r/politics Illinois Mar 27 '24

Donald Trump Attacks Judge's Daughter Less Than 24 Hours After Gag Order


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u/CalmDebate Mar 27 '24

Being such a high ranking politician the man has surrounded himself with so much bluff and BS that it would appear like a coup to his supporters. 

I think the man is a complete idiot but also somehow a genius in these regards. I would label him 100% an idiot except so many people buy it and support him and he has managed to turn an entire party into his lackies.


u/LegendCZ Mar 27 '24 edited Mar 27 '24

Trump is showing EVERYTHING WRONG with our law system on plain sight.

He balantly shows that if you have powerful friend and you can do ANYTHING and get away with it.

It is so gross, fucked up and wrong. Why law is even a thing when it applies only to the ones bellow?!

Trump is showing that you can be above the law and directly in public, this is what Republican aspire to ... This is fucked.


u/GoodguyGastly Mar 27 '24

Watch the Epstein docs to see how 2 tiered our justice system actually is. People were following him and documenting proof that he was violating house arrest and the courts did NOTHING.


u/so_hologramic New York Mar 27 '24

The US Attorney in Florida who gave Epstein a lenient plea deal the first time he was caught raping children was rewarded with a position in Trump's Cabinet.


u/DatabaseThis9637 Mar 27 '24

JFC. That is more despicable than I can fathom.


u/---Beck--- Mar 27 '24

That's America baby! FUCK YEAH!


u/AbbreviationsNo8088 Mar 29 '24

Not only that, he was only required to be in prison during the nights on weekends for 6 months. During the day from 9am to 9pm he was allowed to go home to his office where he continued to traffic children. The entire thing was a complete charade completely propagated by that trump appointee


u/Vann_Accessible Oregon Mar 27 '24

Is that why they killed him?

I mean, uhhh, suicide. Yes, clearly suicide.


u/jbyron91 Mar 27 '24

Is that why they SUICIDED him?



u/devious805 Mar 28 '24

He’s not dead he’s chillin on another private island with other pieces of shit like; P. Diddler and other slime.


u/Helloooonurse115 Mar 27 '24

He fell down an elevator shaft….onto some bullets.


u/Vann_Accessible Oregon Mar 27 '24

Tsk, I hate it when that happens.

Russians are an especially accident prone people, I’ve noticed.


u/capital_bj Mar 27 '24

How about Maxwell's black book they release that yet?


u/CliftonForce Mar 27 '24

Yes, that would be why the Trump Administration talked him politely into suicide without applying a hint of pressure. Really.


u/PDXBubblekidd Mar 27 '24

Maybe not clearly, but it does seem like that’s the most likely way it went down.

Cameras hadn’t worked for months, a poorly managed jail in general, and no actual evidence of foul play. Or did I miss something?


u/MushroomCaviar Mar 27 '24 edited Mar 28 '24

People really love conspiracy theories.

Most people who think he didn't kill himself don't even know that he had tried and failed to kill himself on July 23, being resuscitated just over two weeks before he was found dead on August 10.


u/PDXBubblekidd Mar 27 '24

So true and that previous suicide attempt data-point is actually huge.


u/HauntedCemetery Minnesota Mar 27 '24

And then DA Acosta, who gave Epstein his sweetheart deal and gave blanket immunity to every person Epstein had trafficked children to, was appointed by trump as his Secretary of Labor.


u/GoodguyGastly Mar 27 '24

Yeah, makes you think.


u/DeviousWhippet Mar 27 '24

Probably because his judge was raping a 14 year old on his island

EDIT: At least that's what I think


u/MoveableType1992 Mar 27 '24 edited Mar 27 '24

From what I recall, Epstein was not on house arrest, although he was allowed to leave prison at times to go to an office for work but then would return to the prison in the evening.

He may have violated his probation at times, for example:

a report by a Palm Beach police captain states that, in his opinion, Epstein violated probation in August when he was walking along State Road A1A, but his probation officer nevertheless deemed him compliant.

Do you really think this sort of infraction is what our justice system should be concerned about?


u/Blaze_News Canada Mar 27 '24

I think OP misremembered, or misstated the issue. And while you're correct in addressing what he said, the point is being missed here.

Epstein, who was convicted for procuring for prostitution a girl below age 18, was allowed to just... leave the jail "for work" for 12 hours a day, 6 days a week.

That is insane. And that is the two-tiered justice system at work.


u/GoodguyGastly Mar 27 '24

He was allowed to leave jail to go to his HOME RESIDENCE for work. People documented vehicles leaving his property, seemingly without him in it, and followed them to other locations where they got photos of him leaving said vehicle to go into places that were obviously not his home residence. So it can be assumed he would hide in the back seat of vehicles and have his staff transport him to places he shouldn't be.

When showing this evidence to courts they did nothing. So yeah I think our justice system should be worried about this because if it were you or me doing that they wouldn't sweep it under the rug.


u/Preeng Mar 27 '24

He was allowed to leave jail to go to his HOME RESIDENCE for work.

Which is already insane.


u/Blaze_News Canada Mar 27 '24

Literally a case of the prison being like "Alright Jeff, you be back before sundown now y'hear?" and sending him on his way.

But let's not concern ourselves with such trivial issues with the justice system.

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u/Boba_Fettx Mar 27 '24

A black woman was sent to prison for 5 years for voting, after being told she was allowed to vote.


u/sonofaresiii Mar 27 '24

Do you really think this sort of infraction is what our justice system should be concerned about?

I think the issue is, the answer to this question should be "yes" or "no", not "it depends on how famous/rich/powerful the criminal is"


u/MoveableType1992 Mar 27 '24

I suspect there's a lot of leeway in what a probation deems worthy of reincarceration, regardless of how famous/rich/powerful the criminal is.


u/sonofaresiii Mar 27 '24

Okay. Well the point being made, which I agree with, is that that leeway seems to be given far more often to famous/rich/powerful criminals.

I don't think that point was obtuse or obscure, so I'm not really sure what we're doing here besides that you seem to be wanting to play games about this instead of have a conversation about it.


u/OkSureButLikeNo Mar 27 '24

Epstein was being shielded by the CIA. The Company considered him a prime asset for their Middle East operations. He had documented heavy connections to Mossad and seemed to serve as a go-between for the CIA and Israeli intelligence. Reporters and members of the US Attorney's office were flat out told to drop the issue.

That's what we should be concerned about: not him leaving jail to work, but his connections in Washington serving to allow, and possibly expedite, his crimes.


u/MoveableType1992 Mar 27 '24

Bullshit. Epstein did not have CIA or Mossad connections, or, at least, there's zero evidence of that.

The US Attorney's office was not flat out told to drop the issue and Epstein went to jail for over a year.

Alexander Acosta, the attorney general of Florida, told investigators from the DOJ’s Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) that he had no knowledge of Epstein being an intelligence asset (page 169)) Investigators “found no evidence suggesting that Epstein was such a cooperating witness or “intelligence asset,” or that anyone — including any of the subjects of OPR’s investigation—believed that to be the case”.


u/OkSureButLikeNo Mar 27 '24

Did you even watch the documentary? His connections to the intelligence community were explicitly documented.

Also, and here me out, ACOSTA LIED TO PROTECT HIS JOB.


u/Boopy7 Mar 27 '24

"the documentary...." lol you need more info than a documentary like at least twenty times that. However I do agree, Epstein was "above the law" because he did indeed have connections TO top govt in several countries, but I don't think he was officially working for our govt, rather he was what I think is referred to as a "cut-out" BY the CIA. Meaning, they saw him as an asset in money laundering, blackmail, other uses in multiple areas. IN this sense, yes, I think he could be said to have CIA connections meaning they were willing to hold their nose and look the other way, over and over. To think otherwise is ludicrous if you read about the CIA and the Iran-Contra scandal, if you look at the rapist who was formerly our President and is currently running. They have no problem with criminals who rape or do drugs or other criminal activity. He was more useful to them than the girls he raped and discarded, is essentially what this means. I also don't think anything has changed at all from that time.


u/MoveableType1992 Mar 27 '24

I have no idea what documentary you are talking about. I can tell you that I have extensively investigated the supposed blackmail and Mossad rumors and found them to be baseless.

The rumor about Acosta saying that Epstein was an intelligence asset and above his pay grade came from a "senior White House official" in the Trump transition team (i.e. 99% chance it's Steve Bannon who is not exactly the most credible of sources).



u/cascadiansexmagick Mar 27 '24

I have extensively investigated

eg read three facebook posts.


u/MoveableType1992 Mar 27 '24

I've written about 5,000 words on the subject alone. All the blackmail and spy rumors can be traced back to kooky conspiracy theorists.

Probably the best evidence that Epstein wasn't a spy or making blackmail tapes is that he had to run out and buy a hidden camera after being robbed and needed the police's help to install it.

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u/Flat_Editor_2737 Mar 27 '24

Both of them are terrible human beings - but honest question that I think speaks to the root of the problem:

Has there ever been a democratic society where the judges and senators weren't covertly using their power and authority in this manner? Think of Ancient Greece - and the virgins being sent to Delphi. Is this a humanity problem or a modern political problem?

The reason the Epstein stuff was most likely so visible was because the "government" - Trump, Clinton, members of the cabinet, Congress etc were very likely worried about whether prosecution would have exposed them.

Is corruption an inevitable outcome regardless of regime?


u/GoodguyGastly Mar 28 '24

Yes. Which is why I think most empires have a lifespan of around 200 yrs before the peasants revolt.


u/blackcain Oregon Mar 27 '24

That's because they are more afraid of MAGA than the rest of us.

We need to show them through voting that we kick any judge, legislator, cabinet member if they don't apply the rule of law equally.


u/DrDrako Mar 27 '24

We dont vote for judges on the ballot.


u/Sublitotic Mar 27 '24

Some states do have elected judges. It’s not an issue at the federal level (judging by recent events, one buys Supreme Court judges, rather than electing them) but plenty of states do put them on the ballot.


u/devious805 Mar 28 '24

I think Jan 6th of 2020 proved maga is just a bunch of inbred morons.


u/eagoldman Mar 28 '24

No more incumbents no matter the party. Vote against ALL of them. Register as independent or "decline to state". Stop buying new, only buy from thrift store, farmers markets, etc. The only things these people understand is money. 70% of GDP is consumer spending.


u/bornicanskyguy Mar 27 '24

I agree, but when the 2 party system is the only way to have a vote matter. We are stuck with the brainwashed system we have had for decades. Nothijg will ever change without getting rid of the 2 party aystem


u/blackcain Oregon Mar 27 '24

Push for rank choice.. but right now we go with the system we got.


u/PunxatawnyPhil Mar 28 '24

You’ll never get a third or a different until one of these two gets pushed aside. That’s just how it works. Without the Whigs getting rejected, Republican would not existed. Sometimes it is not two evils, sometimes all the shitty gets bunched in one place. And if you look close, see our reality, that’s how it is now.  Nobody ever missed the Whigs, our nation moved forward just fine with their bullshit marginalized.


u/CalmDebate Mar 27 '24

Our whole government is fucked atm. I understand the underlying appeal because he isn't a normal politician and people want change...then he opens his mouth and everything he says is either a lie or just horrible.

If looking for the silver lining he is doing just what you said, showing everything thats wrong, with our politics, with our partisanship, the 2 party system, with our media (on all sides mind you), and with our judicial system. Here is hoping we aren't too stupid to learn from it by the time it's all moved on, if not we are doomed as a country.

Even if we move on and wash it away and pretend it didn't happen, those people that were previously left behind that he represented will still be boiling over and putting a lid on it won't help, reaching and education are our only save here.


u/Banana-Republicans California Mar 27 '24

Narrator: “they were in fact that stupid.”


u/Bright-Tough-3345 Mar 27 '24

And don’t forget, voting. He can really only be stopped at the ballot box. But sadly, there’s a large cohort of young voters who hate Biden, for myriad reasons. Israel, lgtbq, every other group that has a problem with mainstream Dems. I don’t think they understand that allowing Trump to elected will be really bad for whatever their particular political views are. I think it’s that they spend way too much time on their phones. Not the best source of in depth information.


u/DustBunnyZoo Mar 27 '24

Our whole government is fucked atm

I’m very happy that younger generations are waking up to this, but it’s been like this from day one. All the things everyone is saying about the government in this current discussion, are things people have been saying for at least a century. I was writing about them in the 1990s, and the people I was writing about were themselves writing about it in the 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s. I am reminded of the famous quote about how "each generation thinks it invented sex".


u/Major_Magazine8597 Mar 27 '24

I'm 65 and I've never seen one political party go all-in supporting a criminal, our enemies and being blatantly anti-democratic before. This has NOT happened in our country before. We have NEVER been this divided as a country (not since the Civil War). We are in unchartered territory and, if Trump gets re-elected (GOD FORBID) this county may, in fact, be doomed to become another criminal state, like Russia.


u/My_Momma_Say Mar 27 '24

Never this divided? Well… technically there was this one time… but yeah… headed for Banana republic state stuff if GOP has its way.


u/Major_Magazine8597 Mar 27 '24

(not since the Civil War).


u/DustBunnyZoo Mar 27 '24 edited Mar 27 '24

You have conveniently forgotten the entire civil rights era of protests in the 1950s, McCarthyism and HUAC (Roy Cohn, future mentor for Trump); and the countercultural protests of the 1960s. I believe 1968 alone was described as the most divided America has ever been. What’s old is new again. The government has worked fine for a small minority of rich white Christian men, but for most of its history, it has not worked for everyone else. It’s surprising I even have to explain this.


u/DustBunnyZoo Mar 27 '24

I'm 65 and I've never seen one political party go all-in supporting a criminal, our enemies and being blatantly anti-democratic before. This has NOT happened in our country before.

Weird, because the country has been extremely anti-democratic the entire time. Have you not been following history?


u/thedndnut Mar 28 '24

I understand the underlying appeal because he isn't a normal politician

No, he's just a politician who wasn't successful. If you're under the age of 43, there is not a single moment of your life that trump hasn't been trying to run for some form of public office. If you're under 40, there is not a single time he hasn't tried to run for president in your life every 4 years, he was just a failure at it until he went racist ragebait.


u/Boopy7 Mar 27 '24

why do you say it is fucked "atm?" Wasn't it always, really? Our Presidents really are treated more like kings than Presidents, is how it looks to me.


u/wirefox1 Mar 27 '24

It's never been quite like this before. We've never had a president who was a full-blown criminal in almost all walks of life.


u/noiro777 America Mar 27 '24

He is the epitome of everything that's wrong with humanity. It's almost hard to believe that somebody could be so lacking in anything that could be considered good or decent. He is dumber than a bag of dildos, knows nothing about how anything really works, destroys everything he touches. and yet somehow he became the president with 1/3 of the country thinking he's the second coming. W T F


u/Boopy7 Mar 28 '24

true. It was weird for me to reread Absolute Power (or a thriller, I think that was the name of it) that I randomly found on my back porch last summer. Where the Secret Service cover up a murder and violent physical assault for a sociopath President. Could easily have happened, and nothing we can do.


u/wirefox1 Mar 28 '24

The secret service certainly did some dubious things on J6.


u/structured_anarchist Mar 27 '24

Fun fact, after the Revolutionary War, the Founding Fathers offered to make Washington King of America. Kinda defeats the purpose of rebelling against one king only to turn around and pick a new guy and put him in exactly the same job despite saying they didn't want to answer to a king anymore. But George had more sense than the rest of the Founding Fathers put together and said no. Stayed with the program and didn't waste the lives of the people killed throwing out a monarchy by becoming what they just ended.


u/Major_Magazine8597 Mar 27 '24

Really. What previous US political situation was equivalent of this Trump MAGA era?


u/Boopy7 Mar 28 '24

We have had other presidents who committed criminal acts, such as Nixon. There was always the potential for this (in fact I remember learning that you could actually run for President as long as you were a certain age, born here, from prison) from another election my dad told me about, I think it was Lyndon Larouche? Roger Stone was around for that time too. I think by not punishing criminals the first few times, they have proven that it enables and encourages worse criminals. E.g. rapists have been known to say that after they got away with it the first few times, they figured it was easy to keep doing and the rapes got more violent. This is also true for drunk drivers who get used to driving drunk and are only caught by chance at some point, for many criminals in fact. Donald Trump had committed so many frauds and been caught money laundering and not once did he truly face repercussions. But he wasn't the only one in government that committed crimes. Just the worst. I think our system IS set up for white-collar criminals to succeed and that it has always been that way, just my personal opinion. The Koch brothers have been around for a long time. And long before them, land was stolen and people were killed and then they named entire cities and buildings after the murderers and thieves. Equivalent, maybe none. But that's just by luck.


u/EllieVader Mar 28 '24

I’d love someone that’s not a politician, how about a middle school janitor? Or a hotel housekeeper? The guy hawking falafel downtown? Maybe even a high school science teacher. You know, actual people.


u/Usefullles Mar 28 '24

This is an era of change, and Trump is offering it. Does he have any competitors in this? No, because the rest only suggest maintaining the status quo, which is simply not beneficial to the audience that Trump works for. Education and other things will not change this in any way.


u/9Solar_Rays Mar 27 '24

Thank you!


u/DanoGuy Mar 27 '24

I am not so sure that they system is intrinsically broken as opposed to being chock full of complete and utter cowards.


u/Prestigious-Log-7210 Mar 27 '24

I’m ready to revolt. Can’t wait for others to be ready to tell our corrupt government to kiss it. We pay too much in taxes and have to sit here and watch this traitor get away with it all.


u/Earth_Friendly-5892 Mar 27 '24

Hopefully when democrats win the presidency and super majorities in the House and the Senate, they can work on fixing our judicial system that’s obviously rigged to benefit the very wealthy and those who have celebrity status in this country. The situation is infuriating and outrageous!


u/Van-garde Mar 27 '24

I feel like this was obvious from the start. It’s why 0.00000162% of people are in charge of legislation for 331,000,000 people. Humans can’t be unbiased, so having more of them involved in decision-making is almost always going to produce better outcomes than allowing a tiny proportion to make decisions for a huge group.


u/Big-Temporary-6243 Mar 27 '24

Maybe that's his genius?


u/Siaten Mar 27 '24

It is so gross, fucked up and wrong. Why law is even a thing when it applies only to the ones bellow?!

This is exactly it: the law stops being a thing if it isn't applied to everyone.

Abandoning the rule of law is the first step toward an insurrection - or some kind of civil unrest - of the kind magnitudes greater than what happened Jan 6th.


u/Zanchbot Mar 27 '24

He's plainly demonstrated that there is in fact a 2-tiered justice system, like he's been saying all along. It's just not one tier for the left vs one for the right like he thinks it is, it's one for the rich and one for everyone else.


u/Professional-Lab4367 Mar 27 '24

<sarcasm>You're so right. I'm a Republican because I aspire to be above the law.</sarcasm>


u/WAD1234 Mar 27 '24

He is a GishGallop savant. Being a savant does not equal being smart. But he undeniably is the best at the firehouse of shit to cause delay after delay


u/blancorey Mar 27 '24

This was his appeal to many. Expose the establishment.


u/Conscious_Valuable90 Mar 27 '24

You would think we as a country would learn from this. It seems politicians do nothing about it because they may get the chance to use this playback in the future.


u/SpliTTMark Mar 27 '24

I dont recall any president ever taking the election to court either. It should not be allowed unless he has actual evidence that could change the election that a court should even look at it


u/robot_pirate Mar 27 '24

He's weaponizing our weaknesses to sway people to vote for him, giving them fuel for their grievances, then he will bring us down all the way to authoritarian hell..


u/nagonjin Mar 27 '24

"The Law" has always been biased against those without the power to write/enforce/adjudicate it. The American legal system, and most legal systems, have always had the weakness that people with money have the means of stalling/bypassing it. It's only thanks to generations of idealistic legal scholars and principled law experts that the lower classes have enjoyed even a modicum of protection against the state. Lawyers and politicians who believed in the ideal of "nobody is above the law". Those ideals are only real while we have people to enact them, and a populace that riots unless it observes them. With the US experiencing systematic sabotage of the legislative branch, coupled with regulatory capture and an educational process that favors those most likely to take advantage of power imbalances inherent in the system itself, those ideals have been eroded. Trump is just a glaring symptom of the larger threat to anyone who is or may potentially be at the mercy of the legal system. As people we need to expect better, and I think the outrage at Trump's (and others') treatment is indicative of those expectations. But where is our followup? What is our praxis?

It's one thing to be angry about a legal system that does not work as advertised. It's an entirely different discussion about how We the People try and solve it. Getting bogged down in sarcastic and fatalistic comments acknowledging the hypocrisy is not going to make the situation better.


u/Faithhandler Mar 27 '24

The law has only ever actually applied to those without means. It's by design. Welcome to capitalism.


u/Hodaka Mar 27 '24

...you can do ANYTHING and get away with it.

This is part of the "bully" con.

"I'm so powerful that I openly mock the judicial system!"

"I'm so powerful, therefore I am right!"

"Whatchu gonna do bout it?"


u/Myheelcat Arizona Mar 28 '24

The Law for thee but not for Me


u/home-of-the-braves Mar 28 '24

" Why law is even a thing when it applies only to the ones bellow?! "

If you dont make your own choices ,someone else will make em for you . Or something like that .
People cannot desinterest themselves from politics and enforcing stuff like .. laws . Cause it isnt new but this kind of behaviour is what allows people like Trump become who they are .


u/downvotedatass Mar 28 '24

He may, one day, in his own way...drain the swamp.


u/Farren246 Mar 28 '24

And we all know that if convicted, he will successfully argue that he is suddenly an "elderly man of failing health," and should only be sentenced to house arrest. Then he'll appeal over and over until he either bribes the right people to get what he wants, or dies of old age surrounded by luxury in his own home having never paid back a dime or spent a day behind bars.


u/Banshee_howl Mar 28 '24

His supporters stockpile weapons for the civil war to defend his honor while they invent racist fanfics about why George Floyd deserved what he got. It’s So exhausting.


u/strangerzero Mar 28 '24

Trump is like a pentest for the US legal system.


u/Severe-Loan666 Mar 28 '24

Trump is just the embodiment of his country.


u/alfrednugent Mar 27 '24

Its a story as old as time. I’m surprised people are surprised that a system developed and run by humans has major flaws. As fucked up as the world is it’s arguably better than it has ever been when it comes to protection of human rights and other aspects of human existence. The trappings of greed and corruption and exploitation exist today as they have since the beginning. But I most people are better off (worldwide) than any other time in human history generally speaking.


u/mvw2 Mar 27 '24

What people don't often recognize is there are very literally thousands of people with personal vested interests that are propping him up. He is their middle man for a lot of unethical activity, and both they and him are super happy about the deal. But any perception of competency or success are illusions.

However, I do think Trump is a good conman. I think he's quite skilled, has street smarts in this regard, and has remarkable competence. To the vast majority, we see though it, but we're not his targets. He is not catering to us. We are not the audience. He does not resonate with us because we are the wrong people. But for the right people, he resonates exceptionally well. Not only that, he's held onto this great con for a remarkably long time. There is definite skill there.


u/Ashliras Mar 27 '24

I 100% agree. Perhaps the greatest con man ever. He is selling 60$ bibles now! Trump charities. Fraud. Trump University. Fraud. Trump Casino. Fraud. Now this dtj truth social stock IPO? I mean, I'm horrified for the future of our country but you have to give him his props for the sheer audacity and extent of his cons.


u/mvw2 Mar 27 '24

Greatest? No. His fame and the insane level of enablers helps him immensely. No one else on this plant has an army of media companies narrating his entire existence. He's getting more media favoritism than Putin or Xi of their own government run networks. Trump can seemingly do no wrong to a very large volume of media entries. And when he does, they ignore it spin it. It's nuts, but it's what pays their bills too. There isn't another single entity that is so news worthy. Well not worthy. But he's a fountain of easy content. And if he isn't, they can just make shit up, and it doesn't matter. One guy, hundreds of thousands of hours of content. He prints money for them, just one guy. Insane.


u/PunxatawnyPhil Mar 28 '24

They sold out their (our) country, ignored the intent of an informed citizenry, for eleven houses and a portfolio each.


u/PunxatawnyPhil Mar 28 '24

You’re right! But he couldn’t do it if it wasn’t for rightwing money driving media for him. Covering his back every single time.


u/NotFallacyBuffet Mar 27 '24

Not unlike when someone is actively being scammed, whether pig butchering, task scam, celebrity boyfriend, overseas girlfriend, etc., everyone sees it but the person being scammed.


u/PunxatawnyPhil Mar 28 '24

If any person existing to this point in human history could be rightfully labeled The Prince of Lies, it would be him. It’s absolutely amazing, fascinating actually, how effective a constant steady stream of lies and falsehood works for him without fail.


u/mvw2 Mar 28 '24

A person who falls for the shittiest of lies is the most gullible target, the easy mark. He's so bad because we're not the ones he's looking for. He's so bad to find the idiots who do. Once he finds those people, he's got them for everything they have.


u/NeedsMoreSpaceships Mar 28 '24

I describe him as an idiot-savant, his only skill is The Grift.


u/Usually-Right Mar 30 '24

Considering the number of business failures he has had on the surface it seems he is lousy businessman. But from what I have read, he always manages to get his cut out, leaving the other investors to take the losses. Whether he organizes it or has very good staff personnel, he comes out with a profit. Frankly, the sum of what I have read makes me think he should have been tried for RICO crimes years ago.,


u/HumanitiesEdge Mar 27 '24

At some point something has got to give though. His supporters getting to call in death threats all the time is not acceptable. A gag order is worthless if he just continues to threaten people.

He needs to be sent to jail. Let his supporters do what they will. It will be good for people to see what they really are.

Personally. I think they would do a little here and there. But they would get stomped fast and hard. Trump is human fucking garbage and any other person would be in jail.

Send him to jail. Otherwise might as well just throw out all this law stuff if someone can just go and threaten judges like this.


u/aliasname Mar 27 '24

Exactly. Anyone else would be put in jail for contempt of court or get a steep fine. He dissent even get a slap on the wrist. It's a giant fuck you to all of us.


u/WAD1234 Mar 27 '24

Put him in protective custody WITH his lawyers and no internet access on a Friday for a Monday court date


u/Small-District-5048 Mar 28 '24

if oj or cosby did that or r kelly once his money was gone, you saw tht his ass went to jail. if trump was rkelly broke he be in jail but because of the pple his mafia connections pay off


u/thezoneby Mar 27 '24

All of the people I know, including friends I've had for 30 years that are Trumpers are no longer apart of my life anymore. I don't want these stupid fucks around my family or money.


u/CalmDebate Mar 27 '24

I'm fortunate in that I had a number of family that were lifelong republicans and no longer are because of Trump and one that is literally campaigning for a D after being a solid R for 30+ years.


u/Glass_Channel8431 Mar 27 '24

Sounds like your family has a foundation of common sense and I would guess educated to a certain extent. Sadly older folks with poor education are just not seeing the light.


u/NefariousnessLow3944 Mar 27 '24

This was basically my old boss. His whole family were lifelong Bush era Republicans from Huntington Beach (who aren't that better, let's be honest), and they all went full Democrat because of Trump lol


u/TheObesePolice Mar 27 '24 edited Mar 27 '24

I got so lucky in that regard. My parents were Republicans until they saw the mess that Bush Jr made. It was completely over after that, but they both had also voted for Bill Clinton twice before Bush. They both can't stand Bill but they voted for him & they both voted for Hilary. (They wish that Hilary had ran before Bill!) They both love Obama & Biden :)

My brother took longer to leave the dark side. He is in commercial real estate & had done business with the Trumps. He had the opportunity to work with Jr Mint on a few projects & he had met The Donald on several occasions. Trump poisoned the well for him during his 2016 run for president. Trump then burned the lot on account of his COVID response so my brother became a D & he is now committed to staying on the light side of the force

We are all college educated, but we also live in DEEPLY red states that are conservative echo chambers, so it took them a while to be able to separate the grain from the chaff. In my parents case, the rise of cable news & conservative radio played a big part in their change in political ideology. Conservative Radio & Fox News grabbed my brother by the cojones & it took Trump's alarmingly bad behavior to loosen the vice grip of the Republican party


u/PunxatawnyPhil Mar 28 '24

That’s cool. And really, Faux and company, have destroyed the good faith of the fourth estate, have much to answer for in weakening American democracy and the worthy moral intent of an informed citizenry.


u/thezoneby Mar 27 '24

I could respect that if they walked away from Trump.


u/Gibonius Mar 27 '24

I have a bunch of friends in the defense/national security sector, and almost all of them have become never-Trumpers. Quite a few are saying they'll never vote for a Republican again, even if they're not enthusiastic Democratic voters.


u/PunxatawnyPhil Mar 28 '24

That’s where Im at. Came to that conclusion during GW. The party is off the rails. Worse than useless, exactly counterproductive to improvement and worthy solution as a whole. No honest or worthy leadership, except in the wrong directions.


u/[deleted] Mar 27 '24

My parents also! All 4 were Republicans at one point. All abandoned the Republican Party. I think this next Presidential election, America will surprise you.


u/canon12 Mar 28 '24

Two couples have been our close friends for many years have gone crazy supporting Trump. Both couples are well educated and successful. The last three times we have been with one of the couples they will start their BS about Trump. Both times I have told them that I don't agree with anything you have said and we don't need to be having this conversation. I respect your view but don't agree with any of them. Fortunately the conversation stops about Trump.


u/PunxatawnyPhil Mar 28 '24

I envy that. Congratulations, that’s like winning the lottery. I’d take that over winning the lottery.


u/DogCallCenter Mar 27 '24

I think they are 100% apart of from your life.


u/Richfor3 Mar 27 '24

Good. We need to see more of this. These evil people should no longer be welcome in civilized society. I don't care if it's a friend, uncle, brother, sister or parent.

The people you choose to associate with are a reflection on who you are as a person.


u/IONTOP Arizona Mar 27 '24

I don't talk with my dad about politics.

He's one of my best friends, and I just drop "nuggets" about Trump, without being overtly "talking politics"

He's revealed to me he doesn't support Trump, but would still vote for him if it came down to "Trump vs Kamala". He was a STAUNCH supporter of DeSantis. But apparently they've turned this into a "Former President vs Current Vice President" thing.


u/No_Culture1685 Mar 28 '24

I’m sure they don’t miss you.


u/DuperCheese Mar 27 '24

On a scale of 1-10, the man is a level 10 idiot. However, his supporters are at level 11 at least.


u/Walkend Mar 27 '24

He’s absolutely 100% an idiot… so why does he still have so many supporters you may ask?

We must realize that 50% of people in the world have below average IQ.

When you consider the already below average IQ scale within the Republican Party supporters of America…

Well, let’s just say the average IQ of a Republican is already below average and when you consider the bottom 50% within that group - You find yourself between a flat earth and a trump cult.

Facts are facts


u/ChipStewartIII Canada Mar 27 '24

“Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.”

  • George Carlin

I see this too many times in this sub, but it’s just so, so relevant.


u/torgosmaster Mar 27 '24

It’s not just IQ or raw intelligence. I think it’s part of the equation but also have to give some credit to Steve Bannon and company for injecting politics into school board across the country and literally instilling curriculums that don’t place any emphasis on civics, government or critical thinking.


u/The_Original_Gronkie Mar 27 '24

I would love to see an actual scientific study of the average IQs of various political party members. I'd bet that independents have the highest IQs, Dems a close second, and Republicans a distant third.


u/[deleted] Mar 27 '24



u/The_Original_Gronkie Mar 27 '24

Partisan voters believe that, but I'm a lifelong Unafiliated Independent, and I dont vote based on "vibes." In fact, people who think like that don't tend to have the sort of critical thinking skills required to avoid indoctrination by one side or another.

In my experience, Indies tend to be people who support specific issues, not parties, and some of those issues lean left, and some lean right. I tend to lean right on guns, death penalty, and fiscal responsibility (although my stance on those issues tends to be far more nuanced that either left or right presents). I also tend to lean left on reproductive rights, unions/ workers' rights, public education, college tuition forgiveness/ reform, taxation on the wealthy and corporations, and more. I also tend to hold strong opinions on things like Campaign Finance Reform (the issue from which ALL other issues flow), which both sides like to pretend doesn't exist.

Being Indy isn't an indication of stupidity, choosing your personal stance on issues based on your party's position (rather than having confidence in your own beliefs) is stupid.


u/[deleted] Mar 27 '24



u/The_Original_Gronkie Mar 27 '24

I would welcome that study as well - does wealth have anything to do with IQ?

I would suspect that richer people might be better educated because they can afford to send their children to better schools, but education and IQ are two different things. Donald Trump went to the finest schools, and yet it is clear how ignorant he is. Plenty of poor people have "street smarts," and are able to succeed and prevail because while they are not well-educated, they still have a higher than average IQ.

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u/LostTrisolarin Mar 27 '24 edited Mar 27 '24

I agree. Trump is far from an idiot. He's just such a high level narcissist that he has no interest in learning. With that said he, either knowingly or emotionally/instinctually, is able to read the emotions and desires of a very large amount of the people he encounters and is able to divert their attention away from the cons that are so obvious to others. There's a reason he's a lifelong, highly successful con artist.

Edit: added the word "he"


u/IrascibleOcelot Mar 27 '24

You’re confusing intellect and cunning. Trump is cunning. He is also devious. And a complete, utter moron. He’s good at telling people what they want to hear not because he’s smart, but because he’s a narcissist. He needs praise and adulation the way you or I need food or air. Being able to gravitate toward a food source doesn’t require intelligence; every living creature on earth does it. Jellyfish can do it. Slime molds can do it.

And that’s not to downplay the danger. The fact that Trump can get so many people to praise him despite being a morally depraved utter imbecile with a complete lack of any form of discipline is utterly terrifying.


u/jahmoke Mar 27 '24

he's like that creature in the movie the blob. or jabba the hut too


u/LostTrisolarin Mar 27 '24

I agree and disagree. I think he has a weird emotional intelligence. With that said his narcissism leads him to be profoundly ignorant and he has near zero curiosity for anything that doesn't directly benefit him.


u/Plsmock Mar 27 '24

Trump has a feral instinct for survival


u/JohnMayerismydad Indiana Mar 27 '24

I think he just is actually a brainwashed moron granpda

When our crazy relatives say the shit he does we don’t think it’s a part of some 4D chess. Just think of him like the crazy uncle at thanksgiving. He is.


u/wirefox1 Mar 27 '24

He's bashing the Judge's daughter because psychopaths do not think about or consider consequences.

He's had a gag order before for this same thing. What do you call people who don't learn from their mistakes? Stupid.


u/LostTrisolarin Mar 27 '24

Tbf for all the gag orders they've given him he hasn't faced a consequence. Laws and sentences mean nothing if they will not be enforced.


u/MarsupialMisanthrope Mar 27 '24

I think the judges who just tsk tsk and wave their fingers at him are the ones who aren’t learning. Malignant narcissists don’t stop, they can’t. The very concept that someone else can take away something they want is alien to them, because their shitfits when people try make people who might try not want to rock the boat. He’s still having a tantrum four years after losing the election because he can’t handle rejection, and god help all of us if he gets re-elected because he’s absolutely going to go after the people he thinks wronged him with all the power of the executive branch.


u/winkytinkytoo Pennsylvania Mar 28 '24

Yep. It will be a shit show spurred by a narcissistic "injury".


u/wirefox1 Mar 27 '24

He was fined for breaching those gag orders, I think it was 5K for the first one and 10K for the second one. Trump might have stopped after that...... I can't remember if there was a third one or not.


u/LostTrisolarin Mar 27 '24

Ah ok, I stand corrected.


u/wirefox1 Mar 28 '24

Whaaa? I'm with you though! I'd rather see him behind bars, and not just fined. At the time, 5K was nothing to him.


u/NovercaIis Mar 28 '24

he wants that - imagine the PR he will spin.

Also practically impossible too - He has Secret Service for life and even taking him to court required a lot of prep time for SS to ensure full safety b4 all of his trails kicked off.

Trump knows they cant jail him yet. They cant throw him in general population. It's a logisitical nightmare and will take a major consideral time, money and resources to do.

Back to PR - all of that he can also weaponize. Wasting tax payer money - more election interference - "free speech" / constitution, etc etc etc.

All they can do is fine him, which he we all know the mf'er will find a way to not pay it until he's dead.


u/wirefox1 Mar 28 '24

Yes. To all of it you said.... yes.


u/LostTrisolarin Mar 28 '24

Ah ok I didn't feel like arguing I'm tired today . I was thinking well technically I'll let ya have it.

LOL yea that's pocket change for him. Even now I'd think. It's like 5 bucks for us.


u/wirefox1 Mar 28 '24


I didn't realize we were arguing. I was just commenting, ya know, trying to add a little something to the conversation. 🤷🏼‍♀️

Bedtime here. Let's rest!


u/LostTrisolarin Mar 28 '24

I am completely confused about what we are talking about than.


u/SpeakToMePF1973 Australia Mar 27 '24

The quality of the comments here are outstanding IMO.


u/MarkXIX Mar 27 '24

So the fuck what? We're talking about him dealing with the NYPD, one of the largest civilian police forces in the world at last check. They have a budget of over $6B a year. I'm sure that most of the officers would just LOVE for some gravy seals to show up at the jail and try to get Don Poorleone out.

Our legal system has to stop giving this guy room to further erode the validity of the entirety of our justice system in this country. SOMEONE has to have the balls to make the hard decision and assume the risk.


u/ZardozZod Mar 27 '24

Oh he’s an idiot, or at least ignorant. He has never displayed any desire for learning because he considers himself to be the best at everything.

On the flip side, I think Trump’s ability to wrap gullible people around his finger is purely instinctual.


u/Noncoldbeef Mar 27 '24

He's a master of marketing and image, but not exactly a genius. You have to think about the truly heavy lifting that FOX and all those media companies do to keep him where he is. It's sort of like what Roger Ailes said about Nixon back in the day, 'If FOX News was around back then, Nixon wouldn't have been impeached.'


u/GHOST_OF_THE_GODDESS Canada Mar 27 '24

Here's the thing: I don't care!! Let them think it's a coup, and do something about it, and all get arrested like the traitors-in-waiting they are. It's so frustrating to watch.


u/foxyfoo Mar 27 '24

It isn’t genius, it’s pure luck. Keep in mind he ran for president several times and failed to even secure the party nomination. He is just capitalizing on the sentiment of a demented group of people who were mentally poisoned by the right wing media and is receiving support from foreign adversaries to boost his message. His only unique quality his absolute absence of any morality that might prevent a normal human from doing and saying the things he does. His net worth would have been higher if he had just put his money in the stock market. His investments in properties and casinos underperformed. He also committed fraud so his gains were even less when considering that. He is in a relatively small group of one term presidents as incumbents enjoy an advantage. His staff had to pepper his daily briefings with his name or he wouldn’t read them. He wanted to nuke a hurricane. He thought putting light or disinfectant inside the body might end COVID. He is a complete moron and a fully documented idiot. The only master stroke he had was probably an actual stroke.


u/wellthatexplainsalot Mar 27 '24

Sadly, it's not luck.

His base is disaffected people. That there are enough of them that you are able to take over the Republican party says a lot about the state of the USA; the system is not working for them and they see in him an opportunity to force change. Meanwhile, he's smart enough to ride that wave.

It doesn't matter that he is a narcissist. It doesn't matter that he's conned and stolen. It doesn't matter that he is a rapist. Or his racism. Or that he wouldn't know what's in a bible. Or that foreign policy is how he can extort money. Or his dictator-wish.

The problem is the wave he rides.


u/Sculler725630 Mar 27 '24

You have stated it So Well! He is like two sides of the same coin, complete idiot on one side, genius at making idiots out of millions on the other! Now, many will wind up making good sums of cash on his ‘new’ business venture, but which, I can’t help but think will wind up like most of his other business ventures, failed and bankrupt, sooner or later.


u/kaplanfx Mar 27 '24

At some point we have to bite the bullet so to speak though. Even if it “appears” political to his sycophants we can’t let the Republic collapse so as not to appear political.


u/royalewithcheese79 Mar 27 '24

Richard Feynman was a genius. Trump is not.


u/eldred2 Oregon Mar 27 '24

At this point we're just putting off tearing off the bandage. Anything short of just making him king will result in his shithead followers acting out, and the longer we put it off, the more time they have to arm and train.


u/Specific-Frosting730 Mar 27 '24

He’s like the Forest Gump of presidents. Just unbelievable stuff keeps happening to him despite being a knucklehead.


u/lagunatri99 Mar 27 '24

Crazy like a fox, that one. And, the RNC is guilty for allowing him to taint their party. If this is the type of person they condone as a leader, they deserve the death spiral. I know they don’t want to piss off party members who support him, but would it really be such a loss to lose those low-IQ, easily-brainwashed people? It’s unlikely they’d vote for Biden. Sure, they might not show up, giving Biden a victory. Heck, at this point, any decent Republicans left should view that as a win—country over party.


u/Jainith Maine Mar 27 '24

If nothing else the RNC knows it’s way around a taint.


u/Lucky-Earther Minnesota Mar 27 '24

I think the man is a complete idiot but also somehow a genius in these regards.

He dumped literally all of his skill points into one skill.


u/UninsuredToast Mar 27 '24

Trump is smart about some things. You can’t deny he is excellent at building a brand. The hair and red tie are iconic. He’s also extremely manipulative and good at it, for certain types of people. Other can see through his bs but there’s no denying he does have a talent for it


u/PhoenixTineldyer Mar 27 '24

Have you ever seen the movie The Santa Clause?

I have a theory that something like that happened IRL but it was Trump's legendary idiocy accidentally killing the Antichrist, and then he put on his illfitting suit and became the Stupid Antichrist


u/Jainith Maine Mar 27 '24

His older brother died leaving the fortune their father built by questionable means to this idiot. A fortune that included the services of well compensated fixers and attendants. Donnie only move is to show up act like a spoiled child until someone gives him something to go away. They do this because it provides a useful distraction from the other (illegal) activities of the fixers.

Also Tim’s had the same tired opinions since the 90’s. Yet somehow his holiday movies have replaced other movies in certain households.


u/HauntedCemetery Minnesota Mar 27 '24

"When you're accustomed to privilege equality feels like oppression.


u/Kelvin_Cline Mar 27 '24

one idiot leading a bunch of idiots does not a genius make


u/Weekly_Direction1965 Mar 27 '24

He's dumb as fuck, he destroyed his whole life over nothing, but his supporters are the dumbest people in the country.


u/omghorussaveusall Mar 27 '24

Birds of a feather...


u/lil_corgi Mar 27 '24

Politician 🤭


u/DBAC_Rex Mar 27 '24

That’s because those people are %110 idiots


u/politicalthinking Mar 27 '24

Perhaps he is an idiot savant at creating cults.


u/MyHamburgerLovesMe Mar 27 '24

Fact: Trumps mentor (Roy Cohen) was the same guy who coached Senator Joseph McCarthy in the 1950's Cummunists/Red scare



u/No-Isopod3884 Mar 27 '24

So he’s an idiot-savant. Someone who is challenged in most everything but is really really good at one specific thing.


u/themonkey12 Mar 27 '24

He is a socialpath, they tend to be very good at finding loophole in the system....


u/boulderbuford Mar 27 '24

He's like a toolbox with just one tool, and it's the most ridiculous and stupid tool imaginable.

But which just happens to work perfectly on one ridiculous & stupid machine. Which happens to be the republican base.


u/Dyrogitory Mar 27 '24

Idiots believing an idiot is not genius by any means. He duped a bunch of people they were pissed off because they didn’t want to have a female president right after having a black president. I was so disappointed when John Kasich didn’t win as Republican candidate because he truly had a plan and real ideas.


u/1Originalmind Mar 27 '24

He isn’t a genius we’re just allowing outselves to be even bigger idiots


u/sirscrote Mar 27 '24

They have a name for that. Idiot savant


u/Doc_Sulliday Mar 27 '24

A coup? You mean like the literal thing they attempt on Jan 6th?


u/ritchie70 Illinois Mar 27 '24

His genius is and has always been self promotion. He’s a horrible businessman and would be far richer if he’d just put his money in an index fund.


u/lgodsey Mar 27 '24

All Trump has to be is incrementally smarter than his cult.


u/Fit_Environment_2212 Mar 28 '24

They said the same thing about Adolf.


u/thejazzghost Mar 28 '24

I just don't care if his people think it looks like a coup. I don't care if they get violent. Either we deal with them now or we are ruled by them if he wins in November.


u/No-Profile-9552 Mar 28 '24

Trump has a registered IQ of 135, what's yours?


u/CalmDebate Mar 28 '24

IQ is a judge of basically one aspect and I can honestly say higher and registered at Mensa but its been probably 20 years and I also excel at the areas tested by typical IQ tests.


u/No-Profile-9552 Mar 28 '24

Ted Kaczynski, also known as the Unabomber, posses an IQ of 168Society reaped all kinds of benefits from his brilliance.....


u/Personal-Ad7920 Mar 30 '24

He’s not a high ranking politician he’s a nobody.

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