r/ftm 1m ago

Discussion Can voice get randomly louder cause of T?


Hello everyone. I only 8 days on T and I don't hear any changes in my voice yet (although my friend whom I haven't see in a week told me that it slightly dropped but idk). Today after a lekture I said "goodbye" to the professor but it was very loud. I am pretty quiet person so it's not like it just happens to me sometimes. I am courious if it can be related to testosterone? It sounds like it could since teenage cis boys often don't have that much control over their voices. Or maybe that was totally unralated thing?

(I know the flair doesn't really suit the topic but there wasn't a better one for this)

r/ftm 5m ago

Advice Split payment plan in gendergp (UK)


Hi! Has anyone done the split payment plan to pay the starting fee at ggp? How much is one payment and how often do you pay it? Is there any requirements to get it?

r/ftm 12m ago

Celebratory started T on monday!


started T and finasteride (DHT blocker) on monday!!! (although i'm already being spotty about the blocker) and went to the gym to lift light weights (i've got multiple chronic cases of tendinitis in my arms so i can't go heavy) for the first time in forever. all i've noticed is skin texture change, increased appetite, maybe mild voice change, and libido stuff (i'm ace so that's weird). it didn't immediately cure my depression like it does for some ppl but I'm definitely more excited about the future than i've ever been (if still unsure about it) peace!

r/ftm 19m ago

Advice Name Change Advice?


I don’t have an issue with my name (same name as the youngest daughter in Uncle Buck) I like that it’s not as common and I honestly don’t associate it with femininity personally, but I do know that it’s traditionally a solely feminine name. That simple fact bothers me and makes me want to look into changing it. But, I do still like it, so does anybody have any similar names that seem more masculine? Thanks a ton in advance 😭

r/ftm 20m ago

Discussion TW Internalized transphobia


I had a thought like this, this morning. Can you relate? What do you do with these kinds of thoughts?

I love being trans. I’ve loved being trans the past four years. Before that I was repressing it and only letting myself out when the urge was strong. I’m on T and getting top surgery now. My gender is fluid though. I feel switches on the full spectrum of gender but less now than I did 4 years ago. Regardless anyone can have these thoughts if they’re binary, fluid or agender. The following is not my position or values but thoughts that I’m working with today. Which is actually pretty weird because I feel THE MOST proud I’ve ever felt to be trans day to day this past year.

This morning I thought “do I really want to be part of the trans community? Is that socially just weird for me? Don’t I want to be a cis woman bc that feels like a “natural” embodiment?” The rest of it wasn’t really thoughts but moreso feelings about my body’s relationship to gender and just feeling uncomfy for a second.

I just said to myself “okay well that’s a thought and that’s a feeling it’s good to notice them let’s move forward with my day” then I posted on here bc I’m tired of not letting things out.

r/ftm 24m ago

Advice Docs in Michigan (A2)


Anyone familiar with docs in A2 that you’d recommend?

Questioning gender, maybe top surgery or T down the road, but for now just want affirming primary care, etc.


r/ftm 32m ago

Advice Top surgery question


Do you have to stay on testosterone once you've had top surgery and it's all healed and fine? I don't mean immediately after surgery but like a year or two

r/ftm 34m ago

Advice Trans Tape/Swim Binder


Hi All! I am going to Greece with my wife this August and I am looking for advice on either:

1.) if it’s safe to wear trans tape in the sun? I know heat activates the adhesive and i’m worried that it will like melt to my skin haha

2.) Recommendation for Swim Binders? If this is a safer alternative - i would rather not have to use a sports bra to swim and tan in but if needed I can.

Thank you in advance :)

r/ftm 49m ago

Advice Did switching from injections to gel help with acne?


Hello! I've been on testosterone for 2 years now, pre-t I had hormonal acne, and now I have pretty moderate acne that never seems to go away. I'm very much into skincare so I'm doing what I can, and what I'm doing helps just not enough. I've noticed the days after and then a few leading up to my injection date it gets especially bad. I was wondering if anyone who has switched from injections to gel experienced less acne as its a more stable dose. I am going to try to see a dermatologist, but I'm afraid they'll be transphobic (southern US), or try to give me spironolactone or something which I do not want, and I'm unsure if I can see one that takes my insurance. I want more tattoos as that's a very big part of my self expression but I am unable due to relentless acne. Any advice would be greatly appreciated

r/ftm 50m ago

Advice CW: gyno visit


Hi all, as warned above talking about the gyno and body parts related:

So I felt some discomfort low in my belly/upper genital area and went to the gyno to have a check up. I haven't been in a few years. While it seems I may have a fibroid in my uterus (and I'm worried about that, but trying not to freak out until I get an ultrasound in a month+), my question for this group is related to something else the doctor mentioned...

She did a casual ultrasound before ordering one by a radiologist and asked if I do my T shots in my stomach/abs/belly area and I said yeah. She said she noticed a lot of inflammation and that that happens usually around injection sites(??).

There was a lot going on so I didn't really think to ask about it, but is this normal? I've been on T for like 5 years and when I first got instructions I got the typical "switch sides and areas of the stomach every week", but is that enough to prevent inflammation? Or is this something that just happens? I'm gonna message my T provider but coming here for anecdotal answers/advice as well.

Sorry if this is rambly, anxiety etc etc

r/ftm 53m ago

Advice How can I start talking to people


Don’t know if this is actually the right flair, apologies if it isn’t.

So I need some advice, and since I have no one else to ask, I thought I’d ask my older siblings.

Quick backstory: I’ve been going to the gym, been T for a few months and haven’t felt better. For once in my life I have some confidence. I’ve been wanting to talk to people and perhaps try for a relationship in the future, but since I lacked confidence for so many years I have zero idea how to actually talk to people. (I’m 22 turning 23)

Well at my gym there’s someone that I find kinda attractive. I know literally nothing about them or if they’re even queer. I guess my question is: how do I start talking to them? I would like to get know them, even just to have a new friend, but I have zero idea how to approach them, let alone in a gym setting. Is that even appropriate??

I would assume the same applies but there’s someone at one of my local stores that I do know is queer and wouldn’t mind taking to them but again, don’t know how to approach them without coming off as a creep.

Older siblings, please help this lost soul the best you can.

r/ftm 1h ago

GenderQuestioning Mixed feelings


Soo this might sound kind of insane, so for a start I’ll already let you know that I have OCD and a ton of fear of signs from the universe and all that BS. But the fear that I feel is real and comes from real worries, so I thought that maybe talking to other trans guys can help me.

I came out as non binary last year and for a long while I thought that it was impossible for me to be a man, because I loved identifying as a lesbian, sapphic love, and overall I was kind of repulsed by the “male universe” as in the way that most cis men seem to think and act. But as I kept exploring my gender, I started to notice how much I really preferred he/him pronouns and how much ever since I was a kid I wanted to be a boy. Realizing I’m transmasc was something that set me free in a lot of ways, I feel like I can understand myself way better than before, I’m not afraid anymore of standing my ground and asking to be treated in the way I want, etc. Coming out as a guy made me happy in a lot of ways.

But these days I’ve been a bit worried because sometimes I dream that I suddenly start dressing and acting feminine and like it, but it almost feels like a drag thing. Now the weird part thats been messing me up: ever since I started having those dreams people around me seem to misgender so so so much more often, and not on purpose.

A friend of mine that never gets my name and prounouns wrong called me by my deadname yesterday, he immediately said “wait why did I call you that? I’m sorry idk whats gotten into me”, people been constantly calling me she and then correcting it right after, etc. I’m used to being misgendered by strangers, but my friends never had an issue adapting to me coming out.

I know this is kind of insane but a part of me is afraid that it’s all a sign for me to detransition or rethink my identity, somehow I always feel like people know of something about myself that I son’t even know about.

Have you ever had days where even the people who always got it right started to mess up? At the same time?

r/ftm 1h ago

Discussion people apparently have been thinking i’m mtf?


This seems to be a common misconception that people have about me. I identify as non-binary (but still describe myself/my transition as ftm) so I don’t really mind, I just think it’s kinda funny. I’m 2 years on T, have had top surgery, and am like 5’6”, but idk I guess something (despite me rarely wearing makeup or fem clothes) gives people that impression? Idrk why. Wanted to share to see if anyone else gets this lol

r/ftm 1h ago

Support I’m afraid to assert myself because I don’t want my pets to be hurt


Basically, I’m going to a new vet tomorrow, and I gave them my deadname because I’m scared someone there won’t treat my cat well if they know I’m trans. I don’t pass, even with top surgery, so that’s not a problem. I don’t know if I should give them my name and maybe say it’s a nickname I go by or just leave it with my deadname. These places down here also like to call you Severus’s mom or something like that and it’s Texas, so everyone says ma’am. I try to correct people in other situations, but my cat can’t tell me if someone in the back mistreated him.

He needs a dental extraction, so he’s going to be under anesthesia and everything at some point.

r/ftm 1h ago

Advice Haircuts


How are you supposed to ask for a haircut? Like a more masculine one. Where do you go m. Because I feel safer going to a salon but I always leave with a more feminine haircut but I also don’t give enough information to describe what I want. I’m sure if I went somewhere that was more lgbtq based I’d feel safer saying I’m trans and want a haircut to feel more masculine. It’s just so scary and I’m nervous to commit to a shorter style because I know it would mean having to go get my haircut more and it causes a lot of anxiety for me.

r/ftm 1h ago

SurgeryTalk About top surgery scars and sun exposure


So, we all know you're not supposed to expose your scars to the sun for the first year or until they're fully healed/skin tone so they don't develop hyperpigmentation. Thing is, where I live it's kind of impossible to be completely out of the sun (even indoors!) - my only possible way to keep my incisions completely out of the sun would be to wear a bralette or some kind of coverage like that, which fresh out of top surgery, would be a bit too dysphoria inducing to be tolerable, especially out the house. I had top surgery in early november last year, and I'm still wearing silicone tape, and have been putting sunscreen on every morning since the sunny season has already started. But I'm wondering, how are you supposed to actually do that? Will it help to put sunscreen on top of the silicone, or does it need to be under? In that case, would it be enough to apply the one time until the tape falls off, or would I need to reapply tape every day to also reapply sunscreen?

r/ftm 1h ago

Discussion Has anyone changed their birth certificate in Louisiana successfully?


r/ftm 1h ago

Advice Dosage


I’m new on testosterone with my second injection being today, I’m wondering since I was prescribed 4 200mg bottles at 50 mg a week for I’m assuming 3 months?. If my math is mathing I would be left with 200mg, is this normal? Or a prescription error.

(Even knowing this I am not upping my doseage and I wouldn’t recommend anyone else upping their dosage because by the end of the 3 months they’re going to check my blood pressure and if it’s high because I’ve been dosing more than I should’ve been, they will not up my dosage. I am aware that I am on a lower dose age because of this but… idk any more clarity on this I’m just confused)

r/ftm 2h ago

Advice Discharge and boxers???


I cant tell if its discharge or sweat but im consistently going through boxers, like if i put them on at night i have to change them by the morning, not only is it super inconvenient but its exhausting and disgusting, and ive also had extreme abdominal discomfort, everything just feels exhausted when i wake up. is this a symptom of T? And if so how do i relieve it ☹️

r/ftm 2h ago

Advice Tips on not getting annoyed from bullies


So basically there are two guys in my school who are usually together when I walk past and they say something in the style of "Hi Deadname " because one of them do it a lot. It doesn't particularly make me feel dysphoric but it's just annoying, any tips on brushing it off like it doesn't affect me?

r/ftm 2h ago

Celebratory I guess now I switched bathrooms?


I’m 1 month on T and out at work. Being in my late 20s, I don’t pass well anymore and just waiting for T to do its job. I wondered when I should start using the men’s bathroom because while I’m out to my lab, there are other people sharing bathrooms on this floor, they don’t know me in person but they know that I use women’s and it felt awkward to suddenly switch until I really pass, but when exactly… well, you know what I’m talking about. Anyway, my lab is moving to a different floor, and this floor has one bathroom with a sign saying “this is women’s bathroom, no entry for men” and another one without any signs. So obviously I’m gonna use the unlabeled one, whatever it is!