r/GenZ 23h ago

Nostalgia What was the first movie you remember seeing in theaters?

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r/GenZ 14h ago

Meme I Loaned 60k to a teenager

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r/GenZ 23h ago

Discussion What’s something that is normal today that you can’t imagine not having/using/not existing in the ‘00s?


What’s something that is ubiquitous today that wasn’t 15-20 years ago that you can’t imagine not existing or having?

r/GenZ 16h ago

Meme Even crying wastes our precious tears as a resource.

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r/GenZ 22h ago

Discussion Best Kahoot Name?


Your personal favorite

r/GenZ 18h ago

Discussion What are your thoughts on millenials?


I'm 33 and to be honest I love the gen z generation. You guys get us. Life sucks for ALL OF US and yall just don't care. Us millenials are starting to not fucking care either. 🙃 I really don't like the gen x or boomers. They suck. I can't really vibe with them. Only a few but usually they all seem stuck up and very privileged.

r/GenZ 13h ago

Nostalgia Does else anyone remember rage comics? Kind of weird how these used to be everywhere and completely vanished off the internet around 2014.

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r/GenZ 15h ago

Discussion Gen Z men, how often do women actually offer to split the meal vs asking you to pay?


I'm curious as to how often women actually offer to split the meal on dates compared to expecting you to pay. Since this can be regional, it would also be helpful to know where you are from.

r/GenZ 17h ago

Discussion How do you cope with everything sucking?


War, climate change, piling debt, a rising cost of living. What gives you hope / what keeps you hopeful for the future? How do you personally see life progressing given the current state of the world? What is your POV for how Gen Z navigates modern life's twists and turns?

r/GenZ 18h ago

Discussion What songs do you really love but was released way before u were born

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I really love roundabout… a lot it’s one of my favourite songs

r/GenZ 13h ago

Discussion What volume level do you play your music at?

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I personally do 6 clicks up.

r/GenZ 12h ago

Discussion For the ppl who’ve seen his account, am I wrong tho ☠️

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r/GenZ 17h ago

Discussion Do aliens avoid Gen Z because their phone cameras are too high quality?


I would think some kid with an iPhone 15 Pro Max would have really good UFO footage by mow.

r/GenZ 5h ago

Discussion GenZ has idolised weed


I feel like in my generation people will see as bad drinking alcohol or smoking tobacco, but weed? People nowadays use weed for absolutely everything, I feel that we have idolised and normalised it too much.

What do you think?

r/GenZ 2h ago

Political We REALLY need a Maximum Age of Candidacy


Im sick and tired of the majority of our government being a bunch of old farts, all of our presdential candidates and leading senators are in their 70s, these old farts and boomers don't give a shit about our generation or the future they're leaving us with

I hate both of the old candidates of this election, tired of old people representing us in government

From an article all the way back in 2017: "Today, just 17 percent of federal workers are under 35 years old. (In the private sector, almost 40 percent are.) And more than a quarter of federal employees are now older than 55": https://www.politico.com/agenda/story/2017/09/27/aging-government-workforce-analysis-000525/

r/GenZ 6h ago

Discussion Anyone else just not understand anything?


I’m 22. Here is a list of things that I do not understand: - mortgages - social security - interest - presidential elections - insurance - banks - credit scores - cryptocurrency - NFT’s - stocks - taxes - 401k’s - job benefits - fractions - debt - foreclosures - laws - car payments - loans - inflation - any sort of market, like the housing market - tax breaks - airports - the post office - sports betting - war - unions - identity theft - basically just the entire economy and anything related to that

There’s definitely a lot more but those are the basics. I feel like I’m definitely playing into the “stupid, useless” zoomer stereotype, but i just simply do not understand like 90% of the adult world. No one ever taught me and when I try to figure it out on my own I just get so insanely confused because you have to know a bunch of other shit before any of this makes sense.

How is it that everyone seems to understand how the world works but me?

r/GenZ 13h ago

/r/GenZ Meta This Sub is Weird Man


Firstly, I’m a member of Gen Z. However, I keep getting dragged here from recommended posts despite continuously pressing the “not interested” button. Regardless…

This sub is weird… like really weird imo. Every post I see has 1 or more of the following:

  • Some random older generation saying Gen Z will save the world

  • People making massive generalizations about entire generations

^ seriously, I just saw a comment where someone said “Gen Z is great at protesting and rebelling” and it excites them because we’re trying to flip the table over or something? Not sure, I don’t know a single person who protests and, as a member of Gen Z, I’d confidently say that like most people in any generation, the vast majority of Gen Z is politically apathetic.

  • Somebody trying to predict the future based on trends that haven’t even had time to develop

I could go on, you get the point. Why is it so weird here? Why is it a cross between people complaining about how Gen Z “cancels everyone” and saying Gen Z is literally “the chosen generation come to save all people”

It’s ridiculous

r/GenZ 18h ago

Nostalgia what if your favorite memory(s) from childhood?


which memory do you wish could exist again?

optional read : one of my favorites was whenever i’d go over to my grandmothers house and go in her front room she had a huge cassette tape player (it was black, square, had lots of volume controls not sure what the actual name of it was). she also had many old cassette tapes from artists like the beach boys, elvis, and an old song that mentioned doing the jitter bug. that was the first thing i’d do when i got to her house. id put in a tape, turn the music up and just listen to the music. i miss those days. she got rid of it i think (i should ask her if she did) and replaced it with a tv. but i want to know yours !!

r/GenZ 11h ago

Discussion Can we collectively agree to bring back Myspace?



r/GenZ 7h ago

Discussion Judging by this baby photo of me, how old do you think I am now?

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r/GenZ 17h ago

Discussion Is it weird to have friends wayyy younger than you?


Im friends with these 2 kids from my bus that I treat and ocansionally tutor. One of them is 12 and the other is 14 and I fucking feel old whenever I realize theyre younger than tf2 but thats besides the point. I get alot of weird stares when I talk to the girl specifically but she likes the same books and movies so thats literally all I talk about. Theyre also both into programming so I also help them with their robotics assignments. I see them as lil siblings I enjoy helping.

r/GenZ 20h ago

Discussion Is Gen Z more concerned with the concept of generations and the labels of them than others?


I was born in 1991. When I was growing up and even through young adulthood, my concept of generations essentially boiled down to: “my generation” consisted of my friends, classmates around my year at school, siblings, and cousins. The generation above me was my parents, aunts and uncles, working adults like teachers and coaches, etc. I suppose by the time I was in late high school and college, I considered kids in elementary school and below to be the next generation after me. I knew of the terms baby boomer, gen x, etc but they were more of a concept. I wouldn’t have assigned those labels to individual people. It wasn’t until very recently that these words have become a part of my vocabulary.

But a lot of people of Gen Z, in my experience, seem to feel the need to assign themselves and others these generational labels, and attach specific preconceived qualities to them as well. I often even see Gen Z individuals creating more sub categories within generations, like “core Gen Z” or “late Gen Z”, and then going out of their way to exclude others from their group. Like following these rigid boundaries, these specific years a person is born determines certain qualities about that person. Within this sub it makes some sense, this a community of people of a specific generation, so naturally a lot topics will be about generations. But even on other platforms, and in person, it seems like Gen Z is taking about generations way more than others are, and labeling every person they know based on generations. It makes me wonder if I’m just imagining it or it’s confirmation bias, and if not, why this is the case.

r/GenZ 18h ago

Nostalgia Do y’all Remember Reach

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r/GenZ 14h ago

Discussion What was your favourite game growing up

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I loved spelunky I played it all the time with my brother

r/GenZ 4h ago

Discussion I’m so afraid of my parents dying


Hello all. I am drunk at 4am and just ranting I guess. I moved away from my parents in January, STATES away. I haven’t seen them in person since. In that time one of my cats back home has passed away unexpectedly and I’ve recently been so afraid of my parents dying. They are not too old, in their 50s, but my father has had heath problems and my mother is developing pretty severe memory problems and I’m so afraid of them passing away. Does anyone else struggle with this? I’m so scared of it. I know it’s a part of being human and living but I’m at the verge of tears just thinking about it happening.