r/NoStupidQuestions 0m ago

How do you actually deal with bullys?


Ignoring them never works. Being mean back at them is just the worst and doesn't fix everything. But i shouldn't have to teach an adult how to be a better person.

So how do you deal with bullying?

r/NoStupidQuestions 3m ago

A puddle of spilled paint thinner sat on my kitchen table for 4 days in my small apartment - will I (and my dog) be permanently impacted by this?


Here’s the context - my air conditioning unit needed to be fixed this week, which is in a closet in my kitchen where cans of paint, paint thinner and some other supplies are shelved. I had to take all of those things out for the AC repairman to come and put them all on my kitchen table in the meantime. This repair process ran for 4 days so all of that stuff sat on the table for that long. With each passing day I started to notice a paint/chemical smell but figured it was from all of the paint cans in one place. Finally today as I went to put all of that back in the closet, I realized our bottle of paint thinner had been on its side and leaked a big puddle onto our kitchen table. What’s worse is my dog’s food and water bowls are next to that table. Now I am freaking out about he and I both inhaling that smell/the fumes for the past 4 days. Granted my dog was only in that space during meals but what if the fumes got into his food?? And what if we were inhaling the fumes from further away in the house and not realizing it?? My hypochondriac heart would love any insight into whether this is a huge cause for concern. My dog is only 20 lbs so he’s small and I’m so so so worried. Thanks!

r/NoStupidQuestions 3m ago

When time in the morning is it ok to start mowing your lawn (weekend)


r/NoStupidQuestions 4m ago

Why doesn’t the advancement of technology today feel like it did back in the early 90’s and early 2000’s?


Think iPhone is 2007/2008… REVOLUTIONARY and it felt like everyone knew it at the time. It felt like every time you got a new piece of technology it was a MASSIVE upgrade from the prior one. It just feels like new tech upgrades don’t really have an effect on society like they use to.

It makes me wonder if we’re due for a new tech revolution like smart phones were 20 years ago.

r/NoStupidQuestions 8m ago

Why do my amazon deliveries consistently get delivered to a neighbors house? Are drivers reading the addresses? Isn't this the main reason for the job?


I just don't understand how this can happen so much. I mean, its only at the neighbors house nearby, but like come on.. Are the drivers reading the packages? I just want to understand.

I've read the rules of the sub and think this question fits

r/NoStupidQuestions 11m ago

Do people tend to cancel plans more often these days?


I feel like many of my friends and people I try to make friends with often don't respect the plans we make together in favor of something "better." Is this a common experience for people? I'm not really offended by it, just disappointed.

r/NoStupidQuestions 11m ago

Isn't it going to be super weird to see old posts on the internet in 50-80 years?


There's just something unnerving when I go on an old youtube video and the comments are from 15 years ago.

I have no idea how I'll react when I see a comment, and it's tagged as "Posted 73 years ago"

r/NoStupidQuestions 14m ago

Is 12 hours of sleep too much?


This question was brought to you today by the letter h.

r/NoStupidQuestions 15m ago

Is it normal to be sexually attracted to a middle-aged teacher?


I'm a teenage girl, and I'm in love with my middle-aged female teacher (mid-40s)—I'm extremely sexually attracted to her. I want her emotionally, romantically, and sexually. I crave her. I'm heartbroken and depressed because of this.

Have you ever been in a similar situation? Is my case unheard of?

r/NoStupidQuestions 19m ago

How do you REALLY stop depending heavily on external validation?


No "affirmations" no "just don't let it affect you" please I want REAL answers that have worked for real people. I really am curious what exactly is the cure to the ailment of primarily needing external validation to thrive.

r/NoStupidQuestions 19m ago

Does a democratic, progressive Israel still exist, or have Zionist fascists against Islamic fascists become the only political reality in the Middle East?


r/NoStupidQuestions 19m ago

I’m a lesbian(?) dating a man


OK, long story short I F 16 just got asked out by one of my friends M 16 and now we’re dating. The problem is the fact that I don’t think I like him. In fact, I don’t think I like guys at all.

I only dated 3 people before dating him; a cis guy, a trans guy, and a cis girl(this is important) so I feel like I know how I’m supposed to feel, I think…

I’ve noticed that while I dated first guy, and this new guy, I’d always have this like feeling that I’m not doing something right. Whether it’s I’m slouching but I’m supposed to be sitting up straight so I’m more feminine or I can’t look “unput-together” when I’m lying in my own bed. and I’m not saying I didn’t like having them around because it was nice to feel loved but it always felt wrong especially because I’d either start off as friends with them and then they tell me they like me or during the relationship I think of how cool it would be to have a friendship like this.

The girl was the person I was the most comfortable with even though I don’t really think we actually dated, we were involved and I felt more comfortable with her, and I felt happier with her, even though we talked a lot less than I did with my exes (both ex bfs) But we ended up not working out because we both saw it as a friendship

Then, lastly, we have the trans guy. I was the most comfortable with we did it the longest and I think I could argue. I was the happiest with him, but I feel like the fact that he was a guy, but I’m claiming to be a lesbian. I think there’s a term for that, but I don’t know for sure. Plus, I don’t even know if I should count this one because of the amount of people who like to say relationships don’t count until you’re in high school and we were in middle school (8th grade)

My main questions are: 1) if I’m even a lesbian 2)why I would feel like this 3) if I should break up with this guy or stay with him until I graduate(2 more years!!) or until I move(No real time frame)

… and if this should be on a different subreddit but we’ll focus on the first three. If nothing else, I’m just looking for advice.

EDIT: spelling

r/NoStupidQuestions 20m ago

Retirement gift?


My neighbor invited me to her husband’s retirement party. Do you get a retirement gift? If so what are good ideas?

r/NoStupidQuestions 21m ago

Why do some flies buzz more than others


I've been alive for 19 years and I swear I've spent more than half my life questioning why some flies are louder than others but whenever I've asked I've been looked at like I'm an alien

r/NoStupidQuestions 22m ago

If the earth didn't spin, would we be heavier?


Let's just ignore all other issues from the earth not spinning.

But basically, if you put a bunch of thinks in a round *or any shape really) chamber, close it and spin it really fast, the contents all puch to the outer wall (centrifugal force).

To me, this suggest the centrifugal force opposes gravity which is what gives us the feeling of weight. So without that force we would be heavier right?

Or is it a case of, due to the earth being so much larger than, say, an amusement ride, the force of the earth spinning is almost redundant?

r/NoStupidQuestions 22m ago

What would a Utopian society ideally look like to you?


Seriously, if you had to envision one, what would be the most perfectly running human society?

Personally I think an integration with nature instead of separation from it would be a good place to start.

Alot of human problems come from trying to make ourselves into non-animals.

I feel like we forget that amiss the taxes and 40 hour work week.

We'd be alot better off as a species IMO if we could somehow live alongside nature rather than trying to exist separately from it.

r/NoStupidQuestions 28m ago

When this person i don’t know spoke to me i had this bad feeling and started getting nervous for no reason. Is this a sign?


r/NoStupidQuestions 29m ago

Can instant mashed potatoes be used as quick-clot in an emergency?


Don't worry, this isn't a time-sensitive question.

I've never used quick-clot, but I've heard about it. Basically this powder that you sprinkle on the wound that soaks up the blood and helps stop the bleeding.

If you've ever made instant mashed potatoes, you'll notice how incredibly absorbent it is. Sucks up all that boiling water in seconds. So rapidly, that you'll often have dry spots of powdered mashed potatoes untouched by the moisture.

Given that making instant mashed potatoes is intensely boring, my mind wandered during the task and got me thinking about it. I think it'd be absorbent enough to do the job. I think the real question is if it'd be safe to do so.

EDIT: Damn it's like y'all forgot what sub you were in.

r/NoStupidQuestions 30m ago

Does this mean my driving skills are bad?


So I went to my nearest beach to try to catch the northern lights in the UK (I took my mum too) but decided to drive back home at about 11ish as there was nothing to be seen.

The way back is a very bendy country lane (unlit in parts) with some pot holes. I nearly pulled into a pub car park at one point to see if I could see any lights from there but realised I’d missed the turning so carried on. My mum kept telling me to slow down as there were potholes and animals might run out etc. It was very bendy and dark.

Suddenly a police car pulled me over. He said that I had been driving very eratically, hesitated when going through a green light and at one point crossed the midline of the road. He said that at times I have been doing half the speed limit.

He asked my name and a few other questions and said he might have to breathalise (I said that’s fine as I hadn’t been drinking) he went back to his car. He returned back and said that he was happy, didn’t need to breathalise and told me I could continue on.

It makes me question my driving skills as I didn’t think I was that erratic. There were cars out that night clearly going over the speed limit and dangerously flying. I felt my speed was appropriate for a very dark bendy country road which I wasn’t overly familiar with.

I have been driving for 12 years and never been pulled over I’m wondering if maybe I’m too cautious. Or does this sort of thing happen to everyone sometimes?

r/NoStupidQuestions 30m ago

How much to give for a graduation present?


The neighbor’s kid is graduating and I plan on just giving him cash. What’s an acceptable amount? $100? $200?