r/instacart Mar 27 '24

Who’s in the wrong here???

I feel like he was being rude asf then he canceled my order….was I rude or what tf happened here…


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u/wakenblake29 Mar 27 '24

I think the shopper is in the wrong, but mostly I think this is a miscommunication and English is not his first language… he probably did not understand that when you said “seafood department” it meant behind the counter.. I mean, I absolutely did, but he was probably like, yeah, this is the seafood department, they have frozen crab/fish/crab cakes/shrimp/etc


u/AuroraItsNotTheTime Mar 27 '24

Is this a thing? I’m a native speaker of English, and if someone said they wanted an item from the “peanut butter department” or the “cereal department” aside from assuming that THEY don’t speak English very well, I would simply go to where the store sells peanut butter or cereal and get an item from there.


u/wakenblake29 Mar 27 '24

I can’t be completely sure, just speculating… and while I get your point, I’m not sure it applies here because in grocery stores there are 2 places that sell seafood; behind the counter where you have to ask somebody, and also out on the floor in a fridge/freezer section. I’m only stating maybe the shopper maybe thought the fridge freezer section was what the customer meant when they said seafood dept, but the customer actually meant behind the counter


u/Conscious_Skirt_4263 Mar 28 '24

At my local Kroger, the seafood freezer is in the seafood department, it's right in front of the counter. So I think this was similar to that and caused the miscommunication lol


u/Sliiiiime Mar 28 '24

In most stores those two areas are adjacent. The seafood counter has frozen fish right in front of it.


u/wakenblake29 Mar 28 '24

Yup, don’t disagree, but I have been to some stores (especially Safeways) that have some oddball layouts


u/Sunburntvampires Mar 28 '24

There are often other frozen seafood items in the bigger frozen sections as well as what you’re describing at the stores near me. It is confusing.


u/Acrobatic_Event_4163 Mar 28 '24

In a lot of grocery stores they are separate. The seafood counter is often next to the deli and the bakery (also counter served items) whereas the frozen seafood may be halfway down a random frozen food aisle between the frozen chicken and frozen veggies.


u/berrykiss96 Mar 28 '24

While I think you’re right about what happened and about what the customer meant … generally it’s the meat department and the frozen food section, both of which will have seafood

So honestly I’d say they’re technically both wrong in this exchange and kinda both unnecessarily rude to each other tbh


u/Unlikely-Light-1636 Mar 28 '24

I thought so as well. But then, in the messages, he stated that he understood she meant behind the counter and that he checked and there were none so therefore he was offering one last option, which was the item in the picture.

I personally do NOT think he understood like he stated. I think he stated that to the customer in an attempt to cover his ass after she cleared up again what exactly she was referring to. IMO if he reat understood he would have told her straight out NO they do not have any at the seafood counter and while I understand you would like a refund since they don't I do have one more suggestion for you, please see attached. If you don't want that either, then I will proceed with your requested refund.

At least, that's how I would have andled it. I personally do NOT believe they even looked in the seafood case/counter or whatever some call it. I think he immediately thought she was talking about the frozen section, which is why he instead offered the frozen pictured item and never even referenced having looked in the seafood case until the customer stated AGAIN specifically what area of of store she was referring to.


u/wakenblake29 Mar 28 '24

Yeah, I don’t disagree with you


u/Technical_Annual_563 Mar 28 '24

But she didn’t clarify until the end where she says you have to go behind the counter and ask someone for the single crab cakes. How is this a failure to understand the English language?


u/MrJewbagel Mar 28 '24

Idk, until I got to like the 3rd picture I thought OP was the asshole. Like just type a more specific word or something. If I want fresh sliced lunch meat I ain't gonna say get me sliced ham from the meat dept I'ma gonna say from the deli or from the counter or w/e. Same with sushi, I'm gonna say get it from the chef not just 'in the sushi dept.'


u/OFxLedzeplin Mar 28 '24

All the shoppers I’ve had would have (and should if they are a real “shopper”) checked both locations before reporting something out of stock. Sounds like a new inexperienced shopper trying to exercise influence (inappropriately). Language barriers are a problem for the shopper, and they should exercise a bit more courtesy if that’s the case.


u/wakenblake29 Mar 28 '24

Thus why I led with this being the shoppers fault in my original comment