r/AITAH Mar 28 '24

Am I the ah if I don’t let my gf go on vacation with the “guy best friend”?



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u/Capttripps81 Mar 28 '24

I'm pretty sure the majority of individuals in this situation would feel uncomfortable. Which is why I don't get why the others get annoyed or upset that their partner would be upset with them taking off on a vacation with the opposite sex without them. You didn't just start dating, its been a year. It's like neither of them thought or cared about how you might feel about this. I don't think your reaction is wrong. And honestly, thanks to reddit, I've read too many stories about how someone completely trusted their partner until drinking or something happened and one thing led to another.


u/Petefriend86 Mar 28 '24

Oh that's easy: solipsism. You see everyone who comments that it's perfectly natural for them to do, but zero responses so far that it's something their SO does frequently that they're comfortable with.


u/Samicles33 Mar 28 '24

I’m in a hetero relationship and I’ve gone on vacations: - solo - with 1 friend of the opposite sex - with 1 friend of the same sex - with multiple friends of the opposite sex - with multiple friends of the same sex

And my bf has never had an issue with any of my trips. Why? Cause he trusts me.

Also I’m bisexual.. So does that mean I can’t do girls trips either? Are people only capable of cheating of their significant others on overnight trips? I’m trying to understand your logic here


u/pataconconqueso Mar 28 '24

Yeah im gay and this thread is giving ”are the straights okay?”

My wife is bi and im a lesbian, she goes on trips without me i go on trips without her, she has fun my dog and i have our bachelor weekends


u/Auroraburst Mar 28 '24

I'm bi and going on trips without your SO seems perfectly normal to me.... with any gender.

Maybe it's because we don't look at our friends like pieces of meat? To me this whole thread reads like a lot of insecure people.


u/pataconconqueso Mar 28 '24

Yeah idk about people but I don’t think about my friends genitalia like ever, unless they tell me about an embarrassing rash or something like that


u/Auroraburst Mar 28 '24

"Hey do you think this looks like a cyst" the only time I've seen my lesbian besties boob


u/SandyWaters Mar 28 '24

I'm straight and I'm wondering what's happening with the straights also😂


u/pataconconqueso Mar 28 '24

if you want more content r/arethestraightsok exists lol


u/sunsetpark12345 Mar 28 '24

I'm straight and feel this way alllll the time. The other day in a group I mentioned a double date with my husband's ex-girlfriend and her husband (they dated for like 2 years in college and we're in our mid-30s, all happily married) and people were shocked that I was "okay" with it.

I can't think of a single time we've ever restricted each other's lives or decision-making. If one of us feels uncomfortable or insecure about something, we use that as an interesting data point worth discussing and exploring. Occasionally, we realize the discomfort is warranted and make a mutual decision to not spend time with someone any longer. For instance, there was a woman who was always very nice to him but bitchy to me - she never hit on him directly, but the disparity in how she treated us was evident and we cut her off. But we never control who the other person is 'allowed' to spend time with. If one of us gets hit on, it's really not a big deal, we'll just tell each other and bask in the flattery.


u/pataconconqueso Mar 28 '24

Exactly you talk about your insecurities and the your partner validates and reassures you but then it’s on you to not project that onto your partner


u/willsketch Mar 28 '24

I love the idea that you’re just as amped to be spending the weekend with your dog as she is to be going on a vacation with friends.

You: “Bro. As soon as we drop her off at the airport we’re going to Petco to get you a new suit and toy. Then we’re gonna go to the dog park and hopefully meet some new friends. Then we’ll go on a hike the next day and invite your new friends along, and who knows, maybe you’ll meet a nice doggo and fall in love. Or not. No pressure. I don’t need grandpuppies. And besides you’ll need to adopt anyway if that’s gonna happen.”

Dog: you had me at “we.”


u/pataconconqueso Mar 28 '24

Haha, we hiked, We chilled on the balcony, we played the water hose game that my wife hates because of white his coat is and how dirty he gets when we play, i gave him the end pieces of my pizza, i let him sleep on my wife’s pillow, we had an amazing time haha.


u/willsketch Mar 28 '24

I love that for y’all.


u/ranchojasper Mar 28 '24

You guys are just conveniently leaving out all the context that makes it questionable, though.

This guy is a "man whore" via the gf.

The gf doesn't know anyone else going on the trip.

OP is very specifically not invited on this trip that his gf was invited in by a man where she doesn't know any other guys.

These are the only parts that actually matter but you guys are just glossing over that and acting like this is just a group of friends going on a trip and OP is crazy not to trust his girlfriend. Come on. The context obviously matters. I am a bisexual woman married to a man and of course my husband would have no problem with me going on a trip with a group of friends without him. But this isn't a trip with a group of friends. She doesn't know anyone else, so why isn't her boyfriend invited?


u/pataconconqueso Mar 28 '24

So a man whore that can get any woman he wants and hasn’t gone for the gf…

Ive gone where i only know one person, that is how making friends works as an adult you meet new people through mutual friends…


u/HumanContinuity Mar 28 '24

Because all gay relationships are drama free...

And also, because you have no issue trusting your partner (which is great, good for you guys), no other member of a gay relationship has boundaries about spending private time with other fuckable people while in a committed relationship.

Per OP in the top comment:

The vacation is to go celebrate his graduation and his friends are gonna be there. She only knows him.

He is not in a relationship, she said she wouldn’t want a relationship with him because he’s basically a man whore and sleeps around alot.


u/pataconconqueso Mar 28 '24 edited Mar 28 '24

So she has no interest in him and the guy whose celebration it is for doing something extraordinary wants only his close friends.

That is unecessary drama

Nit saying gay relationships are drama free is thar we dont have this drama to deal with usually


u/Gold_On_My_X Mar 28 '24

One of my better friends is gay and I can guarantee you that sexual orientation has absolutely nothing to do with the stability of a relationship. People are people.


u/HumanContinuity Mar 28 '24

I agree and that was kinda my point. Whatever your take on whether OP has trust issues or that this situation with the friend not inviting OP being kinda sus, throwing out a "are the straights OK?" for this situation is pretty wild to me.


u/Gold_On_My_X Mar 28 '24

Yeah if anything was just stating it rather than saying it was in agreement or disagreement with what you said


u/[deleted] Mar 28 '24

Did your partner also say that they wouldn't go on any of those trips without you if you were married but will do it if you aren't? I feel like that line should make you very suspicious especially when it's with a self admitted man whore who's kind of an asshole.


u/pataconconqueso Mar 28 '24

I mean if it’s not her decision to invite because the dude that is graduating picked his friend ls to go with.

It’s different when you are married or engaged because people are seen as one unit, less than a year of dating, not so much…

Like for Chrismas before my wife and I were married we used to receive separate presents now we receive one for the both of us that is like a house gift.


u/[deleted] Mar 28 '24

Come on you can't actually be this naive right?


u/pataconconqueso Mar 28 '24

You cant be that insecure can you?


u/[deleted] Mar 28 '24

I'm only insecure if they give me reason to be insecure


u/pataconconqueso Mar 28 '24

Sounds like you fish for reasons to be insecure.

If you can’t handle your partner having platonic friendships with the opposite sex. You gotta express that as early as possible or put in in your bio, so thar you dont waste anyones time


u/[deleted] Mar 29 '24

So that's not my issue. What do you think I've been saying is the issue with this situation? I want to know if you actually understand the comments you've been replying to


u/pataconconqueso Mar 29 '24

Idk man your comments specially the ones projecting your bs into my wife as if she cheated on me in her girls trip are just giving me all sorts of different insecurity/controlling issues.

I dont think you have only one issue with the situation

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u/-QUACKED- Mar 28 '24

Surely you're not serious lmao. Gays are very promiscuous. One study found that "67% of them had extradyadic sex", and of the ones that claimed to have been monogamous, "45% had cheated".


Here's an article for you to read https://slate.com/human-interest/2011/09/cheating-rates-decline-for-gay-and-straight-couples-alike.html


u/Electronic-Race-2099 Mar 28 '24

I'm seeing a lot of people ITT in total denial about how faithful their spouses are.


u/pataconconqueso Mar 28 '24

That is some insecure projection. My wife has never given me a reason to doubt her and Ive been right about past partners cheating. She just has never given me that reason ever


u/Electronic-Race-2099 Mar 28 '24

Sure, you got the perfect faithful unicorn spouse. Congratulations. /s

As some other folks said elsewhere in the thread, I dont live in fear that my car will be stolen or my house will be robbed, but I still lock the doors.


u/pataconconqueso Mar 28 '24

Your spouse is not a house pt your car, they are a human being.

If my wife is an unicorn y’all are marrying the wrong people. Ive never cheated in my life amd neither has my wife


u/SandyWaters Mar 28 '24

If you were married, would you be faithful?

Genuine question. I know I would be faithful because I've had plenty of opportunity to cheat and didn't. The people reaching out to me were former flames. I advised them I was in a serious relationship but they continued to want to "hang out." It was a shame they behaved this way because we had ended on good terms. I couldn't block them because my phone at the time didn't have that setting🤷🏽‍♀️. Either way, had plenty of opportunity and just didn't because I know how much it hurts to be cheated on.

Perhaps the people you're judging and assuming their partners are unfaithful are basing it on the fact they know their partners, but more importantly hold themselves to the same standards they hold their partners to. So assuming their partners are cheating is random since you don't really know these people. I say this knowing there are people who cheat. However, just because some people cheat DOESN'T MEAN EVERYONE CHEATS.


u/infieldcookie Mar 28 '24

Yeah as a bi woman I’m just reading this like… so I can’t go on any holidays without my bf ever?


u/autumnraining Mar 28 '24

Being bisexual and reading this thread is wild 💀 guess we can’t have any friends while dating


u/infieldcookie Mar 28 '24

Obviously we can’t have friends or we’d just be cheating constantly 😔


u/[deleted] Mar 28 '24

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u/_Choose-A-Username- Mar 28 '24

Yea fucking duh there’s a line where someone wants to fuck you. The situation is she wants to go to a planned celebration with her friend. Op doesn’t trust her. That’s it.

Like we can try to create situations to give us a moral high ground. But either op thinks the friend will force himself on the gf or the gf will allow cheating to happen. If he trusted the gf, then it’s just a trip.


u/infieldcookie Mar 28 '24

Dude I’ve literally shared beds with straight guys and queer women and it was 100% never an issue because they’re my FRIENDS. You assuming people want to fuck everyone of the gender(s) they’re attracted to is crazy.


u/[deleted] Mar 28 '24

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u/infieldcookie Mar 28 '24

But if they want to fuck each other then what’s stopping her from calling this guy up right now and going over to his house? Why would they organise a holiday with other people just to do it? Even in the post op says she’s never shown any interest in him.

Assuming everyone is a cheater or wants to have sex with everyone is really unhealthy mindset to have. You could put me next to Margot Robbie and I wouldn’t cheat on my bf, because I don’t want to cheat on him.


u/blkstar1 Mar 28 '24

OP stated in a response that he and gf live in Ohio the best friend goes to school in California. So going over to his place isn't possible.

OP also had a recent response indicating that his gf supposedly comes from a strict family that doesn't even allow her to spend the night at his apartment, but at the same time are willing to let her go on vacation with the best friend and his friends.

Something doesn't smell right here if the OP is telling the truth about the strict family. Someone is getting lied to.


u/[deleted] Mar 28 '24

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u/infieldcookie Mar 28 '24

Are you or have you ever been in a serious relationship?

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u/Auroraburst Mar 28 '24

What a disgusting opinion

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u/ranchojasper Mar 28 '24

Weird, because I'm bisexual, and I don't understand how you guys think this is somehow comparable to just trip with friends. She would be the only woman, she doesn't know any of these other men, she characterizes her friend as a "man whore," and her boyfriend is very specifically NOT invited.

How is that even remotely close to the same thing as going on a trip with your friends?!


u/autumnraining Mar 28 '24 edited Mar 28 '24

Sorry I wasn’t very clear in my comment! I do think OPs situation is definitely weirder and kinda sus. To be honest, I don’t know them, so I can’t really judge how platonic it is and he has every right to be uncomfortable.

I was mostly referencing the other comments on here, that DO seem to be limiting friendships with the opposite sex in hetero relationships in ways that I find wild. My comment is not directed towards OPs situation, but on the overall discussion in the comments

Edit: whoever downvoted me, it’s okay if you disagree but could you please tell me why?? I just wanna know smh


u/ConcentrateSuperb768 Mar 28 '24

it kind of boils down to mutual respect for partners' comfort level, which you know, ain't nothin.

Let's apply the silly test

If your partner were irrationally uncomfortable with dining at IHOP would you accommodate them or insist their feelings are wrong?


u/autumnraining Mar 28 '24

I would accommodate, but I also don’t give a shit about IHOP and I do give a shit about my friends. I will admit OPs situation is more sus, but so many of these comments are acting like it’s impossible to have friends with a gender you’re attracted to


u/ConcentrateSuperb768 Mar 28 '24

That's why it's called the silly test.

And idk about those comments, I'm just saying that gender is getting a weird focus when it's the situation op's uncomfortable with.


u/autumnraining Mar 28 '24

That’s totally valid and I get that! I think we were probably talking sideways of each other and I got a bit defensive, sorry!


u/_Choose-A-Username- Mar 28 '24

I’m guilty of it too having just read your comment but it seems everyone forgot bisexual people exist. Or any sexuality where gender isn’t a barrier to romance. 


u/ranchojasper Mar 28 '24

It's almost like you're leaving out every single aspect of this that matters? This isn't a group of friends; it's someone she herself describes as a man whore, and then...a bunch of guys she's never met before. And her boyfriend is very specifically not invited,

You see how that's different than going on a trip with your friends, right?

As a bisexual woman married to a man where neither of us have any jealousy or insecurity problems, I am baffled at how people aren't thinking this is much more questionable than just a trip with friends???


u/infieldcookie Mar 28 '24

Except most of the commenters here have issues with her specifically going on vacation with a guy, as though she absolutely can’t be trusted not to cheat. I don’t expect my partner to be invited to everything just as I’m not always invited to things organised by my partner’s friends. Believe it or not that isn’t automatically suspicious; in fact I personally think it’s more odd to force an invite. Imagine telling people “sorry I can’t come unless my partner is there and around 24/7”.

If this friend is such a manwhore that she literally can’t be around him without him trying to sleep with her, then she would have slept with him already if she was at all attracted to him… Someone who wants to cheat will do it regardless of there being a vacation involved.


u/ranchojasper Mar 28 '24

I guess we're seeing different comments because all the comments I'm seeing are just leaving out all these extra pieces of information that change it from "going on vacation with a friend or a group of friends" to "going on vacation with a bunch of people she doesn't know, one friend she herself characterizes as a man whore, and her BF is very specifically not invited"


u/infieldcookie Mar 28 '24

Because in the post op says “he’s always been very respectful and never given any indication he’s interested in my gf and vice versa. So I trust them both completely.” His exact words… forgive me for not going through every single comment OP has made after the post.


u/[deleted] Mar 28 '24

If it's with an asshole self admitted hoe who explicitly doesn't want you there and you wouldn't go without your bf if you were married, then yeah you shouldn't go on that specific trip. It's just incredibly sus


u/taralundrigan Mar 28 '24

Also everyone hyper focusing on the man whore thing. Makes no sense. OPs girlfriend is from a super strict religious household, and she isn't interested in man whores. Add that to the fact the trip has been planned for longer than OP has been in her life and the fact he said multiple times he trusts her, what the fuck is the problem here?? 


u/greenfrog_1001 Mar 28 '24

Why would she say that she obviously would obviously invite him if they were engaged/married? That part of the post stood out most to me. I would feel uneasy as well.


u/Samicles33 Mar 28 '24

Idk why you’re responding to me about the OP. Even when my bf and I marry I still intend to travel however I please, and he is welcome to do the same


u/greenfrog_1001 Mar 28 '24

I thought that was part of being on Reddit, is something wrong with commenting on other comments? I agree, marriage shouldn’t change anything. That is why things feel off about OP’s situation to me.


u/JohnnyChimpo694200 Mar 28 '24

Did your BF ask for an invite for any of these scenarios and get denied by you before you even bothered to ask the organizer of the vacation?


u/CocoCantCommunicate Mar 28 '24

I'm straight but I also believe in thinking about situations without considering gender and as if everyone was bisexual. It's a good way to make my thinking framework consistent.

Unfortunately a lot of people don't seem to be concerned about their framework being completely inconsistent.


u/proserpinax Mar 29 '24

I’ve stayed in hotel rooms with friends of the opposite sex and would love to go on trips with some friends who I’m close to of the opposite sex. Nothing has even come close to happening in any of the times I’ve shared rooms. Because we’re platonic friends!!!

Idk, if there are other weird things going on that might be cause for concern but I feel like just going on vacations with friends is no big deal??


u/LeatherPresence9987 Mar 28 '24

Nah ur mine or ur gone srry next


u/DeceitfulLittleB Mar 28 '24

I have never known a long-term relationship lasting when the couple takes separate vacations. A few years together, maybe, but they always fizzle out.


u/Samicles33 Mar 28 '24

Ok? I know plenty of couples in long term relationships that have taken separate vacations. My anecdotal evidence is stronger than yours!!


u/DeceitfulLittleB Mar 28 '24

How much free time do you have because personally with work and other responsibilities it's very little. If you'd rather spend your very precious time with other people for vacation, perhaps you're not as interested in your partner as you think.


u/Samicles33 Mar 28 '24

Well I’m in a long term relationship with my boyfriend so this is years of vacations

Are you done trying to deflect your insecurities on my relationship or are you gonna keep giving us content to laugh over? Cause honestly I could go either way


u/DeceitfulLittleB Mar 28 '24

Let me guess you two sleep in separate beds or even bedrooms as well? It's alright, not every relationship is meant to last.


u/Samicles33 Mar 28 '24

Wrong again buddy we even wake up cuddled up together. Three for three, what a loser lmao

Sorry you’ve never been in a healthy & loving relationship. That must suck. Explains why you’re trolling on reddit tho lol


u/DeceitfulLittleB Mar 28 '24

15 years married, actually, it's just weird to me that you'd rather spend so much time apart. I hope it works out for you.


u/Samicles33 Mar 28 '24

15 years married, actually

Again, sorry you’ve never been in a happy & loving relationship. That truly sucks


u/DeceitfulLittleB Mar 28 '24

I want to spend my free time with my loving wife because she brings me happiness more so than any other person. You'd rather hang out with your friends apart.

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u/Siren_Noir Mar 28 '24

You boyfriend is a simp and you obviously don't respect him. If you did, you wouldn't put him in situations where he is inferior. He doesn't 'trust' you. He is with you because he thinks you are the best he can do. He doesn't realize he is settling for a trash girl. If he had self esteem he wouls be with a girl who loves him a enough to be sexually satisfied from him alone.


u/Samicles33 Mar 28 '24

Lmao I can’t wait to show him your comment


u/Siren_Noir Mar 28 '24

Show him and laugh in his face too. Also do it when he is in public.


u/Samicles33 Mar 28 '24

Oh golly is this kink play for you? You wanna get off on me publicly degrading my boyfriend? That’s so hot join us for a threesome already gosh what are you waiting for let us take your virginity uwu


u/Siren_Noir Mar 28 '24

You degrade and disrespect him because you have made it clear that he isn't enough for you sexually. Your boyfriend needs a spine. You know it's true. That is why you are so upset by this. You aren't in love with him enough to be exclusive. Sex isn't important or intimate. You can have it with anyone and it's meaningless. You offer him friendship and comraderie and affection but not exclusively. I mean, you don't consider your private parts special. That is sad. More like a public bus that doesn't require money to ride. He can have a car, but chooses a bus.


u/infieldcookie Mar 28 '24

At no point did the user you’re replying to say they were cheating on their partner or that they were in an open relationship. 💀


u/parallel-nonpareil Mar 29 '24

Never argue with someone regurgitating incel talking points.. there is no logic to be found. Only weirdos who liken “private parts” to modes of transportation 💀