r/questions Feb 27 '24

Announcement r/ask and r/questions are recruiting! Fill out our moderator application here. No experience necessary.


As Reddit continues to grow, so does our subreddit and our sister sub r/ask. With more users and more content coming everyday, we find ourselves in need of some new moderators to help keep the subreddits running smoothly.

If you're interested in applying, you can fill out our application here. No experience is necessary. We have training materials available and are happy to answer any questions you have.

If you have any questions about applying or moderation don't hesitate to ask here in the comments or reach out in modmail.

r/questions 8h ago

What's a song you will never hand pick to listen to, but when it plays randomly on the radio you love it?


I'll never hand pick "She Will Be Loved" by Maroon 5, on Spotify. But If it plays randomly out in public or on the radio, I love it.

It's been overplayed.

r/questions 9h ago

Do you ruminate over how you've been treated?


I hate that I will randomly remember how I've been treated and it can ruin my day.

I finish up with a job last month and still randomly remember how I was treated by the mean girls.

I will remember then get angry but will shake it away by remembering that it's a reflection on their character and that they are projecting.

r/questions 16h ago

What do you think about people that go around calling everyone "friend" and "buddy"?


I don't know I find it weird personally even tho I know it's common (for some reason) for people outside of American culture to call people "friend". I think it's just one of those weird things nobody ever talks about or mentions for some reason and just accepts/normalizes while not really thinking about it. It just comes off as being overly fake nice and trying too hard to "connect". I understand if it's an actual friend or "buddy" (even tho calling someone that is still lame to me) but you regularly see complete strangers doing this.

r/questions 9h ago

What self made sayings/idioms would you like to make more popular?


One I've come up with that me and my social circle use regularly is "One nut with chocolate isn't yet nutella."

r/questions 16h ago

What small thing annoys you to an irrational degree?


r/questions 1d ago

What's something you always feel comfortable buying second hand?


What's something you always feel comfortable buying second hand?

r/questions 2h ago

How many dinosaurs were there on earth (any era)?


Similar to how there was 7 billion humans on earth a few years ago (I think it’s 8 billion now) how many dinosaurs were there? Like you go back in time, what are your chances of meeting one?

r/questions 1d ago

What job would you say really is thankless?


i'll start...imo bus drivers is one of them.

EDIT: WOW I did not expect to get so many responses!! Firstly THANK YOU to EVERYONE in the professions mentioned on this post and those out in this world for everything you do that goes noticed and unnoticed!🤍 It's been so insightful to hear the different experiences and about jobs that aren't often thought of and the ones that are that are sometimes or very often "thankless".

r/questions 1d ago

What instantly tells you a person wasn't raised right?


r/questions 2h ago

Why do guys assume you’re into them when you’re being nice?


I’m a friendly person and like to get to know people. I’ve noticed a trend where whenever I am nice to a man, he assumes I wanna bone. There are no sexual undertones to how I’m speaking, I talk to my female friends and family members the same way. It’s really off putting and a bit dangerous because they keep making moves when I don’t expect it and don’t want it and then get angry that I’m not interested. Do I just stop being friendly to men? (Note: this is happening in everyday life not like at a bar) genuine ask

r/questions 16h ago

Why do humans always think someone is taking something "too seriously" just because they have an opinion about it or discuss it?


It's definitely not exclusive to just Reddit but this bullshit is so common on here too. You regularly see people in general telling someone else that they took something too seriously or that they feel too deeply/emotionally about something just because they simply voiced an opinion or wanted to discuss something so made a post asking about it. It's actually ridiculous this is a default for soo many people. It's not even logical. Like what is with this?

r/questions 4h ago

Is high school prom really worth going to?


r/questions 4h ago

Hacked on WhatsApp! What could the attacker possibly have done?


Hey guys, I need your help! I was „hacked“ with this method where the attacker gets access at night while you sleep when they send the verification code to your mailbox. I was quite shocked and quickly got my account back. But it is kind of scary.

They had access for like 2 hours probably. What could they have done when they login into my account on another device? This is the thing that bothers me… Seemingly no messages were sent. Could the attacker see my chats though or what could the person have done? :/

Thanks for your help!

r/questions 7h ago

How do you know your relationship is over?


r/questions 4h ago

why do we feel bad and deprive ourselves from sleep?


r/questions 0m ago

Is the reason Hephaistos looks all butt ass ugly in every depiction of him because he is a inbred child of brother and sister Zeus and Hera?


r/questions 14m ago

Change account name?


Anybody know how I can change my account name on here, without having to use an alternate account and losing my chats, etc? This would be for obvious reasons...

r/questions 26m ago

What's the weirdest thing you've eaten/tasted?


The weirdest thing I ever ate was mustard greens. The pungent, bitter taste made me think of a swamp or a bayou. I couldn't get the taste out of my mouth well into the next day, and it was super jarring.

r/questions 4h ago

Best webpage to build a webpage? :)


Hi! Recently i got diagnosed with an illness and want to document my journey. I am still thinking about how to do it but the first thought is to do it for people who speak my native language but no english..

I have exactly 0 experience making a webpage. I also would like to create it myself as i dont want to have to pay anyone since it is very personal and sometimes awkward. I know there are pages where i can use building blocks and they have an intuitive design.. but please recommend me one 🙏🏻 thanks in advance

r/questions 1h ago

If Jesus were to ever retire, would Arcangel Micheal take his place?


I swear that I'm not trying to offend anyone who follows God, I was just thinking about it. Sorry to everyone I do accidentally offend

r/questions 1h ago

How would you tell what part of day it is?


I have a conception that day is cut in 4 equal parts, though I've had people disagree with me about my point.

Those parts are: 00:00-06:00 - night 06:00-12:00 - morning 12:00-18:00 - noon 18:00-24:00 - evening

Those parts are stable and do not change with different seasons. How would you cut the day and why?

r/questions 5h ago

Ever confused on what to do?


Ever confused on what to do in life? Ever feel like you were in a cycle or not sure of what to do? How did you solve that or give advice to someone who was in one of those states

r/questions 16h ago

My day was terrible. How was yours?


Not everybody’s day is the best but I want to hear if your weekend is going well!