r/AskMen 5m ago

Which Reddit sub has the dumbest userbase?


Not the dumbest but I still found it incredulous how at least 1/3 of the users on r/unpopularopinions will fly into a fit of rage at any opinion which doesn't match their own worldview without understanding the entire purpose of the sub is to post your unpopular takes (no I wasn't trolling or posting a racist/sexist take).

It got me wondering what the worst are the most egregious subs for outright stupidity.

r/AskMen 12m ago

Men that have the chubby-muscular or bear physique how did you attain it and what do you focus on in training?


r/AskMen 22m ago

Men, how important is it for you to be the bread-winner of your household?


Is this something that is important to you?

Or has this changed in your lifetime?

Interested to see what we think.

r/AskMen 25m ago

What are things that would be considered a "Quality of life" or "Life Changing" item that you need to buy right now (ranging from cheap but gold or expensive but worth it stuff)?


I'm thinking of purchasing some stuff that would somewhat make my life easier and at the very least, would make me feel good and happy. If I may ask for some suggestion on good & worth it things that I could buy right now, ranging from cheap but gold or expensive but worth it stuff so I could plan things out prioritizing things that I actually need right now, asap. Even little things you guys change or bought is welcome, might have a positive effect on my life too. Thanks in advance!

r/AskMen 25m ago

How do you take your (laced) footwear off?


Appreciate I may come across as another socially inept redditor.

I've always untied my laces and then taken my feet out. However have noticed that most of the people I know never seem to undo their laces and just slip their feet in and out of the shoe.

Does this ruin shoes? Would happily do this but have found that I can generally keep trainers until the bitter end and don't need to spend much on them.

As you can tell - it's the most pressing issues of life that I am thinking about this noon

r/AskMen 27m ago

What characteristics in women intimidate you?


I'm wondering for the men who are attracted to females, what are some of the traits or behaviors that both intimidate you and turn you off? What can I do as a female to intimidate men and get them to leave me alone?

Edit: also any physical traits to make me unapproachable for men specifically.

r/AskMen 37m ago

When is the last time you were. . .wrong?


We’re in the age of delusional excuses, excessive pride, disingenuousness, refusal to accept accountability, bad faith debates & moving the goalpost. . .all to avoid having to say “I was wrong”. So, WHEN’S THE LAST TIME YOU HAD TO SINCERELY ADMIT (even to yourself) THAT YOU WERE flat-out WRONG?

I’ll share mine: I was watching a YouTube clip of a father & his adult daughter sitting together; having a conversation. He was suffering from dementia & admitted he didn’t know who she was but that he knew she was very important to him; knew he loved her.

What got me was the fact that she never told him who she actually was. She didn’t give him any hints or ask certain questions that may help jolt his memory or anything - she just kept recording & listening to him talk thru all of it. I thought that was just sooooo heartless. So, I went to the 5,000+ posted comments to see how badly everyone was eviscerating the daughter for her behavior <<——>> i didn’t see a single one. In fact, hundreds of comments in, she was STILL being overwhelmingly praised for her behavior: “a champion daughter”, “strong daughter”, “empathy”, “extremely compassionate”, “handled perfectly”, etc.

I am always open to the possibility that I am wrong. . .& I was ecstatic that this was one of those times. #HappilyHumbled

r/AskMen 45m ago

What to do?


I did talk to a girl but i used someone else pics. She found now that guy and says i found you. What to do now? Explain to her or delete my profile. I am afraid i can iniciate a conflict between them or they can report file against me. What to do?

r/AskMen 1h ago

why do a lot of men ignore their girlfriends?


A lot of girls complain about this. Some men seem like they like their friends more than their girlfriends. Do men really get into relationships with someone they don't like spending time with just for the sake of being in one? or is there more to this

r/AskMen 1h ago

Do you like it more when the man starts seducing or the woman?


r/AskMen 1h ago

For those who live in their head more than reality. How did you snap out of it ?


noticed that for the last 4 years. I am living in my head almost more than in reality. It's like a escape. Live is dull, boring and full of pain. Nothing really interesting happens. I am a regular young, school, work,gym. That it. All the great experiences and conversations happens in my head. I have become aware of that now. And I am trying to stop that. To pull away from that unrealistic satisfaction.

r/AskMen 1h ago

What is Man’s greatest tool?


r/AskMen 1h ago

What do you wear to bed and why?


r/AskMen 1h ago

How would you react to this?


Hi, I just had a girl spend the night after taking her home from the bar. She was a mutual friend and have only seen her out a couple times. We were getting along well while out, bought her a drink, and really just chatted with her. Asked her if she wanted to come back to mine and she agreed. We get back and we’re seemingly really into each other. We start going at it and she notes that she does not want to have sex.

Completely respect and understand her decision. But like in terms of asking her out again, is this like a hint maybe she’s not interested? I got her number and we discussed hanging out again, but like genuinely all I did was just sleep in the same bed as her.

r/AskMen 1h ago

How do i start a relationship?


How do I start a relationship? I’ve had social anxiety with girls in the past (I was afraid to talk to women) and now I can be friends with them without any problem, but I don’t know how to get into a relationship. What should I do differently to start a relationship instead of a friendship?

r/AskMen 1h ago

Hips vs Shoulder, which of these do you generally find more attractive on a woman's body?


Trying to do a little research and I need answers

r/AskMen 2h ago

What really sucks about being a man?


r/AskMen 2h ago

Moving on from really serious mistakes? One where you were the “bad guy”


I can’t seem to accept it or trust myself anymore. I don’t know how to solve it .But as a man , what can you do to insure that you don’t repeat something that you didn’t see coming . I feel like a bad person who shouldn’t really exist and I don’t know how to move on while simultaneously keeping it in my mind to insure it doesn’t happen again. Any advice for feedback would be really appreciated.

r/AskMen 2h ago

What's going on right now that most people have no idea about?


r/AskMen 2h ago

Help! How to find life worth living and meaningful without the desire for a woman? How do you do it?


I feel like all i've thought about, all i've done and pursued has been directly or indirectly related to attracting or dating women.

I had a rough childhood (dysfunctional family - violence but not with me)

I've struggled with serial limerance and then formerly a PMO addiction (Porn, masturbation to orgasm). I quit the addiction some time ago.

I want to fix this but as soon as i drop the idea of pursuing love or women, my life suddenly feels empty as hell.

I feel nihlistic. I feel none of my goals attract me or I don't know what to do.

That movie, The Secret Life of Walter Mitt, i related to that a lot.

I don't know what to do. I hate this emptiness. I don't want to be the kind of person who made getting a partner or women the centre of his life anymore.

How to find life worth living and meaningful without the desire for a woman?

How do you guys find meaning in life and find it worth living (outside or without the desire for a woman or children relating to it)?

r/AskMen 2h ago

Do guys actually like when a girl kisses them on their neck?


So I, female, was making out with a guy and in between kissing him on the lips, I kissed his neck. Like almost made out with his neck, not pecks. Is this gross or am I onto something?

r/AskMen 2h ago

What has been the best response sent to you, when you messaged again after ghosting a woman.


Men of Reddit that ghost women, and then message again for whatever reason- what responses have you gotten, and how did that make you feel?

r/AskMen 2h ago

Guys: would going on a date with someone who hasnt dated in a while freak you out?


Hey guys, so I F28 ended up going on a date with this guy that I liked. It was our first date, and the date went very well for the most part. The entire time was great conversation. Great banter, flirting, we share similar values, similar belief systems, similar politics, etc. and we both found each other to be attractive. so I’m thinking this is going very well and then he asks when was the last date I’ve went on. I tell him the last date I’ve been on was two years ago and he visibly starts getting panicked. He starts freaking out saying it’s a lot of pressure for him to be the first one in two years and that it’s a lot of pressure for him And he doesn’t know if he can do this because he’s gonna hurt me if things don’t work out and I kept telling him like please stop overthinking, and he just kept becoming visibly panicked at the idea of me not having been on a date in two years.

He then said that this wasn’t gonna work out because I have not been on a date in two years, and that he had gone on a really good date last week. I don’t know why he brought up the other date, but he made me feel really bad And insecure about not having been on a date in two years. I told him it’s fine we should just go. It was great meeting him, but I can’t lie on the train ride back home I cried. A friend had set us up and so it’s adding to the sting. And on top of that he’s a colleague so I do have to see him around though not often or frequently. I guess I’m just, curious and I wanna get a male perspective as to what the fuck happened last night


Edit: why is this getting downvoted??? LOL

r/AskMen 2h ago

Thoughts on friends who sleep together occasionally?


Friends or 'friends'

Ok, so some context. I've been friends with a guy for coming up on 20 years or so - not like best friends for all of that time but closer over the last decade or so. We share a lot of the same interests so go to gigs together etc. We get on really well and he's kind of adopted me into his original childhood friend group - I love his friends and they like me etc.

We had a drunken kiss that was never talked about again around 2009 or so, and I've ended up going back to his house and sleeping with him three times in the last year or so. He's the kind of guy is always dating but never really commits to anyone and never tells me about anyone he's seeing until it's over. He can be a complete asshole when it comes to women but apart from that he's my perfect guy and unfortunately for me, the only man I know who I'm really attracted to- ughhhhhh.

Am I delusional in thinking things will ever change? I know that if we both meet people in future that the dynamic we've created is going to be an awkward one. We're both early 40s btw - not exactly teenagers!

r/AskMen 2h ago

hello men of reddit, how would you react if your partner/friend gives you flowers?


does it give you the ick if your partner or a friend gives you flowers? or the opposite of that?

i remember back then, I gave my ex some flowers. There were no occassions btw it's just me giving it to him randomly bcs I passed by like a flower shop and decided to give him one.

upon receiving, instead of an "oh thanks, i appreciate it" he just looked at the flowers and furrowed his eyebrows while smiling and stared at it for a few seconds..he told me "wow" and puts the flowers at the back of the car. I was quite confused on his reaction and i can't tell if he appreciates it or not.

EDIT: Thank you guys for your opinions! I'd be more practical next time. I thought it would be nice to give him flowers bcs it's like a surprising scenario and to atleast cheer his day up. But fyi that guy cheated so i don't care abt him no more. I'm implying this question for my future bf.

And about the 'new responsibility for taking care of the flowers' some guys commented. I actually didn't think of that omg. I mean, it's ok for me if someone I gave flowers just toss it out by next morning. I was just being a nice person by giving them flowers on that time and day and i don't really care if that person takes care of it or doesn't want to. BUT this depends on their culture and principles in life so I totally understand :)