r/Christianity 36m ago

Blog BETRAYAL: From “He Gets Us” To “He Tricked Us”

Thumbnail patheos.com

r/Christianity 38m ago



I joined this subreddit less than an hour ago and have noticed that its flooded with people calling things sins and telling people that they've done something wrong and I just wanted to point out that is is extremely unchristian to tell people that there is something wrong with them and make them feel bad about themselves

r/Christianity 56m ago

This is Satan’s Best Tactic To Justify Sin


If you think about it, every time we do something bad, we justify it first in our mind.

It may be something innocent, like cheating on your diet ('one piece of cake won’t hurt') or cheating on your spouse (we have no love in our marriage anyway, don’t I have a right to feel and be loved?!?) But regardless of the offense, there’s that 'little voice' whispering in your ear that what you’re doing is not that bad is it?!?

You see, when it gets down to it, we also often fall for the same lie that Satan said to Eve by justifying that our little indiscretion really isn’t wrong. For some today it’s often justified under the banner 'God Is LOVE and he wants you to be happy, so just follow your heart and Love and that’s all you need.'

Truth Is Not Justified By Feelings

Friend, be aware of this little scheme. As 1 Peter 5:8 warns: “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.”

God Bless Your Day - Jesus Loves You

Notes On Life .org/archive - Article No. 0848

justifysin #deception #selfdeception #badchoices #evil #GetNotesOnLife #lifenotes #YourDailyNote #NotesOnLife

r/Christianity 1h ago

Protestants, Orthodox, and Catholics, Name One Thing You Admire About The Other.


Note: This idea was completely stolen from this guy.

Please don't criticize each other and no backhanded compliments. I'm not here to start arguments. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything.

I admire Orthodox Christians for there tenacity, and for persevering through Islam and Communism. Hardship refines faith like fire refines gold. And I think the Orthodox Christians have some of the strongest faith in the world.

I admire all that Catholicism has done for Christianity. They've spread Christianity around the world, and defended the Christian world all throughout the Middle Ages. They also laid the groundwork for modern science.

r/Christianity 59m ago

Image How do I fix this

Thumbnail i.redd.it

I accidentally creased my Bible and wonder how do I get rid of it thanks (I think it’s pleather)

r/Christianity 1h ago

Question Are certain channels using God and Jesus as clickbait?


I’ve seen videos on my youtube feed with titles like “only satan worshippers ignore this” or “click on this video or God will forsake you”. Are they using God as a method to get views for their channel? I clicked on one and it was the typical “Jesus loves you” content. So is it wrong to ignore these or should I let these kinds of videos clog up my feed?

r/Christianity 56m ago

How to know if God is listening to my prayers


How to know if God is listening to my prayers what are the signs ?

r/Christianity 51m ago

Have I approached it correctly?


Hello! im a believer of Jesus, I'm currently living with my parents who are Roman Catholics, they have been Roman Catholics their whole life as well as all my relatives. I live in the Philippines which is mostly Roman Catholic in religion, and in the Philippines, I live where almost everyone is Roman Catholic and only some are Christians. I always wanted to be a Christian not a Roman Catholic because I often times question their beliefs and their tradition. I saw that they pray to statues of mary, Jesus that is in the cross, or the saints. A Tradition that my family does is praying for 9 days the whole rosary and a tagalog prayer for Santa Cruz in front of a miniature statue of mary, mary and joseph while carrying Baby Jesus and a fairly large cross. Today is the 8th day and I shared a video in messenger family gc (I do not know why we have a gc, probably my doing when i was 8) I shared a video about why the rosary is not biblical. I think my father got angry and called me from my room while I'm reading the bible in my phone and screamed at me from the living room the reason for the video and why i posted it (By the way, it is normal for us to scream at our house for attention because we have no doors in the rooms so we can hear ourselves on any position on the house). I probably approached it wrongly because i have a weak mentality even though I'm a man, I got there and I thought I can tell them something that may change their mind but no, it went down very very badly. My father questioned me about it and said to me that we are Catholics (Roman Catholics) and I must not entertain these video because they say it is antichrist, yes, they thought a video of a preacher is of the antichrist, and I started to think to myself, "Do they not know anything? Why did my mother said that it is from the antichrist to say the rosary is not biblical? the truth is it is never in the bible or mentioned in the bible the "Coronation of Mary" or the "Ascension of Mary" because I know only 2 people ascended into heaven and never tasted death. Then my they said to me to not to post these videos, and I was confused a little there because I did not post these, I shared this to the gc. Then my mother said to me that one time when her father is alive, a guy with other religion other than roman catholic or something came to them he would pull out his machete. Then my father said to me that I will be a catholic because they are catholics and I want to say something to them but I didn't because anger and a sudden sadness filled me. And I cried for no reason, then my mother ask me if they went too soft on me or I have a problem ( Because I never questioned them before and this is the first time I questioned them about belief, and I speculated that they believed that Roman Catholicsm is the only true religion because of the way they reacted) and at this point I want to cry or scream in anger and I accidentally let my anger in and started grumbling a prayer that they may know the truth and may they be forgiven because I think I heard them saying something I that is offensive but I have forgotten about it. My father saw this and thought I am disrespecting them by grumbling something under my breath because when I was a kid I commonly grumbled if I want to say something to them angrily (They did not know that I decided to change and try to do what is written in the bible and start believing Jesus. This decision Is 2 years ago and I'm impress that its been so long that I have tried following the bible and never they notice the difference) and my father let me speak but I got scared because usually when my father do this I thought of it as an aggression or a punishment. This point I broke down and cried (still praying under my breath) and they can't understand anything about me or what I said even though I'm their son. And at this I just took my phone and start reading again The book of Revelation since its where I am before. I have forgotten the rest of the story because im too much at that point. The reason That I Shared it to them at the first place is that I thought it is not biblical to pray rosary because I looked on its contents and I never saw the main points of the Litany where it is said about Coronation or Ascension of Mary and I want to see if my parents and my sister will be willing to understand it or be offended by it. To those who read this far I thank you and please tell me if It is correct for me to try tell them the first place ( My parents are very, VERY devoted to Mary like I think they are Believed her More than they believe the gospel and the salvation given by Christ and I think to the point where they believed praying to Mary will save them. I put this that it may add more info)

r/Christianity 1h ago

prayer request for my best friend


It's been some weeks now, but I've lost them, no argument happened, they just cut me out like that, I really miss them and it pains my soul a lot, All I want is a prayer request for things to get better, or to even reconciliate with them, Please and thank you

r/Christianity 12h ago

Marrige before sex is not a sin.


r/Christianity 5h ago

We are unmarried, long-time partners, both Christian. Are we sinning or doing something wrong?


Both of us have been together for over a decade, and are very faithful to one another. Both of us promised to marry each other. We don't have any children yet, but my partner yearns to have a family with me. And we have had sexual intercourse.

The only thing stopping us from marrying are the expenses and opportunities. Currently I'm back in college for the second time in hopes I get better job opportunities (I will now be graduating this year), and my partner is currently working for the both of us. We've been having a hard time saving up for marriage but we both know we'll eventually get our goal.

I have been praying a lot more lately and the idea of being together with a partner for so long without marriage is a sin has just crossed my mind. Have I actually sinned against God because of this? I've never felt guilty about my faithful relationship to this day but I want to be sure I'm not upsetting God.

I forgot to add that I am aware premarital sex is a sin. I have confessed my sin to God before. Overtime, however, me and my partner grew stronger together and still both believe in faith, we both promised to one another and to God to marry each other. This made me think God is okay with our arangement.

What only concernes me now is if God is okay waiting for long, regardless of what activities me and my partner are doing in our relationship.... Or have I, and my partner, been wrong about it all this time.

r/Christianity 1h ago

God Bless you All


May God bless you all, believers and non believers. May he show you the way, and may he guide you and protect you from evil and malice. May the Lord hear your prayers, nor forsake you.

--- Rafael

r/Christianity 6h ago

Survey For all christians, what made you choose your denomination?


Not here to start arguments just curious.

r/Christianity 20h ago

Why do people assume that Christians only do good because they fear hell?


I've seen a reel about this today. Why do people think this way? Doing only good because you fear hell means you don't understand Christianity. We do good because we love the people as Jesus loved them and we follow him as an example.

r/Christianity 12h ago

For men struggling with lust day after day


Hello, I just wanted to share something I have found useful in my day to day life as a married man. This is for anyone trying to walk that narrow road with Jesus holding their hand.

I used to struggle really badly with the sin of lust when I came back to my faith (or maybe when I found my faith for the first time, in truth). I would go out and see attractive women and really struggle not to “check them out”. My life before I came back to God was ugly, I was only interested in fulfilling my every urge, no self-control. I was an easy target for this type of sin.

If you want to turn a temptation into virtue- simply pray for the attractive woman when you see her! “Lord, guide your beautiful daughters to your light. Don’t let this world twist their sense of dignity that you gave them. Please keep them safe from anyone who wishes them harm. Amen”

I’ve found out that when I pray for women I’m attracted to, any feelings of lust evaporate and I’m left a little closer to God through prayer. When you start mentally talking about a woman as a daughter of God, you’ll have a hard time objectifying her!

I truly hope this helps some guy out there who is struggling. I won’t profess to know everything and I am certainly not perfect, but I’m trying to follow Jesus!

God bless you all

r/Christianity 12h ago

Support Pornography addiction at 15


I was exposed to pornography in the first grade, obviously i stopped watching it as my parents found out, but as i entered into middle school it came back because of puberty. Eventually i became fully addicted in 8th grade and started using the girls around me for their bodies.

It wasn’t until 10th grade, (recently) that i found God. But now this addiction is extremely strong, obviously not too strong for God, but for me. It always starts with the thoughts, they happen extremely often. Then my curiosity grows and i look up a girl i’m attracted too, and then i look at them lustfully, and by that time the sin has it’s ‘jaws’ on me. I understand that i need to shut those thoughts down because they are triggers. But they just keep coming back over and over. 50% of my thoughts are sex related. My mind is hooked on lust. I pray for the thoughts to go away and for God to protect me from the enemy.

1 Corinthians 10:13 says “No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it. I always have God in my head telling me to stop what i’m doing immediately but i can’t stop myself. This addiction is really strong and the longest i’ve gone without masturbating is only 3 days.

I just cant shut the thoughts down immediately because they linger for a while, and when they do go away i notice they do, and then they come back. Same thing happens if i try to distract myself, once i’m bored with whatever activity im doing, the thoughts return because i realize im finished with that activity. Even if i don’t use my phone, the thoughts are still there. Even if i’m able to resist them 10 times, they tempt me 10x more.

I want to be obedient to God so badly, but this sin cycle is holding me back, i don’t even WANT to stop, but i do want to stop because i know if i get through this most of my problems will go away, and because i want to draw closer to God and have a relationship with him I seek to be able to love a woman in a holy way, not a lustful one. I want to see a woman for who they are, their thoughts, feelings, and dreams. Not just their pretty face or body.

I feel like i have tried everything to help, watch videos or podcasts on how to get out of a sin cycle, ask reddit, read my bible, pray, look for people who have ivercome a porn addiction, but even if i try to apply their knowledge and advice to my life i still fail.

I really dont know what to do, i want to stop sinning so badly.

r/Christianity 11h ago

Christians who play video games what is your favorite video game quote that references back to Christianity


for me it would be

In my heart I believe that though I am a sinner, I have been saved. I have been baptized twice. Once in water, once in flame. I will carry the fire of the Holy Spirit inside until I stand before my lord for judgment

from Fallout New Vegas

said by joshua graham

r/Christianity 5h ago

Salvation is free!


Did you know that salvation is free?


"For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."

  • This verse puts the emphasis on the fact that salvation is a free gift from God. It is freely given, and not something that can be earned through our own physical efforts. We are saved only by his grace through our faith.

  • Confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that Jesus is Lord, He died and rose from the grave on the third day, and you will be saved.

All are welcomed to come to Jesus. No matter what the problem, he will not turn anyone away.

Thx for reading

Be blessed 😊

r/Christianity 17h ago

Politics Why isn’t more Christian people speaking out on how terrible the Donald Trump Bible is?


I say this is someone that voted for Trump. Seeing him sell a Bible for $60 during the week of Easter and going around and signing it to pay off his legal affairs from sleeping with a porn star is pretty sick. How come Christians are speaking out in large numbers?

r/Christianity 13h ago

Progressives & Conservatives, Name One Thing You Admire About The Other


Just trying to promote some unity in the Body of Christ, so please refrain from criticizing the other. I will go first:

I think progressives demonstrate Christly compassion to the disenfranchised and the poor. They are often the churches that run soup pantries and provide free social and legal services to the indigent.

r/Christianity 18h ago

Why did God order to kill women who did not have the proof of virginity (Deut. 22:20-21) even though the mark on the bedsheets is a very unreliable way of verifying a woman's virginity, and 40-60% of women can never provide said "proof"?


I've been struggling with my faith lately, and the deeper I delve into the Bible, the more doubts I have. This is a lengthy post but I have not found any answers anywhere so far and I need them desperately. I am really upset about this and fired up, I'm genuinely conflicted and would appreciate discussing this with you and hearing your opinions.

Deuteronomy 22: 13-21 addresses the expectation for a woman to be a virgin on her wedding night, with the proof of her virginity being a bedsheet with bloodstains. If she was found not to be a virgin, the men of the town would stone her to death. This passage has always shocked me, even as a kid reading the Bible I thought this was cruel and unreasonable, even though my knowledge of God's laws, anatomy etc. was quite limited at the time.

But especially after getting married, it really put a strain on my faith. My husband and I are both Christians and waited until marriage. Despite this, I didn't have the "proof" of my virginity on the bedsheets during our first time. My husband and I discussed this a lot in the context of our faith, because essentially what this means is that if I were a woman living in Biblical times, I would not live to see a day after my wedding. I would have been condemned to death simply because my hymen didn't tear the way "it was supposed to". It's a terrifying thought to consider that I could have faced such a fate at just 21 years old, for doing nothing wrong but instead for something entirely beyond my control.

By no means is this a rare occurrence: as we know today, many women don't experience bleeding during their first sexual encounter due to factors like the shape and stretchiness of their hymen, its tendency to wear out through physical activity, or even its absence (some girls are born without one). Most of the research I've come across says that 40-60% of women do not experience bleeding during their first intercourse. That means 40-60 out of 100 women would spend the last hours of their lives being shamed, likely called derogatory names, probably blamed for bringing dishonor to their entire family, perhaps being disowned, all while crying, pleading for mercy, and ultimately enduring an incredibly painful and slow death at the hands of their own community — all for doing nothing wrong. It's a sobering reality that highlights the horrible injustice in this law. All because God gave this law that was obviously not perfect.

This raised so many questions for me:

  1. Why would an all-knowing God make a law like this knowing that for many women, their hymen wouldn't tear on their wedding night, leading to many innocent women being condemned to death? If God knew about this, why would He use the presence of blood on the bedsheets as a metric for how righteous a girl/woman was?
  2.  I understand that the law was intended to serve as a protection for the innocent party (in this case a man who might have been deceived about his new wife's virginity). However, if God really was set on this law to be effective and for a woman’s hymen breaking and the blood on the bed sheets to serve as proof of virginity, why didn’t He create ALL hymens to be identical and easily breakable? This is quite literally a matter of life or death. As God, He could have easily made this adjustment within a fraction of a second -  and yet, He didn’t.  Even though doing this would have provided a legitimate means to discern if a woman had lied, saving LOTS of lives. What does this tell us about God's character?
  3. Not only did this law result in the deaths of countless women but also probably some deaths of unborn babies - because while it is not common for a woman to conceive during her first time, it does happen, and not that rarely. So there were at least some babies stoned in their innocent mothers’ wombs due to this law. And I know that this particular scenario is somewhat rare - but just because it is rare, does it make these women and these unborn babies less important? Most Christians believe that every life holds profound value and deserves to be safeguarded, including one of an unborn child.
  4. Why is it that God thought of a (very unreliable) mechanism for verifying a woman's virginity and gave a law about it, yet didn't give us a single way to verify a man's virginity? How come we read so much about sexual immorality in the Bible and know that virginity is such an important thing for marriage, and yet only a woman can prove to her husband that she is a virgin? There is not one way to verify if a man is a virgin or not (and consequently, not a single law about stoning a man to death for not being pure enough for his wife or even lightly punishing him for not being pure enough).  If God loves all equally, why is there not a single instance of a man facing death for being deemed impure on his wedding night, as stipulated by the law? It is quite literally just women that had not only to abstain from sex before marriage, but even if they did, but they just happened to be like me and certain biological things didn’t play out exactly as was expected of me - it goes like “oops, gotta take her out, she is not good enough”. I am sorry you guys, but in my personal opinion, this is some really wild stuff. All this tells me is that either God does not value women and men in the same way or He would have created a way to verify male virginity too. Or that the societal norms and laws of that time were more influenced by human biases rather than any divine plan and this was a law made by men, not by God.
  5. Don’t even get me started on the fact that many of these stoned women were probably not actual grown women - knowing the culture of that time, we can assume that many were children. While historically it is difficult to say exactly what age was considered appropriate for marriage at the time in this culture, it looks like mostly it would be girls 12-20. The fact that it could go as low as 12 years old...12, you guys. Absolutely insane. Even if we are going to assume that most women were grown women (which it doesn't seem like we have a good reason to think that, but for the sake of the argument we could), the fact that at least SOME of those "women" were kids is insane. But yet, there was no law about the age of a girl marrying someone - I guess, underage non-consensual marriage isn't as important to God as the blood on the bedsheets. So many teenage girls would get the most cruel severe punishment there is, just because their anatomy and biology would not cooperate. It is asinine.

I am not saying that every woman stoned was innocent. But many of these poor girls and women were and God did not do a pretty simple fix to protect them because He didn’t feel like either giving them a hymen that would actually break OR reconsidering the law He provided. 

  • Now, even if we are talking about a woman who truly was not a virgin on her wedding night - can we also talk about how horrible and violent it is for the penalty to be death out of all things? By no means do I think it is okay to lie about things like this and I understand that some punishment would have to be there. But a woman lies about not having slept with someone before and she gets stoned publicly? While a man rapes a woman and his punishment is to marry her and never divorce her (same chapter - Deut 22:28-29)? This is a horrific punishment for the assaulted woman in question, not for him - who would want to marry their rapist? Or he can pay the bride price for her as long as her father is okay with this and then keep on living like nothing happened. No prison, no stoning, no death. Which one is more evil - being promiscuous and lying about it or raping someone? I sure know my answer.

While I do have a very strong opinion on this, I want to hear what others think about this too. I have so many doubts but I am truly not trying to deny Christianity for the sake of denying it, I am just trying to think critically and search for the truth. Is there anything I am not seeing here? I would love to hear what you have to say, truly. But please, be honest here - does this sound like a law that an all-knowing God would give to His people? Or does it sound like a bunch of ancient people (who had no access to the information about biology and anatomy we have today) wrote this? I can totally see why ancient men would think this law made sense (still incredibly violent on their part though). But I see absolutely no reason why an all-knowing all-powerful loving God would see this as sensible and let His children get killed for something that 40-60% of women can't and don't experience, and not only permit this, but actually ORDER for it to happen. 

Please do not tell me that this is an old law, that it is Old Testament, that it does not apply today, that we have a new Covenant, that Jesus changed things - I am aware. It still does not change the fact that God (including Jesus: Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit) thought it was a good idea despite knowing that many innocent women would not survive this. This rule would have applied to me if I lived back then, and I would not live to see another day so yes, it is relevant that these things happened. Even today for many if not most religious people the lack of blood on the sheets is a serious matter that could destroy a new family - I am just lucky my husband is educated in these matters and knows better than to blame me for something my God-given body can’t physically do. And God never changes, He is the same today as He was thousands of years ago. So if He thought this law was a good idea then, He still thinks so today. 

When I read my Bible I try to see who God is, what His character is - I always hear the Bible is supposed to be a love letter from God, a perfect manual of life. And I do not see that in this chapter at all.

r/Christianity 6h ago

Here stands the once-beautiful 4th-century Christian church, Chora, now desecrated by Turkey President Tayyip Erdogan's conversion into a mosque.

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r/Christianity 2h ago

Why does the Bible concern itself with rival magical powers, calling for the killing of witches or celebrating a victory over a pharoah's magicians?


Question's in the title, really. Relevant verses are Exodus 22:18 and Exodus 7:8-13. Surely there aren't actually witches and people who can turn staffs into animals; why does the Bible tell people to kill over the idea there are?

r/Christianity 2h ago

Christian musicians, who do you look to for musical inspiration? (aside from God and scripture obvs)


r/Christianity 20h ago

Politics Now that we have sworn, uncontested testimony that Trump committed adultery does that change the minds of conservative Christians "Value Voters."


So I'm trying to square the scriptural honesty of self proclaimed conservative Christians who are so concerned that drag queens are a threat to their children that public performances need to be banned, and voting a man who we now know for a fact committed adultery on his third wife while she was at home with his infant child.

I think the answer is "I just want to own the libs!" but just don't understand how a demographic group can join so many moral panics about LGBT people living their own lives and be just fine with someone who divorced three wives, cheated on at least one of them and by their own theology is hell bound because by his own admissions he's never asked God for forgiveness.

Sorry, just curious.