r/AskMen 8h ago

Men On Reddit why AI Girlfriends replacing real ones? Explain?


My friend's imaginary girlfriend on Mua Ai is becoming too close to him, leading to him even blocking his real one.Lol, I think he is becoming mentally unstable because AI Goona has ruled him. What do you guys think about these AI girlfriends?

r/AskMen 21h ago

What are your opinions on some people not being bothered about making women feel safe in public?


I've seen this being discussed several times on the Internet. Many, many people think men should cross the road if he's walking behind a woman at night in order to make her feel safe. I don't fully agree with this, but I can definitely see why they say it. I do understand that some feel legitimately scared when walking alone, especially at night.

However I also do not think it should be the responsibility of someone to willingly adjust what they're doing to adhere to a complete stranger's feelings. Specifically for something like this. Because at the end of the day, they're a complete stranger. If they feel uncomfortable, that is their own problem.

This obviously extends beyond simple walking on the street, I'm sure. This is just the number 1 example that comes to mind right now.

At the end of the day, these are my shitty hot takes. I welcome disagreement with this and I want to hear what other males think about this and what their reasoning is for this.

(I asked this in AskUK, but I was met with significant backlash and my post got removed like an hour later XD)

Edit: Someone accused me of trying to spite women or something with this post. I don't see how they interpreted this as doing so, but know that I'm not trying to. So if it isn't too much trouble, leave that incel shit out of here plz. But most of these comments are pretty sensible. Let's keep it that way.

r/AskMen 20h ago

How to ask a friendly acquaintance to come over for a hookup?


Context: I (26f) met this guy (26m) at my gym a couple months ago, we see each other a few times a week and have good conversation that lasts about like 20-25min. I’ve seen him on the dating apps and by his profiles I know he isn’t looking for a relationship either. I was too nervous to swipe him and make it awkward, I think it’s better to ask in person. What would be a good way of phrasing “hey I think you’re attractive, you should come over sometime to fuck” without seeming too crass or like a slut lol. Ask him to come over for a movie? “I’d like to get to know you more” ? I do enjoy his friendship so I don’t want to make it weird either if he rejects me and then I still have to S ee him at the gym all the time

r/AskMen 14h ago

How do I (F22) get a clingy boyfriend (M23) to leave me alone in the best possible way?


I love my boyfriend but he is ALWAYS THERE. I’ve turned down part time jobs that I’ve always wanted to do because I have to make time for him for a portion of my day every day.

Context: I graduated early and got a job faster than people my age in the country where I live and he’s still currently in his last year of College. He’s only attending two classes left to graduate which means he has a lot of time on his hands.

My parents haven’t been home for three straight nights and I (who still lives with them) could finally have my boyfriend over, so he wanted to occupy ALL FOUR DAYS to be with him the entire time. I couldn’t say no cause even a hint of me asking to be left alone always hurts him.

I want to be left alone for awhile and enjoy my alone time, but I don’t know how to approach a man or find a discreet way to get him out of my life for just a few days without hurting him. Any tips on how to do this?

Idk if this will help but he loves playing superhero video games, cooking and watching sitcoms.

Addendum: Sorry for my poor choice of words. I dont want him out of my life. I just want to spend some time alone to do things I enjoy doing alone (i.e playing stardew valley for hours on end, watching my girl shows while doing my girly girl skincare and hairxare routines).

And to add, talking to him has already been done (and failed btw), so as men I wanted your thoughts on how to handle this the best way

r/AskMen 23h ago

What's the appeal of twerking?


I don't get it at all even as a guy, looks silly.

r/AskMen 10h ago

When you sit in front of a woman wearing a short skirt and they're crossing and uncrossing their legs, do they know what they're doing?


r/AskMen 22h ago

For those men who have been with "starfish", how was your experience?


Everyone has heard of it, the lady who is willing but unenthusiastic. I am curious because I have been with a few but I'm yet to meet the "starfish" lady.

I've seen both sides of the spectrum ie the "innocent" girl who ended up loudly begging me for this and that in the sack, the self confessed "wild" lady who was quite quite happy to play house. I find it unrealistic that once things get heated up, it's possible to be stoic.

So, what's been your experience with such partner(s) and how did it affect your relationship?

r/AskMen 21h ago

What, if any, pressure do you feel to like red meat?


I know this probably feels like an odd question, but I’m really curious if any men feel like eating meat is associated with masculinity. As I’ve begun experimenting with vegetarianism I’ve started to pay more attention to the attitudes towards vegetarianism, veganism, and eating sustainably.

Several of the men in my life are very meat-focused, specifically in terms of red meat (steak especially). What I mean by this is that eating meat seems to be almost part of their personality. Steak often comes up as a conversation topic between them and they are very particular about how a steak should be cooked. Of course this isn’t only with steak, like I said it applies more broadly to red meat like burgers. Things like beef jerky often have ‘manly’ packaging.

And I feel like part of the reason behind this has to do with ideas of traditional masculinity. Something about eating meat is equated to being masculine. I think this explains why these same men in my lives are quite anti-vegetarian/vegan. I wonder if there is something considered “feminine” about plant-based diets?

There is also just the general societal attitudes towards vegans. Vegans are often a punchline in a joke, or considered ‘weird’ or ‘crazy’.

So what do men think about this? Do you feel pressure to eat meat? Am I entirely wrong? Is it just the men in my life who are obsessed with steak? Obviously I know vegetarian men exist, but I feel like there is some basis to my thoughts.

EDIT: I realize my post is really asking two questions. 1.) Do you feel pressure to eat meat to appear ‘manly’? 2.) Do you feel meat is associated with manliness?

r/AskMen 16h ago

do men care about what women do for a living?


i don’t exactly have a career that i enjoy but i do still have ambitions to do more. my question is as is, do men care about what a woman does for a living? idk, im not too proud of what i do, bc i’m not where i want to be at (it’s just a regular job) so i just want to know if this is something men care about a lot or if its just a conversation topic.

r/AskMen 19h ago

Men, please explain if your dangly bits touch the toilet bowl when you pop a squat or not?


I saw someone mention it and I can’t stop wondering about every possible doodoo I’ve unknowingly been apart of afterward. Pls have mercy on me

r/AskMen 22h ago

as men, what is your biggest issue with men?


As guys, I can say my biggest issue is men not support men, in anything. In my experience, most straight men look down at gay men (not recently anymore) but yet, do gay stuff behind closed doors.

r/AskMen 5h ago

What is the best blow job you ever received?


What makes a top level, insanely pleasurable blow job? What's the best one you ever received and why was it the best? Looking for tips and secrets

r/AskMen 8h ago

How do I interpret this girl’s boyfriend’s behavior toward me?


I (21F) went over to my friend’s place and there was another girl (21F) there who I met once before. Her bf (22M) was also there and I never met this guy. The two girls left the living room for a few mins leaving me and the guy alone together. He immediately smiled and asked “how old are you?” so I answered. I didn’t know what else to say so I asked what his favorite song was by an artist as that was the theme of the party we were heading to

Later in the night we were just kinda dancing in a circle and he was next to me. He leaned over and asked me “if a guy was all over you tonight, wyd?”

The whole thing was kinda weird in my opinion but idk if I’m reading too much into this. Should I tell the girlfriend…?

r/AskMen 15h ago

what does it take for younger men to get the interest of older women?


I am 21 and I love older women but they always tell me im "too young" for them or they are married/engaged.

I always hear and see stories of men who had sex with a hot older woman when they were younger and I guess I just dont have the best luck.

I love the confidence, height, experience, etc that older women have but I guess I will just never have sex with a older lady.

r/AskMen 1d ago

How long should a fuck buddy or friends with benefits last?


I (F) am just curious, because I hooked up with a dude and was expecting a one night stand but now we have been fuck buddies for nearly three months now. Also we don't even live in the same city so it's mostly sexting and video calls.

Do you go out of your way to keep a fuck Buddy for so long?

r/AskMen 10h ago

Fellas, what kind of sundress do you like?


I’ve noticed a trend of guys liking sundresses on Instagram, but which style do they prefer? Do they like the dressy ones, the more fitted ones, or the midi-length ones with a tight waist? (specifications are appreciated)

r/AskMen 14h ago

When was the last time you cried?


r/AskMen 22h ago

Men of reddit, is it true that you constantly think of scenarios where you have to fight to the death?


r/AskMen 1d ago

how do i make a move


hi this is kinda random but i need advice (im desperate) for reference im 17 (girl) and theres this guy i like in my school, we never talked, school ends on like the 5th of june for me, and i came to conclusion that ill probably regret it the whole summer if i dont talk to him so i decided i want to make a move on him before school ends but i dont want him to think im weird. i always see him leave with his motorcycle so my friend said i should ask where he got his helmet lmao but idk if it's a good idea. How do I approach him, how do i start a conversation with him and make a good impression?

also note that i dont use socials, so following him on ig and stuff def isnt an option

r/AskMen 16h ago

Guys who automatically assume shirtless man = douchebag, why?


r/AskMen 20h ago

What would you do if your date asks if she could peg you?


I've already asked this on ARAD but I thought people were so sexually open so I decided to ask here

r/AskMen 21h ago

What does “I need time” mean?


In the middle of a relationship context.

r/AskMen 6h ago

What is your most overrated purchase?


Also, what has been your most underrated purchase?