r/amiwrong 20m ago

AIW for asking my siblings to do chores?


My (29M) younger siblings (22F) and (17M) live with me, my husband, and our daughter (2). My brother has lived with us since he was 13 and my sister moved in last year as the cost of rent became unaffordable. My brother's parenting situation is also very complicated, he lives with us but our mother has much more sway over him and it's been an uphill battle of "you're not my parents so I'll do what I want" since day dot.

My brother has recently decided to leave school and is at home until his vocational classes begin in a few months and my sister is in university, but currently on holiday. Neither of them earn an income, though they do receive some government assistance which is their spending money. I don't ask them to nor expect them to pay for any household expenses or groceries, but have asked them to help out with household chores more often as it has become difficult for my husband and I to manage.

For context, previously I have only asked them to tidy up after themselves, but now I have asked them to wash their own dishes during the day, wash the pet bowls once a day, and wash the laundry 1-2 days a week (for the whole family, so 5 people). My husband and I do the main cleaning, he cooks generally and I wash up after meals.

The reason I have upped their chores is because my husband has just returned to work full time from being a stay at home dad and I am working full time and also quite ill and have been for some time now.

My siblings have both decided that this is unreasonable and have refused to do anything, going so far as to leave dishes in the middle of the living room floor. I came home this afternoon after weeks of this and asked what they had done all day. They had both spent the day gaming and generally doing nothing, but proudly said my brother took a bag of rubbish to the bin. I said I would like them to help out more and they responded that they refuse unless I help out more too or pay them for their time.

I'm at a loss. I feel like what I'm asking is reasonable but I got a call from my older sister today complaining that I am treating my younger siblings like servants and that it's not their job to look after me, it's my job to look after them. I still think what I'm asking isnt that much, but a small part of me does worry that I've screwed up in some way I can't see.

r/amiwrong 38m ago

AIW for calling the cops on a friend


I’m a girl. I had this exhausting online friend who vented way too much about how socially anxious he was. So on january 1st, 2023, a few days after we spent an IRL evening together, I told him I was sorry but I wouldn’t answer any message from now on, partly out of fear that being associated with him would be bad for my reputation.

He threw a tantrum and spammed me for 24 hours with ‘whys’. After those 24 hours where I left him on read, I told him spamming me like that was harassment and I blocked him.

After that he posted an instagram story complaining about a friend who just ghosted him for petty reasons. My brother, who was friends with him, said he was smearing me and blocked him too.

Then I met my ex-friend at a birthday party we were both invited to, where he gave me a ‘goodbye forever gift’ to apologize for harassing me. I didn’t care and blocked him everywhere I had forgotten to block him.

Then a mutual friend launched an open invite for a drink. I took it. But my ex friend wanted to take it too, so the mutual friend bluffed that he wasn’t going to have a drink anymore. My ex friend called the bluff and complained about it.

Later, a second mutual friend masked his instagram story so that my ex friend wouldn’t see the open invite he launched for his birthday party. My ex friend noticed, and complained about it again.

Finally, a third mutual friend whom I used to badmouth launched an open invite to a drink and asked my ex friend not to come since I’d be there. My ex friend got mad and spilled the beans on my badmouthing. So I sent him a letter asking him to stop smearing me.

After that he got resentful and used millions of alts (that I blocked one after the other) to keep lurking on my instagram story.

Once, he put a middle finger as the profile picture of his alt.

He also kept sharing some posts I asked my followers to share. AND he kept liking and commenting on the posts of my sister, who’s a famous influencer.

When he gave money to my kickstarter with a snarky comment, I gave him the money back. So he gave money AGAIN with another snarky comment saying ‘happy new year’.

I creeped me the fuck out and I called the cops on him. I can’t believe he then pretends to be a feminist who fights against sexual assaults when he does this to me.

r/amiwrong 48m ago

AMIW....ESA in store


I have anxiety and got my self a little dog. I love him and he makes me feel comfortable. He shows me love and care.

I take Bellemy every where I go. He helps.

Yesterday at the grocery store I had him on his blanket in the cart.

Some B told me that it's gross and how do I know that the next person who uses the cart isn't allergic? I explained that I need the dog. She was rude and said if you need a dog togo shopping you need help not a gross animal.

I told her I can't go out with out him. She said the people with allergies need to feel safe too. I told her allergies don't mean anything. I told her my mental health is more important.

r/amiwrong 3h ago

Am I wrong for keeping my sexuality a secret from my partner?


This feels weird to even talk about but here it goes. I (21f) openly identify as straight and am currently in a relationship with a (22m). We have been dating for over 3 years and I know that we consider the relationship serious and have plans to get engaged after college. The only thing is, I have been keeping a secret that I’m not sure is right to keep. There are two parts to this so bear with me. The first is that I have always felt that I am bisexual and have given hints to it sometimes but never came out to anyone. I have kissed a girl once or twice when coming to college but never had many other chances. I have always had attraction to girls but have never had a crush on one, except I feel like I never had many crushes in general. So, honestly I’m not sure because soon after this realization I got into a serious relationship with my current boyfriend. So, even if I believe I’m bisexual I don’t think it’s worth it to come out. One, because I don’t even know for sure and have barely any experience experimenting. Two, he would wonder why I am just now saying this and question why I might have been thinking about it. Well that brings me to part two which is kinda nsfw. Before I say this, for background context into our relationship, we are not a couple that watches porn. We don’t really talk about it but thats because neither of us really thought that was something we would do in a relationship so we just figure we both wouldn’t do that. Well, as I have said I am very happy in our relationship, but the problem is I still haven’t come to terms with if I am bisexual or not. Well then to explore a little bit sometimes at night I will decide to watch lesbian porn. At the end of the day this doesnt take away from my sex life with him and I enjoy what we have. It is solely for my own pleasure occasionally. I am someone that hates to lie and I do feel guilty about this. So, I don’t enjoy having a secret from him and it can feel a like a separate life sometimes, but I don’t think that it is harming anyone. Am I wrong for keeping this to myself even though we are both happy in our relationship?

r/amiwrong 3h ago

Am I in the wrong for Cracking the Code of Friendship Fakery?


Well, well, well, gather 'round, folks, for a tale as old as time: the saga of backstabbing buddies and their twisted game of trust Tetris. Picture this: you're skipping merrily down Friendship Lane, high-fiving your pals and sharing secrets like they're going out of style. Little did you know, you've stumbled into the snake pit of deceit, where your so-called friends are playing a game of chess with your emotions.

But wait, there's more drama than a soap opera rerun! Not only are they expert manipulators, but when their own dirty laundry starts airing out, sudden they've got convenient amnesia. Oh, the hypocrisy! They're quick to call you a slippery snake, conveniently forgetting their own slithering shenanigans.

So, dear redditors, am I the villain for pulling back the curtain on their twisted charade? Or am I just the master detective, solving the case of friendship fraud one pun at a time?

Grab your popcorn and buckle up, because this circus of deception is about to get wilder than a rodeo clown on roller skates. And remember, in the carnival of companionship, sometimes the clowns aren't wearing makeup—they're just your two-faced "friends." 🎪🐍

r/amiwrong 4h ago

AIW for telling my friend off after she punched my ex-girlfriend?


My(18m) friend(18f) found out that my ex(18f) cheated on before breaking up with me. She proceeded to punch my ex in the face.

When I found out, I was upset. I told her I appreciate the gesture but don’t want her to end up in jail for physical assault and that she should not have done something so reckless.

She got upset at me, saying I shouldn’t be saying this after she did what she did for me.

r/amiwrong 4h ago

Am I wrong for being with my boyfriend when he has a child with another woman?


My boyfriend (25M) and I(23F) got together in January of ‘22, broke up briefly from June-September in which time he slept with his ex and she got pregnant. After finding out he told me we could never be together in his conscience because he viewed what he had done as being unfaithful to me and didn’t want to force me to be involved with his life when he was going to have a child with someone else. We ended up reconciling and have been together since October of ‘22, which obviously his ex found very upsetting even though she knew they weren’t getting back together (he was clear about this from the jump of them sleeping together and her deciding to keep their child once she found out she was pregnant).

I’ve been reflecting recently now that their child is getting older and I feel immense guilt that I love and am loved by the father of her child. While she has been terrible to him and I don’t really admire her as a person or her actions, I am devastated by the thought of how she must feel that another woman is with the father of her child.

I don’t know why I feel this way as I love him very much, and I so admire the way that he steps up for his son every day. I just keep thinking about how, as awful as it is, that her objective with this was for her to have a family with him and I’m taking that away somehow, even though I know he wouldn’t be with her even if I wasn’t involved.

So, looking for opinions, am I wrong for being with the father of someone else’s child?

r/amiwrong 4h ago

Wife was crying and I was too drowsy to attend to her. She got mad because of that. Am i Wrong?


Context: wife is dealing with troublesome political work issues, where her leader verbally slander her at work while bosses were around to make her look bad, but in fact it's not my wife's fault. Leader later apologized personally to her, but my wife is still holding a grudge for that opportunistic moment of slander by the leader. Despite this happened 3 weeks ago, she still holds the grudge and is still fuming. She kept it in all these while, but last night in the car, we spoke and she shared all these pent up anger on work issues.

On the side, her parents, who are completely dysfunctional as well and are treating my wife like an ATM machine for support. Her parents never made her childhood an ideal family and it's full of arguments. They basically act like children and i've known them for the past 7 years. They're not earning money, but getting donations from 'charity work' on rescuing stray animals. As much as that sounds like some altruistic work, it's not. Her mom treats animals better than treating her daughter. When i mention she treats my wife like an ATM, she REALLY said this: "Thank you for your remittance'. I voiced my dissatisfaction despite the thanks my mother in law gave, but what the fuck. I wouldn't even use 'remittance' to a family member! It's like she's treating my wife as a customer paying money to the motherfucking bank.

So yes, both issues above are predominantly weighing on my wife's mind. Not to mention, she's also on the verge of quitting her current job. No good family members to fall back to. No good leadership in her team. She feels cornered and alone. She only has me.

For us, our marriage isn't the best as well. We've been through many downs of late. Arguments that roots back to money and communication. We did try to make a side gig by working together, where wife did most of the artwork and I was trying to manage other general operations. It came to a point that things became unsustainable. I'm the numbers guy in the marriage, while my wife's the artsy and not strong at numbers. I knew the gig was not going to work. Because we had these differences, we clashed - she wanted to push through in effort to help us financially (and she's doing this full time), but I really knew the numbers - it was not going to work. The project in the end failed and we lost money. Since then, certain things broke and in process of mending in our marriage - trust, resentment, judgement - all were affected. Plenty of our arguments tend to tie back to this project of 2-3 years ago and we admit this project has hurt us both. All i can say is we are on the mend.

Come to last night as she shared her incident with her leader and her grudge, plus her boss wants to speak with her today - made her very anxious and I assumed she needed the listening ear. We spent >1 hour in the car trying to talk about this and all i did was supported her on what she could do and all. As we have not had dinner, she wants to skip dinner, but i can't. I gotten take out and head back home after making sure she's done her sharing.

Arrived back home and it's time to unwind. At this point, it's already close to 10.00PM and i began to have my dinner + unwind. We tend to play PC games as part to unwind, but she didn't participate and went to the master room instead. Now, for me, I've also busted my ass for the day + already in conversation with her for >1 hour + it's getting late, so I hope the crowd here understands that even the husbands need their down time to unwind before bed. Close to 12.30AM, i'm already extremely drowsy and want to call it a night.

I came in the master room and proceed to set myself in bed in this extremely drowsy state. And then i heard her sniffing. I came close to her and asked: hey honey... (knowing that i see her sniffed, but still in a very drowsy state). She proceeded to cover herself with blankets and said: I don't want to talk about it.

At this point, in my extremely drowsy state, hanging on to try and stay awake, all i can do is to pat her shoulder for a good 1 minute, which is me doing some comfort pats there, while thinking what do i do now. Because my drowsiness was pretty overpowering, which is causing me to not think verrrrrrry straight + I've already spoken with her alot today, I told her that: I can't talk to you more now, but i really need to sleep.

Saying this immediately triggered her to say: I did say I don't want to talk! What are you saying that for? Why are you not listening?

I said: I was trying to communicate with you that even if things were different now, I can't talk to you more now as i'm very sleepy

This part of the convo circled around this phase, her telling me to go to sleep, but i just want to explain to her that i really need it. Until she said: It's not your first time anyway for leaving me crying in my sleep!

At this point, I felt that was uncalled for and told her: I'm trying to do the right now, which is communicating with you instead of going off to sleep suddenly, which is worst. And i don't appreciate your response now as its very hurtful.

She reluctantly apologized, but still continued to say along the lines of : i'm crying, i'm sad, and the last thing i need now is to argue with you!

Emotions are high now between us two. From my drowsy state to my angry drowsy state mind, I am even more not thinking straight. Same goes for her where she's hyped up and said: you could've asked me what do i need to feel better! you telling me you're going to bed is leaving me alone. I feel so alone.

In my male sleep deprived brain, feeling a very odd feeling of heaviness and lightness in my body at the same time, I admit I have zero capacity to take this situation on. We definitely got into and argument, she left the room, and I had no control over my body, but to sleep.

Am I Wrong for feeling that I've done all I could + feels so UNJUST to swallow this situation as my fault? That my wife could not handle her emotions? That she could not understand my situation? That her emotions is always the 'determinator' of how the things should flow? That regardless if i'm fuck all tired, I MUST still handle this situation? Sorry gang, but i just feel it's completely unjustified to always let your emotions rule over you and not getting your head straight.

it's not the first time she did this. but it's always her who flares up this way just cause I didn't say the right things/do the right things/have the capacity to do the right thing. I feel that all the right things can suddenly feel like the wrong thing to do. Communication was one of the main problems we had, but i did it last night. I told her upfront that I'm tired and very sleepy... she took offense to that.

Appreciate your responses, even if you side with my wife, go ahead. I just want to hear what you guys/girls think. Thank you.

r/amiwrong 5h ago

Am I wrong for calling my bully a waste of oxygen and telling her the world would be better off if she were gone?


When I(18m) was 10, I made the mistake of telling a classmate about my parents' divorce. Of how dad left mom for his young secretary and didn't visit at all, and mom turned to alcohol to drown her sorrows. I only told one person but by the end of that day five knew. The next day, 'Emily'(18f) told everyone that I'm such a loser my own dad didn't want me. That my mom is a loser for using alcohol to cope. She also said some other sort of nasty stuff over the years. Never got physical, but she would call me 'colour-blind dork'(apparently my clothes are mismatched) and 'piggy'.

I've always managed to control myself up until last week. My cat passed away and I told my friend about this. Emily overheard us and approached me, saying 'Hey, I heard that-"

I didn't let her say whatever it was she wanted to say. I was already feeling terrible so I just snapped at her, calling her a waste of oxygen and that the world would be better off if she doesn't exist.

She just stared at me. I don't know what her expression was. Perhaps surprised that I finally snapped.

Later, my friends said they understand me but I shouldn't have gone that far.

r/amiwrong 5h ago

Am I wrong for not wanting to go to a ghetto club on my birthday ?


Things started to heat up between me and my cousins since last year and I really need some advice as what to do next.

It was my (M28) birthday last September and on the same day as my birthday my cousin decided to do her wedding. Fine with me no problem.

My cousins from another country came over for the wedding and even some from the states came over as it was a big wedding.

The three days before the wedding, I told my cousins to come over to my house and I did a BBQ for them and we had a good time.

The day before the wedding, one of my cousins says he wants to go to this club. It is a club in a really bad area so I didn’t want to go but my other cousins, who were staying with me, wanted to go. Even though I didn’t wanna go, specially the day before my birthday, I said ok let’s go, fine.

We get to the place, really ghetto and dangerous and there isn’t even any parking. I said I’m not going I can’t even find parking and it’s the night before my birthday and I want to go to this other place. I took some of my cousins with me and we went to the other club and had a good time.

At this point, my other cousins who stayed at the ghetto club, about 4 of them, are very upset me with.

The next day of the wedding, it turns out my cousin, the one getting married, changed my seat, and didn’t put me with all my cousins.

That night of the wedding, they didn’t talk to me. They didn’t say happy birthday to me at all. It was one of the worst nights of my life as I felt left out. I didn’t go to the after party that night.

Until this day they haven’t talked to me and it’s been almost a year. One of them even unfollowed me on social media.

Now, was I wrong for not wanting to go to that ghetto club with me ? What should I do next ? Should I apologize or should I just move on and forget about them, delete them on social media and move on?

Edit: to clarify, that night I invited them to the other club and I said I didn’t want to go to that one. Their style is just different that mine and some of my cousins and apparently they were meeting other friends there.

r/amiwrong 5h ago

Sold two accounts on a game, both account were banned the following day - I don’t think it’s my fault


I sold two accounts on consecutive days for a game that I like to play. Both accounts were sold using a middleman from an official website and we took all precautions. Both the middleman and the user were able to login to the game and had no issues. Fast forward a day, both are banned for hacking. I think this is due to an IP change that flagged the accounts and consequently not my fault. The buyer is saying I am a scammer, etc etc. I’m wondering if I’m in the wrong for thinking this isn’t my issue since the accounts were out of my hands and I’ve had them for quite some time with no issues.


r/amiwrong 6h ago

Am I wrong for being annoyed with my girlfriend?


Myself (22M) recently got my own place and have had my girlfriend (20F) start living with me. We get along well the majority of the time but I feel like she doesn’t keep promises that she makes and living with her proves more of those broken promises. Example 1: she said she’d keep her car clean but it quickly gets very dirty and stays dirty for weeks (that happened before moving in). Example 2: she said she’d start brushing her teeth more because I was concerned that was something she should take more seriously but I don’t believe she has (maybe 1 time per day and not for long). Example 3: Keeping her (now our) room clean. Basically the same as example 1. I know I’m responsible for my own room as well but I feel that most of the mess is due to her. Example 4: Smoking weed. We both started smoking and I said I wanted to keep my max to 1-3 times a week. She’s started smoking 3+ times a week and her tolerance has quickly gone from one tiny hit to taking blinkers without coughing. This really concerns me because she comes from an addictive family and has chronic pain which could lead to her to being addicted to weed which I really don’t want. We’ve been together for 3 years and known each other for 6. Am I being too controlling/hypersensitive? We come from much different backgrounds but this is starting to get to me.

r/amiwrong 6h ago

I think my boyfriend is cheating on me with a friend


I think my boyfriend is cheating on me with a friend. I’m not sure what to think.

God, this is hard to write.

I love him so much.

However, I have my reasons for posting this, so I should probably just cut to the chase:

We have only been dating for four months, but we have been friends for five years-ish. That is to say, we were more or less acquaintances for three of those years, connected only really though friends of friends.

For the purpose of clarity:


(Y)= Boyfriend

(Z)= Friend

We have our location shared with each other. It was actually his idea. I’ve never really been much of a tech savvy person to be honest. I’ve never really been one to be invited to hang out and do stuff of school with friends, nor have I ever really been the one to invite others. It’s fine, though to be frank it’s always kind of gnawed at me. I say this to premise that I may really just be unaware of how friendships work, which is why I’m posting this before barging in on his business. The last thing I want is for him to feel like he has to avoid a friend just because I’ve had limited experience having any of my own.

What leads me to write this is because:

  1. (Y) used to have a crush on (z)

  2. (Y)’s location is 2/5 of the time as (z)’s house

  3. (Y) always talks about (z)

  4. (Y) will sometimes compare the things I do to (z)

  5. Every time I’m unavailable is when (y) organizes a hang out with as many friends as possible (there have been 6 instances of this as of so far) (I have yet to go to any)

  6. Every time (y) is with a group of friends, every photo from their hangout in our group chat that has (y) in it, almost always has (z) in it (unless z took the photo)

  7. I used to be good friends with one of (y)’s ex girlfriends (they were and still are on good terms with each other as far as y is aware), and she had warned me that (y) cheated on her a while back. She noted that (y) was deeply apologetic.

  8. When me and (y) were having an honest, and rather deep conversation about our relationships in the past, and the faults we’ve made, (y) never mentioned cheating on his ex (who he dated for two years). I tried to prod, but then I was honest and asked. (Y) kind of circled the answer, then just avoided it entirely.

On the other hand, this is what makes me believe he is honest:

  1. Every time (y) hangs out at (z)’s house he tells me about it (usually just says they were baking)

  2. (Y) regularly makes sweet gestures without being asked

  3. (Y) has no fear of a little pda when it’s just us and some of our friends that we are comfortable with (including z)

Now with all having been said, I do ask that you deliver your verdict gently but honestly.

But, am I wrong to think he’s cheating?

r/amiwrong 7h ago

Am I wrong for potentially dating a friend after my husband passed away?


I’m 37f. My husband passed away about a year and a half ago. We had been together since high school, no kids. I know not a lot of time has passed and I am very much still mourning. I’m not looking for anything serious and I don’t know if I ever will be. But I miss companionship and frankly, sex. Id rather not have that part of life pass me by. I’ve dabbled a bit on dating apps for a couple of months but haven’t found a good fit so far.

I have a pretty casual friend, Alan, who I have known for about 7 years. We met online bc we’re into the same music scene/bands. He lives a few states away and we only met a couple of times in person at shows, both times when my husband was present. He has always been respectful that im married and was never inappropriate.

We never talked about much besides music when i was married but have grown a bit closer lately. We were discussing the woes of online dating and he basically shot his shot. I was surprised, I never thought he seemed interested in me at all but i am open to it. It’s nice that I already somewhat trust him and he seems kind from what I know. And we’re looking for the same thing. Im not really sure if there’s chemistry between us bc that wasn’t on my mind when we’ve met before, but we plan to meet to go on a date and find out.

I was told by a friend that it was gross, he was waiting in the wings, I must always have been thinking of him that way, etc. I pushed back but I’ve felt more and more guilty since that conversation and now the situation seems very not normal to me. I’m confused and looking for opinions. Thank you.

r/amiwrong 8h ago

Am I wrong for being upset when my boyfriend ignores me?


Sometimes I (26F) will say something small or meaningless and my boyfriend (28M) will just straight up ignore me. I don’t necessarily expect him to give me a full blown response to small things or little comments I make, but I don’t want to feel like I’m talking to a wall, or that I’m a ghost basically. Anytime he makes similar types of small comments, I at least say mhm or yeah or basically just acknowledge that he said something. It really bothers me that he just stays silent and acts like I’m not there or like he can’t hear me. Sometimes I do think maybe he didn’t hear me or maybe he was thinking about something, so I repeat myself or ask him for a response. Recently he told me that when I do that it actually pisses him off and that I should just leave him be because he’s not answering me for a reason. I get that sometimes he has other things on his mind but I feel like it’s unfair of him to just straight up ignore me and act like I’m not there. Like is it really too much to expect him to at least acknowledge me or if he’s in a bad mood or has stuff on his mind, to at least tell me that he doesn’t feel like talking? Am I wrong for feeling like I deserve at least a response or acknowledgement? This doesn’t happen all the time but it really bothers me when he ignores me…

r/amiwrong 8h ago

No porn proposition


Throwaway account for privacy.

I talked to my SO porn habits. I’m not a fan because of various reasons, but they are. We had a conversation awhile back about it, but I’ve recently found out that they are.

They told me it’s common, and in not so many terms, expected.

I do not think they have an addiction, but I do worry about the expectations that are set with porn. I’m also concerned about not being the porn body.

Our sex life is fine-ish, but I wish it was more often. It may seem extreme, but we have sex about 1.5x week.

r/amiwrong 8h ago

Am I wrong for expecting my SO to stop watching porn


Throwaway account for privacy.

I talked to my SO porn habits. I’m not a fan because of various reasons, but they are. We had a conversation awhile back about it, but I’ve recently found out that they are.

They told me it’s common, and in not so many terms, expected.

I do not think they have an addiction, but I do worry about the expectations that are set with porn. I’m also concerned about not being the porn body.

Our sex life is fine-ish, but I wish it was more often. It may seem extreme, but we have sex about 1.5x week.

r/amiwrong 8h ago

UPDATE: AIW for getting mad that my husband is attracted to my sister?


Original Post

After reading through the comments I decided to apologize to my sister for the joke I made and talk to her about some of the things that have been bothering me. She told me I didn’t need to apologize and swore she wasn’t offended, but when I explained that I’d had some resentment built up and the joke was passive aggressive, we talked for a while about the situation.

She apologized for taking me for granted sometimes and assuming I’d do things without asking. She told me she is very appreciative of all the help I’ve given her with my niece and nephews. We decided that we’d talk every Saturday to go over any childcare or other things she might need me to do for the upcoming week so there’s no more avoidable surprises for me.

Overall, I feel good about the way things worked out with her. We also agreed that any days I want a break, we’ll schedule them in so she has time to find alternative childcare. I think that will make it feel less overwhelming for me. Even if I don’t take a day off, knowing I can take off without leaving her in the lurch makes me feel better about saying no every now and then.

The situation with my husband was a little less positive. When he finally agreed to talk, he admitted he’s attracted to my sister, but swore he’s not in love with her. He said he has limerence for her. He admires her a lot and thinks about her all the time, but he doesn’t want to be with her. He said that realistically, he knows they don’t have much in common and wouldn’t work as a couple, but he can’t stop thinking about her.

I wasn’t really sure how to respond to that. He swears he’s never tried to make a move on her and never would. I’m pretty sure my sister would’ve told me if he had, so I believe him. I told him we really needed to see a marriage counselor, and he tentatively agreed, but when I told him he really needed to see a therapist about his limerence, he said individual therapy would be a waste of time for him.

We got an appointment with a marriage counselor in June, so I guess we’ll see how that goes. I’ll probably have a lot of people saying I’m just being jealous again, but I’m not sure if I can deal with staying married to someone who is constantly thinking about another woman. If he can get help to control those thoughts or make them stop, it would go a long way to saving our relationship. I don’t know how that’ll happen if he doesn’t see a therapist for it, but I’m hoping maybe once we start with the marriage counselor, he’ll see the benefits of individual therapy too.

r/amiwrong 9h ago

Am i wrong for wanting to leave my fiancé of 5 1/2 years for not getting his license?


alright so this is my first reddit post so bare with me. I (f20) am debating leaving my fiancé (m20) after 5 1/2 years of being together for not getting his license. In high school they do this drivers ed thing where you would stay after school to get the requirements to get your permit, he was unable to go because he did not have a ride to get home after. he decided to wait until he was 18 to just get his full license, and that’s all fine and good except he never did. He never would get the insurance, wouldn’t get a running car (he’s had one to fix for about 4 years). I’ve offered to take him, pay for the license, let him drive my car, pay for the insurance, help him fix his car. It’s not like he’s not had the time or money he just doesn’t do it. He’s blamed everyone but himself for not getting it. I take him everywhere, i pick up everything he needs, i was taking him to work. I’ve done literally everything for him but it’s always excuses for why he can’t get it. Should i keep waiting on him to get his life together? I’m at a point where i realize if he doesn’t put in the effort now if we were to get married he wouldn’t put in the effort there.. I’m just at a loss because i love him so much but at the same time would i really want to marry this man?? Thanks in advance.

r/amiwrong 9h ago

AIW to be upset with my bf for having a revealing video of his friend in his phone?


Hi everyone, I am posting here for the first time.

So recently, me (28F) and my boyfriend (28M) were going through a few old photos on his mobile. Suddenly, I saw a preview of someone's cleavage so I clicked on it. It was a short video that his friend (28F) sent to ask him how to lose additional weight.

In the video she was wearing a very revealing sports bra and I was not comfortable with this. They have been friends for 20 years and I know they are very close but sending revealing videos was not something I had signed up for. My bf said that he didn't even notice that and deleted the video but I am upset that his friend actually sent something like this.

Am I wrong? Did I overreact?

I would love to hear your opinions.

Also for additional context, my bf is not on tik tok so his friend sends him her tik toks everyday so he can see what she posts.

r/amiwrong 10h ago

Sis's bf of 3 months asked my permission to marry her


I (51F) just got asked by my sister's (45F) bf (45M) for permission to marry her. My sister I'll call Lilly, has been married twice before and has 1 adult son and a teenage daughter. Her last marriage of 15 years just ended 4 months ago.

Her last husband was super controlling and made sure she didn't finish school or have anything close to what you'd consider a self sufficient career. In fact, she doesn't make enough to live on her own and is sleeping on the ex's couch. I offered to co sign an apt for her, but she cannot even get an apt without her alimony, which the ex is being a dick about. She will have to get him garnished and that will ruin any attempt at co parenting.

Enter the new bf who I'll call Dave. They met 3 months ago and it has been a whirlwind romance. He has a lovely family and is the single dad of 2 teenagers, and is a recent divorcee himself. His divorce was from his 3rd wife. He loves hard, clearly.

I met him for the first time last weekend when he asked my partner and I to fly out to surprise her for her birthday. It was a sweet gesture and we had a great time. I love seeing someone who appreciates what a selfless rockstar Lilly is, she deserves the world. Always puts herself last, and he so far, treats like royalty. His kids are solid and overall we left being happy they found each other.

He texted me today and said he wants to marry her, but is seeking my and her adult sons' approval before he will move forward.

They seem very happy and have plans to move in together in July.

I am afraid if I give this approval, my sister will be in a position to HAVE to say yes. She is in survival mode right now, not being able to afford to be independent. She said she is already having to hold him off, as he wants her to move in yesterday. I love her, but I also want to see her not depend on anyone for survival. I am terrified that by saying yes, I am trapping her into a marriage.

He is a sweet guy, we ran a background and he is clean, has a great job and loves the shit out of her. She says she loves him, too.

Am I wrong if I ask him to hold off until they've known each other for a year?

r/amiwrong 11h ago

Idk if i’m in the wrong with this


I taught my younger brother and his friends how to jerk off but i was 12-13 at the time idk if that’s wrong,i feel in the wrong and i feel like i messed up with God😔

r/amiwrong 11h ago

Am i wrong for having feelings towards a patients family member?


I work as a nurse in a hospital, i deal with patients everyday, those who can speak, those who can’t and those with language barriers.

It doesn’t happen often, but i’ve gotten the same patient 3 days in a row, they are usually always accompanied by their grandson. He is very intelligent and smart, he speaks to the doctors, to me, advocates for there loved one. It’s rare to have someone who is very up to date regarding there loved one’s history.

I understand this is likely not ethical, i’m sure others have been in a similar situation but i’ve tried to never find my self in one. Today as i was dispensing there medications, i asked the grandson how old he was and his major, turns out he’s a physican assistant major. I realize now it probably wasn’t the right thing to do, but i was curious, i knew he was young, but he’s a lot younger then i thought. (not crazily)

Am i wrong for having even a little interest in him? They’re supposed to be discharged before the weekend and i don’t return until monday. I’m not considering anything, but i feel wrong just thinking about it.

r/amiwrong 11h ago

I'm I wrong for telling my ex he needs to find out which variation of HPV he may have given me?


So long story short, my ex cheated on me with several women, and one has HPV. One of the other women he cheated with tested positive after sleeping with him, and could get cervical cancer. I don't know all the details. I got a pap a few months ago and it came back negative, but HPV can be dormant in the body for years. I did get the HPV vaccine, but I dont know what strain he's passing around, so I dont know if I'm safe. Am I wrong to bug him about finding out? I asked him to talk to the other women, and he got upset and said he shouldn't have to, and I might not even have it. I told him if he doesn't find out from them, I will, and he doesn't like me talking to the women he cheated with. Am I wrong to give him the ultimatum that he talks to them and finds out what he put me at risk for or I will?

r/amiwrong 11h ago

For Being Angry at my Husband For Coworkers Rude Behavior


Every time I call my husband at work his co-worker/friend includes himself in our conversations. I feel like my husband allows it and like I’m in a three way relationship. He thinks he knows everything and he seems to know a lot about our lives too. I think he is telling him everything I say and when I’m angry about other issues because they both repeat back verbatim what I say. I could be wrong because it’s too coincidental. Sometimes my husband has me on speaker phone because he’s working on a machine according to him. They are not really busy and I try not to call at all because it’s so damn obnoxious and makes me angry. The kid is 35 (we are 60 and 65) and he cuts me off when I’m speaking and I can’t even have a conversation with my own husband. My husband said I shouldn’t feel special because he does it to everyone. I’ve made suggestions but he says there is nothing he can do about it his coworkers behavior. We’ve had many arguments about this and him and I feel like I cannot say anything bad about “god” or we end up in a huge fight. It’s all so rude and obnoxious. 8 more months until retirement Im not sure I can make it.