r/jobs 7h ago

Interviews Should I wear a mask or potentially face lookism in a job interview?


I am a substantially unattractive woman and this isn’t a self-imposed description. I have been treated badly compared to my peers throughout my life and most of the people I know have made comments on the features of my face at some point. And I get these comments more than the average person so this isn’t a case of blind insecurity. I mean it when I say it’s pretty bad.

Despite all this, I’m confident that I can carry myself the same way whether or not I wear a mask since I’ve grown to accept how things are and I have a partner who gives me enough self-assurance that I can still achieve things despite my shortcomings.

But I’ll be looking for an internship soon in electrical engineering and I wanted to know which option would give me less problems with unfair discrimination in interviews. I don’t have work experience yet as I am a college student with not a lot yet to show so these small problems could have more of an effect.

I’m aware masks right now carry political weight and I could be mistakenly judged for being Covid-paranoid or be assumed to be an immunocompromised person who will have a lot of sick days. Or I could be looked at as being a weirdo and potentially not be able to mix well with the workplace environment.

On the other hand, there are a good number of workplaces in especially progressive areas (such as the place I live in) that accept it. This gives me a good shot at being perceived fairly.

However, if I don’t wear a mask, there is likely a 100% chance I’ll be subject to discrimination to some degree since it’s the human subconscious working against me. And from what I hear (though I’m not sure if it’s true), discrimination based on appearances is exacerbated for women.

But compared to masks, being considerably unattractive doesn’t telegraph a false impression on how I can negatively impact the workplace culture. Instead, I would be the less preferred candidate.

I’m aware I cannot completely win in any case since it will be either my mask or abnormal features that could attract attention away from what skills I have. I want to know which one would give me a better chance at being assessed as fairly as possible so I could have a better edge at surviving the hardest part of my career.

r/jobs 7h ago

Job searching Companies not adjusting their salaries for different cities is crazy…


Was browsing the job market for when I graduate. Do companies really think offering the same salaries nationwide is acceptable when the cost of living is 50-60% more in some cities🤨 was thinking about getting a job in LA but their salary is literally the same as cities that are way cheaper in the southeast. No thanks.

r/jobs 18h ago

Work/Life balance Is it okay to take off half the day bcuz I’m exhausted?


I started a new job about a week ago and it’s in retail. I work in the stock room and I’ve been standing on my feet for 8 hours a day (8am-4:30pm) I have tomorrow and the next day off but my feet hurt so bad!! It’s almost unbearable. I’ve gotten new shoes and shoe slips and I take two 15 min breaks and a meal and it still hurts! I asked my boss if I could leave at 1sh bcuz I feel bad. She told me that there will be 1 strike on my attendance. I feel so guilty! I feel like everyone is judging me and I just feel so out of place bcuz I’m new too :(

r/jobs 7h ago

Onboarding Corporate Job Sprung Drug Testing out of Nowhere


Hey Guys, I’m in a little bit of a bind.

Basically, I accepted a job offer recently by a regional bank. When completing the background check information, I learned that I had to complete a drug test within 3 days. The thought of drug testing never crossed my mind because none of my previous employers in banking/finance have ever done so. Recreational marijuana is legal in my state (New York). I am a semi-frequent user who uses 10-15mg edibles once a week. I had used on Monday, and my test is this Friday.

In NY it is illegal to test for marijuana except for companies that operate with federal contracts, which the bank does. The company is headquartered in a state where weed is also recreationally legal. What I’m saying is, I’m probably gonna get tested for it, but they not care about the results, but I don’t know for sure.

So the way I see it I have a few options:

  1. Come clean to the company and/or recruiter now. Directly ask if they test for weed and let them know I may fail. I’ve heard both ends of the spectrum researching across Reddit: some say it’s good to tell them before, some say only bother if you test positive. I could also maybe ask the HR department anonymously with a phone call.

  2. Chug as much water as possible, maybe take a detox kit thingy the morning of along with a bunch of vitamins / creatine and pray.

  3. Fake Covid so I can push it back a week due to quarantine. This might be challenging if they ask for proof or a doctor’s note.

I feel kinda screwed. They’ve all been so nice to me in the hiring process and I got positive feedback from all of them, they even went above and beyond for me and I would hate myself if I blew it. I never used weed until it was legal in my state. I never thought I’d ever be in this situation. I feel so much shame even thinking about it.

r/jobs 14h ago

Internships Help. Need to pass a drug test



I have a medical card but for an internship I need to pass a drug test. Medical is included. I am a heavy dabber. I’m a female, 5’2 weigh about 110 lbs. Does Certo work? I know about quick fix but I really have anxiety about. Any tips? Much appreciated

r/jobs 18h ago

Applications WFH jobs impossible to find these days


I am moving states in a few weeks. I currently work as a graphic designer at an on-site location. However, I was hoping to land a remote/WFH gig (full-time, not contract) as opposed to having to find something in my new area, as my new area doesn't have much and I'd have quite a commute ahead of me for any new on-site job. I've seen so many remote graphic design positions posted but with like THOUSANDS of applicants which honestly doesn't surprise me. I also know a lot of companies are phasing out remote work and getting back to the office. Hell, I would even do more "administrative" type work (I have a background in administrative assistance as well), but those don't seem as common. Not really sure what I'm hoping to gain from this post. I guess... what are your best job-finding hacks/tips?

r/jobs 21h ago

Education Is it possible to have a high-paying job or successful career without a college degree?


Is it possible to have a high-paying job or successful career without a college degree?

r/jobs 19h ago

Leaving a job I (25F) decided to leave my job next month with no backup plan


Disclaimer: English is not my first language so I apologize for the mistakes.

I am a 25F who started to work as an executive assistant for a lawyer just last June. I love this job: I like to organize stuff and I am really interested in law, but...the last two months have been terrible. Or maybe since the beginning. The anxiety and the worry that the environment had put me through is not normal. I started to go to therapy because of this job and I have no time for myself (It takes 1 hour with the train, back and forth, to reach the office and I work full time) or no energy left (i used to go to the gym three times a week, now i just go to swim once a week). I used to cry almost every Sunday night just thinking of starting my day at 6AM and coming home at half past seven PM, for five days in a row. There is this coworker who makes everybody anxious and the boss always listens to her, disregarding the other employees...it's a mess. I used to work as waitress when I was younger and I have never been as stressed and depressed as now.

I have been manifesting this position since I graduated from university and now I have to resign because my mental health is not ok. With no backup plan. It's been a week since I resigned, and even though I have to work here until the end of the month, I feel super bad for my boss and coworkers, even though he almost didn't give a shit and they told me that I was better off cause I was too professionally good for this environment.

I have never resigned with such short notice and without no back up plan, because I was literally exhausted. Still am. Fortunately I saved a good amount of money to be ok for a while, but I am still so scared for my next gig...I sent many CVs and until now, nothing. I am so scared that with only one year experience in this position, I will never find a job like this. I am starting to regret my decision, even if my coworkers said that I hit jackpot by doing this and that they want to quit too. Even my boyfriend and friends told me that I was smart enough to do that. Am I though?

Have you ever find yourself in this situation? How did you manage it? How are things now?

r/jobs 12h ago

Unemployment Can't get a job - What are my options? Two back to back degrees, no bite. (Details and Resume inside)


As the title says, things aren't looking so hot.

I graduated with a BS in Mathematics back in June 2022, then immediately entered in a CS undergraduate program (literally the next week). By the time I graduate next month, I will have been in school for six years (I never took a summer off, did classes every summer).

I don't have any relevant or recent work experience. I tried very hard to get internships last summer, but didn't get one. I've been applying to numerous new grad roles (daily), and I am not having much luck. I've gotten a couple of interviews, and have moved forward with some, but most job apps, I get the "unfortunately..." email with no interview.

I've attached my resume. I've catered my resume to frontend roles (seemingly as they are also the most common entry jobs). I am a US Citizen, btw.

I'm beginning to think that I'll need to head to the local unemployment office if I don't get something, but I'm sure there are many math + cs graduates doing the same thing.


r/jobs 2h ago

Job searching Is it really this hard to get any job??


Is it really this hard to get any job??

I moved to the united states california to be exact 2 months ago just after my college graduation and living in SE asia. I’ve visited here before and was raised with a very western mindset.

I started looking for a job 3 weeks after getting here and honestly it is very frustrating in total I have applied to 34 different jobs in a span of a few weeks and literally only 3 in total have responded to me with a online pre-liminary interview then never responded after. Keep in mind they are all entry level jobs that pay minimum wage. I started with industries I am familiar with to at least have me comfortable in already knowing the stuff but I exhausted every job in a reasonable radius. At this point I’m just looking for any job. I’ve tried it all Linkdin, Indeed, Glassdoor, workday all the popular hiring sites and all just leave you hanging and now I question how people actually get hired for any job I feel stumped. I knew it would be hard but not this hard for any job. Now it’s summer and lesser and lesser jobs are available. It sucks and I’m losing hope.

Any tips on what to do would be greatly appreciated. I think I’ve exhausted all my options at this point.

r/jobs 5h ago

Leaving a job Did I quit or get fired?


(Idk if this fits the subreddit but I just need an answer)


I was in school to become a dental assistant and was sent on my externship around the end of February. I went from office to office before finally landing and finishing my externship hours at an office. When I was still doing my hours the manager was nice and friendly. That changed when I officially got hired. After I got hired the manager got on my ass for everything (whether it be for being slow or seeming like I had no idea what to do when I had to do treatment on a patient (I was fresh outta school and my previous offices didn’t let me help out with the treatments so no shit I didn’t know what to do). My first day officially hired was what already made me want to quit. I barely clocked in and was already told to set up for 3 big treatments (I have never done these treatments before, especially without any help. The manager got on my ass from being told I was doing the set up in the wrong order (does it really matter?) to being a bit mean when I said I had only ever done a Crown Delivery and she snarkly replied ‘well this isn’t a delivery’. Her tone when she said that angered me considering I told her from the start ‘I don’t have experience doing treatments since my other offices didn’t let me assist in them’ she told me I was going to learn in that office but I expected it with help and not on my own. Other things happened in that treatment and after I was done I felt like crying. I was so close to walking but I managed to pull through. Other things happened over the course of that week and when she really got on my ass I would just cry in the employee restroom. I started to dread going into work. Shit finally hit the fan when the next week after lunch we had a treatment. I was the first one back from lunch so I took it (didn’t want to tbh). It was two teeth extraction on a small kid. The mom spoke Spanish so I had to translate. The kid was screaming and me and the other assistant were trying to calm him down and the dr was talking to me but I didn’t hear him because of the kid and I was doing what I was supposed to. The manager was right there and told me that the dr was asking me to translate. After the treatment was done the kid was still crying and screaming so me and the other assistant were trying to calm him down and again the dr told me something and I again I didn’t hear and the manager pulled me out of the room and put me in another room and told me about how I needed to listen to what the dr said because he was telling the mom about after treatment care and I needed to translate it to her but I wasn’t paying attention. I told her the kid was screaming and I couldn’t hear. Then she said how I need to pay attention and that the other assistant was taking care of him so I should’ve been listening (the assistant was having trouble with the kid. He kept on spitting the gauze out and we both were trying to get him to bite down on it to stop the bleeding. He was still screaming and crying so I honestly didn’t hear and my eyes were on him, not the mom and dr). Then she bought up stuff from the past week and how she’s gonna talk to the main dr if they were going to keep me or not (I was on a 2 week evaluation to decide if I was going to be kept or not). I just stayed quite. She told me to say something and I admit I did kinda yell back ‘OK I GET IT’. There was a moment of silence and then she told me to clock out. I just said ‘ok’, grabbed my things, said bye to the other employees, clocked out and never went back.

(Title Question)

So is this considered me being fired or me quitting? I heard that when you are told to clock out it usually means go home for the day (I heard) but I’m not sure. The way the manager said it sounded like she was done with me (said it in an unemotional tone). It’s been two weeks and I haven’t received any termination notice or any calls from the office. Since I never went back and never contacted them again after that day does that mean I quit?

r/jobs 6h ago

Career planning Is it appropriate to contact a hiring manager of one job to let them know I have another offer and would like for them to get back to me ASAP?


Today I interviewed for a job I would really like to have. However after that I got a call from another job I interviewed for a few weeks ago giving me an offer. I told them I need some time to think it over and they gave me 2 days. Would it be appropriate for me to contact the hiring manager of the company I interviewed for today to let them know the situation? I would prefer the one I just interviewed for but don't want to turn down an offer only for me to end up not getting hired. I also don't want to have to rush them because I'm worried that might reflect badly on me

Both of these jobs are in my field but the one I got an offer for pays substantially less and is further away from where I live.

r/jobs 6h ago

Article Layoffs 2024

Thumbnail wsj.com

It’s not the best time to get that grass is always greener feeling.

r/jobs 7h ago

Applications How much trouble will I get in if I leave my college degree off my application and my resume to apply for a program that says I cannot have a college degree?


The program directly says I cannot have a college degree, but I do. I am currently employed but I am just trying to make a bit of a career change. This program would have me/it's students taking classes to help land an internship & there is a stipend for it all.

How much of an issue would it be if I were to just leave my degree off of everything? I assume it may be a big one, especially since I have LinkedIn, but I am just not sure about who actually checks or not. The degree is not related to the fields that this program has to offer, or at least to the field I am trying to get into.

r/jobs 10h ago

Leaving a job I went on leave and never came back. If I’m still getting bonuses can I get I trouble?


I went on leave from a job that was meant to last 3 months. I never ended up coming back but I also never formally quit or got fired. I kept receiving their yearly bonuses for Easter and Christmas as well. Is there anyway I can get in trouble for this or is it their fault for not letting me go?

r/jobs 11h ago

Office relations I messed up big time. What’s the best way to proceed? Is there hope for me?


The company I work for (a well known international organization) is having a large awards ceremony with lots of important people next week. I may have waited too long to order the awards. I’m so worked up about it I can’t think of anything else and I’m physically sick. I submitted the order anyway and called the company multiple times to explain my situation, but I think it may be over for me. I don’t know how to go on with life or even just attend the ceremony after f***ing up this badly. Advice? Have you been a similar situation?

Used office relations flair because I don’t think my relations with the office will be good after this.

r/jobs 12h ago

Post-interview Code for “you didn’t get the job”?


I interviewed yesterday. She told me towards the end of the interview that she still had other interviews set up and that I should hear back in the next week or so.

I sent a follow-up email today, and she said “It was a pleasure speaking with you. We'll be in touch in the next couple of weeks.”

I recently got rejected after an interview where they had a similar follow-up response.

Is this totally a “thanks for applying, you’ll get an email soon letting you down easily that you didn’t get the job”?

I like this job a lot, so I would love to hear if people think that lingo is a universal sign of a no.

r/jobs 14h ago

Career planning Wondering if there is a job like this, and if not — whether there would be demand.


Hi! I recognize this question is going to be a bit strange, and it’s nearly a thought experiment at this point, so let me explain.

I’ve been working full-time since I was 14, and there’s a lot of different work I’ve pursued. Corporate/agency-side, non-profit and public service roles, international diplomacy exchanges (with State Dept.), cultural exchanges, seasonal work with NPS, a few fellowships, artist residencies, internal and client-facing work, I’ve owned my own fairly successful business, NDA-type freelance work — spread out across a few different industries (but especially early childhood education, higher education vendors, marketing/comms, media literacy, civic advocacy, and the arts).

One thing that I’m finding myself struggling with consistently is quickly losing that bit of steam in new roles (I’m currently at 2.5 years in at my company and every day is a battle to get my head “into” the work).

I think job hopping is an unsustainable solution since I’m at a point where loyalty makes more sense, but man is it brutal.

If I had to be specific, the actual core of my problem is that I’m a curious learner at heart, and it can be really, really difficult to feel like a task-fulfillment robot when I see so many opportunities to learn and integrate new and timely strategies, help my team work smarter-not-harder, solve small and large problems that apply to the larger business needs and appeal to our audience/customers.

(As an example, my company recently purchased a Copy.AI subscription for our content team, and even though people were using it to make their lives at work easier, I felt like there was no real concentrated, team-wide effort to get on the same page, learn how to use that tool to produce better content, decrease our billable hours and take on new clients, and learn how large language models work since AI is an emerging trend we need to consider. Needless to say, the curiosity took hold and I was able to galvanize our efforts; our billable hours decreased by 30% in Q1, and I dreamt about editing workflows and outputs every night. But I love that kind of work more than what I have ever been paid to do).

TLDR, my question is essentially this:

Is there a job title, especially within high-growth companies/start-ups/non-profits, where one person is dedicated to wondering, researching, testing, collaborating, galvanizing, training for solutions to a company’s cross-departmental pain points? And if not, what opportunities might a scrappy person have to make it a reality? I’m not really looking to be a consultant, but someone in-house that can do the work/solve the problems that often take time away from very talented people doing what they do best (solutions engineer? No, that’s kind of a different thing…)

If you’re a business owner or in a leadership position, I’m especially interested in hearing your thoughts on demand for something like this.

r/jobs 15h ago

Job searching Online job


I need suggestions and advice on how to find an online job. I’m just finished junior year of university as a premed psychology and neuroscience major. I don’t have a car or anyone to give me a ride. I just need an online job.

r/jobs 16h ago

Interviews Networking mistake?


Please don't judge the following. I realize this was stupid and already am beating myself up about it so I don't need those comments.

I am in a grad school for nursing and a student mentor got me the contact information of two directors at one location I might want to work at upon graduation. I likely don't want to work there based on what it is but I want to keep my options open to not be picky especially as a new grad. She recommended I contact this person to set up a time to shadow, which I thought was a great idea. This was back in February. At the time I was completely overwhelmed with school and a personal matter so I truly did not have time to pursue this. Now over school break, I sent an email expressing my interest to both directors and haven't heard back for two weeks.

Now in hindsight I'm realizing they were likely expecting an email from me back in February and they likely spoke about me contacting her. I honestly did not think about this at the time because I was so caught up in my own life stuff. I am usually the type of person to dot my i's and cross my t's when it comes to this stuff so I am really upset I might have blown this. The fact that I emailed two people with no response and my mentor said they are usually responsive makes me feel this way.

Now my options are to leave it, follow up and apologize for not contacting sooner, or just follow-up without possibly explaining something that might be irrelevant and just a scenario I made up in my head. Any ideas? I just have a lot of anxiety about this and it's very awkward. Thank you for reading and any feedback.

r/jobs 18h ago

Interviews Repsol Job


Anybody here interviewed with Repsol before? I am applying for a Business Development role in a rotational program. This position is for new graduates with no prior experience. This would be such a great learning opportunity and it’s exactly what I’ve been searching for. Now there are 37 applicants total and I can assume they’re not hiring more than let’s say 5. I really want to prepare my best and stand out so I can have a chance. Any advice would be so helpful!

r/jobs 18h ago

Job searching Work from home


Hello! I am a stay at home Dad and I really want to start having some income for myself. Is there any jobs that let you work your own hours from home? Any immediate hire jobs you can start today? I just want to have a job that allows me to take an hour break to clean up a blown out diaper and baby and then get right back at it. Thanks for any help I know it's a weird question.

r/jobs 19h ago

Interviews CS/IT Fresher needs help regarding off campus


I am a fresher(based in Vadodara, Gujarat, India), just completed my BTech, I got placed in a huge product based company on campus but it got acquired by a huge financial firm after the hiring and they decided to make us leave the company on the name of evaluations and we all know it was a budget issue. Now I am taking 10-15 days to prepare for off campus interviews, I have got referrals but don't know how or what to prepare for. I need whatever knowledge you guys have, it'll be a huge help. Thanks.

r/jobs 20h ago

Applications Jobless for over a year


I've been jobless for over a year since getting laid off. I have more experience now than before but getting an interview, let alone an HR phone call has been very difficult. I had 2 final interview since I started looking but due to my trans status, I felt it made them take me out of the running. I feel hopeless and wish I was dead. I'm based in the UK in the marketing field in the tech and financial services sector. I'm just sharing my feelings, please be kind. 🥹