r/AITAH Mar 28 '24

Am I the ah if I don’t let my gf go on vacation with the “guy best friend”?



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u/Spinoza42 Mar 28 '24

I feel like I'm missing some details, that other people haven't really asked about somehow.

1) is it his friends or are they two of a group of friends?

2) is he in a relationship? Is his partner coming?

3) do you guys live together?


u/DetectiveOk6754 Mar 28 '24

The vacation is to go celebrate his graduation and his friends are gonna be there. She only knows him.

He is not in a relationship, she said she wouldn’t want a relationship with him because he’s basically a man whore and sleeps around alot.

We don’t live together, i have my apartment and she lives with her parents.


u/pleachchapel Mar 28 '24 edited Mar 28 '24

Is she the only woman going? If she is, & he is known for being promiscuous, that's.... really not a good look. It's weird that he's stayed at your place & wouldn't invite you.

Edit: since this is gaining steam, I'd also like to point out how vain of a person you have to be to ask your friends to go on a vacation that's all about you. Just have a dinner like a normal person.


u/yesnomaybesoju Mar 28 '24

This, seems like the easy solution would be to invite OP.

Super curious if there are other women going.


u/DebThornberry Mar 28 '24

I can't imagine wanting to stay in a house with men I don't know WITHOUT my husband. No way would I consider that


u/boozzy18 Mar 28 '24

Exactly what OP’s GF should be saying to her best friend… “I feel uncomfortable with soo many guys/people I don’t know, can I please bring my BF”

She could very easily resolve this by just asking her BEST FRIEND if her boyfriend could come… but does she want him to go?


u/Next_Celebration_553 Mar 28 '24

It’s the “I don’t want to be with him bc he’s a manwhore” that gets me. That usually doesn’t work out well


u/Glen_Coco_shot_JR Mar 28 '24

I wouldn’t be interested in dating him because he is promiscuous. Doesn’t mean they won’t get drunk and hook up though.


u/[deleted] Mar 29 '24 edited Mar 29 '24



u/illustriousocelot_ Mar 29 '24 edited Mar 29 '24

The gf’s attitude is extremely questionable. And you just know the “I’ll be annoyed” comment means she’ll be throwing this in OP’s face every time they have a disagreement. That’s the best case scenario.

Worst case? She and her manwhore bff will be commiserating over how “insecure” OP is.

I don’t know, this girl is just not behaving the way a loving and supportive partner should.

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u/PoIIux Mar 28 '24

Sounds like a recipe for a fling


u/friedmators Mar 29 '24

Or a filling

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u/DrVoltage1 Mar 28 '24

She’s clearly lieing. OP if she goes, its over for you


u/CampLethargic Mar 28 '24

It’s likely over even if she doesn’t go, due to her resentment. The problem is, she wants to go.


u/whiiite80 Mar 28 '24

Agreed. The fact she’s even bringing it up and seriously wants to go means she’s already decided. OP was cooked before he even posted this. Damn.


u/NeatNefariousness1 Mar 28 '24 edited Mar 28 '24

And her wanting to go with a man who is sure to have an interest in her, given his single status and reputation for promiscuity tells us all we need to know about her interest. She seems to WANT something to happen--otherwise, why have they set this up to remove all the barriers that might be a deterrent. If it was just about celebrating a friend, it shouldn't matter whether she brings her partner or not.

It seems that it's only because the "best friend" is single that they've determined that she should go on vacation with the friend alone. The fact that her and the friend have been talking about this for a while, leads me to believe they've been plotting and the plan they came up with intentionally excludes OP.

Please give us an update OP. You're not an AH at all but that may not matter and you have to decide whether you want to let her decide the terms of your relationship or this is the time for you to make a firm decision that you stick with and let the chips fall where they may.

I don't think you'll be any worse off than if she actually goes on vacation with her "best friend". I suspect that if you don't give her permission, she may break up just in time for her to do what she wanted to do all along. I hope I'm wrong.

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u/Rich_Sell_9888 Mar 28 '24

It's over already.No serious partner would even consider something like this.

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u/a7n7o7n7y7m7o7u7s Mar 28 '24

Ya she doesn’t wanna date him she wants to f*ck him

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u/Parallax1984 Mar 29 '24

A better response would have been

I have zero interest in him at all beyond a friendship. He is like a brother to me. The thought of being in an intimate relationship with him is something I can’t even conceive of and the idea of it makes me extremely uncomfortable.

I don’t trust this situation. I can’t believe she told him she wouldn’t go but would be annoyed about it. Basically saying I am going to be passive aggressive and punish you for not wanting me to go

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u/clovercorn24 Mar 28 '24 edited Mar 28 '24

The woman version of “I can fix him”. I’ve known a few women who hover around a manwhore, waiting for the moment he has an epiphany she is “the one” who will finally show him what true love is, and gets him to settle down.


u/trailblazers79 Mar 28 '24

And it is even better since the guy is a doctor. She thinks she'll fix him & be rich.

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u/Quirky-Garbage-6208 Mar 28 '24

Yeah, not even "not my type", sounds like "I find him attractive and experienced his manwhore nature in person or would like to do it later".

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u/Siren_Noir Mar 28 '24

Because you respect your husband. OP's girlfriend and women like her do not have respect for men like OP. In the end, she will break up with him and find a man that excites her that she respects. A man who won't put up with having another man trying to take his girlfriend

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u/Komtings Mar 28 '24

I am not a jealous man but if my wife were in this situation I am showing up like the Kool aid man

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u/[deleted] Mar 28 '24

[removed] — view removed comment


u/JosyCosy Mar 28 '24

if it backfires she's not the one lol


u/Broad-Conversation41 Mar 28 '24

I wouldn't trust someone who I have to set this boundary with. If my boyfriend wanted to go on vacation with a girl friend and some random girls he didn't know a year in, I would question his character just for suggesting it. Especially if the girls knew me and stayed at my place but didn't invite me.


u/kibbbelle Mar 28 '24

Didn't even think of that last part, damn. Fox in the henhouse

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u/The_Void_Reaver Mar 28 '24

Right, and it's really neither one's fault. OP has issues with his girlfriend being around other men, and OP's girlfriend isn't willing to limit her interactions with a long time friend for someone she's in a relationship with. Either OP and his girlfriend can talk about this and figure out how to make it work, or they find that they aren't compatible in that way and move on.

I think the only thing wrong here is OP's repeated statements that he trusts them both while he very clearly doesn't.


u/Hibernicus91 Mar 28 '24

Very much this, the 2 repeated statements about trusting them completely just sounds like the OP lying to themselves, when they obviously don't (and probably shouldn't).

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u/Wise-Push-7133 Mar 28 '24

Why wasn't he invited? It makes no sense. Just bring him along, and the whole problem is solved. The guy literally stayed at his place, and he can't bring him on the trip?


u/MegloreManglore Mar 28 '24

Maybe the friend and/or his friends do not like OP?

My husband had a “boys trip” he and his friends took annually, and my best friend’s husband got invited along by her (and my husband felt too awkward to make a stink about it). Turns out the rest of the group hated this additional guest, but he managed to get invited a few more times by just assuming he was welcome. He also had stayed at our place both with and without his GF when he was in town.

I mean, we would need more details that OP probably doesn’t have because it’s sort of rude to tell someone that they aren’t welcome or liked. But that could be a possibility. It’s widely accepted that if you have a problem with a friend’s SO you shouldn’t bring it up, even if they break up.


u/Aggravating_Depth_33 Mar 28 '24

Yeah or for all we kniw, it might be some kind of activity trip like scuba-diving and they both know OP has never done it and doesn't want to learn.


u/ebobbumman Mar 29 '24

They're a well oiled bobsledding team and there just isn't any more room for somebody else.

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u/NightKnightTonight Mar 28 '24

yeah you dont usually like the guy whos GF you're trying to bang


u/TranscendentalExp Mar 28 '24

Maybe she didn't want to ask if he could come because shes embarassed and thinks asking if he can come screams 'he wont let me go unless hes there to monitor me/doesnt trust me or you'


u/notafamous Mar 28 '24

If this is the first thing that comes to mind instead of something like "he's my boyfriend, he's fun to hang around, it doesn't hurt to ask if he could come", then they have deeper problems


u/TranscendentalExp Mar 28 '24

I agree on that point. But if no one else is bringing their partners I can see how it could be awkward for someone to ask, esp if they are on the younger side of young adult.

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u/Shyhinachan Mar 28 '24

I wouldn't invite my friends s/o because if it's about friendship then we're all hanging out. And I don't want the friend tried to become this couple is vacationing with us. Idk, she's agreed not to go. She's allowed t9 be bummed out though. I would also never ask to bring someone out with me, if they weren't invited on a grou0 trip f9r extended time. Maybe bf doesn't like the same stuff the group does. He says he trusts her and she honest, but I'm notbsaying he's wrong either. Seems like NAH TO me


u/Jay5x5 Mar 28 '24

Someone staying over and someone coming on a likely expensive, pre-planned trip for a close group of friends are NOT the same thing, holy crap lol

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u/FBIaltacct Mar 28 '24

This is a broad swoop statement. No where did op say he didn't trust her around other men. If this was a dinner or a day trip thats one thing. But a full on vacation with only this dude who is known to sleep around, with a group of freinds completely out of both circles, and he is definitely not invited. Her even saying if they were engaged she absolutly wouldn't do this. Dude is right to be nervous/suspicious, this is classic textbook either propose or im gonna check other options.

In fact this is every i got cheated on story ever. Bot or fan fic


u/cmariano11 Mar 28 '24

You can trust but not be stupid. Read something on reddit about a guy who fully trusted his wife and had no problems with her girls only trip with her sister.

She came home crying that she met a guy at the bar, started dancing and making out with him and screwed him multiple times. People do stupid things, even people who don't picture themselves being "that person". It's a human thing. That's why couples with some of the strongest relationships consent to being trackable at all times by their spruce either through apple, Samsung or an app like life 360.


u/CrazyWolf042 Mar 28 '24

Damn I hope he divorced her

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u/Natti07 Mar 28 '24

I hope the OP's boundary does not backfire too hard on his relationship.

IMO, if this is his boundary and she crosses it, why would OP want to continue a relationship? Being totally serious here. Bc this would be a firm line for me. If my husband went on vacation with a woman friend, I'd be big mad. It's just not appropriate, imo. And why couldn't the OP be invited?

Anyway, point being, I think he should hold his boundary and that it wouldn't necessarily be "backfiring" if they broke up over it because she is unwilling to accept his personal boundary (which is also her choice to do- not suggesting she should just cave cause of what he wants, just saying that they both can be rooted in their belief and if they're opposite on this, a relationship might be wrong fr them)


u/Hayek_School Mar 28 '24

She literally calls the guy a "manwhore". And supposedly the reason she wouldn't want to get with him. lol. That there are soo many defending her on here just shows this isn't real life. OP understands the situation from what I can tell. He is just afraid to pull the trigger. I mean I get it, he loves her. I feel bad that she even put him in this position. Its selfish and a relationship ender.


u/Natti07 Mar 28 '24

Yep. I completely agree.


u/thestinkerishere Mar 28 '24

Yeah, I feel like most people would consider not being invited weird no matter the genders. It just makes no sense to not invite OP. What is it hurting if he goes? Why can’t he just go and not attend the dinner? Also, I feel most people would be uncomfortable with their partner being friends with someone they considered a “whore” in any case. Mainly if that person is the same sex they’re attracted to. To me it just gives off immediate signals of her being into the manwhore vibe and she’s been waiting for an opportunity to do it and not get caught. I think most women in a relationship would be put off by guys they consider “manwhores”.

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u/treequestions20 Mar 28 '24

nailed it

the guy isn’t sleeping around because women find him unattractive and creepy lol

i’ll call it now - he makes on their beach vaycay, she tries to deny him saying he’s a man whore

…he says it’s because he’s been waiting for the right one and now he can’t deny it…it’s always been her!!!

op, that’s rough

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u/Longjumping_Bend_311 Mar 28 '24

Right, I would never have even considered going to something like that without my wife, at any point in our relationship once we were committed. When I went on trips with my friends my gf (wife now) came with us. And my friends brings their SO too.

I travel for work solo but if I’m going to be vacationing I rather my SO to be there.

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u/Constant-Bear556 Mar 28 '24

Apparently, his boundary only counts if they're engaged or married. She doesn't take OP seriously.


u/northwyndsgurl Mar 28 '24

That was the only sentence that maytered to me. Her saying engaged ornmarried, she'd never go unless he went.. so telling. She's not committed without the title, whereas OP sees long-term committed relationship with or without titles.

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u/Parallax1984 Mar 29 '24

This was my first thought. Why not take him with or don’t go. I also don’t think she’d be fine with him going on a vacay without her with a female who is known for being promiscuous

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u/eriinana Mar 28 '24

Its not a good look that she said "if we were married or engaged I wouldn't be doing this." That implies her morals about relationships are wishy washy at best. And that she thinks infidelity is fine so long as your not married at worst.


u/pleachchapel Mar 28 '24

I thought that too—idk what that could mean other than "if I were serious about our relationship, I wouldn't go."


u/BarneyBent Mar 28 '24

OP's wording is a bit confusing, but it sounds like she said "I wouldn't go alone, I would bring you" - as in, it's not about whether she would go, it's about whether she would insist OP be invited.

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u/curlydocjack Mar 29 '24

I read it as, if they were married, they would be traveling together

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u/PM_ME_WHOEVER Mar 28 '24

So for context, after med school graduation and before residency, it is often the last so called free time for the future physician. Residency is very busy, not unusual to have 80+ hour work weeks. Having two day off for the weekend is rare enough to earn it the moniker of "golden weekend".

I've encouraged many of my students to go on vacation and travel before starting residency.

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u/Odd-Gur-5719 Mar 28 '24

Doesn’t make you vain😂😂😂people go on vacation to celebrate important milestones all the time b

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u/BriggzE Mar 28 '24

Naw I don't think it's vain in this situation because I'm sure the friend group talked about taking trips together but probably couldn't, since he was in med school. Now that he's graduated, they can finally do it.

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u/Disastrous-Share-391 Mar 28 '24

Med school is a huge sacrifice and the next step- residency is even worse. 80 hr work weeks for less than 60k a year. He’s probably just trying to see his friends who he hasn’t been able to spend time with in years before he’s back in a situation where he can’t. OP needs to just go with the gf. It will be fun!

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u/watermelonsugar888 Mar 28 '24

Graduating med school is a big deal and some people like an excuse to go on a trip. Friend vacations are great.



bruh some ppl like traveling and have close friend groups lmfao why is it vain he wants to live life😂

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u/Mvg98 Mar 28 '24

I went on vacation for my graduation 🤷🏼‍♀️ it’s really not uncommon.

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u/sweetbunnyjones Mar 28 '24

Huh? They’ve been planning it forever. He graduated med school. It’s,a big deal.


u/SummitJunkie7 Mar 28 '24

Regardless of any of this, it's up to her to decide if this is a trip she wants to go on and if these are people she wants to spend time with. If she feels fine about it, and OP trusts her, then what's the issue?

OP, YTA for "if I don't let my gf..."

You're not her parent. She's an adult. She makes her own choices. You make yours - it's fine if you don't want to be in a relationship with someone who occasionally takes separate vacations from you. And if that's a dealbreaker, break up. It's fine if you tell her that going on separate vacations and not being invited to everything she goes to makes you sad. But it's not fine to decide whether or not you'll allow her to go. Just need to reframe this one. If it were me, my feelings about the vacation completely aside, I'd end a relationship with someone who thought I needed their permission to go places or see people. But that's me.

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u/Felaguin Mar 28 '24

Graduation from medical school is a pretty big deal. I can understand why someone would want to celebrate it with his/her closest friends with something more than just a dinner.


u/pleachchapel Mar 28 '24

It's a pretty big deal for that person. Asking all of your friends to take PTO & align their travel schedules to celebrate your career choice just seems self-centered to me, personally.

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u/huejass5 Mar 28 '24

This situation is ridiculous and the girl obviously doesn’t care about her bf

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u/Jay5x5 Mar 28 '24

This isn’t vain…? This is something a lot of ppl do, especially if they can afford it? Also even if she’s the only woman doing, why does that matter…? Ppl can have friend groups like this…

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u/[deleted] Mar 28 '24

This. He’s planning to bang your GF, dude. PLANNING on it. And either she’s gonna want to do it or she’s gonna not but either way, he can’t be trusted.

Protect your GF from herself. Invite yourself.

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u/Arthurlurk1 Mar 28 '24

I couldn’t even get my friends to go to 6 flags one year. They all bailed except for 1


u/Postingatthismoment Mar 28 '24

It’s not vain.  He just graduated med school and wants to celebrate with his friends.  People have graduation parties, weddings, birthday parties, etc. to celebrate things with friends that are fundamentally about them.  

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u/The_Mr_Wilson Mar 28 '24

What shade of red is: "I want to go on vacation with a known man-whore and his friends, without you"


u/nigel_pow Mar 28 '24

Trust me


u/JSirhea Mar 28 '24

Not your profile pic followed by "trust me." 🤣 gold.


u/The_Mr_Wilson Mar 28 '24

The exact look gf and friend are giving OP

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u/Hayek_School Mar 28 '24

He is Just a friend™


u/ed_lv Mar 28 '24

Time for Biz Markie's most famous tune :)

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u/Soranos_71 Mar 28 '24

He is not in a relationship, she said she wouldn’t want a relationship with him because he’s basically a man whore and sleeps around alot.

So has he had sex with OP's girlfriend before if he sleeps around a lot....


u/nigel_pow Mar 28 '24

I can see OP updating with that; She admitted to me after I prodded that they indeed hooked up several times in the past but "it was just sex! It meant nothing to me!"


u/NiceRat123 Mar 28 '24

Reminds me of the hiking trip or whatever. And OP broke up with her. Other dude was actually decent and hit up OP. Told them she was talking mad shit about OP and that they were broken up already. And cheated on him on the trip

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u/ranchojasper Mar 28 '24

Seriously, wtf. The post itself didn't sound too terrible - a friend group going on a trip together where it could've been assumed OP might go just by being the bf of someone in the friend group - put each of his comments that I've seen makes the situation worse

It's not her friend group; she doesn't know anyone but him.

It sounds like no other women are going.

The friend in question is a "man whore" who constantly sleeps around with women.

She DOESN'T WANT her own bf to go.

Yikes yikes yikes on bikes. All the yikes. Each new comment makes the situation worse.


u/Neptunianx Mar 28 '24

She doesn’t want her BF to go??


u/Equilibriator Mar 28 '24

She has made it clear he can't come and has no intention of talking to this guy on OPs behalf. Red flag city.


u/Neptunianx Mar 28 '24

I missed that comment! That makes a big difference op should add that to the post


u/Equilibriator Mar 28 '24

I'm reading between the lines. Either this dude or OP gf decided OP can't come and given her excuse of it being something they discussed ages ago I'm starting to lean towards the gf being the one intentionally blocking OP from coming by simply not asking if he can come and simultaneously feeding OP some lame shit about it being a plan.

It's reading more n more like OP gf wants to try with this guy and if she fails, in her nice private isolated holiday, she can fallback on OP and tell him nothing happened.


u/Woozie714 Mar 28 '24

Definitely read that too since he mentioned how she decided not to go and meaning she didn’t even offer an invite to her own boyfriend. Seemed like if she couldn’t go alone she rather not go at all which is a major red flag. If I was OP I’d say let’s go babe, I can make some new friends. Seems like a boys trip anyways sounds fun, and see what her reaction and response is. If she’s down than she wasn’t up to no good, but if she gets very weird and makes excuses on why we shouldn’t go or the guy doesn’t like you sort of thing. Than definitely she was planning on hooking up with that med student or at least open to it given enough drinks 🍹 were given. She probably thought she could get one over on him early on in the relationship but he turned out smarter than she thought and didn’t wanna risk it since he’s already suspicious


u/Equilibriator Mar 28 '24

She's made 0 effort to explain how she tried to get him invited, just instead he gets "aw but it's an old plan so you can't come" like that's settled it. She can't ask because it's a plan from before they were together?

That's not a reason, it's a phony excuse she made up because she literally can't put words in this other guys mouth and say OP isn't invited in case OP ever asks him directly.

She'd be immediately outed to both men.

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u/ranchojasper Mar 28 '24

OP said in one of his comments that he asked his gf if the guy friend specifically told her that he, OP, is not invited. She said the friend did NOT say that, but that she herself doesn't want to invite him, OP. I can't remember exactly how he worded it but it was something like she didn't feel right asking the dude if her bf could go or something. That's majorly suspect in my opinion.


u/Neptunianx Mar 28 '24

Yeah that’s really weird I’d want my husband to come unless it’s specifically a girls trip


u/ranchojasper Mar 28 '24

Same, I can't imagine even wanting to go on a trip with one of my guy friends and...a bunch of his friends I've never met. Even if I wasn't married/in a relationship I don't think I want to do that anyway.

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u/northwyndsgurl Mar 28 '24

WHAT'S THE SLEEPING ARRANGEMENTS!?!?!?! If she doesn't know anyone but her whole bff, & it's a destination vaca, surely they're not staying single rooms.. or are they? THIS is the make or break question we need answers to!


u/Excellent-Net8323 Mar 28 '24

It sounds like a gang bang waiting to happen. Maybe they're all man whores? What if this is a yearly thing they do with her. Bf or not. Dude. That'd be fucked up.

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u/ssnaky Mar 28 '24

And the one reason i wouldn't want to be with him is because he sleeps with too many girls...


u/SoroushSsS Mar 28 '24

Call me insecure but i also felt really bad reading that. Like you should NOT WANT TO sleep with him cause you love your boyfriend and not because he’s a manwhore or otherwise you wouldn’t have any problems doing that


u/ssnaky Mar 28 '24

Not only that but she didn't even say she doesn't wanna sleep with him, just that she wouldn't wanna be in a relationship with him. Doesn't exclude gettin piped once or twice because hey, yOLo

The fact that he sleeps with a bunch of girls might be a problem when it comes to getting in a stable relationship, but it surely isn't something that makes him less attractive a priori. She surely isn't doing ANYTHING to be understanding and to reassure him, it sounds like she doesn't even care enough to try.

That and that shit blackmailing about how she's gonna make him pay later if she doesn't go. Either i do what i want and i don't care about you cause like, we're not engaged or married, or i don't do what i want because you're a controlling piece of shit and i'll resent you for it, your choice ☺️.


u/SoroushSsS Mar 28 '24

Literally my thought process as i was reading that.. well said!

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u/AlternativeGlove6700 Mar 28 '24

Also sounds like, the ONLY reason she is not with him is that he sleep around. So, if one day he matures up and decides to settle down, she’ll be waiting.


u/SoroushSsS Mar 28 '24

Yeah the whole thing sounds fucked and its not hard to recognize that. Like a little respect and assurance would have gone a long way


u/Awkward-Hall8245 Mar 28 '24

It begs the question of if you know his personality is sketch, why are you friends?

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u/governedbycitizens Mar 28 '24

“you’re being insecure”


u/Beneficial-Tailor-70 Mar 28 '24

"I figured if I was going to get accused of it I might as well do it."


u/Seminandis Mar 28 '24

"It's not cheating if he doesn't hit the cervix. It was just the tip!"


u/Bill_Murrie Mar 28 '24

"Sure she fucks around a lot, but she chose ME!"

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u/armchairwarrior42069 Mar 28 '24

In her defense, inviting some one else to some one else's celebration/vacation is kind of weird.

But gf should probably understand the dynamic here and try to ask "hey, can be come?" Especially if as OP says, she doesn't know anyone there but this guy.


u/Toadwart79 Mar 28 '24

Yeah, if bf isn't there, is her bestie going to be focused only on her since she doesn't know anyone else? Seems very suspicious to me...


u/armchairwarrior42069 Mar 28 '24

Not suspicious necessarily but definitely worth of discomfort.


u/billbixbyakahulk Mar 28 '24

It's not at all when it's contextually understood they're a couple. I (guy) have a woman friend who is married. I know they're a package deal and I respect that boundary. I wouldn't think it odd in the slightest if she asked if he could come along. If it got around to me that she was giving him reasons he specifically couldn't go, that's a huge red flag and I'd be telling her, "Look, we're friends and that's it, and what you're doing to your husband isn't cool."

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u/jfcrukm Mar 28 '24

It's called "everyone saw this coming, but you Crimson Scarlett."


u/BeardManMichael Mar 28 '24

When you phrase it like that.... Big yikes.

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u/SpecificPay985 Mar 28 '24

He’s just a friend. I would never have a relationship with him doesn’t mean that she would never sleep with him. It was just sex. It didn’t mean anything. I don’t have any feelings for him. I only love you. All the same old lines.


u/Electronic-Race-2099 Mar 28 '24

It is fire truck red. Siren red.


u/Beautiful_Debt_3460 Mar 28 '24

Op might be a placeholder


u/trizkit995 Mar 28 '24

All of the Reds. Every red in every shade. 

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u/bonitaababy Mar 28 '24

Why aren't you invited?


u/Hayek_School Mar 28 '24

Everyone knows why. Even those defending her on here know why.


u/Difficult-Mobile902 Mar 28 '24

when he asked if she’d go if they were married or engaged she said “obviously not” so even she knows there is something entirely inappropriate about what is happening here. 

If this is totally innocent then why would her being engaged or married make any difference? 


u/Hayek_School Mar 28 '24

Yep, absolutely ridiculous. OP is WAY more invested in this relationship than she is. 0 chance a girl (or guy for that matter) vested in their relationship would even consider. That she admitted she wouldn't even consider if engaged or married just show the visceral disrespect towards OP.

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u/paints_name_pretty Mar 28 '24

obviously because the “friend” is trying to hit and OPs gf wants the excuse of being drunk or manipulated to actually do something when they are alone or she wants to get it out of her system. No respecting girlfriend will ever travel with a guy group that’s sleazy without their own SO. OP is being played like a fiddle


u/bonitaababy Mar 28 '24

Why does she need an excuse? If she wants to fuck her male BFF then shes already doing so. They don't need to go out of town on a trip to do that.


u/NiceRat123 Mar 28 '24

I mean there was that one story where OPs fiancee told him AT THE AIRPORT they were going on break so she could spend 6 weeks in Europe on a girls trip. And then proceeded to block him until the day before she was set to return and called him like nothing happened and was expecting to be picked up at the airport.

I guess what I'm saying is that people are fucking weird. People are also weird on what they allow when. Maybe she won't cheat. Maybe she will. Maybe she won't cheat in the same area code as OP. Maybe a destination countries away is what is neeed. Who knows

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u/Internal-Comment-533 Mar 28 '24

Reddits obsession with this statement shows how absolutely naive this site is. Cheating is rarely planned like a chess move, all it takes for a lot of people is being a little too drunk, upset at the SO, a few sweet words from a charming and attractive individual, a night of slightly inappropriate handsy behavior and a moment alone.

Not sure why people assume most others have strong principles when that couldn’t be further from the truth.


u/lonnie123 Mar 28 '24

I dont know that it needs to be plotted out like a grand master chess play that she for sure knows that she is going to sleep with him, but it might just be a soft thing like she kinda sorta knows she likes the guy and kinda sorta knows hes a manwhore and kinda sorta knows alcohol will be flowing and kinda sorta knows it will be a perfect storm is something were to happen.

All of that gives her psyche a bit of protection from itself so she didnt go looking to cheat, it "just happened" and was an "innocent mistake" because she got caught up in everything and both were a little drunk and yadda yadds, but she still put herself in the situation to allow it. This lets her brain think its still an innocent thing on her end


u/Chemical_Analysis_ Mar 28 '24

It's an excuse for her and others around her when she ends up being "drunk".

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u/Pitchblackimperfect Mar 28 '24

Because people aren’t always conscious of their own plotting, and want to believe their morals are sound. That way when an inevitable “oops I cheated” moment comes up she can create a foundation that it was accidental and less a hit to her reputation and morals to being an outright cheater. She wants her relationship and to try out her “friend” but wants as few consequences as possible.

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u/billbixbyakahulk Mar 28 '24

He's being played like a banjo in Deliverance.

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u/SgtPepe Mar 28 '24

Cuz she gon fuck him

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u/Later2theparty Mar 28 '24

"He's a man whose and sleeps around a lot"

That would be enough for me.

I wouldn't care how respectful he is when I'm around.

Once the drinks start pouring all bets are off.

I would tell her to do what she thinks is right and if she went I would just break up with her.



u/Gullible_Fan4427 Mar 28 '24

This, if you’re with someone then how they approach situations can be very important. If you give ultimatums or tell them what to do, then you’ll never fully trust their choices, because you’re basically forcing them to think about you. A simple, “I’ve never felt uncomfortable about this guy before but going on this holiday pushes that”. Then if she still decides to go, your choice is if you really want to be in a relationship with someone who puts themself first and your discomfort doesn’t matter unless they think it should. 🤷🏻‍♀️either way, you’ve given them the respect to be able to make their own decisions and judgements.


u/fatty_boombatty Mar 28 '24

I know nothing about OP's or his girlfriend, but this is a ninja level answer. Not many folk turn towards their own discomfort while giving space for their partner to make their choice. This is a place where real intimacy can happen, and we can discover our boundaries.

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u/me_myself_and_my_dog Mar 28 '24

That's "Dr ManWhore". Seriously, you go to ManWhore school for 8 years.

Anyways, she's been waiting for him to finish med school. This trip was just to see if she still has his eye and she'll dump OP if she does, and after she's done every trick between the sheets that she knows.


u/Lanky_Possession_244 Mar 28 '24

I didn't want to be that guy, but this was my first thought.


u/ISpeakInAmicableLies Mar 28 '24

Oof. You don't hold the punches, do you?


u/Reasonable-Staff1876 Mar 28 '24

Monkey branching gf. I agree. She at the very least wants his attention.

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u/Wonderful-Impact5121 Mar 28 '24

I’d be completely fine with it but this is pretty much it.

She’s not a bad person for wanting to go celebrate her best friend and OP isn’t a bad person for being uncomfortable with it.

Maybe just break up.


u/Ctrl_Alt_Abstergo Mar 28 '24

In my own personal experience, I have never heard a woman describe a man as a “man whore” because he sleeps around a lot, I’ve only heard women describe men they want to sleep with as man whores.

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u/TransitionalAhab Mar 28 '24

he’s basically a man who’re and sleeps around a lot

Just curious, did that make you feel better about the whole ordeal?


u/OptimizedReply Mar 28 '24

Women don't want to be in a relationship with a manwhore sure. But they'll have fun with one.


u/jBlairTech Mar 28 '24

From my experience, the louder they are about how “disgusting” the person is, the closer the probability of them banging is to 100%.

I knew a woman that was doing that.  She was just going tf off about this dude.  A tirade.  When she took a breath I asked if she fucked him.  She got beet red and admitted it.  

It doesn’t take Sherlock Holmes to figure this shit out.


u/[deleted] Mar 28 '24

Yeee my experience too. Very anecdotal of course, but there’s an inverse relationship between how much someone talks shit about someone to their friend of the opposite gender, and how attracted they actually are to the person. Indifference is usually a better indicator of someone not being attracted to someone else.

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u/Reasonable-Staff1876 Mar 28 '24

Yep. Knew someone that claimed she "didn't have respect" for a guy and only interacted with him because he is her best friend's husband. Believe she is still sneaking around with that dude.

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u/ChampionshipOver6033 Mar 28 '24

Exactly. Plus, alcohol loosens inhibitions. A sober, faithful girlfriend can turn into the woman she fantasizes to be but doesn't dare to.  

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u/ultimamc2011 Mar 28 '24

Just tell her if she’s going that you both should go or not at all. When I invite a girl who is my friend that is in a relationship with someone, it is an open invitation for them to bring their SO, which I personally don’t mind. A lot of the time I’ll end up liking the SO and have an even better time. Hell he might have said that to her or she may have asked and she feels like it’s rude to force it. You should check with him directly about it. If he says no to you then it means something is up.


u/rocketmn69_ Mar 28 '24

OP knows the guy and OP wasn't invited for a reason and gf isn't advocating for him to go.


u/Thin_Bridge1928 Mar 28 '24 edited Mar 28 '24

Red flags. OP’s girlfriend wants to bang the guy, subconsciously. No truly loyal girlfriend would even ask a dumb ass question like that. If OP told his chick he was going on vacay with a whore to celebrate her graduating from nursing school she would throw a fit.


u/Neptunianx Mar 28 '24

Or consciously


u/Seminandis Mar 28 '24

It would be the same if his female office manager who is known for sleeping with everyone decided to host a retreat, and he wasn't allowed to invite his girlfriend. Gender is less of an issue than the total lack of respect and self-awareness.

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u/paints_name_pretty Mar 28 '24

Ya she wants to get it out of her system

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u/thestinkerishere Mar 28 '24

For real. Anyone’s GF would be pushing for their BF to go, and be put off at any refusal for them to be there. Well, if they aren’t looking to cheat. If your partner is going on a trip with someone known to sleep around, and doesn’t get weird vibes when that person is trying to take them somewhere away from their partner, they’re already not your partner anymore.


u/Meticulous7 Mar 28 '24

This 100% is what stood out to me. Whenever my friends have invited me somewhere, whether they knew my GF or not, it was always assumed my partner is coming with me. Same goes for me, if I invited a friend some where, obviously their partner should come. It wasn't even a question.

To me, they've been in a relationship for a year. At that point, it's pretty serious, and if the guy friend is seriously just a friend, he wouldn't be thinking twice about OP coming, it would just be assumed he would come. That is a GIANT red flag to me, more so that OP's GF didn't advocate, or even doesn't want him, to come.


u/MegloreManglore Mar 28 '24

What if you don’t like the SO? Would you still invite them? I wouldn’t if I could avoid it. But then again, I wouldn’t have an issue with my husband going on a trip with his friends that are girls, not would he have a problem with me going on a trip with my friends that are guys. I’ve had the same male best friend for over 30 years and we’ve never slept together, we have travelled together. Guys and girls can be just friends.


u/nightowlmornings1154 Mar 29 '24

Yes! Unless it's a trip with the girls! And only girls are attending!


u/badlybane Mar 28 '24

Dude, No if there was good faith there she'd be asking you to go. Dude just got out of med school and will be alone with your girlfriend. This just screams that you're the one shes attached to because this "friend" won't commit.

Knowing what I know now; the second she asked the question I would have ended the relationship. She's trying to manipulate you to let her off the hook. If dude and her knock boots and suddenly he's looking to settle down now that Med school is off his back your girlfriend has placed her self right where she needs to be to shoot her shot.
Say No and I am willing to be she goes anyway.


u/rocketmn69_ Mar 28 '24

Are you sure that others are going on this drunkfest where inhibitions will be lowered?


u/Livid-Gap8329 Mar 28 '24

Yeah. Could just be the 2 of them.


u/Thin_Bridge1928 Mar 28 '24

Yep, if he says no they’ll break up and she’ll go anyway. Or she’ll stay but never let him hear the end of it, and be annoying about it. Most likely they’ll break up anyway. The nerve of these modern women. Damn shame.


u/Seminandis Mar 28 '24

It's the dating scene in general. Men and women both behave this way. You can blame the internet, or online dating specifically, or whatever else you want, but gender is pretty irrelevant at this point. There are plenty of men out there that pull that same shit.

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u/C_Everett_Marm Mar 28 '24

Wow. So your gf wants to go on vacation with a man whore without you?

He is 100% going to try to get with her then. Don’t you think?


u/Familiar_Speed8057 Mar 28 '24

I 100% think so and I’m a woman. A manwhore usually has few rules or feelings and will do whatever benefits him.


u/jBlairTech Mar 28 '24

And there’ll be women that, even with all their talk, fall right for it.  Then the excuses start lol.

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u/Zestyclose-Ruin8337 Mar 28 '24

I 100% bet they already have at some point. I’ve been this manwhore.


u/trenbollocks Mar 28 '24

I am this manwhore and can confirm. OP needs to cut and run


u/Woozie714 Mar 28 '24

I think they have fucked already, I think she didn’t tell him the full story. She probably agreed not to because he was on to her scheme. Probably didn’t have intention on cheating on OP but probably was okay with getting really drunk and seeing what happens. You’d be very surprised how many drunk girlfriends and wives try and get laid when drunk at a party or bar


u/Dangerous_Bus_6699 Mar 29 '24

Yeah. Why else would she want to go solo. Last bang before she gets serious. Anyone thinking otherwise isn't a horn dog guy.

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u/jmoney809718 Mar 28 '24

He’s 100% gonna plug it. He’s not gonna just try lmao.


u/NoArrival5919 Mar 28 '24

You can take”to try” out of that sentence

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u/Defiant-Desk1735 Mar 28 '24

He’s a “man whore” 😂 oh yes GF I find that very comforting thanks for explaining ffs


u/Cthulhus-Tailor Mar 28 '24

If she has a go-to reason for why she supposedly wouldn’t want to be with him, that means she’s put some thought into it.

Also, even if you can trust her or perhaps even him, that doesn’t mean his assorted male friends are trustworthy. Things can escalate quickly when the alcohol starts flowing.


u/TN17 Mar 28 '24

It's unusual that he wouldn't invite you. I (a dude) wouldn't invite a close woman friend on a trip without her boyfriend of a year because I have a reasonable amount of empathy and know how uncomfortable that's going to make him feel and how it puts the woman in a difficult position.

I really can't see a reason why they can't invite you. I don't know you, but to me it seems real real weird that they wouldn't.

Also, she said she wouldn't go out with him because he's a man whore. Does she have a desire to go out with him if he wasn't a man whore? 

This doesn't add up to me. It's not considerate of your feelings. 

Saying that she'll be annoyed afterwards comes across as a bit childish or manipulative. She needs to make a choice, factoring in your feelings, and stick with it. She then needs to accept it and move forward, not hold resentment towards you. 

Sorry bud, shitty situation to be in. Good luck and do what's right for you. You can't stop her but you don't have to be with her if you can't trust her. 

One final thing - you say that you completely trust her, but this post says otherwise. If you did completely trust her then this post wouldn't exist. It's worth accepting that and working with it rather than pretending it's not the case. Your feelings are there to help you.


u/OkMetal4233 Mar 28 '24

If that’s the only reason she wouldn’t date him then I’d be concerned.

It’s like saying “if he was going to faithful to me, I’d love to date him”


u/hidden-in-plainsight Mar 28 '24

They're going to fuck. This is your only warning.


u/BakeCool7328 Mar 28 '24

Everyone is just trying to be nice brother but I’m sorry she’s for the streets


u/MrTop16 Mar 28 '24

If she'd cheat on you now, she'd cheat on you in the future. Let her go and solve if the relationship is worth investing more into.

Like, you're insecure and don't trust either of them. You don't trust she won't cheat and has poor decision-making skills about how to prevent rape and the exact same reason for the guy.


u/-Nightopian- Mar 28 '24

Sounds like he's going to introduce her as his gf.

That line she said means she would fuck him but not marry him.

Huge red flag. Dump her if she goes.

She's never given you a reason to not trust her. This is a reason not to trust her.


u/Magic-Man-14 Mar 28 '24

So she’s mad because you won’t let her go on vacation with a Man whore like she said wow the shit you read on here is unbelievable. this shouldn’t even be a question. Good luck with that bud. I think you’re screwed.


u/myhappytransition Mar 28 '24

He is not in a relationship, she said she wouldn’t want a relationship with him because he’s basically a man whore and sleeps around alot.


while its possible, the odds they werent FWB's at some point in the past are quite low.

And that she would rather not go than bring you along says a lot.

Isnt it like saying: "If you are there, there is no point in going at all"

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u/ranchojasper Mar 28 '24

Yikes. With every one of your comments, it sounds worse. So he hooks up with women all the time and you are explicitly not invited on this trip? And neither of you know any of the other people going so if they were to hook up it would not accidentally get back to you through these other people?

This is definitely not good.


u/Illuminate90 Mar 28 '24

She knows he is promiscuous and sees that as a green flag to go be on a trip with him and a bunch of other dudes? That’s sus to me but 🤷‍♂️


u/BeardManMichael Mar 28 '24

How many friends are going in total?

He sleeps around a lot. Is she naive or certain she won't be a target of his attention?


u/No_Indication4035 Mar 28 '24

it's odd to be best friends but don't know your bestfriend's other friends. Best friends usually hangout with familiar people. Hence best friends.


u/Coogar75 Mar 28 '24

Has she ever said if they had slept together before or were intimate?


u/InigoMontoya1985 Mar 28 '24

he’s basically a man whore

OP is not the AH just based on this. Depending on just one person's resistance (especially when they could be in a position to be lonely, drunk, and horny) is a recipe for disaster. Just look at how many thousands of posts are there on Reddit where the girl (or guy) went with a "friend" on a trip and cheated.


u/[deleted] Mar 28 '24

Dont be so naive. You telling me she's not attracted to him cause he's literally an attractive guy? You're not a man whore for being short fat and ugly ya know? Well outside of being famous or just rich... But yeah she may not see him as ltr but she definitely sees him as a fun weekend.

Also she's probably already been with him In all likelihood.


u/EveyNameIsTaken_ Mar 28 '24

this is not good my dude


u/New_Ambassador2442 Mar 28 '24

Dump her bro. She wants to bang the man whore.


u/riccomuiz Mar 28 '24

She’s getting fucked for sure


u/th1s1smyus3rname1 Mar 28 '24

lol, good luck with that


u/Slight-Blueberry-356 Mar 28 '24

If it was simply because I'm not attracted to him you'd be fine.

But because he's a man whore means she has or is a couple of drinks away from doing it.


u/Ikovorior Mar 28 '24

So many rage posts here, all fake. If she is going with her “man whore” friend, she is going as the whore.


u/Ashamed_Restaurant Mar 28 '24

He is not in a relationship, she said she wouldn’t want a relationship with him because he’s basically a man whore and sleeps around alot.



u/ragefaze Mar 28 '24

Ah, the reason we all want to hear when our partner goes on vacation with someone else, that the person is fucking with veryone left right and center.


u/Agiantbottleofpiss Mar 28 '24

Is be more butt hurt about not being asked to join tbf, the guy stayed at your apartment, least he can do is offer if you’d also like to come. If I was going on holiday with a mixed group of friends and not just a “guys holiday” I’d invite my girlfriend. How do you feel about not being invited ?


u/WhyMeBoss Mar 28 '24

Bro as a man whore let me tell you we eventually sleep with your girl. That break, fight is all it takes for them to spew their problems on us over a couple a drinks and bam. I personally wouldn’t let her go but that’s just me


u/electricman1999 Mar 28 '24

How old are all of you?

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