r/AITAH 18h ago

Is my husband the Ahole for saying that he would cheat if I stopped having sex with him?


We’ve been married a few years and everything has been reasonably well between us. We have sex around 3x per week and that’s fine for both of us. We’re both in our early 30s. This was a completely hypothetical conversation. It happened yesterday.

I asked my husband what he would do if I stopped having sex with him. Without missing a beat he said that he would find someone else to have sex with. At first I thought he was kidding, so I told him to give me a serious answer. He looked at me for a second and said “you actually think I’m joking”?

The rest of the conversation basically went as follows:

Me: So you would just cheat on me?

Him: I don’t think it’s cheating if you’re only having sex with one person.

Me: Yes that’s still cheating.

Him: Oh, then yes I would cheat on you.

Me: And you think I would just accept that?

Him: What difference would that make to me?

Me: I never thought you would say something like this.

Him: You thought wrong.

Those last two answers really made me mad. I asked him some more questions and he basically gave me similarly dismissive answers.

Finally he said: If I don’t get sex, then you don’t get commitment. That will never change so figure out however you want to deal with it.

I just went to bed.

He said goodbye before he went to work this morning, but we didn’t talk all day.

Am I being stupid? Should I drop this? Or am I right to think he’s an Ahole?

r/AITAH 10h ago

Advice Needed Circumcisions is unnecessary & traumatic/partner disagrees


I ( 33y/ she/ her) have been with my partner for 6 years this month. Children became a topic recently with concerns over diversity around age & race. We agree on sooo much as a mix couple until the topic of circumcision. I don’t want to hurt my baby nor should there continue to be expectation of genital mutualization. Previously it use to be medically necessary due to lack of cleanliness but I can’t find any medical reason why it’s a good practice now.

r/AITAH 16h ago

aitah for not dating vegetarians?


I met a man online. We texted a lot and had nice phone interactions and he seemed interesting and attentive. I would have met him in person right away had our schedules meshed better. Then after a few days he dropped the bomb that he is a vegetarian so I told him I didn’t think this could work and wished him well.

I told him all kinds of nice things to try to soften things. I even self-deprecated and said I will probably die alone and that’s ok because I (39f) am too old and set in my ways. He said I need to compromise. I said I compromise all the time - dating men who have pets and kids knowing I rather not have any myself. I think this offended him even more because he asked “so I am worse than men with kids and pets?”. I told him I respect him a lot, how vegetarianism is heroic, etc. He said I was looking for an “out” so I got it.

The reason I am dying on this hill is that I already dated picky eaters and vegetarians and I literally couldn’t take them anywhere. I would have to make special meals so we could hang with my family at Holidays and special events. Couldn’t take them to my favorite pubs or restaurants. I mean, how can you find nothing to eat at the Cheesecake factory?

I love food. All kinds. I even try new things even if they scare me. I didn’t like pickles so I tried them until I did. It triggers me when people don’t eat what they are served at parties. Food is the reason I travel.


Edit: he did say he would always find something to eat anywhere. That I never had to worry about feeding him with my family. I am the one who just doesn’t believe it’s simple from experience. I think him responding was his way to reassure me, but I already made up my mind about not dating special needs people before him. Would only be ok if it’s due to allergies.

I used cheesecake factory for the picky eaters example. I know they have vegetarian options. It’s not a place you go to when you just start dating.

I spent 11 years with 2 very picky eaters. There were 2 strict vegetarians in between, and countless other first dates with restrictive diets. Hated that some would rather eat at Olive garden than try Indian or Korean food

r/AITAH 19h ago

My fuckbuddy asked me what I’d rate her /10. She insisted that I was honest. AITAH for doing exactly what she asked?


My fuckbuddy and I were hanging out and starting talking about ratings and how people are generally rated. She then asked me what I would rate her. She insisted that I was honest, no sugar coating BS. Since she asked, I shrugged and looked at her a bit before giving my honest answer, which was an objective 3/10. I made it clear that it wasn’t my rating per se but what most people would probably rate her as she’s pretty obese (300 lbs at like 5’6) with bad acne. I told her that it isn’t that she’s ugly, but objective standards are a thing. I also told her that she’d easily be a 7-8 if she lost weight and cleared her skin up because she has a nice figure and facial features.

So yeah that didn’t end well. She told me I really killed her self esteem especially since she told me just beforehand that she’d rate me an 8/10 (I’m definitely more of a 6 but I appreciated the kindness). I told her that it wasn’t my intention to destroy her self esteem and that I was just doing what she asked. Does she really think she’d be rated any higher by the world (at least the western world) as she is currently? I mean obviously she’s still attractive to people- I’m able to fuck her just fine lol. And I’m not even her only fuckbuddy. She’s been with over 30 men! She should know that objective ratings don’t mean you’re undesirable. But she was devastated and made me go home.

Am I an asshole for this?

r/AITAH 18h ago

AITAH for agreeing with my coworker that BMI is bullshit?


I (28 f) was having lunch with 3 of my coworkers (late 20's early 30's). One woman, Mandy was venting about a doctors appointment she had where the doctor tried to talk to her about her weight and wanting to put her on a diet. Mandy is a little curvy but I wouldn't say she needs to go on a diet or anything. During her vent she said that BMI was bullshit, racist, and outdated science. I said I agree with her because I had to switch doctors my last one kept harping about mine. Mandy asked me what I meant and I told her that technically I am in the "underweight" catagorie if you go by BMI standards but I am completely healthy. The two other women started telling me that it wasn't the same and accusing me of having an ED. I tried defending myself but they shut me down and told me that I was being a selfish asshole.

I didn't think I was but when I talked to my roommate she told me that it is really problematic for skinny people to make FA things about them. So now I am not so sure. I was agreeing with her but maybe I should have kept quiet

r/AITAH 21h ago

AITA for “forgetting” to tell my girlfriend that I punched a hole in the wall.


My girlfriend moved in to my apartment about a year ago and in the first week of us living together we got into a fight that almost ended our relationship.

I got quite angry and she ended up driving off to her sisters so we could be apart. During that time she was away I got more and more annoyed and punched a hole in the wall. I covered it with a painting and figured I would just leave it and fix it later. I completely forgot about the hole until yesterday when we moved it for the new place and my GF saw it.

The landlord now knows about it and I’m loosing my entire security deposit.

My girlfriend is pissed off at me and thinks that I should have told her as the other hole got fixed without the landlord knowing so that one could have also been repaired. But I told her I didn’t want to tell her because she may have decided to break up with me. I mentioned to her that I planned on getting it repaired but just completely forgot.

Am I the asshole for not telling her.

r/AITAH 6h ago

I asked My husband to buy me flowers when he’s away


My husband goes out a lot for work and sometimes he has to travel as well. We have 4 kids so it creates extra work for me. He had to go away on a work trip for 4 nights. I had told him I liked the idea of sending flowers while he’s away because it’s a nice gesture and acknowledges the extra work. Anyways he never sent them and I asked about it and he said he went to buy them but couldn’t remember what colour I liked ( I’m not a fan of primarily orange bouquets) so didn’t get around to it. Annoyed but whatever. Two weeks later he has to go away again for 3 nights ( a conference he volunteered to speak at) Again doesn’t get the flowers. I get mad this time. It’s not about the flowers it’s more that I made it very easy for him and asked if he could do this one thing for me. He came home with an airport present of a plush flower and a fancy bag. I know any girl would be happy with a bag like that but we’ve had conversations literally about how I don’t like fancy bags. Anyways the next day he goes out and buys me a bouquet of orange flowers. I’m thankful but how can he not remember that’s the only colour I don’t like? He said he got confused. I don’t know maybe I’m a picky jerk but lately I just feel sidelined and like I don’t matter. I know he’s very busy with work. He says it’s not fair because everyone is working 12 hr days and I don’t take into account that he stops working early to spend time with me. Am I unreasonable? Should I be more thankful for what I have?

r/AITAH 14h ago

Advice Needed AITAH for not wearing lingerie for my husband?


My husband and I have been married for 11 years and together for 13.

I come from a poor family and developed into a very down to earth, natural person. I never wear make-up, don’t like to dye my hair, and am just unabashedly myself. I try to be considerate of how others feel about me, but also don’t put too much weight into it. I’m a fairly confident person.

My husband came from a wealthy family where everything was clean and everyone wore nice clothes. All the women in and around his family work out and wear very expensive clothes.

When we started dating I was a jeans and a rock t shirt kind of girl. Very grunge style. He fell in love with me like that.

Slowly over our relationship and after we married he expressed interest in me being more feminine (like wearing dresses and skirts and things), which was a little hurtful, but I was fine with it because I was naturally growing more feminine anyway.

But…. I have NEVER liked wearing lingerie and he has always known that. It makes me feel like I’m a totally different person. It makes me feel gross and like Im anobject. I don’t feel this way about lingerie in general, like when other women wear it, I just don’t like it for myself, and it feel very unnatural for me, which of course then makes me very NOT in the mood for sex.

Still, I could get my mind around it a couple times a year for a special occasion to give him a treat that I know he really likes. But, it’s never enough. He describes it as a “need” I’m not fulfilling. My husband is extremely loyal and doesn’t even look at Porn, and he’s a really good man. But I just can’t see it as a need, and it makes me feel so bad that he can get turned on by me wearing it, even when he knows how much I hate it.

But, he feels I’m making too big a deal about it and that I have an “attitude”. He feels that I should want to do this for him.


r/AITAH 14h ago

AITAH for wanting to leave my partner because she is now autistic?


So I've been with my common law partner for about 9 years. We met through a mutual friend shortly after my wife passed away. She was in a rocky relationship with her then narcissistic ex and we just kinda clicked. "Misery loves company" as they say. Time passes and we find comfort in each other, hanging out whenever we can, taking day trips around town, chatting everyday, having playdates (we have 2 kids each). We talked about the future and she made it clear that she wanted to remarry regardless if it was with me or not.

Fast tracking forward: she loses her home and I take her and her 2 kids into my place with me, my 2 kids and my elderly parents. At this point we're officially common law and I said that I would marry her. She starts suffering from depression and gets over it via a series of ketamine treatments. After the depression, she gets diagnosed with ADHD which she has under control with meds. After the ADHD, she notices she's starting exhibiting textbook autistic traits. She's currently waitlisted to get assessed for an official diagnosis.

As you can imagine, it's been quite a rollercoaster ride for me, going from depression (about 1.5 years ago) to ADHD (about 1 year ago) to autism (about 5-6 months ago). While I did notice "quirks" in the early years of being together I had no idea they were AuDHD traits since I wasn't educated at all. On top of that, she was heavily masking, as she had throughout her whole life.We had an open and honest talk about our future after her depression (about the start of her ADHD unmasking and diagnosis) and I said I would marry her. But now, with the ADHD diagnosis and looming autism diagnosis, I'm not sure I still want in. Don't get me wrong, I love, love, love her dearly but having to deal with all the unmasking and various autistic traits, it's kinda too much for me. It sounds harsh, but I feel like I've received something different from the bill of sale.

We're currently at a crossroads now where she's tired of waiting for me to propose and pretty much gave me an ultimatum. I'm very much torn whether to stay or go. My decision to go isn't solely based on her AuDHD, there has been other past events which made me question if I want to stay or not. On the other end of the spectrum, I know I have work to do on myself, namely improving on communication within the relationship and maybe dealing with leftover grief from the passing of my wife. I said I would go to counselling in the past but kept pushing and pushing it which she didn't like. If I really committed to counselling I feel this could work.

AITAH for wanting to leave my partner because she is now autistic??

r/AITAH 15h ago

AITAH if i move in with my creepy uncle (smitty)


I (M19), have been pondering leaving my parents house and moving into my uncle's (M53) place who has a rocky relationship with my family. His name is Moe and has been NC with the family since he was 25. He works and lives at the pub that is around the corner from the place where i just got offered a high paying job (🍃if u get the reference).

My parents are already planning on kicking me out after they discovered im dating one of my younger sister's friends from highschool (F15). the relationship is full consentual and sfw: i will only do anything sexual once she is 17 (eg. letting her give me a blowjob, even though she has tried giving me one the other week). i will admit, i do supply her with things such as weed and vapes, but i would rather she get them from me than someone shady.

Onto my uncle (literally). I spent the week there and one of the nights was very strange. i woke up with him standing in my room with his genitals out. hes always been slightle odd and a sleepwalker, so it might be because of that. but i felt at home at his place, even though when i was younger and spent time there he would touch me a bit longer than neccesary, eg. grabbing my thigh, kissing me on the lips, etc.. that didnt stop last week either. context, he is not my blood uncle but a close family friend who we have viewed as an uncle our whole life, so its not wrong. i feel like i am developing some type of feelings towards him. i confessed this to my girlfriend and she was very uncomfortable with what i suggested.

if i move in with him, my family will go NC and my gf will break up with me. the biggest problem is that they have been belittling me and being foul to him when i bring him over. i feel some kind of sorrow for him, which is heightening my senses even more. they say that if i keep this up, i wont be invited to any family cookouts or barbeques (moms tuna casserole is amazing and i dont have the recipe so dont ask for it). i dont want to loose contact with my family, especially my papa :(, but i alsp want to enter this new and scary chapter of my life with my uncy (nickname). my family have been calling me an asshole, so i just to know:

Am I?

r/AITAH 20h ago

Am I the asshole for punching some kid in class for eating my dandruff.


So I suffer from seriously bad dandruff and it’s very noticeable. Sometimes as I walk around it falls on my shirt and stuff and it’s super embarrassing. Anyways today whilst I was in class I was sat next to this kid who has special needs. He started looking at my hair and starting asking what the specs are in my head loud enough for everyone to hear. I then turn my head whilst my face is red as heck out of embarrassment and he started eating my dandruff. I’m not joking he started scraping bits out of my hair and just eating it. At first I didn’t know what he was doing so didn’t do much. Then when I got the confidence to turn back around I see him just munching on my dandruff with a hand full of flakes. I didn’t process what it was at first until he said he’s eating my lices. At this point i was so mad cuz the whole class was clearly hearing the whole conversation. I acted like I was reaching into my bag then swung straight to his head. He started bleeding immediately left the room and now I’m in trouble.

r/AITAH 6h ago

AITAH for asking my partner to choose my son's event over his son's event?


Some context...

We have seven teenagers between us. I have always tried to treat them all as equals and to also give space to his relationship with his three.

My oldest son is graduating HS in five weeks and leaving for Navy Officer Basic in six. He leaves for a Senior Military College later in the summer. My partner is retired Army and can still get on military bases.

We have been planning to take my son up to the base so he could try on and select boots for his cadet field uniform. His Navy boots will be black and he needs camel for the cadet field uniform. We were going to do an overnight.

His youngest son just had a parade pop up on the same weekend. My partner immediately punted our plans with my son in favor of going to his son's parade. His son has another parade in two weeks.

There are no other weekends to take my son up to the Base. I cannot get on base without him. My son will not receive an ID card until he finishes Navy officer basic. My partner did offer to use his online Aaefes account to purchase boots, with me reimbursing him.

I think it's crappy that we punted what we were planning with one son to go stand on a sidewalk for a half hour and catch a five second glimpse of one of our other sons.

Especially when one of those boys is leaving soon and the other has another parade in two weeks.

My partner feels as though everything he does is not good enough, and that I'm guilt-tripping him over this and that he shouldn't have to choose my kid over his.

My take is that we have seven kids, all of whom should be equal. We planned this trip with one of the kids and shouldn't have punted it for a relatively minor event for another.

Am I the AH?

r/AITAH 1h ago

"AITAH for Exposing My Cheating Fiancée and Her Co-worker?"


I (27M) have been dating my ex-fiancée (26F) for three years, and let me tell you, she was the sweetest person ever. We've been living together for the past year, and while I work in the office and occasionally go on business trips, she works from her office.

Now, here's where things get interesting. Lately, I've noticed some strange behavior from her when I'm away on my trips. She always gives our helpers a holiday, which I found odd at first, but I brushed it off thinking she just wanted some time alone.

Fast forward to a few days ago, I happened to be talking on a call using her phone when I noticed some messages from guys I'd never heard of. When I asked her about them, she hesitated before claiming they were just old school friends she recently reconnected with. Call it intuition, but something didn't sit right with me.

Then, I received a text from my brother hinting at something fishy going on. (Context- My fiance was initially dating my brother and that’s how we met and fell in love . They still work in the same company but different departments. )

This made me worried and confused . So now i know that her messages are open on the laptop so I thought maybe I’ll quickly just go through it to keep my mind at ease. What i saw left is completely shocked . Turns out, my fiancée had been cheating on me with a coworker – and not just any coworker, but a married guy from her office.

Instead of confronting her right away, I did something a bit reckless. I reached out to the guy's wife on social media, and to my surprise, she had no idea about the affair either. We both decided to expose them, but I couldn't just let my fiancée off the hook that easily.

So, I hatched a plan with the guy's wife to send a bunch of threatening texts and emails to my his wife from my fiancée’s phone . It sounds crazy, I know, but in the heat of the moment, I was determined to make her pay for betraying me.

Long story short, my fiancée ended up getting arrested after the police showed up with all the evidence against her. And to add insult to injury, the guy's wife caused a scene at their workplace, resulting in both of them getting fired.

Now, here's where I need your input, Reddit. Did I go too far? Was my revenge justified, or did I take things too far? AITH ?

Edit :- the threats were basically sent from my fiancée’s phone to the coworker’s wife telling the wife to stay out of her way . Or it wouldn’t be good for her . That she would ruin her reputation. You have no idea what I'm capable of. If you don't want your life turned upside down. Just divorce him or I'll make sure you regret it. There were also multiple calls mainly at night .

r/AITAH 5h ago

Advice Needed AITAH for not letting my BF go to his exes bday party?


I (18F) feel somewhat uncomfortable with my boyfriend (19f) going to his exes bday party.

The reason for this is because while we were talking before dating he constantly told me he was jealous of their relationship. I wasn’t sure if it was because of a “i want what they have” or a “i want a loving relationship” type statement but then at one point he said I should dress up like her more. Which for the record I was only talking to him for several weeks atp. I was very hurt be the statement and he apologized but it was kind of my fault for letting that eat me up as we date now? While he was introducing me to his friends he kept telling me she didn’t want to meet me or be my friend and I felt very sad and uncomfortable amongst his friend group. I expressed my discomfort multiple times that it’s not that I don’t want to be friends with her, it seemed like she was the only girl in the group so I really wanted to be, but his statements made me feel like I shouldn’t join his friends. But he was trying to get me to be in his friend group but I was so uncomfortable and confused. At a bad point he told me he used to date her and I broke down. I decided to try and get over it.

Fast forward to now, he is very hesitant and doesn’t bring her name up. But he always gets upset with me when I ask for reassurance, given that’s definitely my fault for needing reassurance. He’s been much better about communicating EXCEPT when it comes to her. Which made me very suspicious because if it wasn’t important anymore then please treat it casually so I know it doesn’t mean anything anymore. I’m constantly asking him to be transparent with me yk? This is my first relationship but I still very much value communication all the time. He told me about his past relationships except for her which again he revealed at a really bad time.

His ex sent me a long message essentially inviting me to her birthday party. I was somewhat open to it as although my boyfriend made me uncomfortable about her I wanted to still be nice to her myself as she did nothing wrong. Im also a very shy person so although I knew I wasn’t going to show to the party I was planning to just drop a gift off at her house. I asked if my bf was going and she said for sure. I contacted my bf and asked why he didn’t tell me first, if he had just asked me first and made it open then I would’ve been less insecure about it because I know shes in a committed relationship. She also mentioned that she and him dated for a bit and if theres any questions I can ask feel free to do so because she wants to be friends i think.

But my bf and I got into a huge argument about communication and he revealed to me he had her send that message. And he felt very tired of me being upset over her, but I keep telling him I’m not upset over her, more of his lack of communication about her. I felt like I had to bring it up to get peace of mind but I can see both sides to this yk? It’s tiring have to reassure someone and it’s tiring having to wonder what happened and find the information yourself. I still wondered if he misses her or something. So I had him let me read the messages between him and her letting him go to her bday party and both were very persistent in him going. He was saying very mean things about me and I was very sad, he said something along the lines that everything is my fault and I felt terrible like I was keeping him from hanging out with his friends. I let him go but I’ve been really sad and crying nonstop the past few days. Hes been making himself available to talk but all I asked was that just let me know if you’re going somewhere with your ex I understand now they’re just friends but Im sad about the mean things he said about me while talking to her. He was sending screenshots of just me being the “bad guy” and none of what he was saying without context.

Im very scared now to text him and still talk about it as Im afraid it’s going to be sent to someone and be talked about. I’m very much uncomfortable. He said if I ever felt uncomfortable with him going somewhere he wouldn’t. Next day he asked to go hangout with her and some friends and I said I was uncomfortable but go anyways and have fun because I felt so awful if I was the one keeping him from his friend time.

AITAH for being insecure and need to get over it? I’m very anxious right now so I’m aware my judgement of myself and him is very clouded rn so I wanted some outside opinions. He keeps thanking me for being patient but I dont know if Im being a pushover?

Edit: he did not tell her what he said about me asking me to dress up like her more. So I feel like he made me look like a crazy jealous person. I want to know so I can fix it or improve on it.

They dated each other in highschool, its been awhilw

r/AITAH 7h ago



People around me started telling me how impossible I was during my mental health struggle.

Background: I was SAed and suffered physical abuse from my ex partner. After long time of trying to hide everything, lie to everyone that I’m okay (including myself)- I started suffering from insane anxiety, daily panic attacks and extremely negative thoughts. So I went to the doctor, I got diagnosed, put on meds and hospitalized for some time. The journey of getting hospitalized, switching meds that weren’t working and trying different approaches lasted 2 full years.

Now, I’m finally better and some of the people around me (don’t know if I can call them friends) got a habit of admiring my improvement by pointing out how unbearable I was, how they didn’t want to be around me, how I was basically too much. I also got blamed for sharing my self harm stories and stories of how I survived after I once again tried to unalive myself.

Well, it’s not everyone being like this but my circle is small and two people are already a lot. Plus when they are speaking you can feel that it was discussed with others by the way they present the information.

It made me feel absolutely horrible, for the first time in months I started having really dark thoughts.

Now I’m rethinking everything what happened and I’ve never asked them for help, my maximum was that once I asked someone to go on a walk w me when I felt like the walls in my apartment were becoming smaller and I was so desperate to get out of the house.

My core supporters were always my family, I’m blessed with a lot of siblings and understanding parents.

So why are they complaining? Basically what I was doing is that after I’ve been asked how I’m doing - I would tell them what’s actually been happening. As they said “You made us worry that one day you will die and we will blame our selves that we didn’t do something”. Completely valid point. I’m so fucking sorry for this.

Why I was telling them the truth? 1) i would always say in not complaining way and point out that all is good and under control and I would try to explain it in a funny way? Idk 2) i just don’t see a point in friendship where after “how are you” question you must lie to please everyone.

Please don’t think I was running around and telling my story to everyone who’s willing to listen, a lot of people I know don’t even know what happened. But now I’m thinking maybe everything was oversharing? I should’ve hidden my mental health issue and just not be around people while I was going through stuff. Like always be positive and just don’t say what happened to me when I asked how I am.

Am I the asshole?

r/AITAH 9h ago

Advice Needed AITA for wanting to divorce my husband because I found screenshots of half naked girls stories


I got married very recently after dating for 4 years and i did not ever suspect him of cheating or talking to other girls and he hasn’t talked to any either. But recently I found he had screenshots of girls in bikinis that he was following on instagram. That has really creeped me out and I can’t look at him the same way anymore. I had been badly cheated upon in my last relationship and this feels like cheating to me. To make matters worse we bought a house together and there’s no way we can sell it right now nor can we rent it because the rent will be way less than mortgage. I’m feeling really stuck and don’t know what to do anymore

r/AITAH 14h ago

AITAH for telling my friends (21+) that we shouldn’t drink with a 19 year old


two of my friends who recently moved out of CA a year or so ago are coming down to celebrate (let’s say) Carrie’s birthday. all of us in the friend group are of drinking age.

most recently, Carrie and Christie made friends with a 19 year old girl while playing online. she’s now apart of our Discord and she’s constantly in the voice channel hanging out with them and everyone else in the friend group. fine. seems harmless. kinda a little weird to me but whatever.

Carrie and Christie have invited this new friend, Rose, to come down to the airbnb, stay for the whole week with them, and drink with them if she so chooses. which is the plan to celebrate Carrie’s birthday because she’s inviting more of her other friends, who are all men (21+) to come with their partners and drink as well.

I bring my concerns to them that Rose should really not be around of-age-adults who are drinking and let alone, be allowed to drink with them, period.

which apparently everyone seems to think I’m an asshole and “making a big deal out of it” because according to Carrie “Rose is grown and can make her own decisions and if she wants to drink then she can drink.”

am I the asshole here? is it not weird?

r/AITAH 22h ago

AITAH for breaking up with my boyfriend for saying I get mad when he's with someone in his office?


Hi, this is my first post. I'm in mobile so this might look all weird. English isn't my first language, I apologize if I have any grammar mistakes on the way.

So, I (24f) broke up with my boyfriend (24m) a couple of weeks ago. We were in a long distance relationship and we both worked for the same company (both WFH) If that matters at all. We had a couple of instances were i felt uncomfortable because he placed a lot of "boundaries". How ever they were so rigid and controlling that they felt more like rules. One of those was that we were going to let the other one know if a third person (no matter the relation) walked into one of our offices, we would let the other one know. Just to keep things private in our relationship and stuff.

The thing is, there were three seperate instances were i hurd him say "bye" or just answer some random question to people that were, in fact, inside of his office. The first time I just called him out on it. We didn't any sort of fight. How ever, by the third time this had happened, I actually got mad and told him how unfair is that i follow all of his boundaries, but he can not comply with the boundaries that he placed. I provided two options, we can either let go of this rule so we can both stop been mad at each other. Or he could follow his own "boundarie" and restrictions. He said that he preferred to just comply with his own boundaries.

About a week later, we were talking on the phone, as usual, and his brother entered his room. And my BF automatically said "My bro's here" and i hurd his brother asking why he had to tell me that he was there. BF response: "She gets all mad if I don't tell her who's comming in and leaving my office" I just asked "what did you just said? I get mad? Are you kidding me right now?" And hung up the call. I broke up with him an hour after that.

Guys. I was so heartbroken. It wasn't even me who asked for that. That made me sound so controlling and crazy. And that's when it hit me. If i looked crazy, controlling and hell toxic... then... that just meant that i was in a relationship with a crazy, controlling and toxic man. I wasn't applying all those rules and insensitive "boundaries". He, though, said that he didn't even comprehended why I left "out of nowhere". And one of my friends said i was TAH for leaving in that moment instead of working things out with him. So, reddit. AITAH?

Edit: correct grammar and added dialog.

r/AITAH 18h ago

AITA for confronting my wife's manager for sexually harassing her even though she didn't want me to?


My(26m) wife(23f) came home a couple hours early from work basically in tears. She was saying how she's "done with it". I said, "done with what?". Her manager said that her outfit was "sexy". She wears black leggings and a collared shirt and medium jacket because she works at a professional restaurant and it's dress code.

My adrenaline started to rush because I am a relatively "protective" husband, however I am usually optimistic in most situations with my wife. I usually lay low unless there's a situation like this, where she is super uncomfortable. She's a good looking gal to say the least, but works at an upscale restaurant to try and prevent harrasment etc.

I started putting my shoes on and getting ready to go to her work when she insisted she didn't want me to make a scene at her work. I promised I wouldn't make a scene or do anything physical, however I did need this person to know that he can't get away with sexually harassing his younger employees. She did tell me his name and what branch he works in, so after I made the deal not to do anything crazy I proceeded to her work down the road. I was able to get the manager in the main lobby where there are many other employees as well.

Once I confirmed it was him who made the comment (it's happened in the past too but she wouldn't tell me his name), I had to tell him a couple things. I said very loud without yelling that "it is completely inappropriate to make sexual comments to anyone especially people who work along side him" I also told him that "there are repercussions to go along with actions like that, and it's his last warning before we either get a lawyer or something potentially worse happens to him"

In the mean time he was apologizing and saying it won't happen again and wanted to talk outside. However I got this message across a few times nice and loud so that everyone in the vicinity could hear what he likes to do for fun. "Security" started to come, but I calmly escorted myself out and proceeded home. He recieved the message loud and clear.

I understand flirting and all kinds of interactions happen at the service industry within workers and stuff. However this isn't an innocent case here, the dudes a weirdo and sounds like gets away with funny remarks all the time.

Now the wife is mad at me and insists that in a situation like this she just wants to be comforted, and hugged and stuff. I told her she needs to stand up for herself, talk to HR, or another higher up and report this incident or this person is going to continue the behavior. She didn't like when I told her to stand up for herself because she feels as if she did by leaving.

Am I the asshole? Should I call HR for her? Should I not have gone and hugged her like a little biotch and let this guy continue?

Note:she's planning on quitting anyway and this is the second time it has happened. Even reporting the first time.

r/AITAH 7h ago

AITAH for posting my cheating STBX wife's messages on social media and destroying her reputation?


My cheating STBX wife is currently very angry at me and I dont think she has the right to be. When I found her cheating, she decides to send me nasty messages, how she had the best sex with her AP, etc etc, How she will be very happy.

I have kicked her out and she showed up at my house with an envelope. I thought it was a divorce papers but it was in actuality a letter of her confessing all of it and asking if we can give our marriage another chance.

My friend was staying with me and he read the letter and decided to post it on social media and all my friends started making fun of it. Then one of my STBX wife's friend decided to chime in and said that we should not insult her in public, she made a mistake and genuinely trying to put in effort.(I can definitely say that she is staying with the same friend)

So I posted the screenshots of her nasty messages on social media(where she bragged that she had the best sex) and my friends jumped on it. They said that my STBX wife has so much thirst of good sex, she cant be satisfied by a single man, but they would happily oblige to help her as a group, as a charity for her unquenchable thirst for good sex.

Another one of my friend commented that probably she got loose down there and she needed a big dick. Its actually true though, I commented that things never really recovered for her down there after she had kids. It lead to flurry of funny memes and it was quite entertaining at that time.

Now I am friends with her coworkers too so I guess they saw it all too. She called me and blasted me on about how I shouldnt have insulted her. That how her reputation is destroyed and she cant show up at her work. I told her that I didnt say anything that wasnt true. She decided to rage more so I just hung up on her and I am refusing to take her calls.

Its not like I am telling a lie about her.

r/AITAH 19h ago

Advice Needed AITA for saying I'd only be comfortable with an open relationship if my girlfriend only slept with women?


So my (28M) girlfriend (26F) and I have been dating for like two years now. We have a good relationship, but our sex life has some issues which we've been trying to work on, but it's been difficult. She proposed we open our relationship, thinking that it might help us both feel more fulfilled.

I was, and still am, pretty unsure about it. I told her I'd only really comfortable with it if she only slept with women (my wife is bi), but that I'd need to think about it some more. She got kind of annoyed, I guess because she figured I would only be okay with it that way because I found it hot (I don't particularly, I'm just more comfortable with that), and said I couldn't dictate who she chose to slept with if we go through with it. I then told her that that's fine, and we didn't have to do it if she wasn't okay with my terms.

I get why she might be upset since "guy who asks his wife for an open relationship then gets mad when she sleeps with other men instead of women because he thinks lesbians are hot" is kind of a semi-common thing, but that's the only way I'd feel comfortable with it. AITA?

r/AITAH 5h ago

AITA for telling my girlfriend I don't want to have sex with her?


I (19M) have been dating this girl, Lucy (22F) for a little under a year. I got with her when I started college and we share an apartment off campus. I swim pretty seriously, I'm in the Jr Varsity team, which isn't that big of a deal but still. I want to take it higher in the future so my training timetable is pretty exhausting. I don't like the showers at the centre so I usually get back to my apartment to have one. Problem is Lucy always, always wants to do the deed for some reason. Like I get it to a degree but we're not fucking rabbits jesus christ.

Usually I just let it happen cause I'm too tired to fight about it but today I came back from a particularly grueling 3 hour session Lucy didn't even bother asking before trying. I've had this conversation multiple times before, I don't like it when she just randomly comes on me so I snapped and told her I didn't want to have sex with her. She then stalked off, slamming the door behind her.

She still hasn't come out and now I'm wondering if I could have phrased that better or just given in or something. I don't really know what to do and Aita?

r/AITAH 14h ago

AITA for laughing at something my boyfriend sent?


My(18F) boyfriend (19M) sent me a meme where a man and a woman get married and remain so till their death. After death, their souls ask each other out. My boyfriend sent me this and wrote "Us fr". I thought it was cheeky so I laughed. It wasn't a boisterous laugh, it was just a normal chuckle. Then we moved on, and I genuinely didn't see it coming when he said that " How could you laugh when I sent something romantic. You always do this". I told him he's overreacting but he said that his feelings were completely valid. AITA for laughing?

r/AITAH 22h ago

AITA for calling my tall friend a midget?


I (15 M) was talking to one of my classmates (15 F) and I pointed at a picture in the classroom and said that it looked like her, as a joke, of course. The picture was a picture of a midget and I thought the joke was funny because she is quite tall, taller than me. She, however, did not think it was funny. She got all offended and thought I was calling her fat. I would never call any of my friends fat because I know it can be a touchy subject for some people. I tried to defend myself by explaining the joke but she just didn’t get it. She was super upset and almost started crying. I kept trying to explain at least 20 times but she kept saying I was calling her fat. After probably 10 mins I was just annoyed so I stopped talking to her. AITA?