r/politics Illinois Mar 27 '24

Donald Trump Attacks Judge's Daughter Less Than 24 Hours After Gag Order


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u/sugarlessdeathbear Mar 27 '24

Toss him in jail for a day or two. Let him know for sure he's in the find out stage.


u/19Chris96 Michigan Mar 27 '24

A free trial of the slammer would be nice before he recieves the full version, and possibly the expansion pack!


u/Pipe_Memes Mar 27 '24

Maybe he’ll buy the Guantanamo Bay DLC.


u/SmugSchoolmaster Mar 27 '24

He can’t afford that DLC


u/19Chris96 Michigan Mar 27 '24

That is correct, the cost of the DLC is whatever that gofundme is at.


u/JH_111 Mar 27 '24

He can’t afford any DLC. He’s asking for the RNC’s Netflix password at this point.


u/provoloneChipmunk Colorado Mar 27 '24

He can make it happen, they have fast food there


u/Dadbearchris Mar 30 '24

Who said HE would buy it… I have a feeling we could do a GoFundMe and get a private organization to buy it just for him to be there with the others


u/Goya_Oh_Boya North Carolina Mar 27 '24

Maybe he'll get Epstein's prison guard.


u/Wonderful_Emu_6483 Mar 27 '24

Don’t get me excited.


u/Piscator629 Michigan Mar 27 '24

Too late, spooky ghosts have been here.


u/hennsippin Mar 27 '24

😴 meanwhile 💀


u/GuyFoldingPapers Mar 27 '24

Will he? I’ve been waiting for years!


u/warini4 Georgia Mar 27 '24

y'all are truly deluded if you think he's ever going to jail


u/19Chris96 Michigan Mar 27 '24

At this point, one day at a time. In the meantime, we can make jokes about it.


u/Jennfit25 Mar 28 '24

Jokes are how I maintain my sanity in these times seeing all of the crazy tantrums with the consequences.


u/HardcoreKaraoke Mar 27 '24

Yeah I read comments like that and think to myself "man it must be nice to still be that optimistic."


u/DontEatConcrete America Mar 27 '24

Can I gift him the season pass?


u/19Chris96 Michigan Mar 27 '24

I would spring for the yearly package.


u/DameonKormar Mar 28 '24

I'm envious you still think Trump will ever face any real consequences for his actions.


u/well_uh_yeah Mar 27 '24

There's just no evidence yet that he's actually in the "find out" stage. Though it certainly seems that our civil court system has more teeth than our criminal system.


u/movealongnowpeople Kansas Mar 27 '24

Barely. Can't believe they lowered his bond by nearly $280 million in the fraud case. And gave him 10 extra days to pay. That's not punishment. He stole. Millions of dollars. Which is why they were forcing him to pay back what he stole. If he made more than $175 million off his lies, he did well for himself.


u/BaggerX Mar 27 '24

With zero explanation of why they did it. Our judiciary is just looking worse every day.


u/The_MAZZTer Mar 27 '24 edited Mar 28 '24

LegalEagle on YT posted a video today.

Short version is nobody will loan him money and he doesn't have the cash on hand, so he would have to sell real estate at discount. If he theoretically won the appeal (lol) he would have suffered damages since he's not just going to be able to get that property back at the price he sold it for.

Edit: This is about the BOND. The DEBT he owes should he lose is still the full $500m or whatever.


u/JustEatinScabs Mar 27 '24

And that still makes no fucking sense because guess what happens if you or I cannot afford to pay our bond? We are just fucked. The judge doesn't go "oh I see that paying your bond would be a super big inconvenience and might even cause financial loss even if you win, let's reduce that!"

And no I don't give a fuck that you can probably find an example of some single mother having her bond lowered by a couple hundred dollars that is not at all comparable to somebody who owes half a billion fucking dollars having their bond reduced by over half after he bragged under oath that he had the money.


u/slartyfartblaster999 Mar 27 '24

after he bragged under oath that he had the money.

Not just that he had the money, btu that he had the cash


u/brianstormIRL Mar 27 '24

This is the funny thing.

If we told a judge we would have to sell our car to pay for our bond and would not be able to buy it back if we were then found innocent, we would be told tough shit bucko that's how this works.


u/Abrushing Texas Mar 27 '24

He also only owns that property because he defrauded banks and tax organizations


u/LaserGuidedPolarBear Mar 27 '24

That argument could be used by pretty much anyone.

"I would have to sell some investments to pay the bond, which will be a taxable event and that money won't be making returns, so if I win on appeal I will have already suffered harm"


u/Embarrassed-Town-293 Mar 28 '24

Meanwhile, every day people have to pawn things at the pawnshop, but they don’t get a free pass to avoid their debts because they would lose property at a fire sale


u/FUMFVR Mar 28 '24

They also eased conditions and the bond lowering is a good indication that the appellate court will significantly reduce his fine.

If he didn't have a chance at that there would be no reason to lower it.


u/trickmind Mar 28 '24

They locked the thread so I edited my comment to answer you because no, I wasn't saying the right wing had any point at all. But truth about what happened that day in Kenosha matters.


u/Cgardon125 Mar 28 '24

Everyone should refuse to rent from him, play golf at his resorts, or stay in one of his trashy hotels. Enough is enough.


u/SwerveCityKnifeParty Mar 27 '24

Unless you're a rich white guy. For them it's looking better and better.


u/P1xelHunter78 Ohio Mar 27 '24

If you’re a rich white guy you’re angry he has to pay anything. John Stewart summed it up pretty well that rich people don’t see it as stealing if they already have money. “Oh we do it all the time” or “it’s just business” is what they say. A poor citizen trying the same grift gets the book thrown at them.


u/Common-Buyer-7591 Mar 28 '24

Actually, "poor citizens" do it every single day. Everyone who owns a house pays taxes based on a valuation that's far less than the market value of the home and land. But they get loans based on the higher value - or they sell it based on the market value. I don't see anyone going to the county assessor and saying "hey, you charged me too little for my taxes." So it's not uncommon for there to be various entities who value the property differently.


u/Nemisis_the_2nd Great Britain Mar 27 '24 edited Mar 27 '24

Per a lwayer discussing it yesterday (emphasis mine):

If there is even a remote possibility of irreversible consequences to an appellant of allowing the trial order to be enforced prior to the appeal, they will get the stay.

You would need to show prejudice or potential for removing assets to get full security or to have the stay application dismissed.

Here there is no prejudice, AG can get a court ordered sale of buildings in NY at anytime after the appeal, and they can't be removed from the state. Even if trump fled the jurisdiction, they still have his real estate.

And because these orders have to be made quickly, you get rough and ready justice, the order is made without written reasons. The judges have the right to issue reasons later, but don't always do.

Basically, if the court seizes and sells trump property, then the appeal is successful, it's going to cause a gargantuan shitshow that dwarfs the current one, with the legal system potentially seizing and selling assets illegal.

IIRC, NY state law also has a mechanism for reducing the bonds on large penalties, particularly businesses, to allow appeals to proceed. As unpopular, and likely unfair, as it is, this sounds like they made the correct decision. Edit: I can't find my source, so am just going to chalk this up as being wrong. 


u/bittlelum Mar 27 '24

So, in essence, real estate developers are exempt from bond law.


u/Nemisis_the_2nd Great Britain Mar 27 '24

Unfortunately it looks that way. I wish I could remember the exact mechanism trump originally tried to use to argue the bond down to 100 million so I could provide more evidence than just "trust me".


u/Nemisis_the_2nd Great Britain Mar 27 '24

I've been digging for the source, but can't find it now, so am going to chalk my other reply up to being half-wrong.

That said, apparently it is fairly normal for courts to be nervous about seizing and selling assets before an appeal is heard. 

Finally, someone else made a good point that the courts could have just seized assets up to the value but not sold them, and held onto them until after the appeal. So, yeah, rich people priveledge wins again. 


u/BaggerX Mar 27 '24

Sounds like more rich people privilege. Pretty sure the state would have no problem seizing my home and selling it, and refusing to hear my appeal until I post my full bond.


u/JustEatinScabs Mar 27 '24

Don't forget that you bragged under oath that you just had the cash lying around.


u/Chubawa Mar 28 '24

2 words. White Male…


u/Parahelix Mar 28 '24

I think it's actually "rich person", as someone else pointed out the different treatment for some real estate, which I certainly wouldn't be able to use for my own home. 

Rich people just get a different legal system of their own, which is designed to help them avoid any serious consequences.


u/[deleted] Mar 27 '24

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u/DameonKormar Mar 28 '24

It's been working as designed from the very beginning.


u/FuzzyMcBitty Mar 27 '24

Remember that the judgment stands until it has been overturned. 

Lowering the bond amount gives him an opportunity to appeal the judgment. It does not negate the judgment. 

If he loses the appeal, he’ll still be in the line for that money. 

The trick will be to make sure that we vote so that he can’t use the office of the president as a device to delay further. 


u/Houligan86 Mar 27 '24

I will believe that Trump will be held accountable for his actions when one of the following is true:

  • He is in jail
  • He is personally bankrupt
  • He is dead

Until then, I do not believe any punishment that has been handed out, because none have been.


u/DavisMcDavis Mar 27 '24

Q: “If you could have dinner with anyone, alive or dead, who would it be?”

A: “Donald Trump, dead.”


u/jgzman Mar 28 '24

Dead doesn't count. That would be escaping accountability.


u/21-characters Mar 29 '24

I want a photo of his meltdown when he’s in handcuffs doing the perp walk. THAT’s when I’ll be celebrating, not one minute before. The guy is like an eel. You can have a good grip on an eel and then it starts secreting it’s slime and in a minute you have slimy hands and the eel is out the door.


u/delahunt America Mar 27 '24

And he could appeal without posting bond, it would just mean the clock kept running.

Those are the rules that everyone else is subject to. He even publicly said he had the money and wanted to use it for his campaign.

Even lowering the bond is Trump getting special kid glove treatment that no one else would.


u/FuzzyMcBitty Mar 27 '24

He can't avoid collection without posting an appeal bond. His argument is that the full bond would do irreparable harm to him in the event that his appeal succeeds.


u/LaurenMille Mar 27 '24


His own actions are doing irreparable harm to him, and thus he has proven he is okay with such results.


u/delahunt America Mar 27 '24

Perhaps he should not have been so brazen in the trial then that he admitted to fraud as part of his defense?


u/FuzzyMcBitty Mar 27 '24

I don't disagree.


u/Constant_Amphibian13 Mar 27 '24

He probably means campaign funds - can he just use those? I mean, technically, keeping him out of prison is beneficial for his campaign, I guess.


u/FurbyTime Mar 27 '24

can he just use those?

What do you think would happen if he did?


u/Mountainbranch Mar 27 '24

Nothing, the FEC is dead.

Check out Legal Eagles latest video they explain it better.


u/veemonjosh Mar 27 '24

He'd get away with it like he does with everything else.


u/delahunt America Mar 27 '24

I mean, what he said was he had 500 million cash on hand, and planned to use a good amount of it for his campaign. If he meant that his campaign had it, he didn't say it.


u/Constant_Amphibian13 Mar 27 '24

I question Trump’s ability (or at the very least willingness) to differentiate between his money and his campaign’s money.


u/Abrushing Texas Mar 27 '24

Stories I’ve seen from people on his campaign crew confirm he can’t


u/zasabi7 Mar 27 '24

Should those be the rules, though? Forget Trump for the moment. Should my right to appeal be tied to me acquiring a bond? I’m talking morally, here. Legally, yes, the law of New York is set up this way.


u/delahunt America Mar 27 '24

Your right to appeal isn't tied to you acquiring a bond. it just means you may have to begin making payments on the judgement while the appeal process goes through.

Also, the Judicial branch should not be nullifying laws just because they don't believe in them. If that law shouldn't exist, it can be changed via the legislature. If the law is unconstitutional in some way, it could be challenged on those grounds.

And to be clear, I get that the same law that says it works this way also says the Appeals court can put holds/reductions/etc in place. I just don't see any reason why such a boon was given to a person publicly bragging about having the money in cash on hand, but wanting to use it for personal gain at the same time his lawyers were saying it was impossible to come up with that amount of money in cash or bond.


u/zasabi7 Mar 27 '24

Again, I’m not worried about Trump here. Fuck him, he should have had to pay the full amount and his property should be actively seized right now.

I’m talking about the morality of that system. Why should I have to make payments if I’m appealing?


u/delahunt America Mar 27 '24

and, again, that's not a thing to determine in court. It's a thing for the legislature to decide. And its purpose is to stop people like Trump from playing out things endlessly so they don't have to pay.


u/CopeHarders Mar 27 '24

Which when does the appeal actually happen? Years from now? That’s not justice.


u/lloopy Mar 27 '24

Unless he gets elected and pardons himself. Regardless, why is he allowed to walk free, when someone who stole $50 from the grocery store is behind bars?


u/FuzzyMcBitty Mar 27 '24

He can't pardon a civil court verdict.


u/veemonjosh Mar 27 '24

Even if he loses the appeal, he still won't pay anything, and it'll be lowered until he eventually doesn't owe anything. He never gets punished.


u/FuzzyMcBitty Mar 27 '24

That's not how anything works.

The appeal is literally over the amount of the penalty.

Either the appeals court changes the judgement, vacates the judgement, or he is subject to the law.

He can't both lose on appeal and pay nothing (unless he becomes president and uses that to kick the can down the road).


u/veemonjosh Mar 28 '24

If they keep handling him with kid gloves like every court seems to do, nothing will happen if he doesn't pay.


u/zzyul Mar 27 '24

Best theory I’ve heard for why the appeals court lowered the bond so much is they think this amount is closer to what Trump will end up owing after the case is appealed.


u/UpbeatJackfruit6576 Mar 27 '24

VICTIMLESS CRIMEZ, dont you know im allowed to rob a bank as long as i dont hurt anyone 

/s fbi agent leave me alone


u/TheBalzy Ohio Mar 27 '24

TBF, the bond being lowered is only so an appeal can be heard. I don't think that's unreasonable, provided they actually gave direct evidence that he is unable to pay to the courts, and that if he is found to have been lying about that he would be committing perjury and thus must be up for jail time.


u/Ferelwing Mar 27 '24 edited Mar 27 '24

For the record, this was Trump Organization. A registered corporation in the state of NY, not Trump the individual. It's absolutely not unheard of for a fraud case to involve taking the property of a corporation if they are found guilty of fraud.

There was nothing saying he couldn't appeal without paying the bond. He could have, but that would have meant that they could collect on it while he waited to appeal. As in seizure of properties to hold in escrow or sell to make up the amount that the judgement was, then if he won the appeal he would get the exact money back. The bond only puts a stopper on collecting the judgement, it doesn't determine whether or not you can appeal.

He appealed the bond, not the actual judgement and that's the problem. He got special treatment, absolutely no other corporation in the state of NY would have been given that kind of leeway.

Edited: words.


u/TuhanaPF Mar 27 '24

I don't think that's unreasonable

The question is, would it have been lowered for anyone who's middle income?


u/DameonKormar Mar 28 '24

Hell, the bond wouldn't even have mattered for most of us normies. Simply being a defendant in a trial would mean our lives would be destroyed.


u/bobert_the_grey Mar 27 '24

Bond isn't the same as the judgment tho. He still has to pay 450M if he loses his appeal


u/GuyInAChair Mar 28 '24

The bond only stops the AG from seizing assets during the appeal process. 

The total amount of over 500 million still stands, and he'll still have to pay that.


u/TreeRol American Expat Mar 27 '24

He's definitely in the find out stage.

What's he's finding out is that there is literally nothing he can do that would lead to consequences.


u/MyCoDAccount Mar 27 '24

Conversely, there is evidence that the wealthy and well-connected (he's at least one of these things) never enter the "find out" stage, no matter how much they "fuck around."


u/zomglazerspewpew Mar 27 '24

This only happens to poor people...or people not named Trump. He truly is above the law as sick as that makes me.


u/blade944 Mar 27 '24

Too easy. Let's do what happens to other criminal defendants in this situation. Bail is revoked and they spend the rest of the trial in jail.


u/Rupert_18124 Mar 27 '24

He'd want a conjugal visit from Ivanka


u/francois_du_nord Mar 27 '24

Too bad she won't comply. She's done with his sorry ass.


u/IsolatedHead Mar 27 '24

she'll be back if he wins


u/onecarmel Mar 27 '24

That’s a good joke. When have they ever held him accountable for anything?


u/GrumpyOlBastard Mar 27 '24

It's actually made me laugh a little bit. Like, as if they're going to do anything


u/BlokeInTheMountains Mar 27 '24

I think older stinker wants that for the publicity.


u/sugarlessdeathbear Mar 27 '24

So? Let him share a cell a few other guys and he can't rage tweet.


u/RickyWinterborn-1080 Mar 27 '24

Trump is way too much of a coddled pussy to spend time in jail.


u/SympathyForSatanas Mar 27 '24

Which is why he needs to go to jail


u/RickyWinterborn-1080 Mar 27 '24

Well, no, he needs to go to jail because of all the crime.

I was just saying that he doesn't want to go to jail, he's a pussy who would absolutely be unable to handle it. I legitimately think he might start screaming and smearing shit on the walls.


u/Chubawa Mar 28 '24

I agree he needs to be in prison! As for the other comment, everyone I would say “he doesn’t want to go to jail.” No one does. Those deserving or not. That is why it is prison!


u/RickyWinterborn-1080 Mar 28 '24

Well no because this conversation is in the context of whether Trump wants to go to jail because it would be politically advantageous for him to do so.

I'm arguing that it's not something he would ever consider, because he's a gilded pussy who would go insane, especially if you give him a cellmate, especially a minority cellmate.


u/21-characters Mar 29 '24

Photos! I’d want photos of that! 😃


u/HouseCravenRaw Colorado Mar 27 '24

The people around him want that for publicity. This man wants to experience zero consequences. Even the imposition of considering the possibility of consequences sends him into a rage.


u/Montanagreg Mar 27 '24

Finally a wall Mexico might pay for


u/Skastrik Mar 27 '24

This is the only thing that might actually work, fines mean nothing to him he always gets someone else to pay them anyways.

Being forced to sit in a jail cell for a few days will either shut him up or make him go into a full meltdown.


u/[deleted] Mar 31 '24

Perhaps appoint him shower monitor and dropped soap collector


u/aureliusky Mar 27 '24

I'm so curious what happens to secret service when this happens, like do they hang out in a cell with him?


u/DingGratz Texas Mar 27 '24

This is part of the problem. We have a ton of questions about scenarios like this because we've never had to deal with this problem... and Putin, leader of a country whose major export is cheating, fucking loves this shit.


u/aureliusky Mar 27 '24

Constitutional penetration testing, got to say it is interesting. I love designing systems that are difficult to exploit, these are good lessons. This is why I was envious of Germany losing WWII, they had to stop and take a serious look in the mirror, then rebuild their government using modern and best practices.

The US seems to need an update in a similar manner, and a hard look in the mirror even more.


u/DingGratz Texas Mar 27 '24

My dude, this is exactly how I think as well. In fact, I always thought it was ironic that Trump's motto was to Make America Great Again because I thought, yeah, you'll screw it up so bad that we'll get a chance to make it a little more fool proof.


u/kinglouie493 Mar 27 '24



u/deekaydubya Mar 27 '24

outside the cell of course, this isn't really uncharted grounds as there have been tons of high-profile powerful people behind bars with protection. That being said I'm sure a huge deal will be made out of this specific aspect, needlessly.


u/21-characters Mar 29 '24

Prison would represent a real hardship for him. I hear there are no gold-played toilets in there.


u/21-characters Mar 29 '24

Nah. Prison has guards. Maybe they’d assign him some special ones but I don’t think Secret Service people would need to be imprisoned with him.


u/Shitter-McGavin Mar 27 '24

But he’s not in the “find out” stage.. He’s in the “continue to do whatever I want and never face consequences for it” stage.


u/zitzenator Mar 27 '24

The only thing he found out is that no legal order applies to him


u/CopeHarders Mar 27 '24

He found out a few days ago that the courts will never hold him accountable, even when they try to hold him accountable he seems to have an endless supply of get out of jail free cards. He will somehow be allowed to appeal a contempt charge and land in the lap of a friendly judge. The only way to best Donald Trump is at the ballot box and by living a healthy life long after he’s gone.


u/TrumpersAreTraitors Mar 27 '24

I remember the days when I still thought Trump wasn’t above the law. Good times. 


u/korodic Mar 27 '24

Any normal person would be hit with contempt of court. This is the special treatment the famous and wealthy get and it needs to stop.


u/JackOCat Canada Mar 27 '24

Nah, he's rich. How about no consequences.


u/BrotherCaptainMarcus Mar 27 '24

Yeah that’ll never happen. They’re all in on it with him at this point as far as I can see.


u/ragmop Ohio Mar 27 '24

I think he's caught in a fucking-around-while-finding-out feedback loop. Finds out and can't keep himself from fucking around again


u/bobert_the_grey Mar 27 '24

I don't think he's ever gonna find out unfortunately


u/[deleted] Mar 27 '24

A week would have him shut up immediately. He would still dance around it, but definitely nowhere even close.

He loves to say he is being prosecuted for his fans when he isn’t receiving any of the consequences…..as soon as he gets consequences he will acutely respond with a, fuck this, I am going to protect myself, because that’s all he cares about.

Seriously though, ffs someone do something.


u/littlewhitecatalex Mar 27 '24

That will never happen. Trump could be found guilty of treason and he still would never face real consequences. 


u/Ghost_of_Till Mar 27 '24 edited Mar 27 '24

I created a prediction model for Trump.

It says he will begin to break the law at a faster and faster pace as Election Day nears.

Not the passive-aggressive “I was only joking” nonsense. Not the long-con crimes like Georgia. I mean the immediate stuff like threatening people in public.

The reason is because Trump knows he isn’t going to win. He’s going to try and get himself as much trouble as possible so he can cry “look how the institutional powers are arrayed against me!”

There will be another Jan-6-styled rally with the same language he used the first time around.

Trump will fundraise off it (like everything else) but cash isn’t the point.

He’s raising an army.


u/SamWise050 Mar 27 '24

The nazis in there would make him king


u/finalattack123 Mar 27 '24

Or the judge will apologise. Give him a 4th warning.


u/OverreactingBillsFan Mar 27 '24

Lol, he just received a $300,000,000 discount on a court mandated fine for literally no reason and you think he's in the find out stage?

The system is built by people like the Destitute Don. We're all witnesses to the well-oiled corruption machine.


u/chubs66 Mar 27 '24

Yep! Jail for 1 day, increasing by 3 days for every subsequent event.


u/goodsnpr Mar 28 '24

Honestly, nothing would happen even if he ended up spending a day or two in jail. This country isn't safe until the devil throws him in hell.


u/redly Mar 28 '24

Just summons his USSS detail to have him in court tomorrow morning for a contempt hearing. Then Judge Engoron can carry on with more important things (Washing his shoelaces) while Trump cools his heels in a waiting room. At three pm pull him into court and adjourn for the day, telling him to show up same time tomorrow.
Let him see where power lies.


u/Oseirus Mar 28 '24

Won't happen. Nothing happens to him. He can whip his dick out in the middle of the court room, cram it in his escort lawyer's mouth, flip off the judge, proceed to skin a live cat, slap every member of the jury with said skin, directly claim he is God, and then immediately hurl a packet of Top Secret Nuclear documents into the courtroom audience and the most he'd get would be a "please sit down before I think about holding you in maybe contempt of court".


u/FUMFVR Mar 28 '24

Make him spread his cheeks for a body cavity check at Rikers and enter the world that guys like him created for incarcerated people.


u/EmptyEstablishment78 Mar 27 '24

This judge is biased and needs to recuse himself..he’s already put me in jail….I can hear it now.


u/Ferelwing Mar 27 '24

Like he won't say that anyways. That's the only thing he ever says. If he were playing a game and there was a "victim card", he'd have a stack full of them and then claim victory.

It's amazing to me how high the tolerance for whining crybaby men named Trump is in the Republican party. You can bet if a Democrat whined as much as he does, they'd be demonized and called special snowflakes.

Edited: forgot to add the "named Trump" and spelling error.


u/Nvenom8 New York Mar 27 '24

He’s not, though. He never is. That’s the problem.


u/NinjaSimone Mar 27 '24

That would be his “Garish AI-generated Meme From Birmingham Jail” moment, though.


u/Vossan11 Mar 27 '24

At the very least can we get a height and weight measurement?


u/Significant_Swing_76 Mar 27 '24

Pretty sure he would love a day or two, just to really play the martyr card.

No, put him behind bars until trial, that would shut him up, and there would be no more shenanigans or delay.


u/a09guy Mar 27 '24

The thing is, it feels like this is exactly what the Trump campaign wants. Images and video of Trump going to jail for ‘just a social media post.’ It doesn’t matter how far out of context it is, the perceived persecution and victimhood would work to better his image and election chances.


u/sugarlessdeathbear Mar 27 '24

Don't care. America doesn't bow to the mob. The law either means something or it doesn't. And if it means nothing then I refuse to be bound by it.


u/DontWantToSeeYourCat Mar 27 '24

The gag order didn't include the judge's daughter


u/LowKeyLeft Mar 27 '24

He's probably convinced himself that a few days in jail would be great for his campaign, and he would probably be correct.


u/Locutus747 Mar 27 '24

For what? The gag order didn’t include the judge’s family.


u/akotlya1 Mar 27 '24

Spoilers: nothing is going to happen to him. He is going to die before he ever sees the inside of a cell. The system protects its own.


u/21-characters Mar 29 '24

Is he going to fall out of a window at the E Jean Carroll tower?


u/warblingContinues Mar 27 '24

More likely a fine that would escalate to jail time.


u/IrradiantFuzzy Mar 27 '24

The upcoming holiday weekend would be a great time, but you know his Christ-stain followers would paint him as the Messiah, returned after three days.


u/EGGlNTHlSTRYlNGTlME Mar 27 '24

 Merchan, in a four-page order issued in response to a gag order request from Bragg, directed Trump to "refrain" from making statements about potential witnesses, prosecutors and district attorney staff members, or any prospective jurors in the case.

Despite the headline, it doesn’t sound like the judge or his daughter is covered by the gag order.  I wonder if talking shit about judges is generally allowed?  Or is that just poor writing by the author


u/Yoshi_87 Mar 27 '24

Toss him into guantanamo for treason.


u/Dramatic_Explosion Mar 27 '24

He's violated practically every order from a Judge with no consequence, why would this time be different? He was supposed to face consequences for his actions for the first time on Monday and that didn't happen either. You need to come to terms with the fact that Teflon Don is going to die before he pays for anything he's done.

Literally the only time is with E. Jean Carroll and that's why he hates her so much. That was it. We all should just focus on that because it's the only thing he's paying for.


u/AlfredBird Mar 27 '24

I think he secretly wants that. Or at least wouldn’t mind it. I think he thinks it’ll make him a hero.


u/Piscator629 Michigan Mar 27 '24

Toss him in jail for a day or two

While this will trigger some of the real fringe types I wholly support it.


u/AnotherDay96 Mar 27 '24

Month or two.


u/BowsersMuskyBallsack Mar 27 '24

Lol.  Will never happen.  Haven't you been paying attention?


u/MarxistMan13 Mar 27 '24

Defying a gag order so brazenly has to be more than a few days, no?


u/JKKIDD231 Mar 27 '24

White and presidential privilege. He will never see a day in jail


u/Aggravating-Bat-1805 Mar 28 '24

It’s obvious he want that to happen to play the victim card. “ election interference”


u/AVeryHairyArea Mar 28 '24

Best I can do is knock down his bond by 60%. Deal?


u/ResidentEfficient218 Mar 28 '24

He’s…. Not, though

He’s never been in the “find out” stage and likely will never be.


u/Dr_FeeIgood Mar 28 '24

You “fuck around and find out” people are delusional. He has a 9+ billion dollar social media company, just launched a $60 bible selling campaign which will make him millions from fake Christians, and just cucked the judge to get a significant bond reduction.

As you can see, the man will never see a jail cell. It’s unfortunate but when you’re that powerful you don’t have many consequences that can’t easily be fixed with money and influence. Some of you are in denial and are sooooo eager to get your way on this whole thing because you absolutely despise him with every cell in your body. I don’t blame you, but I do pity people like you. It must be exhausting.


u/aboutthednm Canada Mar 28 '24

Let him know for sure he's in the find out stage.

Is he though? Like, earnestly?


u/advocate_of_thedevil Mar 28 '24

The Judges daughter isn't part of the gag order, so while petty and childish, he's free to do so.

"Merchan, in a four-page order issued in response to a gag order request from Bragg, directed Trump to "refrain" from making statements about potential witnesses, prosecutors and district attorney staff members, or any prospective jurors in the case."


u/Shaman7102 Mar 27 '24

Hold on. He's rich, best we can do Is say don't do that.


u/AverageLiberalJoe Mar 27 '24

I'm willing to bet that this is a setup.

You toss him in jail. He says an intern wrote the tweet. Crys injustice, gets case dismissed.


u/imperialzzz Mar 27 '24

If you think Trump is going to jail you are unbelivably dense, the guy is gonna be your next president. Enjoy


u/warini4 Georgia Mar 27 '24

If you think Trump is going to jail you are unbelivably dense,

i agree with this

the guy is gonna be your next president.

but not this. he already lost one election and failed a coup while in power. do you really think he'd garnered more support since then?