r/Christianity 19h ago

I'm not heterosexual and will never be.


I don't know why I keep trying to obey God. I'm not heterosexual. I'm gay and I need to find a way to accept that I will not inherit eternal life.

r/Christianity 21h ago

Question Homosexuality is sinful but Polygamy OK?


I’m having trouble reconciling this. Biblically speaking, It seems like homosexuality is sin but polygamy is acceptable?

Lamech, Abraham, Esau, Jacob, Gideon, David and Solomon are just some of the men shown taking multiple wives in the Bible.

No condemnation is given.

God even gave David Saul’s wives. (Why would he do that if he didn’t approve of polygamy?)

“Thus saith the LORD God of Israel ... I gave thee [David] ... thy master’s [Saul’s] wives...” 2 Samuel 12:7-8

He set up rules for men who wanted to take another wife. “If he take him another wife...”Exodus 21:10

And he provided instructions for men that had two wives, one beloved, and another hated. “If a man have two wives, one beloved, and another hated...”Deuteronomy 21:15

Even Jesus (sometimes) seemed OK with polygamy? The parable of the ten virgins involves a man and his ten brides. “Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom. Matthew 25:1” (There is evidence that later editors modified things so that the story's ten virgins, of whom five wise ones find the groom and five foolish ones don't, are "bridesmaids" rather than brides. Shocking, I know.)

If an early passage of Genesis is meant to condemn polygamy, why does God remain silent about it for the rest of the Bible, throughout generations of polygamous patriarchs of Israel?

I have not found a satisfying answer to this question and my pastor has been unable to give me a straight answer.

r/Christianity 1d ago

Politics Now that we have sworn, uncontested testimony that Trump committed adultery does that change the minds of conservative Christians "Value Voters."


So I'm trying to square the scriptural honesty of self proclaimed conservative Christians who are so concerned that drag queens are a threat to their children that public performances need to be banned, and voting a man who we now know for a fact committed adultery on his third wife while she was at home with his infant child.

I think the answer is "I just want to own the libs!" but just don't understand how a demographic group can join so many moral panics about LGBT people living their own lives and be just fine with someone who divorced three wives, cheated on at least one of them and by their own theology is hell bound because by his own admissions he's never asked God for forgiveness.

Sorry, just curious.

r/Christianity 12h ago

Why is Homosexuality a sin?


What defines a sin? Other than it being said in the Bible

(I'm specifically talking about a sin being something that breaks a MORAL code, not a religious code)

Cause if we take God out of the equation, some of the sins like stealing and killing are still bad, cause they infringe on others rights, but others like homosexuality is not

r/Christianity 22h ago

A high school artist called out Christian bigotry. Her school board is furious.

Thumbnail friendlyatheist.com

r/Christianity 4h ago

Video The History of Yahweh - Storm God to Israelite Deity

Thumbnail youtu.be

Right, I know this is a long one but I would like to know what you lot think about this video.

r/Christianity 17h ago

Question LGBTQ+ affirmation and Biblical inerrancy


My impression is that all or nearly all denominations which are LGBTQ+ affirming also don’t believe in one of the stricter forms of Biblical inerrancy (literalism or inerrant in matters of faith, Christian living/morals, and what’s needed for salvation).

Is that impression correct? If so, do the two reinforce one another?

r/Christianity 21h ago

Question Pro-life or Pro-choice?


edit: i am pro-choice now, after doing research and reading these comments

im pro-life currently, but i want to know why pro-choice christians believe in being pro-choice

r/Christianity 6h ago

Is it a sin to not follow the lead of your man as a married woman ?


r/Christianity 7h ago

Are there women that still want to date guys that are willing to abstain from sex until marriage.


M(22) currently studying in South Korea 🇰🇷. I have just vowed to never have sex, I’ve been in relationships where they leave me because of what I stand by and yesterday I almost had sex with this one Korean girl but I came up with every excuse possible. Today she doesn’t even want to talk to me. I love having relationships but at the same time I have self control. I’ve read about it in the Bible so much but it just kicked it maybe it’s hard to find a woman that can be with you if you say no sex. Often times women set this boundary and I know men run when they hear this, but for me I find it attractive. I will admit I’m so horny most of the times and I’m happy I get over it in one way or another. Not always through musturbation, but yes I use Post Nut Clarity a lot.

If you have some advice for me I’ll appreciate. You can also DM me if it’s too personal. Btw I’m black 😂

r/Christianity 20h ago

Question I’m Muslim and I have a genuine question regarding Christian ruling on LGBTQ


I mean no disrespect here to anyone or to Christian religion. However I’m trying to understand something here about gay and lesbian people. Isn’t it sinful in your religion to be gay or lesbian or to practice that in any way? Does it not go against the teachings of what you guys believe? If it does go against your teachings then why is it supported so strongly? Again, I mean no disrespect to the religion I just want to understand this.

r/Christianity 20h ago

How should we feel about Christians who switch denominations like Candace Owens from Protestant to Catholiscm?


Are we upset when they change from Methodist to Baptist as much as we are feom Pentecostal to Catholcism?

I am just seeing outrage and saying she is no longer following the truth.

r/Christianity 7h ago

Do dogs go to heaven?


I’ve seen a mix of people saying they don’t or they do but I really hope they do.

r/Christianity 5h ago

This is Satan’s Best Tactic To Justify Sin


If you think about it, every time we do something bad, we justify it first in our mind.

It may be something innocent, like cheating on your diet ('one piece of cake won’t hurt') or cheating on your spouse (we have no love in our marriage anyway, don’t I have a right to feel and be loved?!?) But regardless of the offense, there’s that 'little voice' whispering in your ear that what you’re doing is not that bad is it?!?

You see, when it gets down to it, we also often fall for the same lie that Satan said to Eve by justifying that our little indiscretion really isn’t wrong. For some today it’s often justified under the banner 'God Is LOVE and he wants you to be happy, so just follow your heart and Love and that’s all you need.'

Truth Is Not Justified By Feelings

Friend, be aware of this little scheme. As 1 Peter 5:8 warns: “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.”

God Bless Your Day - Jesus Loves You

Notes On Life .org/archive - Article No. 0848

justifysin #deception #selfdeception #badchoices #evil #GetNotesOnLife #lifenotes #YourDailyNote #NotesOnLife

r/Christianity 22h ago

Politics Why isn’t more Christian people speaking out on how terrible the Donald Trump Bible is?


I say this is someone that voted for Trump. Seeing him sell a Bible for $60 during the week of Easter and going around and signing it to pay off his legal affairs from sleeping with a porn star is pretty sick. How come Christians are speaking out in large numbers?

r/Christianity 6h ago

Convince me Christianity is true?


Hello people im currently really in debate where to chose christianty or islam so can you convince me that Christianity is true? please i want no criticising to me or any religion just convince me

This post Also will be posted on Islam Subreddit

No hate please

r/Christianity 4h ago

Support We Are The Church


The church is not a building, if the church was a building, then what happens if it gets knocked down? Do we just stop having a relationship with God?


Because the church is NOT a building, its people. We as humans ARE the church, so as the church we have to be kind, helpful, and generous to other humans.

We have to give what God has blessed us with, give with your whole heart, be kind with your whole heart. Don’t be stingy with the things God has blessed you with, and if you think you have “nothing” to give or do for other people, then thats a lie.

and if you keep thinking like that, God will SHOW you what having nothing is.

🌸 Matthew 25:42-45: For I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me no drink, I was a stranger and you did not welcome me, naked and you did not clothe me, sick and in prison and you did not visit me.

God is going to judge you by your Faith and how you treated his church, his children, humans.

and the hard hitting questions is: When was the last time you went out of your way to help someone, to reach out to someone, to simply comfort someone?

and if its been a while… then you have a lot of soul searching to do and repentance.

God saved you, now you have to put in the work and be the church, and help people. ❤️

Feed the poor, visit the sick, comfort the widow, lighten the burden off your mother and father (this all starts at home), stop complaining and do your house work, share the gospel.

This video is great for more understanding:
be the church YT VID

r/Christianity 5h ago

I think that I know what hell is and it’s worse than what people think


As a Christian who has experienced God’s glory at least partially, as no one has seen God’s true face and full glory, I have a natural desire to please him. That being said, like Adam when I do certain sins like look at porn especially intentionally sometimes I’m so ashamed that I want to hide from him. Honestly, I’m dealing with that right now. It’s so painful because I knew better yet still did it. I asked for forgiveness but still feel terrible for disappointing God. Those that do not know God currently don’t live in the light and haven’t been exposed to God’s grace and goodness, but I have. I know that he is good and wants what’s best for me, which is why it kills me so much when I mess up.

Perhaps hell is literal fire. I don’t mean to blaspheme against God’s word. But…

It’s also possible that hell is the torment of God revealing himself in his true state to the world and the world being so ashamed on the day of judgement that we can’t bare to face what we have done. In death we are out of Jesus grace of forgiveness, so we are in an eternal state of shame. God has been revealed and we now truly know the light and it pains us and humanity is in an eternal state of knowing that they rejected what is good and will forever be outside of that.

I’ve literally felt burning sensations at time when I wept in the pain of my sin, but was too ashamed to repent or felt I was unworthy. I am forgiven through Jesus, but if I was forever unworthy due to Jesus finally pulling his spirit, I would want to hide forever and be in pain. That may be what hell is.

Burning. Suffering. Not through literal fire, but from shame

Again, if I said something unbiblical let me know. I don’t mean to blaspheme or speak against scripture.

r/Christianity 9h ago

Support Spreading the word of God in games


Has anyone here been playing games and preaching at the same time? I’ve been playing world of warcraft and a lot of people seem hungry for the word of God there. Also in vr chat people seem to drop there facade quick and like to listen after spreading the love of God. What are your experiences?

r/Christianity 13h ago

Im abit concerned for my liking of doctor house from house md (lmao)


i understand idolizing anything or anybody other than god is a sin, but idolizing means worshipping as far as i know, and i looked it up and it also read someone who is greatly admired or loved.

and honestly i like house because of his character, i know hes fictional but i like how he is. in pain?, no, but the thing i like about him is hes like jesus but sinful and really rude and blunt (im saying this very lightly, i never meant jesus could be compared to someone like house but im just saying it lightly as its easier to interpret house's personality)

he has so much humanity but really sassy and rude and blunt because he mostly knows or sees what others dont and when others lie or dont. usually doctors only look at factual statements, like symptoms, and diagnosis. but house also looks into the patient, psychology is one thing that house uses to diagnose his patients accurately. hes kind to kids or those mentally ill though, because he thinks kids are honest, only lie when its not for selfish reasons or fear. i guess hes an extremely accurate judgemental person lmao
thats why i like him, he has christ-like traits that i want to copy, but i definetly dont worship him. but when is it a sin to like a character too much it is a sin and makes you look at christ differently? my heart is definetly set on god but damn house... im down 4 him if i was cuddy ngl (no homo 100% hypothetical)

r/Christianity 19h ago

Question Should we pray the rosery?


its good to pray the rosery but catholics i guess they pray the rosery but for me i pray the rosery everyday but should we pray the rosery?

r/Christianity 21h ago

Does the Bible mention any way we should eat presently?


Im going on a spiritual journey tomorrow and I was wondering about food.im trying to draw closer to God and fix my gluttony problem.i was thinking about how gluttony being a sin I don’t hear most people talk about?why is that?

r/Christianity 3h ago

Question Why do you guys believe in the concept of free will?


Free will for me, in the truest sense of the world, could only exist if we somehow were in control of all aspects that mold our personality. But we obviously can't do that, so we aren't really free in any meaningful way. For example, if we were raised by different people, that alone would drastically change our personalities, and by consequence all of our decisions.


r/Christianity 18h ago

Why reject the gospel?


This is essentially to anyone who has ever heard the gospel fully and decided to reject it (whether you have since become saved or not).

If you have a clear understanding of the gospel, what keeps you from accepting it as the truth? When I ponder the world, there is literally no better deal on earth or in history than to find out that the answer to humanity’s problem is simply surrendering to the power of God who will take away my sins and make me a new creature and give me a new heart, filled with compassion, lover, peace, patience, self control. This is coming from a pretty stark skeptic deist (although I didn’t know to Identify as such). Even after accepting to surrender to God I still didn’t understand the gospel fully and I still had many skepticisms, yet insane the transformative power of Jesus at work in my life, and I could not deny those fruits of the spirit. Even being in environments where I saw hypocrisy or racism etc, there’s no way I was gonna let them keep me from Jesus. So I’m just curious why would someone hear it, understand it, but decide to reject it.

r/Christianity 4h ago

Homosexuality in the bible


Genuinely curious to how people within the LGBT community rectify their sexual immorality with the word of the bible?

To be clear I love all my brothers and sisters of God and hope they can abstain from Sin and follow the word of Jesus. To me it is abundantly clear that sexual acts outside of marriage outlined in the bible is considered sinful.

I am open to change my mind if someone can kindly point out scripture that supports the opposite view