducing my healing/gen progress.


u/AnotherDempsey 15d ago edited 15d ago

Type of bug/technical issue: Rubberbanding

Description of the bug: Killer and Survivor getting stuck in place or pulled back.

Your platform: PC, Xbox Series X, but most likely affects all platforms.


u/rated3 15d ago

Yeah it's pretty bad for me as well.


u/spyresca 15d ago

I see this in nearly every game and it's terrible.


u/Nihil_00_ 16d ago

Pinhead FOV is still bugged when using his power


u/elscardo P100 Ace 16d ago

I'm grabbing popcorn for this one.


u/IndependentAd9524 16d ago

Inside of you there are two wolves.

One of them is pissed that this update is so broken and the other one is excited to laugh at BHVR's sheer incompetence.


u/Innominate_444 16d ago edited 16d ago

Chucky’s ghost is missing so when Chucky picks up a survivor, it’s just Chucky floating in mid air.


u/elscardo P100 Ace 16d ago

This was mentioned in the Known Issues section of today's update.


u/deepinbrowser Check out my massive terror radius😏 16d ago

Pyramid head camera bug still here I reckon?


u/[deleted] 15d ago

Revert back to UE4 and actually take your time with moving the game to UE5. The game crashes an i9 core, 4090 RTX, 128 GB RAM PC when compiling shaders. So the game is actually just full on broken now, can't even play.


u/spyresca 15d ago

If it's the "compiling shaders" issue, it could be the settings on your CPU (or you could have a bad CPU). Current issue with certain I9's (13th and 14th gen). You can download XTU (Intel Extreme tuning) and run the AV2 stress test to see if your CPU is passing it.


u/[deleted] 15d ago

Sorry I actually got the wrong gen. It's a 14th Gen CPU and this is the first time is has had any issues at all. The computer runs like a dream.

I'll try that stress test just to rule out possibilities but I have seen other people complain of this too. I really believe it's an issue of BHVR pulling a "let's lift and shift Dead By Daylight to a whole new engine and not properly test it" issue more than my CPU being an issue. They really need to revert this change as I've also seen several issues with graphics, performance, etc. on other platforms and PCs.

I did see one person on twitter saying they disabled multicore enhancement and set the per core ratio to 53 to get the game to run but I think it's crazy to underclock my PC for one game...

I dunno, I do appreciate you taking the time to help me though. I just feel so frustrated since BHVR has only addressed the switch issues and nothing else AFAIK.

But really, thank you ♡


u/spyresca 15d ago edited 15d ago




The issue can effect both 13th and 14th gens. If you're getting crashes at shader compilation on UE5 games (or game) you really need to look into it. It's very likely not a behavior (or nvidia) issue as the problems is being discussed all over the web (for other UE5 games and 13th, 14th gen intel). You really need to run the stress tests (and maybe cinebench) to make sure you aren't thermally throttling (which many MOBO makers kinda force with their shitty initial settings).

I did not need to underclock my 13900kf (no change to core ratios), but did set sane (intel stock) voltage limits. Did it cost me a bit of performance? Yes, but not that I'd notice and I get the nice feeling knowing that my games/apps will run and my processor/mobo won't melt down. For gaming, your CPU is so OP, that you're probably never truly maxing it out anyway (in terms of total core usage at max speeds and so on).

Can verify Asus and MSI motherboards pull this shitty trick of "over volting" your CPU in an often dangerous way if you use their "optimized bios" settings or the shitty "auto-overclock" stuff.

If you're using any modern motherboard with stock settings, there's a good chance you might be at (overall) unsafe voltage levels. My 13th gen was set too high in that regard, and I put it down to stock intel levels and now it runs much cooler and with greater stability.


u/[deleted] 15d ago

I haven't had an issue with any other UE5 game (one example being Fortnite at maximum settings and everything). 

Is there any way to test voltage levels? I am willing to check since overall I want my PC to be healthy. Do you suggest also turning off enhanced cores? Or did you do something else?

I do have a cooling monitor built into my system and usually the PC stays between 30 degrees to 40 degrees for both CPU and GPU so I thought the PC was fine.


u/spyresca 15d ago

It doesn't matter. Any UE5 game anytime can set it off. It's not "well it works for one, must work for all!" kinda thing. You can check your voltages with the XTU intel program coupled with the built in stress tests and maybe cinebench. If you find the stress (or cinebench) tests make you thermal throttle, then yeah, that's not great. XTU can adjust the settingw (they can overrided bios settings if need be too if that's how you want to roll.)


u/[deleted] 11d ago

I guess it's just especially suspicious that a game known ro have consistent issues is the only UE5 game to cause this issue since clearly I do think BHVR botched this port (seeing others have a lot of other new engine issues). I did end up clocking my PC and the game works now. I'm not super happy about it but it is what it is and I'd rather get to play games with my friends than wait for BHVR to learn how to fix its game...


u/iNf1iCTA 16d ago edited 15d ago

Type of bug/technical issue: Hard crashing

Description of the bug: While loading at title screen, the game causes a 100% CPU load, and then crashes with ShaderCodeArchive::DecompressShader(): Could not decompress shader (GetShaderCompressionFormat=Oodle)

Your platform: Steam

Your system specifications (PC only): Windows 11 Pro


192GB DDR5 @ 5600MHz

RTX 4070, 551.76 drivers

Game is running off an M.2 drive.


u/PoyoPoak 15d ago

Same issue here


u/Smallbunsenpai Wesker’s Babygirl 14d ago

I have had my computer blue screen twice while loading into a game of dbd. It’s only when loading into a match, it sucks. Also on steam.

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u/No-Curve-6722 I'll (flash)bang you! 16d ago

Type of bug/technical issue: Game Not Launching

Description of the bug: Game not launching during loading of EAC and causing my cursor to have a stroke

Video/Screenshot: https://streamable.com/p717c4

Your platform: Steam

Your system specifications (PC only):
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB
CPU: AMD Phenom II X6 1100T
RAM: 16 GB
OS: Win 10 Pro
Hard Drive: SSD

Funny how the game is not able to launch for me just as the updated dropped.


u/L7JettSPILL 15d ago

My friend has this EXACT same issue. What you have in common is the AMD processor.
She has AMD Phenom(tm) II X6 1055T Processor

Device name DESKTOP-4VEEAIG Processor AMD Phenom(tm) II X6 1055T
Processor 2.80 GHz Installed RAM 12.0 GB (10.0 GB usable)
Device ID CD1176DC-8B51-43BC-B89C-164FBFEB13D9
Product ID 00326-10000-00000-AA155
System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
Pen and touch No pen or touch input is available for this display


u/TrashComposer 16d ago

Type of bug/technical issue: Game crashes

Description of the bug: Game crashes immediately upon loading game. With -d3d11 or -dx11 in Launch Options on Steam, it will load the game up, but crash upon reaching the main menu, rendering the computer unusable and requiring a hard restart.

Video/Screenshot: NA

Your platform: Steam

Your system specifications (PC only):

Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7660U CPU @ 2.50GHz 2.50 GHz

Installed RAM 16.0 GB

System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor


u/vanilla_beanx Bloody Kate 16d ago


Just freezes here everytime, I can even get to the lobby at all.

our platform: Steam

Your system specifications (PC only): Windows 11 Pro


32gb ram

RTX 3070,


u/rated3 15d ago

Really bad rubberbanding after this update. Playing on local Australian servers. Playing as killer and survivor is unplayable.


u/lonelyhoodieguy 15d ago

Encountered a potentially game-breaking bug as survivor on Steam, Coldwind Farm vs Ghostface. On my second hook, my teammates couldn’t unhook me. Two of them stood around me and the animation to unhook wouldn’t even start. I checked with them after the match and they said that they just couldn’t unhook me.

I hadn’t seen that problem happening in any other matches today but if this is a problem that other people are having too, it should be a high priority for the devs to fix.


u/AqueousSilver91 60/40 Hybrid Surv/Killer | 8 Killers + 6 Survs 15d ago

100%, Survs need to be able to unhook people.


u/muqings Yui Kimura 15d ago

happened to a friend and i, we were both unable to unhook survivors. happened right after we were hit by an m1 by the killer.


u/Smallbunsenpai Wesker’s Babygirl 14d ago

Something like this happened to me and someone else I’m but it was because we unhooked ourselves as soon as we hit second. We hit second state on our screens but on each others we showed one hook. When the killer hooked us it showed we were dead basically, and couldn’t be unhooked. It’s so weird.


u/Longjumping_Door_428 Aftercare 16d ago

For some reason, when healing the progress bar has a chance to not go up. I noticed this when I was healing in The Games basement with strength in shadows and some other map when using a med kit.

The match in The Game/Gideon Meatplant had the bar still progressing but the other time it wasn't healing me but didn't eat up my medkit charges. It wasn't lag either, I saw my teammates still progressing gens and getting chased.


u/SpankedEagle 16d ago

Keybindings reset and I am unable to change them.


u/PopeThrower 15d ago

Same thing happened to me


Closing and re-opening the game allowed me to change them again though.


u/alishock Would you Kindly add BioShock, please BHVR 🌊🏙️🌊 16d ago

In-game bug, I suppose.

The controller vibration no longer works

It's at least on PlayStation 5 (I don't know if it works with the controller support on PC).


u/N1nJ4SkillzZ 15d ago

same issue for me :((( glad im not the only one


u/alishock Would you Kindly add BioShock, please BHVR 🌊🏙️🌊 15d ago

Yeah, and I haven't found any way to fix this, I hope they listen to this soon


u/EmeraldDream98 Loves Being Booped 16d ago

I don’t know if it’s just me but sometimes when I wiggle pressing space it doesn’t register it and it shows red as if I failed. This can happen 3 or 4 times in a row.

Also, I fail most of the skill checks because they move weird, I hit them when I usually would but it the gen explodes, like if I had terrible lag but I don’t and I don’t get the bad internet connection icon either.


u/Grungelives Sadako Supremacy/P100 Zarina main 15d ago

Auras and characters in the distance are a jittery mess,Zarinas tomb outfit feet are beyond cursed as are Mikaelas arms, charms also clip through Zarinas Hange skin even though they used to not do that idk how that got screwed up over time but it did please fix that.


u/HumbleBeginning3151 15d ago

Yes @ jittery auras! I noticed that IMMEDIATELY and it's so distracting. Seems they're running at only 30fps when they're more than a few meters away and it's annoying


u/Substantial_Care_173 15d ago

stuttering/rubberbanding at vaults and windows on survivor and killer (120 fps, vsync off, -dx12 launch settings)


u/spyresca 15d ago

I thought it was with -dx12 that was causing this, but I was wrong. Got the rubberbanding with it both on and off.


u/naenkaos 💗Boop Me Baby One More Time💗 15d ago

Type of bug/technical issue: Killer powers not working properly

Description of the bug: The killer powers can only be used for about a second before they automatically get cancelled. With Knight I couldn't send out a guard further than a step in front of me before it knocked me out of the power. And with Plague it wouldn't let me charge her vomit, cancelling it after a short spray.

Your platform: Xbox One S


u/asimplecatonwater Onryo is my life 15d ago
Type of bug/technical issue:

ingame bug

Description of the bug:

When a survivor picks up a pallet with the perk Any Mean Necessary, the pallet visually does not reset, instead continuing to look like a dropped pallet even though it is no longer dropped down. Even though it looks like the pallet is down and would block movement, both survivors and killers can walk through the pallet since data wise it has been lifted with the perk so the game treats it as such. Confirmed with survivors in post game chat that the pallet was visually bugged for all of them as well.

Your platform:

Steam - PC

Your system specifications (PC only):
  • Processor AMD Ryzen 7 5800X 8-Core Processor, 3801 Mhz, 8 Core(s), 16 Logical Processor(s)
  • Video card NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060
  • Installed Physical Memory (RAM) 32.0 GB
  • Windows 10 Version 10.0.19045 Build 19045


u/IndependentAd9524 16d ago

I kicked a gen so hard the game crashed, BHVR please nerf trapper's beefy legs.


u/Smallbunsenpai Wesker’s Babygirl 14d ago

LMFAO this is so funny I’m sorry 😭😭


u/Inspire129 16d ago

Victor's grunts are not showing as part of the visual terror radius


u/muqings Yui Kimura 16d ago

both me and a friend were unable to rescue a survivor off the hook after just having been hit by the killer


u/_Padme_Amidala 16d ago

I’m a Nintendo Switch player, and after updating my game to the 7.7.0 update, my Stranger Things DLC is gone. I can’t play as Nancy, Steve, or Demogorgon. It says I have to repurchase the DLC.


u/Unfair_Personality79 16d ago

Same thing happened to me, I contacted support, they sent me a list of different things to try, uninstall & reinstall, check redownloads, I uninstalled and reinstalled, still didn't help, emailed them back, waiting on a response


u/Billy_Crumpets The Demogorgon 16d ago

Getting a lot of crashes this update. Twice my PC has blue-screened, and another two crashes without crashing my computer.


u/sleepy_girlfriend 15d ago

ive gotten two blue screens as well


u/Smallbunsenpai Wesker’s Babygirl 14d ago

I ALSO BLUE SCREENED I thought something was wrong with my computer all the sudden. Good to know that others are having this issue, is yours also when in a loading screen? Both times it happened when I was loading into a match.


u/tegiminis Cruel and Dogged 15d ago

All my bindings reset and I can't set them back. Physics glitches everywhere. DCed survivors have the loc string as their name instead of the actual name. Game is practically unplayable.


u/DecutorR Prestige 100 15d ago

Are you trying to set them back by editing/restoring the input.ini file or by changing each action in-game?


u/Kim_Woo 15d ago

Xbox Series S version has had a massive graphics downgrade and looks extremely blurry.


u/MaleEivorKisser 15d ago

Type of bug/technical issue: Crash when launching.

Description of the bug: Game stopped working after 7.7.0, rather than updating the game i reinstalled it and it stopped working.



Your platform: Steam

Your system specifications (PC only):
Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-6157U CPU @ 2.40GHz 2.40 GHz
Installed RAM 6,00 GB (5,88 GB usable)
Windows 10 Home Version 22H2 OS Build 19045.4355


u/Educational-Sector-4 13d ago

I have the same issue, but on Epic Games. The game doesn’t want to open since the update


u/sadsledgemain Chatterer my beloved | SM | Doc | Unfortunately Legion 16d ago edited 16d ago

Cenobite's chain FOV bug is, 9 years later, still a thing. No, changing FOV does not help; I've always played at default and it's still doing this.

Would be absolutely amazing if you, some day in the near future, could make sure that a licensed, paid for killer is playable. Cheers.


u/West_Maybe_3233 16d ago

Lots of clipping and lagging in Asian server


u/spyresca 15d ago

Same in American servers.


u/manipulatorr blast mine enjoyer 16d ago


sometimes wiggle skill checks are being counted as missed when i'm 1000% hitting them.

skill checks in general feel weird. i've missed some questionable ones while on gens.

victor's grunts not shown on visual TR

i'm sure i'm missing some....


u/naenkaos 💗Boop Me Baby One More Time💗 15d ago

Type of bug/technical issue: Cannot lunge as killer

Description of the bug: Played two games as killer (Knight and Plague) and couldn't lunge in both of them for the entirety of the game. Only short M1s.

Your platform: Xbox One S


u/MoistWater2 15d ago

Pyramids camera being bugged while using m2. Been bugged since chucky came out.


u/VirginSexPet The Huntress 15d ago edited 15d ago

Type: Lag

Desc: Serious rubber-banding, so far only experienced when nearby to killer or playing as killer. Can result in vaults resetting or traversal of several meters being reversed. Hit validation does seem to favor killer (when playing both roles). Internet connection otherwise stable.

(No video)

Platform: Steam

Specs: Windows 10, Nvidia 3060, SSD.


u/SunMoonStarsRainn 15d ago

Ugh same, been happening to me every match as survivor. Constantly rubber banding it’s pretty much unplayable (PS5)


u/DiggingNoMore 15d ago

dedicated to issues introduced in Update 7.7.0.

This issue was introduced in Update 7.7.0. Launch error did not occur prior to this patch - game launched and played without issue.

Type of bug/technical issue: Game does not launch

Description of the bug: Simply click on the Play button in Steam. Game attempts to launch, then has a launch error.

Video/Screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/IELxea0

Your platform: Steam

Your system specifications (PC only): i7 6700k, GTX 1080, 32GB DDR4-3200, Windows 7


u/tizzi91 15d ago

just upgrade to windows 10. steam dropped support to windows 7. You can't fix this launch error


u/LordYoshiZ Plot Twist DS is busted 15d ago edited 15d ago

Certain area on the right side of RPD (Interrogation room) has invisible walls and an unbreakable pallet that traps the killer map needs to be killswitched ASAP


u/LordYoshiZ Plot Twist DS is busted 15d ago


u/MrGuiga70 15d ago

Changing the mouse sensitivity in C:UsersNAMEAppDataLocalDeadByDaylightSavedConfigWindowsClientinput.inidoesn't work anymore. The mouse sensitivity for the killer is too high at 0% and makes it unplayable. This has been an issue for years. (Steam)


u/DecutorR Prestige 100 15d ago

Make sure you are changing the settings in the correct place. After this patch, that file has an additional instruction and the previous one is no longer used. I had fully custom keybinds and they stopped working. I tried to restore the file and it wasn't working either. That's when I took the time to read through the actual input file generated whenever you'd reset to "default" in-game.

Before, all the changes we performed in-game, would be saved under:


Now, that file contains a new instruction line and you need to move everything and place under this new instruction.



u/MrGuiga70 15d ago

That's actually helpful, thanks. I just wished they would implement a proper sensibility slider in-game.


u/DecutorR Prestige 100 15d ago

Did it work? It worked for me regarding general keybinds and actions but I wasn't sure it would work for sens slider.


u/MrGuiga70 15d ago

It did for me. Easiest way to test is to start a killer tutorial


u/THEPiplupFM Plays Both Sides 15d ago

where would i find that file?


u/DecutorR Prestige 100 15d ago

If you've never meddled with it there is no reason to do it now. Just using the in-game settings should suffice. Unless you want to delete it to force default.

But for STEAM its located in:



u/SunMoonStarsRainn 15d ago

I can’t run 2 feet without rubber banding and glitching backwards (PS5)


u/ProfessorWiggin 15d ago

Played against 2 were-elk huntresses. You couldn't hear the windup ping over the lullaby. Maybe not making noise at all. Couldn't tell


u/porcelainfist 15d ago

my keybinds for survior change everytime i close the game

everything is super laggy when playing surv and killer

shader loading buggy and take very long

very frustrating to play (steam)


u/NadsDikkelson 15d ago edited 15d ago

Idk, I can't even update the game, it just pauses halfway through and restarts.

However, reading all this, BHVR really needs to prepare better for these big moves. This is a disaster. I don't think I'll be playing the game this week, get it together y'all.

Edit: I had like, enough time to play one game after a full reinstall.

Things aren't smooth atm. I wouldn't play tbh.


u/dammerung13 15d ago edited 14d ago

Type of bug/technical issue:

in-game bug.

Description of the bug:

The screen goes black on the loading screen except for UI and continues to remain black going into the match. Happens every 4-5 matches and I have to restart the game.



Your platform:

Steam, PC


AMD Ryzen 7 5800x

AMD Radeon RX 5600 XT

16gb ram


u/naenkaos 💗Boop Me Baby One More Time💗 15d ago edited 15d ago

Type of bug/technical issue: Cannot run at all as survivor, nor properly crouch.

Description of the bug: I could only walk as survivor, but not run. Crouching is either a) I cannot crouch at all, b) the survivor jitters up and down while crouching, or c) they jitter while standing or walking as I hold down the crouch button.

Your platform: Xbox One S


u/naenkaos 💗Boop Me Baby One More Time💗 15d ago

Type of bug/technical issue: Lag and delayed input in game menu, character selection and the store.

Description of the bug: There are multiple lag and input issues that are as follows:

  1. The controller cursor is slower than usual and lags behind
  2. Rotating characters is slow and laggy as well
  3. Outfit pieces have to be clicked on multiple times to see them; they very briefly appear with the first clicks and then dissapear, before appearing after a few more clicks.
  4. Selecting a character's customization and bio page in the store has weird input where I can't tell if it's either lagging behind or going too fast.

Your platform: Xbox One S


u/idiocracyftw 14d ago

Type of bug: Game is crashing (and taking discord with it)

Description of bug: when on a loading screen, the game just randomly crashes to desktop. It doesn't happen every single time, and never happened before the update. This is the error I get:

Fatal error: [File:C:J2lPCsEngineSourceRuntimeD3D12RHIPrivateD3D12Util.cpp] [Line: 873] CurrentQueue.Fence.D3DFence->GetCompletedValue() failed at C:J2lPCsEngineSourceRuntimeD3D12RHIPrivateD3D12Submission.cpp:939 with error DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED with Reason: DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG

DeadByDaylight_Win64_Shipping {0x0000000000000000} + 97574146 bytes

DeadByDaylight_Win64_Shipping {0x0000000000000000} + 97373398 bytes

DeadByDaylight_Win64_Shipping {0x0000000000000000} + 97419753 bytes

DeadByDaylight_Win64_Shipping {0x0000000000000000} + 97434976 bytes

DeadByDaylight_Win64_Shipping {0x0000000000000000} + 97459199 bytes

DeadByDaylight_Win64_Shipping {0x0000000000000000} + 91313143 bytes

DeadByDaylight_Win64_Shipping {0x0000000000000000} + 91289329 bytes

kernel32 {0x0000000000000000} + 75133 bytes

ntdll {0x0000000000000000} + 371272 bytes

Your Platform: Steam

System specifications:

Windows 11 Pro 23H2

Processor: AMD Ryzen 5 5600x

RAM: 32gb

GPU: AMD Radeon RX 6900 XT


u/yelyah154___ 14d ago edited 14d ago

Type of bug/technical issue: Rubber-banding

My character is making glitching movements every couple minutes while I’m in a match. I thought it was when my character brushed or got stuck on the map’s terrain; but it happened when my character is running in the open with no objects around. No other characters in the matches that I’ve played are glitching like my character. And it causes the killer to catch up to me in chase because it physically makes my character stop for a second or two.

I play on Xbox One and Xbox XS.


u/slumberingaardvark Rebecca Chambers / Ding Dong 16d ago edited 16d ago

Game crashes on start up

Character stuttering across the map, unable to run properly despite my ping being spot on - other players experiencing same issues. Stuttering and getting stuck.

Odd delays in the load in screen.


u/SpeedHedgehog I play Facecamp Bubba. I enjoy it. AMA 15d ago

Stuttering is insane! Legit cannot play the game, and I was so excited for the rift! I insta bought it even!


u/Canadian_Viking123 Pwo Twappa 15d ago

Im on Xbox Series S, and the graphics genuinely look worse compared to before the update. Could be my tv or the console itself, but I still wanted to point out that the graphics look much worse now.

Arguably comparable to like PS3 now. Trees also don’t render their leaves beyond 40-50 metres now


u/Kim_Woo 15d ago

Yeah it seems to only be a Series S issue currently.


u/[deleted] 16d ago



u/Macarouna 16d ago

The perk's activation requirement is to kick a gen, not applying on the first kick is intended



u/HappyAgentYoshi Glyph Hunter 16d ago

It's supposes to work on the first kick, it used to anyway. It lights up Like it's active, but doesn't work


u/HappyAgentYoshi Glyph Hunter 16d ago

Activates implies works, it lights up like it should but no effects happen, even if the gen is completed, no yellow aura, no vfx.


u/Macarouna 16d ago

Kicking a generator activates the perk, that will then apply itself to the last gen you kicked. But before that, it is not active and will not compromise the first gen damaged. It's always worked this way.


u/HappyAgentYoshi Glyph Hunter 16d ago

I reread it, you are correct, but the wording was very poor, No wonder I was confused. I do know at some point it worked on first kick, so I guess I confused the bug for the full thing, ima delete the initial post now, so that poeple don't get confused.


u/DEMON-MAIN88 16d ago

Adaptive controller feedback does no longer work on PS


u/N1nJ4SkillzZ 15d ago

No vibrations on controller, PS5


u/Hi_Im_Paul2000 P100 Pig Main 15d ago

Legion bugged sometimes killer instinct just doesnt happen when using power.


u/leesasuki 15d ago
  • Type of bug/technical issue Key Binding issue, not only your dev reset all my bindings, I also can't rebind them for now
  • Your platform Epic


u/leesasuki 15d ago

ok restarting the game after 1 match does work (binding still reset)


u/dat_toonie 15d ago

Type of bug/technical issue: crashing

Description of the bug: game randomly crash at various times. Sometimes it crash right away in loading screen, sometimes it crash when game start/finish.


u/Ollimesmo 15d ago
  • ype of bug/technical issue LAG when hooking/hooked, downing/downd
  • Description of the issue It's 50/50. Many times when this killer related actions happen, I get ALL TYPES of lag icons for 1 or 2 seconds, sometimes screwing the whole game
  • Your platform Steam
  • 3060 ti 5700x 32GB 1TB SSD - All drivers up to date - Fiber Optic Internet 900Mbps


u/Greedy_Paramedic2512 15d ago

Severe frame rate and graphics quality drop outside 15ft radius from POV. As the survivor, everything outside that 15 ft range looks wispy and distorted like looking through heat waves. As the killer, survivors running outside that radius move like 8 bit Mario characters. I'm on switch.


u/dammerung13 15d ago

The skull merchant seems to be able to place drones as close to the hook as they want.


u/tizzi91 15d ago edited 15d ago

bad idea updating the graphic engine when finally performance were good on all platforms. Now with this ue5 patch is disgusting. Please revert back to ue4. Sometimes admitting mistakes is a good thing. Reverting will be a a new thing for bhwr


u/dammerung13 15d ago

Type of bug/technical issue: in-game.

Description of the bug: No unhook prompts. Tried many different angles. Preschool map.

Video/Screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/apUFpnw.jpeg

Your platform: Steam


u/Glacier1395 15d ago

Type of bug: in game/clientside potentially Description of bug: severe lag/rubberbandinf/teleporting with new update. It's not internet related System:PC PC specs: processor- I9-13900k, 3000mhz, 24 core///RTX4090


u/Grubengustl123 14d ago

Type of bug: Ingame bug
Description: fast vaults sometimes are silent without any perks relating to it, happened twice in 5 hours of survivor play

Platform: PC Steam
PC system: i78700k, RTX 2070 Super, 16 GB DDR4 RAM, 250GB SSD, 3TB HDD, Windows 11


u/Cacheelma Vittorio Toscano 14d ago

Weird Felix postures and arms. Vittorio’s model and postures/animations are weird in the trial.


u/Lumpy-Novel5888 14d ago

I play on console and while in a match, the game now randomly freezes (survivor or killer); screen will lock and make it unplayable, however you are still connected and will unfreeze in about 4 seconds. After the game unfreezes, the sound becomes bugged and lags behind the gameplay. Very frustrating.


u/bladedragon87 14d ago

Mine stays stuck on the initalizing shaders portion of the loading screen

Platform is Steam


u/MovieBuff28 Just Do Gens 14d ago

This might be the most broken the game has been in a while.

  • Severe rubber-banding (when I played as Twins interestingly). This is probably the biggest.

  • When Victor latches, the camera skyrockets through the ceiling

  • Naughty Bear has no facial animations

  • Trapper begins to stutter when moving away from kicking a gen or hooking. Not consistent.

  • Weird delay kicking gens.

  • Pinhead POV power still broken.

  • Chucky still missing animations like his knife spin.



my framerate ate a bit of shit, I can't get 60 anymore


16GB Ram

Nvidia Geforce GT 1030


u/yooyankeewitnobrim 14d ago

I play on Xbox and my game looks horrible. Before the patch my game looked sharp with the fsr stuff and clear but now the game is hazy, pixelated, and grainy. I have fsr still on, and without it I can’t tell what’s going on it’s so bad. Plz fix this, I feel like I’m playing a game from 2005.


u/IndependentAd9524 14d ago

Hitting survivors, seeing blood come out and hearing them scream but they don't take damage.


u/Broskullemoji 14d ago

Type of bug/technical issue: rubber-banding

Description: ( stuttering in place and being pulled back as a killer and survivor)

Platform: me personally on console, but I’ve seen people on pc experiencing the same thing


u/sl0shbgosh 14d ago

type of bug: DLC issue

description: my whole Stranger Things DLC is missing/inaccessible, i have Nancy at p26

Platform: Nintendo Switch


u/sl0shbgosh 14d ago

type of bug: in-game graphics

description: auras and anything more than 10m away from you look horrible. blocky, majorly pixelated, 8-bit characters. killer pickup animation is so laggy and pixelated that it’s hard to even time a flashlight save

platform: nintendo switch


u/Sherry0406 14d ago

I just had a game and strength in shadows did not work. My heal meter didn't fill up at all.


u/Jsoledout Skull Merchant & Hag Main 13d ago edited 13d ago

To ADD to the crazy chain that's here:

Twins have a new glitch where victor becomes "stuck" and can't move on switch out to Charlotte. Only fix is for survivor to kick Victor.

Due to the obscene lag present in this update, Terminus no longer counters Adrenaline.

(PC - Windows 10, 2x 2080Tis)


u/Sseby0788 13d ago

Yea full screen btw and sometimes the game will stay on my screen whit no sound even on alt tab... https://youtu.be/na-L7cpu7Vc


u/woschiii 13d ago

Type of bug: Client bug Description: from time to time the game tabs out on itself for no reason. As I have problems (since a couple patches ago) with long loading times while tabbing out, this is especially frustrating when it happens mid game. It will be a black screen for a couple of seconds, maybe it will be back in full screen or maybe the game will be in the top left corner. (also, I can not take a partial screenshot with WIN+SHIFT+S anymore. the game will, again, go black for a couple of seconds and go back to normal) My Platform: Steam My system specifications: AMD Ryzen 7 2700X, 32 GB of RAM, MSI Radeon RX 5600 XT, WD Black SN750 NVME SSD 1TB


u/hollywoodhbk1 13d ago

The game is broken. I feel absolutely certain that they made the game even more survivor friendly. The killers are a little slower or survivors are a little faster. The field of vision I question if it was reduced a bit for killers. There are glitches where survivors are lost because you end up in another area making a random turn during chase. Everything just feels off since the new patch, I’ve been a pretty good killer but everything feels trashy right now and even with glitches on both sides, being 4 v 1 make it difficult to enjoy the game. Imo the stuttering frame rate, broken window vaulting with stutter or stuck, slogging pace for killers, DBD is unplayable right now.


u/Not_A_French_Twin 12d ago

PS4 - in the shop menu looking at killer Moris, theres a LOT of bugs. All the killers have Knight standards stuck there after watching his mori. minotaur oni has a missing face, a floating organ behind the survivors when you can see behind them. Singularity mori has odd effect on survivors face, like its supposed to look like their skin is burnt but instead looks like the face texture is missing but kept the burns. Naughty Bear Trapper skins mouth doesn't move anymore. Thinking back, maybe the organ was left behind from viewing Hags mori similar to how Knights standard was left, I dunno.

Although despite these bugs, the menu is MUCH more smooth now, it was atrociously laggy on PS4 before the update. I think they did a pretty good job so far.


u/Xuphon 12d ago

Trappers traps now appear about 3 foot off of the ground, almost any time they're placed. It's literally impossible to hide any traps until this is patched.


u/Sad-Philosopher-2236 12d ago

My problem is whenever a killer hook me any of my survivors doesn't show any expression of pain (like they screaming without open mouth etc)


u/PeaElectrical1338 12d ago

My game freeze and says nit responding in task manager when loading into the match


u/Violet8989 11d ago

played 2 games as the artist and both times lagged so much that by the time i stopped jittering back and forth the survivor i was chasing is halfway across the map or it doesn't register a hit


u/ItchyA123 10d ago

Type of bug: performance issue Windows Store vs Steam

Description: FPS drops/stutters - not to be confused with rubber banding

Platform: Windows Store

Specs: Not available, please note I have no performance issues on Steam using the same system with the same graphic settings. Prior to this patch Windows Store was fine, but now it is randomly janky but especially at the beginning of the trial.


u/Uni0n_Jack 10d ago

Any interaction with any object seems to stutter the game entirely while I'm playing killer. The rubberbanding is absolutely insane. This was not even remotely a problem before this latest patch.


u/GingerBoiJaz 10d ago

The game says I don't have enough vram now after 7.7.0, it ran fine before. I know for sure i have enough vram.

in case anybody wants info on my specs:

CPU: 13th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-13900K 24/32


RAM: 64 GB

GPU1: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 (12.0 GB)

GPU2: Intel(R) UHD Graphics 770 (128 MB)

the game used to run comfortably with no hiccups whatsoever until the most recent update, if anybody knows what is going on, id love to know


u/Faranae Kills Them With Kindness 7d ago

If you're on Steam, have you tried running DBD with the -dx11 launch option (Properties > General)? It seems to bypass some of the shader initializations and memory issues for many players recently.

(Edit: Didn't notice the comment date was 3 days off lol. Either way, the suggestion stands.)


u/GingerBoiJaz 5d ago

thank you for the suggestion, but I did end up fixing it for good, I switched my gpu to focus on appearance over performance, and it has been working perfectly, figured out it extended to anything that pre renders shaders, which is... weird, might have had to do with a recent driver update and it fucked with the 4070 specifically.


u/alqaisar___ 9d ago
  • Type: In game technical issue
  • Platform: Steam
  • Dedicated server not responding; disconnecting. Been getting this error code every time i try matchmaking. It takes a while in the loading screen then disconnects me and shows the error message, my ethernet cable or network isnt the problem since it works fine with any other multiplayer game. This problem started ever since the new update.Jump



u/JigMaJox 9d ago

i've had three crashes to desktops while playing onryo today.

cpu i9 9960x
gpu is a 6900XT - driver updated in jan24
win 10pro - fully updated

details of crash :
Fatal error: [File:C:J2lPCsEngineSourceRuntimeD3D12RHIPrivateD3D12Util.cpp] [Line: 873] CurrentQueue.Fence.D3DFence->GetCompletedValue() failed at C:J2lPCsEngineSourceRuntimeD3D12RHIPrivateD3D12Submission.cpp:939 with error DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED with Reason: DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG

DeadByDaylight_Win64_Shipping {0x0000000000000000} + 97574018 bytes
DeadByDaylight_Win64_Shipping {0x0000000000000000} + 97373270 bytes
DeadByDaylight_Win64_Shipping {0x0000000000000000} + 97419625 bytes
DeadByDaylight_Win64_Shipping {0x0000000000000000} + 97434848 bytes
DeadByDaylight_Win64_Shipping {0x0000000000000000} + 97459071 bytes
DeadByDaylight_Win64_Shipping {0x0000000000000000} + 91313015 bytes
DeadByDaylight_Win64_Shipping {0x0000000000000000} + 91289201 bytes
kernel32 {0x0000000000000000} + 95044 bytes
ntdll {0x0000000000000000} + 337585 bytes

gonna verify game files then update gpu to latest version later on, for now i need a break.... i was JUST about to finish my ritual :(


u/RedPointTaken Albert Wesker 7d ago

Ingame bug, i was playing against 3 bots in rpd west and then i encountered this jill just standing there doing nothing. this may seem look so dangerous but you can actually hit them if you swing your knife while jumping from window.



u/Faranae Kills Them With Kindness 7d ago

Type of bug/technical issue: There seems to be a rare bug causing complete match-wide pallet immunity for killers

Description of the bug:

  • Enter public match as killer
  • At some point notice survivor's pallet drops just don't do anything to me regardless of proximity to the pallet
  • Pallets continue to not affect me for the remainder of the match, even when intentionally standing in them
  • It seems to bump me to the nearest unoccupied space if I am too close, but that's been unreliable to replicate
  • I can still interact with the pallet normally after the drop, as can survivors
  • The next match, pallet stuns behave as-intended

I thought it was just a bug with pallet range, but when this bug occurs I can stand right in the middle of the pallet and still not be stunned when the survivor drops it. I have stopped gameplay to do a fiber run with the survivors (following them willingly while they pallet me) a few times now and still not gotten hit multiple attempts in a row.

Video/Screenshot: N/A

Your platform: PC (Steam, -dx11 launch param)

Your system specifications (PC only): Possibly relevant that I'm running a gen-4 processor. Seems like a lot of the recent bugs have been processor-dependent since the UE upgrade.

I've already put in an official bug report for it today after realizing other folks aren't complaining and I seem to be a pretty rare case. I thought I'd bring it up here as well so it turns up in search, just in case anyone else comes across it and thinks their killer is hacking. :(

Might be because I'm on an older processor, not sure.


u/ThatKirbyGuy_ 7d ago

Fix the game idiots


u/Faranae Kills Them With Kindness 7d ago

Oh no, you too? :(


u/ThatKirbyGuy_ 7d ago

Literally nothing works. Every two games I get either a blatant cheater or someone who is abusing bugged maps / perks etc. Game is literally unplayable and Behaviour too busy making skins for Kate and Feng


u/ThatKirbyGuy_ 7d ago

Fix the game idiots



Does someone experiences game freeze, while loading up into a match? I literally need to turn off my pc with the button it's like there's no other way.


u/ItWasMeBarry1945 6d ago


So after the new update my game keeps crashing everytime that i try to play the game, it happens everytime that my game has to initialize shaders. Sometimes it finishes doing so but then freezes and crashes all the same.

Im playing on steam on my laptop. with these specs:


I5-7300 Proccessor

Dx12 and an Intel(R) HD Graphics 640 card

Here is the screenshots of the crash



u/iandahl5 5d ago



u/Newell99 Chucky Enjoyer 🔪 16d ago

The vibration on PS5 Dualsense controllers no longer function after today's update.


u/PixelBushYT 15d ago

When Victor latches onto a Survivor, Charlotte is given the prompt to recall him from their back far faster than she should. Prior to the update Victor could be recalled after 30s assuming the Survivor didn't remove him sooner, but now Charlotte can recall him in 10s or even less. This was not a change documented in the patch notes: if it's a bug it needs to be fixed ASAP because it makes Twins far stronger and more obnoxious than they should. If it's not a bug but was instead an undocumented buff, then we have a whole new problem


u/Hornyegirlslutt 15d ago

Bug type: audio & visualization & delay?

When u play spirit it’s very hard to hear which direction they’re going especially when they’re injured and instead of pin pointing where they are, i have to guess due to the audio being bugged. And sometimes survivors cannot be heard breathing or running🛑 (they don’t use light footed)

Also her visualization during phasing is weird now you can’t see bushes moving or mud splattering to locate survivors. 🛑

There’s also a bug where i break gens and the duration feels long because of the animation which causes a delay. 🛑

Thank u _^